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"The Mobius Forum and the Mindblowing Thread of TOTALLY AWESOME!"

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In this thread the goal is to just plain post MIND BLOWING STUFF and comment on it. I.E. anything in particular that you never knew or just amazed you when you found it out.


There is an arrow between the E and the X in the FedEx logo. This was done deliberately -->

The clouds in Super Mario Bros. 1 are nothing more than recolored bushes -->


Excerpt from Wikipedia: Wendy is a female name which may be used as a short form for Gwendolyn, or in its own right. Its popularity is attributed to the character Wendy Darling from the children's play and novel Peter Pan, by J.M. Barrie. The character Wendy was inspired by a real girl. Barrie befriended young Margaret Henley, daughter of Barrie's friend W.E. Henley. Margaret used to call him 'my friendy-wendy'. Margaret died at the age of four in 1894 but was immortalized forever in Barrie's work. Although the name 'Wendy' appears as a boy's name in the 1881 census of England, Barrie is usually credited with its invention as a girl's name.

Hugh Laurie (AKA Crotchety old guy who plays House on...well, House...was the dad in the Stuart Little movies.) -->

Anything from M.C. Escher -->

This is an old picture but still pretty neat. This is a jpg. Nothing is moving:

How did I not notice this before?! -->

Time magazine's 'Man of the Year' for 1938 was Adolph Hitler.

The elephant is the only mammal that can't jump.

The length of a day is not exactly 24 hours. Occasionally leap seconds are added.

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

Only way to stop it? Stare -->


Calvin and Hobbes = Fight Club?

More to come later.

Posts: 2417
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ay there Clefariy

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The infamous 'penis' of Banjo Tooie

Personally, it looks more like a fly's head to me.

Posts: 4336
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You know, I think this would make a better Pokemon than most of the things they're making nowadays.
Dream come true. What else is there to say?

Saito Hajime. A real guy. Then again, much of the characters in Rurouni Kenshin were real, or based off real people.

Do I need to comment?

Brock Samson. The epitome of modern-day manliness.

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Saito Hajime. A real guy. Then again, much of the characters in Rurouni Kenshin were real, or based off real people.

Now I doubt you guys like/watch the show Code Lyoko, what's interesting about it is that m">the location of show is real, including its plot important factory.

One thing that is sad is that the said RL factory was demolished while the show was in the middle of running.

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This threads awesome is now complete

Posts: 1195
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This one is totally awesome and totally true.

But seriously, to stay on topic, what I did find pretty awesome is that there's a band called "Awesome". I can't be the only one who finds that...well, awesome, am I?

Posts: 1758
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Posts: 2417
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-The famous Super Mario 64 Bowser laugh and the boo laugh are one and the same, only at different speeds.

-Pokemon Koffing & Weezing were originally going to be called NY & LA in the English versions, relating to the respective cities.

-Various things have been found in ruins, including what seems to be an ancient computer and even a makeshift ancient battery.

-Scientists have been working on using magnets for space propulsion, both for leaving the earth and for traveling long distances in space, shortening the need of the traditional fuel entirely.

-In a few several years China will surpass the United States as the super highway network center of the world.

Posts: 874
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Hugh Laurie (AKA Crotchety old guy who plays House on...well, House...was the dad in the Stuart Little movies.) -->

Stuart Little is a good source of mind-blowing material. Why, you may ask?

Posts: 2915
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Knew about House being the dad in Stuart Little... He's actually a British actor. He was on the Tonight Show with Leno one time and his accent caught me totally off guard.

I can't remember where, but I heard about the Mario clouds recently as well. pretty neat.

Posts: 2232
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You didn't know Hugh Laughie was british? o.o

Posts: 3291
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he also played several characters in blackadder. oo looking back at him prancing around as the prince after watching house is a surreal experiance.

Posts: 162
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I just learned that Cream of tartar is a byproduct of winemakeing...

Posts: 1986
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56k = no

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Duplicate images are not awesome hukos! not even if you add a motivational poster to it!

Posts: 1986
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They are too. >_>

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member behold. The zoomquilt... MARK 2!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Watch this first.
Then this.

"Upon the recent release of Mother 1+2 for the GBA, Mr. Itoi remarked in an interview about the origins of Giygas. When he was just a kid, a young Shigesato Itoi accidently wandered into an adult theater. According to the interview, the movie's title roughly translates to "Military Policeman and Disjointed Dead Beauty," and poor Itoi walked in right as a woman was getting raped. He describes her breasts as being physically distorted and/or warped, whether by the man, or other means. He was also traumatized by the contrast between her screaming expressions of pain and her pleasured dialogue.

That's where Giygas comes in. His whole, "That feels good....I feel...h.a.p.p.y..." speech is heavily inspired by--based on, even--this childhood trama of Itoi's. After all, what better final villain in your own little project than a haunted past memory? Links can even be made between Giygas's physical design (like a distorted, screaming face), or the Devil's Machine, which arguably resembles certain anatomy (these aren't confirmed, but it's certainly possible)."


Posts: 0
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I was exppecting a larger win from psx for a thread with awesome on this scale.

Posts: 2232
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Craig's link has officially blown my mind.

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Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I was exppecting a larger win from psx for a thread with awesome on this scale.

Posts: 3756
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When he was just a kid, a young Shigesato Itoi accidentally wandered into an adult theater.


Posts: 2232
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Today, I learnt something. It takes only 39 digits of pi to calculate the circumference of a circle of radius 2 x 10^25 m, to withing an error of less than 10^-12m. This is basically the upperbound of the circumference of the universe, and the lower bound of a hydrogen atom.

