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this is sooo not fair.............

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Posts: 182
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My boyfriend left me becuase he cant stand drama, and if me and my ex are still having problems he doesnt want to get in the middle of it...


Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Aw, poor Purdy. Here's hoping things look up for you in the near future.

And your ex is a jackass.

Posts: 731
Prominent Member

Yeah, some people don't have the guts to deal with things that they don't like. Hope you good luck in the future, just like Spiner.

Posts: 2915
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= Poor Purdy

As Bat would say, this guy seems like a tool. If he was a true man, he'd stand by you no matter what.

Don't give up. You are a smart, kind, pretty girl. There is a guy out there for you.

Posts: 182
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Ive never been this close to absolutely HATING someone ever in my life! ><!!!

Posts: 2191
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At least you had love. o.o

Posts: 781
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At least you had love. o.o

Hmm? What makes you think that it'd necessarily be better to have had it and lost it than to not have had it in which case you couldn't have "lost" it? What are you saying about yourself in comparison, that you didn't have it to begin with? If so, I didn't either, and reading about situations like these and elsewhere only makes me more glad that I didn't; as I mentioned before there's a lot of different reasons for me having avoided it, some better than others, but I think I'm better off for it anyway, I still remember that time grad night when a parent who made a speech said, among other things, "we guided you through your first romances and the heartbreak that followed..."

... anyway, though, could you just clarify, where are you coming from here?

Posts: 2915
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Matt, stop trying to over analyze random sentences in random topics...

Although then again, I actually do agree with SV2 clarifying what he means/ where he's coming from...

Also, I wouldn't classify boyfriend breaking up with you then threating to kill you/ boyfriend running away when anything difficult presents itself as love.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Dear Geddy Lee, Matthew. Clarify? Really?

"At least you had love" is a pretty simple sentance.

V2 wants love. Purdy had it and lost it. V2 is jealous and trying to reassure Purdy that she had something special, but is more just stating that he is envious as having something in the first place is rarely a consollation for losing it.

...and yes. Please for Geddy Lee's sake, stop over posting on random sentances in topics.

Posts: 2234
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Indeed, Purdy, at least you had love. 🙁

Posts: 2191
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I know. All I was saying is that she should be happy someone loved her like that. Me, however, is still looking for Miss Right . Which is like finding a hay in a needlestack.

And there are people who don't even have friends or parental love. Which is horrible.

Posts: 182
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so your sayin I should be happy somebodys so crazy about me that they're ruining my life?

.....and SV is a guy? Oo;

Posts: 2915
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That's what I was asking about too @ Purdy

Posts: 731
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No, I don't think that's what he's trying to say. Here's how I interpret it; he simply acknowledges that not everyone is fortunate enough to recieve love and caring from someone else.

Posts: 2915
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I'd have to say Purdy falls into that category... (at least from her boyfriends)

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Comparing and saying which is worse only turns it into a competition for the worst situation. Both suck hardcore, and I can only offer hugs to both. **does so, providing many many hugs to everyone, Purdy in particular**

Friend drama sucks. Breaking off ties due to said drama is even worse. **hug** Guys can be really immature like that, the best thing to do would be to hope for the best in your next situation. Luckily, most tend to mature as they get older, and since your current situation sucks, it can only get better from here.

Feel free to ignore that above paragraph until you're feeling better though; I know optimism can be really irritating when you're feeling down. **hugs again**

I hope everything works out well in the future and in your present situation.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2191
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I doubt your life is ruined, hun. Besides, I've saw pictures of you and you live up to your web name. So finding another wouldn't be that hard for you.

And yes, I am a guy.

Posts: 233
Estimable Member

It tends to be easier to recognise the negatives of your own position than the negatives of others, as you're the one feeling the effects of your own situation - hence the grass is always greener, yadda yadda. Perhaps it is fairer to say that there are good things that can be drawn from each situation if you look at them hard enough, but can be easier for those outside the situation to see.

Anyway, I do feel for your situation, Purdy. However frustrating and helpless you feel now, remember that there are people around you who do care for you - even if they struggle to show it. Life will get better, especially if you keep believing it will

Posts: 182
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I know, It just hurts that somebody would go out of their way to hurt another person that they claim they want nothing to do with.. =/

And stuff like this is only making me a better person, and showing me how NOT to treat someone, and I guess instead of hating my ex, I should be thanking him for showing me the guy I was with wasn't really with me for me I guess

But thanks guys =) *hugs*
