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Transformers: Animated Discussion (SPOILERS for TF:A third season within)

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In case any of you didn't know, the 3rd season of Transformers: Animated is to come on at 8 AM EST on CN tomorrow. Tv listiings on AOL says it stays on for an hour and a half, but the CN site doesn't have it on there now though they did earlier this morning so go figure. Any way figured y'all would like to know.

Posts: 1573
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Saw it, loved it.

It lasted from 7:00 to 8:30 this morning.

Posts: 2232
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Season 3? Rock the slag out man!

Now I just have to wait till I can catch it =(

ALSO! On transformers, I was considering posting a topic myself, but this will do instead. I lubs dem. However I had been clean since about christmas... and then I found Classics Sunstreaker (Being one of my favourite characters) in Toymaster, and I spent money I don't have on him. I had to go without food that week.

Currently my bedside table consists of Animated Sentinal Prime, Prowl, Black Arachnia, Swoop and Lockdown, The aforementioned Sunstreaker, Movie Jazz, Darth Vader and a Clone Transport and a strange own brand Motorcycle. Oh, and a box o' Starscream Bits.

Secreted away in a box in my loft I have many, many more... The full list comes too...

Midget Movie Optimus Prime
Midget Movie Jazz
Midget Movie Barricade
Midget Movie Recon Barricade
Medium Movie Brawl

G1 Scattershot (no other technobots or pieces, missing a wing, also HAH! I never knew what his alt mode was supposed to look like before compling this list.)
G1 Headhead & Duros
G1 Galvatron (missing barrel)
G1 Powermaster Optimus Prime (missing Hi-Q)
G1 Optimus Prime ('83) (Missing... here we go. Roller, fuel pump stationy thing is broken and floating loose. Stickers. Fists. An arm is broken. Trailer doors!(?!) and a wheel)
G1 Bumblebee ('83) (Missing his tires, repaired twice)
G1 ActionMaster Bumblebee
G1 Beachcomber (missing a tire)
G1 Seaspray x2
G1 Motorhead
G1 Neutro
G1 Takedown
G1 Treadbolt
G1 Crumble
G1 Rollerforce
G1 Eagle Eye (missing a wing)
G1 Groundpounder (missing scoop)
G1 Barricade
G2 Skram (bonnet is broken engine is missing)
G1 Actionmaster Blaster
G1 Ground Hog
G1 Blazemaster (rotors?)
G1 Gusher
G1 Pipeline
G1 Tanker Truck
G1 Sky High
G1 Skydive (very broken, no other aerialbot or pieces.)
G1 Battlefield Headquarters
G1 Full Barrel (Overflow is vanished)
G1 Hurricane
G2 Transluscent Blaze
G2 Jetstorm
G1 Airport (Without Airwave XD)
G1 Sparkstalker

G1 Pirranacon:
G1 Snaptrap
G1 Tentakill x2
G1 Nautilator
G1 Seawing
G1 Overbite (Decapitated)
G1 Skalor

G1 Defensor:
G1 Hot Spot (broken ladder)
G1 Groove
G1 First Aid
G1 Blades (Missing rotor, Half of tail)
(Missing Streetwise dagnabbit, I had him once!)

Beast Wars Snapper (Missing a leg)

Unknown Knock-off Spaceship
Unknown Knock-off Spacetruck
Midget Mystery Mirage

Go-bot Ace (legless)
Go-Bot Heat-Seeker
Go-Bot Twin-Spin (Fatality!)
Arcobot Cap Pistol
Rocklord Rockasaur Spikestone


So what do the other Transfans about the forum have, and what do they think of Animated? (Which I'm currently drawing an A2 poster of characters of for a friend's kid. =D)

Posts: 5772
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Caught the Transwarped movie this morning. Good stuff.

Posts: 633
Honorable Member

Watched it loved it...Cyber Sari Roxs!

& all the G1 character cameos in Transwarped, Ironhide Rodimus, Brawn, Cyclonus, Cliffjumper, Precepter, Arcee, Heck Even Alpha Trion was seen briefly in the Cybertronian Council seen!

about the spoiler abouve,,,She ALMOST kills Bumblebee...He's still alive!

One Question though Since Sari is part Human Part Cybertronian would she be call a Huamtronian or Cyman!?

Posts: 1573
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If we're gonna reveal spoilers, someone might want to put a notice in the topc title.

