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If we guess it, technically you aren't telling... =P

Posts: 1195
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Am I the only one who finds it cringeworthy that Mario and Sonic are about the same height? I mean, I know Mario's small, but I never pictured him to be midget-sized (last I check, Sonic was still 3'3). Then again, Peace in Melee was freakishly tall compare to the Mario Bros. I'm being too anal...and a killjoy.

Posts: 2398
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I think I saw a clause in the NDA I signed for LotR online that mentioned death. Of course all I told people about it was it was crap. o.o


Posts: 622
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Am I the only one who finds it cringeworthy that Mario and Sonic are about the same height? I mean, I know Mario's small, but I never pictured him to be midget-sized (last I check, Sonic was still 3'3).

All the heights are scaled around, considering all the different art styles and proportions. Look at Melee; technically, Mewtwo's supposed to be like six feet tall, Pikachu a foot, and Kirby only a few inches, but they don't line up that way at all.

Posts: 3468
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Kirby is a few inches?

*having never been one to follow the Kirby series, did not know this*

Posts: 2915
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uuuuh Kirby is supposed to be like 3-4 ft...

Posts: 432
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You guys gave up on shaking Shoe down for the info? You have like, small attention spans. o.o

As for whats currently being discussed... I always pictured Mario and sonic to be the same height. I really do'nt have a basis... but my brain just automatically figured it that way.

and no, Kirby IS NOT just a few inches tall. Sheesh, thats like... mouse height.

Posts: 2915
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noooo... We haven't given up. She just hasn't replied...

Posts: 4607
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Er, yes, he IS a few inches tall. I definitely remember hearing this information elsewhere, and having a hard time believing it myself. Smash Bros. is, of course, nowhere near an accurate representation of peoples' heights - if it were, most characters could probably beat Kirby by stepping on him. 😛

Posts: 432
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...oh. o_o;

Edit: I still do'nt think so, Shadow hog. The source is unknown...

and I like, owned Kirby 64 and there was this little human artist girl who looked 6-8 and she was'nt THAT much taller than kirby. (there, look under "Adeleine")

Posts: 1195
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All the heights are scaled around, considering all the different art styles and proportions. Look at Melee; technically, Mewtwo's supposed to be like six feet tall, Pikachu a foot, and Kirby only a few inches, but they don't line up that way at all.

I'm fully aware of that to add to the comfort of seeing the characters on screen (which is probable reason I'm going with), but I'm sometimes anal over stupid trival matters like this because I'm a weird obsessive-compulsive geek like that. I'm not making it a bigger deal then it should since it is trival, but I'm gonna be giving weird stares whenever I see Mario and Sonic together in one area for a long time. It's just one of those frequent annoying bothers.

Posts: 1446
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Kirby is a small, pink, spherical creature with large red feet, stubby arms and trademark pink cheek-blushes. His body is soft and flexible, allowing him to be flattened. He is said to be 20 centimeters (8 in) tall and his weight is unknown, although several parts of the anime and the Super Smash Bros. series suggest that he is light enough to be carried.

Posts: 419
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You know you want it.

Posts: 1619
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....I just have one word for this.


Posts: 432
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Kirby is a small, pink, spherical creature with large red feet, stubby arms and trademark pink cheek-blushes. His body is soft and flexible, allowing him to be flattened. He is said to be 20 centimeters (8 in) tall and his weight is unknown, although several parts of the anime and the Super Smash Bros. series suggest that he is light enough to be carried.

...hmm...Either Adeleine is extremely short or Nintendos retconning her our of existence. o_o;

There is no way a little girl is around the same height as a 20 centimeter thing. ITS JUST WEIRD.

Posts: 4607
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CT. You are applying logic to a game in which a pink puffball can fly indefinitely, can suck up various objects like a vacuum cleaner, swallow indefinite amounts of them, and, through this, obtain a wide variety of skills that, somehow, he cannot perform otherwise. Please reconsider your approach here.