So why the smeg do they calculate it further

Also Mimas.

*Cue imperial march*

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Posts: 136
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Wild stuff WB just plain wild.

Posts: 1982
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...I actually looked Mother 2 up on wikipedia and knew about most of that before-hand...

Except for the vagina thing.

I kind of want to play Mother 2 now... I also want to play as Ness and research Lucas... possibly Mother 3, too.

When my curiosity gets stimulated it's like Eddie Brock`s symbiote suit.

Posts: 0
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That final battle would horrify me if I was a little kid and was playing it =

Posts: 162
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well it would if you noticed it, and acculy knew about that stuff (also dependent on your age at the time of playing it)

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

Actually, not knowing about that stuff it's still pretty disturbing.

"It...feels... good, Ness."

Even without knowing all that that implies having the boss say your attacks feel good is pretty disturbing...

Please, Give Us Strength by ~zarla on deviantART

I also kind of like that picture ^

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I've been using the original Zoomquilt as a screensaver for a while now. It tends to attract attention.

The number of people who think of Hugh Laurie as either House or "That guy from Stuart Little" and don't mention Blackadder, Jeeves and Wooster or A Bit of FRy and Laurie really does disturb me - although I hear that Laurie actually went to the audition dfor House in character with an American accent.

Since the casting directors'd wanted an American lead, I understand that they got a bit of a nasty shock when they found out the truth after they cast him.

Posts: 2354
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Vector posted this a while ago.

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

well it would if you noticed it, and acculy knew about that stuff (also dependent on your age at the time of playing it)

PSI Porn attack? Wouldn't that kinda raise some eyebrows?

Posts: 5772
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Ness's main PSI attack is player editable.

Posts: 419
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Topic starter

Now see - I knew about the porn references to Earthbound and whatnot, but I had NO CLUE about the devil's machine being a vagina and Giygas being an unborn fetus. That right there is WUT.


Would you believe that this is not photoshopped? Her real name is Jocelyn Wildenstein. She VOLUNTARILY LOOKS LIKE THIS after countless plastic surgeries to make her look more like a cat.

First, read this. Then, read this. Then scream to your hearts content. - HAY GUYS TAKE A LOOK AT MY NEW BICYCLE!!! Wait....what?!? (NSFW) - This guy is a grocer. People buy food from him. EW. - Introducing the world's smallest gun that fires deadly 300mph bullets - but is just TWO inches long

Didn't make the connection till now but Murdox from the A-team (remember that show for you guys old enough?) and Reginald Barclay from Star Trek: The New Generation are played by the same actor:

Take a very good look at this picture. Save this picture to your desktop. Then take that file, open it up in Photoshop, and prepare for something of a shock... -
**NOTE: If you're browsing in Safari, then this trick won't work and you'll be spoiled. - This is pretty awesome.

Hey look everybody! It's Tim Curry:

So's this:

And this:

And this:

And this:

Because Sam mentioned it before: The Zoomquilt

Wut? -

In some parts of south east Asia there is a species of giant catfish -

Contact lenses with circuit boards created for superhuman vision. -

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

For the record, I've seen that ESP thing before. It claims to have removed your card; if you compare the pages you'll see that none of the cards are the same between the two pages, hence how it works.


Posts: 2417
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Virtual Barber Shop

Get out some good headphones and close your eyes.

Posts: 3756
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Yeah, has that one @ Card trick. The thing that makes it all that more pathetic is this page: Which may or not be fake. It's hundreds of post from people desperately trying the theorize how it works, whether it scans your retina or untilizes you computers internal microphone and other garbage.

o.o @ hidden files in the JPG. Yeah, that's not scary at all. >>;

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

LMAO @ those people explaining the ESP.

Does the PNG use a transparency that photoshop doesn't support? Also, the other image

isn't very shocking.

Posts: 2417
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If anyone asks about the link I posted just above, it is holophonics.

Posts: 608
Honorable Member Vector posted this a while ago.

The link for "snow art in real life" that is posted in that page is actually a link to the news page in my university. Pharmacy students were bored last year and made a cool snowmen scene. I even got to take some pictures. Also this is another awesome thing ---> I was amused by the increase in abortions, STD, HIV infections, traffic accidents, marriages and divorces... I need to try the two photoshop pictures. Thanks for the heads up that it won't work in Safari. I better switch browsers XD

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Posts: 3756
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What is that, GT?

Posts: 2915
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It is the individual maps of the Pokemon worlds, overlaid on a map of Japan.

Posts: 874
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The same guy who did the voice for Elroy Jetson in 'Jetsons: The Movie' is also the voice for Revolver Ocelot in the 'Metal Gear Solid' games.

Also, Bloo from 'Foster's Home' and Basch Fon Rosenburg from 'Final Fantasy 12' are both voiced by the same guy as well

Posts: 4607
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As long as we're talking uncanny VA sharing, here's an oldie-but-goody:

Posts: 2354
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Cam Clarke did voices in MUA as well as the voice for Leonardo (1990's cartoon) and Liquid Snake among others.

Posts: 2417
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It is the individual maps of the Pokemon worlds, overlaid on a map of Japan.

And if you look at a corresponding map... Saffron City is Tokyo, Goldenrod City is Osaka, and Mt. Silver is really Mt Fiji.

But what bothers me is that gap. In the games, traveling from Jhoto to Kanto was instantaneous and were squished right into each other, while their real life counterparts are farther apart. This is quite the confusion, as seen on the first map.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Not only the gap, but also the fact that the Sevii Islands are so far away from each other... The impression I got from the game is that they are an amalgam of small islands somewhere near Kanto.

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