That said,

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

^Taken care of.

The movie leaves us with a bit of a conundrum: where did Sari's Cybertronian protoform come from? And as you ponder this enigma, you have to take note that Sumdac first found her inside his lab, and this is also where he's kept the offline head of Megatron cooped up.

Posts: 2234
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I love Transformers but have never seen Animated. o.o I dunno, the art style just looks too off for me and I fear that it'll be too kiddy to watch, despite all the rave reviews.

And yes, I know that complaining about Transformers being kiddy is retarded but Beast Wars managed off being a kids program without compromising its content to be stupid, which is why I love it so. In fact, I have got absolutely loads of Beast Wars toys; not G1 since that was before my time, but absolutely loads and loads of the Beasties <3

Posts: 1573
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Animated is a lot less kiddy than Armada.

In this episode alone, we had a bot get crushed in a very Jigsaw-ish manner, and a lead character get shanked by another character.

The animation style does take some getting used to, but it's a really good series.

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I had to be at work by 8 yesterday morning, so I taped it. I watched it later in the night, round 6:30/7, and it was indeed very awesome and fastforward it as fast as I could evertime the commercials popped up. Since the title has been labeled with spoilers, I not gonna use spoilers tags and say that the reveal of Sari's true origins is very interesting, and after Sari's upgrade, I love the color of her regular eyes such a lovely shade of blue. I look forward to Sari kicking much "skid plate" in the future.

Posts: 2191
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Not Beast Wars = I don't care. D:

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It's been said before but why even post if you don't care about it. I mean was that really worth posting in a topic that hasn't been repsonded to in 3 days just to say you don't care about it?

Posts: 1573
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Really. As far as characterizations is concerned, it's on the same level if not beyond Beast Wars.

Beast Wars never had a character that suffered from post-traumatic stress syndrome.

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Meh, I didn't watch much Beast Wars, and what little I did watch, I just don't remember much if any of it so I have nothing to compare Animated to it with.

Posts: 1573
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Oh, Beast Wars is a good series as well. If you get a chance, you might could find some of the episodes on Youtube. Beast Wars and Animated are regarded by most to be the best series for characterizations.

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Yeah I've thought about doing that after all I've caught up with Bleach on it and TFA on Veoh.

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If you liked Reboot, you'll probably like Beast Wars. Both were produced by Mainframe.

Posts: 1984
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I missed it sooooo I'm watching it on youtube right now XD

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Yeah, I loved ReBoot and I do remember finding Beast Wars interesting but not much else. As far as ReBoot, I think I've missed the last few episodes, but it was awesome!!

Posts: 1984
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omg wut happened to Blurr?!?! waaaaiiii!!

Posts: 2354
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<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

omg wut happened to Blurr?!?! waaaaiiii!!

He disappeared, like a blurr.

** rimshot **

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Ummm..what the hell!? I missed this. Why didn't someone PM me?!!!

Hahaha! *searches to see if it comes on again*

Posts: 2809
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This topic has been up since the night before Transwarped came on, you should have been watching this place better! BTW, there's always YouTube!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

This topic has been up since the night before Transwarped came on, you should have been watching this place better! BTW, there's always YouTube!

Hey! Hey! No sass mister! =P *rushes off to youtube*

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Soooooooooo Sari is half cybertronian. Aaand she's a teenager.

Rule 34 just got new material.

But seriously. When is Soundwave coming back? I really want him to come back this season. And maybe Wreck-Gar too if Weird Al isn't too busy.

Posts: 2232
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Seen Transwarprd now. I think I fangssmed

Posts: 5772
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Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself...

This newest episode. You guys. This newest episode. Oh God.

Posts: 2232
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HSHDHDHSHHFFFKK! Well this continues to be the best thing ever.
Also the scooterpack having a face that resembles Scooter was a nice touch.

Why don't I have a Soundwave toy yet. When he comes out with his Ratbat keytar I must have him!

Also, I did not know this until yesterday, but Starscream is Mr Burns. Original voices I mean.

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I now no longer have to enter any spoiler thread I feel like avoiding - but I was already spoilered for this one on Wikipedia.

Alan's the rabid Transfan rather than me, but the reimagining's so effective in its own right - whilst at the same time respectful of the original - that we're both pretty happy. I've watched the first two seasons and've been quietly acquring the rest.

