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The kibble and cat biscuits "Hi, I'm New!"

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And yes, welcome X Potion. I did not mean to make it sound like it was a terrible thing to do to post here.

Oh no, you're fine. I'm pretty well versed in the whole "the internet iz srz bznz" thing. :)

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The internet is serious business. o.o

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Hi I've just joined up as a result of watching SatAM and getting bit by the reminising bug. (painful to the bank account). To be honest, I wasn't really a fan of StH games, as I owned the Nintedo system and basically my parents thought that the Sega Games system was overpriced (yadda yadda yadda).. but I do remember the cartoon (child of the 80s - 90's). I also remember watching it and really getting into it. I did play StH and I found the graphics to be impressive and I found that Sega had a good thing going for them until the release of the Playstation. ">

Anyhoo enough about that... this is an introduction so guess I should get introducing myself. :lol

Well, guess I prove my age when I can honestly say I remember when the first Sonic Comic hit the shelves, I remember Jaleel White as Sonic then later to be Urkel (wow). I never thought that such a fan base still existed until now. It's really encouraging to see future artists, writers, and creative minds together discussing, debating, and learning from each other.

I reside in Mercia (Midlands), England, and when I'm not working as an Accounts Admin. I enjoy visiting National Trust sites, hanging out with my friends, drawing, painting, going to concerts, and enjoying life at it's fullest.


Music: All (lately been listening to a lot of folk, country, and southern rock, as well as soundtracks)

Movies: All of the Indy films, Lord of the Rings, Lion Witch and the Wardrobe, the original Star Wars trilogy, Phantom of the Opera, Moulin Rouge, The Great Mouse Detective, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Dances with Wolves, Gettysburg, The Last Starfighter, Apocaplyse Now, Memphis Belle, Those Amazing Men in their Flying Machines

TV: All Granada Sherlock Holmes with Jeremy Brett, First 48, Scrubs, Avatar, True Crime Stories, What the Victorians Did for Us, Jailbreak, Heros, Mythbusters (they make being a nerd COOL)

Anime: Wow lot to mention here but I'll sum it up, Hiyao Miyazaki and everything done by Studio Ghibli, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Tenchi Muyo, Angelic Layer, Fruits Basket, Steamboy

Art Noir: Belleville Rendezvous, Tim Burton Short: Vincent, Aardman Creature Comforts, Corpse Bride, Nightmare Before Christmas (yaay stopmotion animation RULES)

Manga: See above

Comics and Graphic Novels: Batman, League of Extrodinary Gentlemen, V for Vendetta, Maus, Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie series)

Books: The Classics! Heart of Darkness - Josepf Conrad, Les Miserables - Victor Hugo, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Authur Conan Doyle, Wierd Tales and Cthulhu Mythos - H. P. Lovecraft, All of Oscar Wilde's stuff. The Chronicles of Narnia - C.S. Lewis, The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Bible

So that's sorta a basic summery of stuff about me.
Hi and it's great to be here.

ONE MORE THING... - Columbo

I do like to do online role plays etc. most if not all of my characters have some sort of flaw in them as I hate god modders, also flaws make them more believeable.. I also enjoy old skool rp games like Dungeons and Dragons, and Werewolf the Apocaplyse.

Ok now I'm done! :)

Posts: 1567
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Welcome to the like should we dub this the official newbie welcoming thread or what?

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dunno o.o

...anyway, hello and welcome^^@Glimfeather
I hope you enjoy it here at the Mobius Forum!

Edit: Also just wanted to let you know that you could've (and still can, of course!) made an intro topic in MFC if you wanted to. No problem with you posting your intro here though! :)

Posts: 3468
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[some random crap], Mythbusters...

This newbie gets the SX Seal Of Approval.

Posts: 815
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This newbie gets the SX Seal Of Approval.

Why in god's name would you do that to the poor person?

Posts: 713
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Because SX is evil and likes putting terrible seals on people's faces. That's why.

>_> Welcome anyway.

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Be nice, Stewie0015.

And welcome, Glimfeather! Please don't let your introduction outlast your stay here like some newbies do.

Posts: 2438
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Kiorein, Stewie, please behave or it will start counting for warnings. This is your last pre-warning.

Welcome, Glimfeather. As you can see, our forumers often have personalities all their own!

