I already sent it in to be fixed, but they said it would take 2 to 4 weeks. Of course, this puts my hack on hold until my laptop gets fixed. At least I released the latest build over at "you know where" so you can "you know what."
Got any suggestions on what to do in the meantime while I wait?
Catch up on any games that are languishing in your room. Use this time for a marathon run!
Got any suggestions on what to do in the meantime while I wait?
Work and buy another laptop?
Learn to throw your voice! Fool your friends! Fun at parties!
Listen to the Sonic Colors OST if you haven't already. It's bomb-diggity.
My laptop has been back and forth from Dell repairs for the last month really. I think it's laptop breakage season 🙁
What did they say was wrong with it?