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Voice exchange rebo...
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Voice exchange reborn!

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So a few years back we had the voice exchange thread for us to terrify everyone with how we all sound, yes? Looking it up in MF2 I note that it's lost a lot of posts, and as such probably a lot of its links, so I figured what the heck, I'll start up a new one.

In the spirit of the original, there's no set message for you to record - but if you can't think of anything, just say something like "Hi! I'm [whatever your name is], and I think Sonic 4 will be awesome/terrible/so-so/other (delete as appropriate)!" Bonus points if you can successfully pronounce the parentheses.

Anyway, I'll get the ball rolling here with some clips of me. Also quick note, using Putfile or similar may be best for uploading your files, or if you're really stuck I have a tonne of spare storage and bandwidth on the Nautilus Solar server.

So! To start us off:
Here's my normal voice.
Here I am impersonating Ghaleon. With some added effects here and there (some reverb, some pitch shift). Warning! Does contain spoilers if you've never played Lunar.

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Wheeeeeee, I suppose I'd best jump in early =D

Crimikins talks at you.

And in the aweful impressions category?

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I unfortunately do not have my microphone (it's currently with sis in college), so the most I can do is provide a youtube vid of me commenting on a drawing I did of a cartoon character. This was about two years ago, but being 23, my voice obviously hasn't changed since. Though I DID have a cold when I did this, hence why I sound kinda raspy. Eheheheheh.

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I might upload something more conventional later, but what the hey...might as well link this since I just finished it.

Every voice is by me. :-3

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Here's a recent video of me doing Sonic 2 on Master System. :3

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Whooo, Voice Exchange! 'Bout time this was revived!

To the meat of it, here's me, doing the Who's on First routine. I kinda blew the climax but I think it was pretty good.

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@Crim: You sound as majestically manly as ever. And your Snake impression made me grin.

@Neo: OMG I LOVE YOUR ACCENT <3 The cold was admittedly noticeable but omg you sound totally cute XD ETA: I just noticed your use of Okami music in the background of your
vids. Win.

@Ultra: Nice job man, respect for your effort - re-recording so many voices singing the same song must have been a real pain. Awesome stuff.

@Mobius: Dude, you should work in radio. You've the voice for it, I'd listen to you. Also your multiple deaths made me cackle.

@TTG: You win all my internets. I giggled like a looney. XDXDXD

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@Ultra: Nice job man, respect for your effort - re-recording so many voices singing the same song must have been a real pain. Awesome stuff. ETA: I just noticed your use of Okami music in the background of your vids. Win.

Erm, I don't know what videos you listened to, but the only one with any music was the Gaston video. All the others thus far have been done in silence. o_o

(Though I wonder how Okami music would go for a commercial...)

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Hurp a durr, i wasn't paying attention and added that line onto the end of the wrong sentence. That was aimed at Neo, I fixed it. ¦3

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@Neo: OMG I LOVE YOUR ACCENT <3 The cold was admittedly noticeable but omg you sound totally cute XD ETA: I just noticed your use of Okami music in the background of your
vids. Win.

Wait, I have an accent? You sure it wasn't from the cold I had? Ahahaha, thanks for the comment anyways. Okami is an awesome game (subliminal message: gobuyitthosewhodontownacopy).

And Ultra, that is the best 3 and a half minutes of my life.

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Why thank you Neo, I'm flattered. 😀

Anyhow, something more conventional (in that I'm using my usual everyday conversational voice when narrating). It involves cats and dogs!

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@Neo: OMG I LOVE YOUR ACCENT <3 The cold was admittedly noticeable but omg you sound totally cute XD ETA: I just noticed your use of Okami music in the background of your
vids. Win.

Wait, I have an accent? You sure it wasn't from the cold I had? Ahahaha, thanks for the comment anyways. Okami is an awesome game (subliminal message: gobuyitthosewhodontownacopy).

And Ultra, that is the best 3 and a half minutes of my life.

Yes, you do have one and it is adorable. <3 Keep in mind I am a Brit, so it is way easier for me to notice accents of people not from Britain.

Posts: 1195
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Yes, you do have one and it is adorable. <3 Keep in mind I am a Brit, so it is way easier for me to notice accents of people not from Britain.

Ahh, that makes sense. Had no idea where you came from, so the above comment prior to this one could have been taken in different context. Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately, I don't look nearly anywhere as "adorable" as my voice.

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Unfortunately, I don't look nearly anywhere as "adorable" as my voice.

Personally, I don't you think you should belittle yourself.

Posts: 980
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The slightly more 'NSFW' Poop version of it made by my friend Umutist is at: - It's hilarious, though!

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*smacks forehead*

I have a topology test to prepare for. Why did I do this?


I blame Psxphile.


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Bravo! Bravo! Encore! XDXD

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well... i wasn't sure about posting my voice since i know what's it like.
here's a warning, my voice is very different from how i am, its too faded and weak and childish  .... anyway here it is

my voice

Posts: 4336
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well... i wasn't sure about posting my voice since i know what's it like.
here's a warning, my voice is very different from how i am, its too faded and weak and childish  .... anyway here it is

my voice


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I want to pet your voice.

...Wait, that sounds weird. >>;

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thanks for the nice comments turtle and ultra sonic .. i have little faith in my voice though so it means a lot thank you so much.
i thought everyone sounded nice btw, turtle you sounded really good and gaston's song was cool ultra..also ghaleon's was really close to the real thing silver.

Posts: 4885
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Ultra, you sir have earned many rounds of applaud and my deep respect, thank you for sharing such masterful wonderpieces with the forum.