Posts: 1134
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I know Boston. I sincerely doubt he meant any harm, nor Kiorein for that matter. I see no reason why friendly taunts should be reprimanded; it's continued or serious abuse that the flaming rules are meant to prohibit.

However, Boston, maybe you could make things a little clearer (like an emoticon or something) when you're joking around so as to avoid misunderstandings like this.

Posts: 1044
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Welcome to the mofo!

beware of seals, they can bite if approached (especially those with young 😮 )

Posts: 3468
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While jokes, directed or not, don't really offend me, the fact that every reply Hiro makes to my posts seem to be a flame that was "just joking" later is starting to get annoying.

It isn't serious abuse by any standard. But it is continuous. And I've seen several warnings to knock it off, typically unheeded. I don't mind, but c'mon, those weren't even funny.

Posts: 815
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See, the problem is only You and Terg ever see my messages as flaming or even potentially flaming...

If you'd like me to stop joking, then go write me an EVC topic asking that I stop the joking because you can't tell the difference between being serious and kidding.

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Boston, you're making things worse for yourself.

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i wish i was new so i could make another intro topic

Posts: 3468
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Make an oldbie intro topic.

And if you want to discuss it, Hiro, Ari's welcome thread isn't the place to. I realize that's a little hypocritical seeing as how you're just replying to my post, but, please, just me?

Posts: 13
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Should've been more observant and noticed this thread.

Nonetheless, I
m glad to be here. As a kid, I remember really liking the sonic cartoon (and SatAM as it's now called too), as well as remember long ago actually having a few of the comics back in 96. To my surprise, however, the comic was still going almost 11 years later, and the whokle thing started with me going down the movie isle at best buy and seeing SatAM.
Watched em all, and even read comic 1-167.
Now I got my subscription, got a few in the mail, and just appreciate the artwork and serious tone the series has taken on over the years...

hard to call me a hardcore fan, since I was a nintendo boy, but I always liked sonic too.

Again, I'm glad to be here, as little or great as that is, and can't wait to see more.

Posts: 2809
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Don't worry about being more "observant" as this isn't a newbie welcoming thread; it was the intro topic of Arikyrenne. It's still okay to do an intro here if you like anyway, but you didn't post in any wrong place. ;)

Posts: 3468
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Man, how many does that make? As Ray said, this isn't actually a thread for all newbies; this was just Ari's welcome thread, which has actually survived being in MFC2 (MFC2 is where large threads go to die). Still, it's fine, noone really minds.

Saw your intro post in Marble Garden. Good to see a newbie who at least has enough brain to post something thoughtful once in a while. Welcome!

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As I said a bit back, maybe this thread could become a place for newbies to post their introsat least for the newbies who dont feel like making an intro topic in MFC or something, though, of course, all newbies would be welcome! I dont mind, as long as other people are okay with it as well.^^; Hopefully it wouldnt disrupt the normal flow of newbie intro topics in MFC too badly (if at all) if something like that does happen.

Anyway, as the others said, its fine that you posted your intro post here in this thread people dont mind (or at least I know I dont^^; ). Hello and welcome to the Mobius Forum!^^@TESM

Posts: 3291
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we're not like some places, that ban intro threads entirely (and refuse to even have a dedicated thread).

it's always nice to hear a bit about someone who's new. ^^

Posts: 2116
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I've seen places that won't even let you start your own topic until you've made fifty posts. We'e fairly relaxed about these things. 🙂

Posts: 2809
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I've seen places that won't even let you start your own topic until you've made fifty posts. We'e fairly relaxed about these things. :)

Yeah, the Nsider Forums won't even let you edit posts until you have 1681 post which means if you need to make any significant corrections you have to double post.

Posts: 13
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hm... well, if anything it's a misleading title, and a new topic doesn't seem like anything I'd wanna do.

It's funny seeing 'not ANOTHER one', when this topic isn't really for all!
Well grease my knees and fleese my bees, I've found my missing piece.

Posts: 3468
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Well, if you read the original post, it's kind aclear that she'd made the thread to introduce herself. But no matter, it's fine.

Posts: 13
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Just one of those 'history's mysteries' I suppose. I have a hard time reading the fine print to an otherwise normal thread. Plus I saw a few on this page and just assumed it was 9 pages of the same.