Although I made myself vaguely unpopular early in season one, when I was watching Ratchet offload the widescreen TV into the warehouse and commented that between the look of the hideout, the young leader slightly out of his depth in a strange place, the small, bouncy one with a pop culture obsession, the large and slightly slow one and the Luddite old grouch, I was basically watching a robotic reworking of Gargoyles.

This was a facepalm moment for my companion, who suddenly agreed that everything was starting to look familiar ifd you didn't count where Prowl fitted in. The more we saw of the interplay of the ensemble cast and the intelligent use of language, the more he tended to agree.

Then Black Arachnia turned up. The phrase "Told ya so" was used in abundance...

It's nice to see a franchise cartoon with a bit of wit and intelligence attached. Even if I have to tolerate Sari and her maguffin to watch it.

Posts: 1573
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Well, Prowl is voiced by the same guy to voiced Owen and Brooklyn. And Bulkhead and Broadway share a voice actor as well.

Posts: 2116
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I know - it was just the use of the exact same range that got me.

Posts: 1573
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Well to be fair, Jeff Bennett doesn't sound anything like Prowl when he's voicing Ultra Magnus.

Posts: 2116
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True. But there's still a general feeling of deja vu.

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Posts: 2232
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Now we need a Barricade appearance, obviously =D

Posts: 1573
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Fun factoid: Barricade and Movie Ironhide are voiced by Wakko Warner.

Don't believe me? Go do an IMDB search on Jess Harnell.

Posts: 2232
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Huh, I thought he was voiced by Keith David (AKA Goliath)... but it turns out that was only the game o.o

Still, the connection stands *Folds arms*

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

The T:A/Gargoyles connection is only missing one critical component to make it truly brick shi... um, depositing.

Posts: 1573
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The T:A/Gargoyles connection is only missing one critical component to make it truly brick shi... um, depositing.

And poor Captain Picard got left out.

I still find it hard to believe that Troi and Demona are the same woman.

Posts: 1984
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for some reason I think Prowl playing Peek-a-boo with a baby is incredibly cute. But the pacing of that episode was sooo erratic!

Posts: 2232
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This show just gets better and better! The substitute autobots are just love. A rock-off battle is something that I've not seen in a while, and has to be related to Mainframe entertainment somehow, even if it's just in my head.

And this line...

TF:A Wrote:

Soundwave: Your axe is useless autobot.
Prime: But your's isn't. *Grapples Laserbeak...who turns into a guitar, and hits soundwave
with him*

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TF:A Wrote:

Soundwave: Your axe is useless autobot.
Prime: But your's isn't. *Grapples Laserbeak...who turns into a guitar, and hits soundwave
with him*

Yeah, when I saw that all I could thank of was El Kabong!

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

WreckGar with Accordion whee! I wonder if Weird Al suggested that haha. His appearance totally took me off guard but wow was I happy to see him. Soundwave and WreckGar are finally back. Thats like....double the greatness.

At this point the only thing I don't like about Animated is how blatantly low the production value is during fight scenes. Even Teen Titans had better looking fights than this. And probably better animation over all. It can be disappointing at times...

Posts: 2116
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I don't know about anyone else, but I'll happily forego a bit of extra detail in characters knocking each other across the screen if it means that I'm actually seeing decent characterisation.

Posts: 1573
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At least they're getting the names right. Unlike Armada where nearly every Minicon was named Leader-1, or Energon when Cliffjumper and Downshift decided to trade names.

As much I liked Cybertron, I really, really hope Japan doesn't do another TF series.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

It's been said before but why even post if you don't care about it. I mean was that really worth posting in a topic that hasn't been repsonded to in 3 days just to say you don't care about it?

Because I can.

Yes, I even waited over a MONTH to respond to the post... because I can.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Well good characterization and good animation should have nothing to do with each other. I mean if a good looking fight is the cause of shallow characters then that's one odd way of managing a budget. I mean Teen Titans had pretty good writing. And so do a lot of other shows that are full of animation eye candy.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

So I went for a drive today, just to get used to driving and such, since I never get chance to use the car.

In my wandering, I ended up in ToysRUs in Hanley.

Leader Megatron is epic.
Also Denfensor looks so out of place <3

My camera on the other hand is crap. Trying to change focus turned everything pink. And then it shut off.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

Soooo there are only like...3 episodes left in this entire series right?

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