Posts: 3756
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...hmm...Either Adeleine is extremely short or Nintendos retconning her our of existence. o_o;

There is no way a little girl is around the same height as a 20 centimeter thing. ITS JUST WEIRD.

She is obviously a fairy, and fairies are often very small. *shrug*

EDIT: Nevermind, forgot about the artist.

Posts: 432
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I resent that! She's not a fairy, otherwise she would look like the other fairy in the game,ribbon.
That AND she does'nt exhibit any fairy characteristics. No wings, no silly dress... she wears the stereotypical artists` outfit and she looks like a normal little girl. Nothing about her says "You [censored] fairy."

Posts: 3756
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Jeez, sorry. o.o I didn't read you guy's posts well enough. I thought you were talking about Ribbon.

Posts: 432
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...Oh. I forgive you. HUGS :D *spreads arms*

Posts: 3756
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lmao *squeezed*

Posts: 2610
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Now wait a minute. Aren't the characters in Brawl animated trophies? So wouldn't all the actual heights of the characters not be represented in this? [as usually trophies are not to scale]

Posts: 2417
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What about Bowser to Mario scale on smash bros.

True, even in the mario series (game or otherwise) Bowser's scale to mario changes dramatically but he has never been same size or smaller than mario. (items withstanding)

Also before we leave Kirby, what if there was a lifelike to scale version of him you could buy somewhere. What would he feel like/what would be used? Squishy foam like material? Rubber like schoolyard kickballs? Whatever used inside would have to simulate his actual suggested weight...

Come on, you know you want one of those.

Posts: 322
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Yes, Kirby is 8 inches tall. I first noticed the weird sizes in Melee, but didn't give much more thought to it. Until I saw Sonic in Brawl. XD He's much taller than I thought he would be. I really wanted him to be a small target, since my best character is Pikachu, and I wanted to use the same tactics with Sonic. But poo, oh well.

Technically I guess I wouldn't be giving anything away if you guys guessed. =O For a start, no one has gotten anything right yet. XD The character roster guess was close, though! Hints I give, because I'm itching for people to know this stuff. The returning character was kind of a "wtf" character in Melee, and the new character will also be a "wtf" for Brawl. As for Sonic's level, Nintendo made a dead-on PERFECT choice, and this is not sarcasm I use here. =D And Sonic's music... Well, you could make about five completely wild guesses, get them all right, and then die of shock, like I did. XD

Of course, this is assuming that everything I was told makes it into the final release, like I said before. =O

Posts: 4336
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The returning character is Mr. Game and Watch.

The new character is CAPTAIN OLIMAR.

Posts: 322
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No, and no. ^^ But really good guess on the first one, Ultra!

In Melee, the character prompted a "Who the hell is that!?" From me, anyway.

The new character I was told about is not from a third party, unfortunately. I really doubt my friend would tell me something that groundbreaking. XD

Posts: 4607
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Clearly, the returning character is Marth. I mean, seriously - "who the hell is that?" is the first thing a Western player would probably think, at least back in 2001.

New character? An awful lot of choices, there... Maybe a Golden Sun character? I've never played the series, but it seems pretty popular - and seeing as it's a Nintendo franchise AFAIK, it's a pretty obvious choice. If this line of thinking is correct, then it's probably either Isaac or Felix, seeing as they were the playable protagonists of the two titles.

Sonic stage... Green Hill's too obvious. I'm guessing Emerald Hill.

Posts: 322
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YES! Marth! And your reasoning couldn't be more true. XD

Not Golden Sun. =O Far from it. It's an obvious kind of thing. I doubt the exact character will be guessed, but the universe it comes from would induce groans and jubilations at the same time. XD

And for Sonic's stage...Didn't your teacher ever tell you not to change your answers after you already wrote them down? =) The first hunch, the obvious, the can't-go-wrong, the PERFECT STAGE...Nintendo did it, and they did it right. It will be Biblical.

