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This is so creepy.....
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This is so creepy...

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Posts: 432
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There's a guide available here. Just in case some of you do'nt understand it... and I know some of you are'nt going to understand it.

This is a game called Coil. It gives you NO direction whatsoever. It's kind of like stumbling through the dark... your scared (Well I was...) and you do'nt understand what's going on around you. Heck, I could'nt even get through it without googling a walkthrough.

If you guys want to try and get through this on your own wits I encourage you to read the poems closely as they may shed on light on your next objective.

Have fun being creeped out.

Posts: 91
Trusted Member

Wasn't really what I'd call creepy, but it was an interesting little diversion. Great way to take up a few minutes.

I do admit to looking at the guide once, just to confirm that I had the right idea about what I was supposed to be doing in level 2.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Interesting game so far but I can't stand the controls. They don't feel intuitive enough and for a game like this that's extremely important.

I'm finding just trying to seperate the colours a frustrating experience.

EDIT: Okay I managed to do that but got bored with the 'trying to shoot the other thing' part. *shrugs*

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Pretentious concept. Frustrating and unresponsive controls. Confusing poetry that is about... a rape, or a bad romance, or... some kind of person who burped. I actually finished some stages by not doing anything (the last stage finished when I looked to the spoilers) or rotating the mouse randomly. The stage that is hardest is the second, not because of learning what to do, which is obvious, but because the controls are so cumbersome.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

This game feels too wrapped up in its own pretentious gothy artiness to care about being, y'know, a game. As Vec and Patch said, the controls are cumbersome and unintuitive. I found that things seemed to respond in almost random ways to my mouse movements, especially in the last couple of stages where you're floating about in the sky. Hell, it took me five minutes to get past the first poetry screen before I realised you have to wiggle the mouse.

Bad controls I might be able to overlook if the game itself were fun and rewarding... but it isn't. The puzzles themselves are all fairly straightforward and require little to no thought whatsoever. The only difficulty is in wrestling with the awkward controls to get the thing to do what you want. Apart from the last level where you sort of float around randomly until the game ends. All I got from the generic livejournal poetry was that I was supposed to be going somewhere, but there were no prominent features on the landscape apart from the moon, which I was nowhere near when I apparently won. Perhaps there was some deeper meaning that careful thought and analysis would unlock but by that point I cared too little about the game to bother looking for it.

In summary a poor attempt at a game wrapped up in bland art reminscient of a poor man's version of flOw's aesthetic with extra gothiness added for no good reason. A perfect demonstration that unique does not necessarily equal good.

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New Member Guest

I enjoyed it until it took a half hour to kill the other shooty thing in the sky =o