Bryan, your accent hiding skills are getting better and the Ghaleon impression was too dang good. I request your Barney, Edgeworth and Karma voices for future posts.

I read that my old Sonic commentaries were doing the rounds, and TTG keeps referencing them (GOLIATH!!!! for instance). This makes me curious to hear my old self from 2/3 years ago, if anyone has the link, could they post it so I can share my voice and indulge in some flagrant narcicism.

Posts: 4336
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Thanks for the compliments Craig! Therefore...

read that my old Sonic commentaries were doing the rounds, and TTG
keeps referencing them (GOLIATH!!!! for instance). This makes me
curious to hear my old self from 2/3 years ago, if anyone has the link,
could they post it so I can share my voice and indulge in some flagrant

...I shall oblige you! :3

Sonic CD Commentary, Part 4! (I've got Sonic 2, Sonic 3, and S&K commentaries on my comp right now...but CD is funnier. Four words: "Tidal Tempest" and "Four cones". )

Posts: 1437
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I am lolling at Craig. "Machine King Icamon" indeed. I have volume 1 of that Sonic X bootleg (I didn't know at the time!) and my friends and I watched it last week for a laugh. 

 I'm too lazy to record a new voice sample. I have a vlog and a podcast! Just check one of those out.
 I think I'll share this video from my Youtube channel "videobloggery," where I do a sort of back-and-forth video thing between myself and my good friend Chris. I have no idea how to embed in yuku, so I guess just click here.

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Craig: That really needed use of the games visuals since it helps more - but you'd probably make some good LP videos if you did any, no doubt though...people seem to like the ol' British accent with games, lol! x3

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That wins like FOREVER.

Will add further impressions and impersonations of mine here in due course. Feel free to suggest things for me to have Edgey et al say :3

ETA: Click this at your own risk :3

Posts: 1656
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craig's voice is cooler then expected. listening to him is totally fun.
as for silver, WOW that was hot and creepy   excellent work.

Posts: 3756
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Well, Rob, you gotta realize this was before the advent of the Let's Play.

On top of the commentaries (which were comic gold mines) I still have the Weekly Mofo News episodes lying around somewhere. Those were fun. I'll have to upload them.

"You people... are being deluded. You're being fed LIES... LIES upon LIES! Why can't you see the truth!?"

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Silvershadow0 wrote:


That wins like FOREVER.

Will add further impressions and impersonations of mine here in due course. Feel free to suggest things for me to have Edgey et al say :3

ETA: Click this at your own risk :3

i'm amused yet horrified at the same time. D:

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For those not in the know, Professor Wetbread is a character from Chip & Walter, a comic strip (now dead) made by Jon Gray (aka WB, the zaniest admin of all time).

The source of the poem.

Enjoy! 😀

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Wow, even I haven't been here long enough to know where that was from, though I've certainly seen it referenced for a long time. I guess that was from the Golden Age.

Does that make me a Silver Age mofoer?

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I don't know. Does late 2002 count as Golden Age?

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Oh, I know those were dated before then - it's just an observation, really...he COULD make a good LP commentary, however, since he does do a good job of having fun and being informative!

Posts: 4885
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If someone feeds me info on an effective way of doing them with my subpar laptop (which lacks a proper videocard), I'd be more than happy to. But every time I attempted to do video LPs the video was either choppy, out of sync audio or just unworkable. I gave up on doing it like that a while ago. I'd love to, so very much, however.

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If I could help, or even make you a guest on my sonic CD Playthrough coming up, dear friend Craig, I would - The world would be floored by a duo English vocal double act such as ours!

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Think you might have room for a third guy? I'd be able to follow along on Skype or something similar.

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Ah, I don't have the ability for guests, sadly...which is why I said if I could - I would! D: 

You guys would be awesome...

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Crimson Darkwolfe wrote:

And in the aweful impressions category?

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XDDDDD Oh god - That right there, Jin, cracked me the heck up...Nicely done!

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I try. =3

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awsome jinsoku, and that solid snake impression was cool but more hib then the real one.. maybe snake's voice when he was younger like on the SNES games.
that was fun make more.

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Well now, look what I found.

Crimmy and ChibiBecca!

...ChibiBecca looks and sounds exactly like I imagined her. Except taller.

Anyhow, I finished uploading Craig Bayfield's Sonic 2 Commentary. Nine parts in total; featuring Donald Duck, sentient land, wanton murder, and Aztec ruins in South Africa. 😀

Posts: 2232
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Oh lordy I remember that vid! I miss Chibs, give her back, Canada!

And Jin, I fear that my mullet was lost in some battle with a redicilous boss. =(

Either way I could listen to Ultra's voice all day actually. This also reminds me I should finish editing through the voice recording I did a couple of years back of Sonic 1, 2, 3 and K in one long, progressively drunker sitting. Ya know, when I can be arsed.

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Well, since people have been doing MGS impressions...

Script whipped up for Vamp and Raiden; some borrowed, some made-up, same spirit. (Though given how late it is, I couldn't get too loud...hence why Raiden sounds less intense and more whiny when shouting. >_>; )

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lordy, we're so out of tune. o_o;;

and i miss you guys too! sadly my only visit to the UK after moving over here was brief and rather unplanned so only got to annoy a few friends.

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:V I'm performing no useful function!

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You said you were going to give us waffles.

I see no waffles.

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I bring you!

More Ghaleon!

Some Edgeworth!

von Karma objects!

von Karma rants about parrots!

No Barney yet. Sorry Craig.

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Officially testing the new webcam.

I'm probably gonna start a new Let's Play Thread.

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