Posts: 2016
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but the universe it comes from would induce groans and jubilations at the same time.

Then there's no choice left but Phoenix Wright!

Posts: 620
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YES! Marth!

Wait, is that "YES" as in "Yes, you guessed right, he is in the game?" yes? Or "YES, THAT MADE ME SAY WTF" yes?

Posts: 322
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It's a "you guessed right" yes. X3 Goodness.

And no, it isn't Phoenix Wright, though that would be truly awesome. Why would PW induce groans, anyway? I don't know a soul who actively doesn't like PW.

Posts: 4607
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Is it a new Pokmon character? That's the one franchise I can think of that would gain that response: some would be jubilant, while some would most assuredly groan. Pretty much every other franchise I can think of rarely ever warrants groaning.

If this is true, I'm guessing Lucario.

Or maybe it's Hamtaro? Hamtaro was a Nintendo franchise, wasn't it?

Posts: 2016
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Groans because of horrible moveset?

Posts: 2809
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Is the groan inducing character Shadow or is this from a different franchise that has not been shown, yet. I also could think of Tingle since he seems like he's pretty hated yet like by a few. I've never played a Zelda game so I wouldn't personally know though.

Posts: 322
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HOLY BALLS, Shadow Hog, you're good! Hit the nail on the flippin' head with Lucario. I salute you.

I'm waiting for someone to pinpoint Sonic's level and music. o.o

Posts: 1446
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Green Hill Zone and Green Hill music? =D

Posts: 2232
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Green Hill Zone and Grange Hill music? :crazy :

Posts: 4336
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Stardust Speedway? With Japanese soundtrack? And a time travelling stage?

Posts: 4607
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Green Hill Zone and Green Acres music.

Posts: 2234
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Not Golden Sun. =O Far from it. It's an obvious kind of thing. I doubt the exact character will be guessed, but the universe it comes from would induce groans and jubilations at the same time. XD

You've just killed a little part of my soul.

Posts: 2016
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Posts: 2398
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The poketard in me is wet with anticipation, and blood from the rest of me beating my head against a concrete block.


Posts: 322
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Green Hill Zone

And the community bursts into flowers. =D Yes! Nintendo forever has my honor and respect for making this stage choice. From what I've been told, it probably looks a lot like the little extra stage in Sonic Adventure 2, minus the scrolling.

For the music, as far as I know, it's not the original Green Hill Zone music, but it's still very possible. All the tracks I was given are much more modern than the Genesis days. The music dates from Sonic CD all the way to almost present times. Seemingly irrelevant theme songs from all kinds of Sonic games made their way in. o_o And I couldn't be happier.

Posts: 1758
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You shouldn't be doing this IMO. None of you repeat this around the net.

Posts: 4607
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"You Can Do Anything" confirmed, obviously.

Nothing like brawling with "TOOT TOOT SONIC WARRIOR" being blared in the background.

Posts: 3756
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So is it a medley of several popular Sonic tunes or does it cycle with playthrus?

Posts: 322
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You shouldn't be doing this IMO. None of you repeat this around the net.

I know. >_> You couldn't be more right.


I found out last night that my friend is no longer working under Nintendo. o_O

As far as I know, it's different tracks, and not a medley.

Posts: 2915
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*swats Vec*

Quiet. Truth be told, we don't know if Shoe is telling us the truth or not (I'm doubting you or anything, just stating the obvious).

Posts: 322
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I am telling the truth. ;___; I don't lie online or IRL. But I understand if you're a doubter, because Brawl is some serious stuff, and I'm just a commoner who knows someone in the biz. Or who was in the biz until yesterday, anyway.

If anything turns out to be wrong, then it's because what I was told didn't make it into the final version.

Posts: 2915
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I'm actually not doubting you... I'm just countering Vec. Had you provided screen shots, videos... something physical, I could see cause for concern.

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