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What are you listening to at the moment 😀

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And I like the Oz. -_o

Now I'm listening to In Flames, and there song: "Dawn of a New Day".

Posts: 429
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Luke, don't bypass the swear filter like that.
I wasn't aware I was. A mod (HSW I think it was) told me in the chat that, for example, "sh*t" or "s**t" is okay, an "$hit" is not.

And Wes knows I'm kidding, since we pretty much hate each other's taste of music. I think Radiohead are boringly angsty and The Cure are crappy goth garbage, but it wouldn't be nice to say that, so I won't.

I listen to music I like, not music Something Awful approves of or disapproves of. 🙂

And I usually hate ROck-Rap.
The only rap-rock band I like is RAtM, and they occasionally get annoying. And Saliva is unlistenable, especially that "Click Click Boom" song I hear all the time for movie trailors. 🙁

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Rush ~ 30 Years Strong (Nashville 04) ~ La Villa Strangiato

"I'm sorry about all those aeroplanes!!!"

I love it :D

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Iron Maiden- The Evil that Men Do

Gah, my roommate's listening to Emo really loudly right now and I want to strangle him with an extension cord.
Seriously, we should put all the emo musicians on a rocket and launch 'em into the sun. The next step is all the little emo wanks.

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POD's "School of Hardknocks"

EDIT: Note, I thought when I was commenting on Linkin Park I was commenting on Limp Biskit - the band I seriousily despise. I borrowed a friend, who also likes Park. I listened to them to see if they were who I thoguht they were and I stand corrected. The band itself doesn't stand all that bad and stand corrected. I think the bands okay, not terrible - not the best.


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"Dancing With Myself" ~ Billy Idol

I think I should let everyone know that I don't think there are good bands. There are only good songs, and I say this because even bands who produce music I absolutely hate come out with a good song every once in a while, and bands who produce music I do like come out with crap quite a bit. So that's if you like a band, chances are I hate it. 🙁

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Ah, Wes, but you must love Iron Maiden. Or I'll shoot you. Just 'cause I'm (an e)l337(ist) that way.

emo musicians

And I'm listening to Fresh Prince, booiiis. Best show ever.

Posts: 1367
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emo musicians
Geo's right, that's a major oxymoron.

Ah, Wes, but you must love Iron Maiden. Or I'll shoot you. Just 'cause I'm (an e)l337(ist) that way.
Yes, Maiden usually doth rocketh. But there have been a few songs by them I haven't liked.

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Linkin Park 's "Numb" - THis song is very good, I personally think its a good song. The lyrics also make me feel the song and in such I say it again. I stand corrected.

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Metallica - The Frayed Ends of Sanity

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T.M Revolution ~ METEOR

Yet another Gundam SEED related song, because I'm unhealthily obsessed. This one just plain rocks, because of the way it was used in the anime. They played it on three occasions, the final battle in the Strike Gundam, the first appearance of Freedom, blasting in from the heavens and clearing a battlefield like it was nothing, and then when Freedom and Justice lock into their METEOR packs and go to kick tail.

It just gives that sense of acended godliness and awe, which the character displayed whenever the song was used. I love listening to it ^-^

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Recently got a few new tunes...well old ones actually, but new to me^^

Talk Talk ~ It's My Life
Paul Hardcastle ~ 19
Phillip Okey and Gorgio Moroder ~ Together in Electric Dreams

and best of all:

It Bites ~ Calling all the Heroes


Posts: 1334
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I'd have to say I'd never heard of those bands your'e listening to there, Wraith. Though at the momment I'm listening to Slipknot and their song "Duality"

Posts: 1367
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Oh dear Mike. I hope it doesn't make you want to cut up babies and murder animals or whatever those dolts "sing" about.

Currently, I'm listening to Linkin Park's "Hybrid Theory" album, to hear what all the buzz is about. It's not a fun experience.

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I stand corrected.

Damn right!
I'm listening to that song now, actually.

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Here we go, I'm listening to something tolerable now. "Do It For The Kids" by Velvet Revolver.

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Seriously, we should put all the emo musicians on a rocket and launch 'em into the sun. The next step is all the little emo wanks.

Erm...i like Iron Maiden and Emo music. I don't particually enjoy being called a "wank" thank you very much. I love Jimmy Eat World etc as much as i do old school metal.

I wouldn't normally comment on this as i let most of it go by but that's a little uncalled for man.

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Jimmy Eat World isn't emo. They're pop-rock.