Well.. live and not care I suppose.

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it's not like it's hurt anyone by posting that here. ^^

but yeah, you might wanna think of changing the title to this thread since it confuses so many people. :p

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I would like to encourage the chaos and confusion, personally. This is a very light form that all can enjoooy.

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(borrowing one of SXs RP emoticons for confusion)<_>


Hmmm o.o *thinks*

If I should change the title, I wonder if something like this would work out:

Topic Title:

The infamous Hi, Im New! (see note in first post)

Note in First Post:

Note: This thread is not really for all newbie intros (as it was originally created as the intro topic of Arikyrenne); however, if youre someone wanting to post an intro post, but not interested in creating a separate topic in MFC for one, then youre welcome to make the post in this topic if you want!^^

What do you guys (and girls, of course! :p ) think of that? o.o?

(Edit: Just changed some wording around)

Posts: 3291
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or just "read first post" ..yeah, it works. ^^

Posts: 3468
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Honestly, read first post should be mandatory for any thread before you reply to it.

Posts: 609
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*First post*

I don't think I've ever posted in this topic. Ever. Oh well, now I have. =D

Posts: 3468
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the next forum tally should be posted in here. o.o

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The only problem with reading the first post is that topics change in a thread so often, that it's natural for an original topic to take a new turn when the orginal purpose has been exhausted.

Posts: 3291
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that's why i read the first few posts, then the last page of a topic before posting.. just to get a general idea of what's going on. *shrugs* ^^

Posts: 3468
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Officially, I thought the rules said to read the entire thread. now, because that's simply not feasible, I always read the original topic, but if it's more than a few pages, I read every few posts just to see what direction the thread is taking. The more pages, the mroe posts I skip over. If it's past like five or so, I'll read the first page or two, then read teh last two pages or so.

But no matter what I read, I ALWAYS read the first post. Additionally, if anyone posts a thread to ask a question, I always skimt he posts to make sure noone else has said what my answer would be.

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I read every post. Please shoot me.

Posts: 3291
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i know, i was speaking in the cases of insanely long threads like this one is turning out to be. :p in those cases, it's rather hard to read through 20 or more pages, unless they were seriously interesting.

normally i just read the entire thread, too many years has turned it into an instinct. oo;

Posts: 3468
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Still, no matter how you track a thread befoer postimng (assuming you do at all,), shouldn't reading the first post be priority one regardless?

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Yes already. :0

Posts: 3291
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we were agreeing with you there, SX. oo *throws a sparkle at you*

Posts: 3756
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Funny. Ari's so relatively new, but she came in with such a bang and now I hear she's a chat mod. =D Cool.

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It's me Flowerskunk!

I tried to log in with my old name, but I can't!

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o.o@both move and new title...was planning to change the title today once I got back from part one of my final, but looks like someone beat me to it o.o

anyway, sorry about the topic title confusion, and hello and welcome to the Mobius Forum...or I guess that would be weba^^@tails1973 (or Flowerskunk, whichever you prefer^^; )

Edit: Wanted to add that you could still create your own topic in MFC, if you wanted, though it's okay that you posted the re-intro here (especially given the topic title at the time)^^;

*Wonders what will happen now, with the changes. o.o* I guess I'll leave the title as it is for now, unless the idea of this thread possibly being a "place for those who aren't interested in creating a topic for their intro posts but still want to make an intro post" (or however you want to word it^^; ) turns out to be prefered. If it is, I'll probably change the topic title and edit the first post to what I mentioned in my previous post, provided it's okay with whoever changed the title to what it is now, of course^^;

Posts: 3468
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lolz, wanna bet people aer still gonna psot here?

Also MFC will be the death of this trhead. D=

Posts: 3291
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i kinda liked the slower pace of this thread in MF2.

*ponders stickying some of the gaming threads if they drop off page one*

Posts: 815
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Indeed @ SX and Becca

Vec or Admins (or adventurous mods) Please move these topics BACK

Posts: 3291
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if you're unhappy, i suggest you post in the thread on this subject in the EVC.
posts in this topic are getting a bit off-topic and may not be seen by the admins. (busy people that they are!)

back to the newbies.. where are they? usually we get a small flood of them in the summer. oo

Posts: 2723
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Beats me. Maybe we scared them all away. 😮

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