Maybe I will. I didn't realize you could make a complaint about whether or not you can be made a mod...at least not without getting into trouble.
Yet you do it obsessively
We all want things but we're not going to get them, and just complaining about it isn't going to make it happen. If you want to be a mod, earn it.
Ari! Hi!
hey ari, are those new shoes? had a haircut? 😮
Ari, make me a sandwich
*pops into thread and takes a look around o.o*Just finished the last day of finals for this semester today^^
In which case, a very belated welcome to Ari! XD
Ari! Hi!
hey ari, are those new shoes? had a haircut? 😮
hmmmnow that you mention it, I believe my current pair of shoes are relatively new. Depends on whether or not being new at the beginning of the school year counts^^;
As for a hair cut, I think thats one of the things to do during Christmas break, since I currently cant remember when the last time I had it cut was o.o
*wonders whether or not to keep an eye on shoe laces, just in case*@the sudden interest in shoes
And as for sandwicheshmmm
*takes a look at her inventory*
Poptart sandwich made with the help of the plastic sword and some mini-training-spork Spork-Fu? o.o
shoelaces? what shoelaces? >> << >>
If you want to be a mod, earn it.
I somehow doubt any kind of good deed I do on this board is going to merit me moderatorship.
But then again maybe I'm just being negative about it.
Alright...you're on. But I doubt it's ever going to happen.
Edit: Yay I've achieved the title of Cat :3
Edit again: I'll be sickeningly sweet if I have to be. >.>
mau, please.. just drop the subject and let us continue with this thread.
i remember the rules once saying that those who demand to be mods definately won't get to be ones. never heard of the phrase "'i want' won't get"? ^^;
That's only because people who demand to be mods will be made mods and then either leave or mess everything up.
And you can't tell me you didn't want to be a mod because you ARE one. You could've said no when they offered. So the "I want won't get" isn't entirely true.
Of course if there's even the possibility that shutting up about it could make me a mod someday then fine. I will.
i'm pretty sure she asked you to drop the subject and let the thread carry on
is there something you're not getting
I think it's irony. She insists on breaking the rules to ask to be a mod.
Ari! How'd your semester go?
Then you obviously didn't read the last line of my post did you?
Look what you've done to this thread Mau, I hope you're proud of yourself >=/
Yeah I know. I'm so destructive. >3
I used to believe in Ari. But I have no sandwich.
Here you go Acrio. I will give you a sandwich. *gives you a sandwich*
Alright guys. Back on topic please.
Which is welcoming Ari.
Alrighty then. No problems. Welcome to the board Ari. :3
Hiya! *pounce*
thanks^^@the welcome
Ari! How'd your semester go?
Overall, not too bad. Some of the classes were a bit rough, but I was still able to enjoy them, and am looking forward to next semester^^
You just need to beat the professors more.
*Nod* Indeed. You also should youtube it...
I offered to bribe my German teacher with chocolate today.
It didn't work...
Did you bribe her with German chocolate?
And lookie, the Ladies Lounge theme is back! This is probably the coolest theme this board has ever had (barring the creepy Burger King one).
It does set the mood. ^_^ *looks at his reflection in Terg's rearview mirror*
I'm not a fan of the theme personally...
*powders aeva's nose* ^^
GAH! ><
Man down, man down!
*dives for cover in Becca's Pillow Fortress!*
Which I've always imagined as a bit like the fortresses in Super Mario Bros., except the brick are replaced with pillows. Still has the little flag on top though.
I've always pictured a spork as the flagpole - although Becca may regard this as a waste of a perfectly good spork.
Actually, Terg, yes, I did.
And aw, Aeva, what's wrong?
Didn't you get the memo SX? That stuff is poisonous!
*powders SX's nose too* ^-^
and hah, i've never been able to fully visulise the pillow frotress, or else i'd have tried to draw it by now. i like that idea!
and a spork is not wasted if it has a proper role. it is highly versitile after all!
*sneezes all over Becca, covering her in flu germs*
It's sneeze-inducing, but not toxic.
*repells them with the power of uber headache!* @-@ zapzap
*Anti-headache stuffs* HAHA!
painkillers aren't helping much..! wait.. you're giving me a headrub instead? *relax* ^-^
This is still going?
no, it's not.. this is an illusion. ^^
also, cake is a lie. ;-;
I don't believe you!
No cake here, that's true. But there are cookies.
Here have some.
What sort of cookies?
ben's cookies? those wonderfully chunky cookies freshly baked and still warm and soft in the center and if you get the double chocolate ones the chocolate is still half-melted and you just want to eat more and moar but can't afford it because they've gone up in price to over 1.20 each and i'm sort of annoyed about it as also i can only find that one shop in bath and it's randomly illustrated by quentin blake?
no? good, i'll take 5. ^.^
What's this about my cookies?
We are just giving them a good nibble Benni darling.
I'll take some!
needs extra chocolate.. ^^
*Coats Box in chocolate*
(note, that's a chat RP injoke, but it involves chocolate)