Yeah! Today my mom is having her last chemotherapy! Finally it is going to be over. Her last of 7 chemos. She had to have them 21 days apart and this is it.
Okay, not really sure who you are, aside from what I've seen on your profile, but congradulations to you and your mother. May I be the first among many to wish your mom continued good health.
Exactly what Ray said. Hope your mother's continues to live in the best of health.
I'm not sure who you are either, but congratulations to your mom!
I hope your mom continues to get better.
No, problem!^_^
No, problem!^_^
By the way, sweet avatar dude
Thanks, man!
It is a cute avvy, isn't it?
Firefox UNLEASHED! go bye bye?
Yeah, it's high time that I use the FMR avvie that Kaze made me; if I could get a FMR logo for my sig, I would eventually go back to my Super Rayzor account. It's hard to believe that it's been almost 2 yrs. since I use it.
Super or Full Metal, you're still the same Rayzor to me.
*dozens of groans from the cheesiness*
BTW, didja get my PM?
Haha, heck yea he's the same ol' Rayzor. 😛
Ah, thanks you guys! *sniff* Group Hug!!!^__^ Yeah, I got it; I'll try to get back to you by tomorrow.
Thankee sankee, Ray.
Hugs for all!
*hugs everyone in the forum*
OK , whats with all the hugging!?
OK , whats with all the hugging!?
We're like a very loose knit family here. Hugs are perfectly normal. If you stick around, you'll get used to it.
No, problem!^_^
By the way, sweet avatar dude
Hay that is pretty cool! Haha! Dude, Chris, you should put that on the Icrontic Funny Picters Thread.
No, problem!^_^
By the way, sweet avatar dude
Hay that is pretty cool! Haha! Dude, Chris, you should put that on the Icrontic Iunny Picters Thread.
Hay, PZ, I see you finally joined up with the Sonic HQ.
And um.... do you mean the Icrontic Funny Pictures Thread!?
Huh, that is a good idea.
Will do.
No, problem!^_^
By the way, sweet avatar dude
Hay that is pretty cool! Haha! Dude, Chris, you should put that on the Icrontic Iunny Picters Thread.
Hay, PZ, I see you finally joined up with the Sonic HQ.
And um.... do you mean the Icrontic Funny Pictures Thread!?
Huh, that is a good idea.
Will do.
Oops! There, edited post. and yeah I joyind like you sead.