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Come On Closer(which I just changed to Wish I) - Jem ~_^

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The Corrs - Runaway
Roxette - Fading Like a Flower
And random extracts from Avenue Q

It's that sort of day/week/month/year/life... :-/

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Some song from Instant Star. *shrugs*

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Okay cut the insults guys, some people here besides me don't have a backbone and stuff. And I think SLipknot is rather good for one thing, and have you lsitened to Slipknot to even have the nerve to comment on them? Eh?

Though at the momment I am listening too..... Black Sabbath -- "Iron Man"

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Why, yes. Yes I have. I've listened to all three of their mainstream EPs as recommended by some friends. They're repititive, lack talent on their instruments, and have some of the worst lyrics it has been my misfortune to read and have screamed at me. However, I will say that their newest effort, Part III: The Subliminal Verses, is their best effort to date, and shows much signs of improvement over the likes of Slipknot and Iowa. And no, I have not heard their Mate, Feed, Kill, Repeat LP, nor do I plan to.

See, I actually listen to things before I say they're completely terrible. I'm a very thorough music critic, I judge on all levels, which include instrumental skill, variety, and lyrical work. But I promised Hyper Sonic Warrior and a few others that I'd cut down on the music bashing, and since I don't want to be a bothersome little pest, I will.

Oh yeah. Currently it's "More Than A Feeling" by Boston.

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Everyone has different tastes. ^^

Now I'm listening to.... Kraftwerk and their song "Showroom Dummies"

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Yes, yes they do. I just plan on being a professional critic so I'm trying to get all the practice I can. 😀

Right now, "Slither" by Velvet Revolver.

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"Moskau" By Rammstein

...for the past five days.

Posts: 1334
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Ah, good ole Rammstein. Great choice CD. Currently I'm listening to "Layla" by the Great Eric Clapton.

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"Don't chain my heart" ~ Toto

It's the only song I really enjoy from their Kingdom of Desire album, it's not a bad album, it's just that there aren't any memorable songs on it. And all the vocals are done by Steve Lukather, and I've always like the varied vocals on Toto's albums...

Oh well, this is a good song regardless. n.N

Posts: 1334
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Now its "Autobahn" by Kraftwerk.

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"Man Who Sold The World" ~ David Bowie

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Just dug out Feedback by Rush and giving that a run or 10. Nothing more cool than listening to 60's songs performed by your favourite band. Seeker and Crossroads are getting played to death ^_^

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Fall To Pieces - Avril Lavigne

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Right now, "Slither" by Velvet Revolver.


I'm currently listening to *ahem* Sailor Moon Theme Tune, MGS2 theme tune, Happry Tree Firnds theme tune and Amarillo

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heh- One Peice theme tune again.

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right now im listenin to Biggies last tightass album "Born Again" on the 1st track..


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Right this minute, "Just Like Heaven" by The Cure.

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Jimmy Eat World isn't emo. They're pop-rock.

Well the way I see it - Emo means emotional. JEW creates music that is emotional to me (re: Your House, 23, Cautioners etc). Therefore I see it as Emo, though in a sense that's not stritctly true either seeing as they're not fond of the tag anyway. All these genres and sub-genres is banal to the point of pointlessness. JEW is plain rock to me, as is the genre of many other music. Grunge? Sludgecore? whatever? i just bung them into rock seeing as that's what the people are out to do: to rock.

The holier-than-thou comments on peoples taste's is rather tiresome to be honest by now. Sure I think most music is crap, but i kinda explain why as to why i don't like it. One man's crap is another man's treasure so they say.

Anyway - in my mind "E-Pro" by Beck.

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I've been explaining why I don't like it.

I also said I'd stop critiquing, in case you can't read.

And your meaning of emo is flawed.

"Master of the Puppets" by Metallica.

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Just finished Switchfoot's Beautiful Letdown album, and I'm switching over to my Chevelle playlist.

And Jimmy Eat World is emo. :3

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Bring The Noise// Public Enemy

Highlights of this rap are the "Soap on a rope" lines and Flavor Flav yelling "YO THEY THINK WE TOO BLACK FOR DIS MAN!"

Posts: 5035
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It's A Dog - Kyle Massey. lol

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<i>And Jimmy Eat World is emo. :3</i>

Wrong answer. YOU'RE OFF THE CASE.


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Fall To Pieces - Avril Lavigne

Please tell me that one of my favorite Patsy Cline songs ever has not been remade.

Me: "Dreams" Aerosmith

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Jimi Hendrix's "Purple Haze" and "Voodoo Child" least at the momment.

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Often acoustic guitar with soft, high male vocals that dwell exessively on the singer's feelings, especially melancholy remembrances of past relationships/mistakes in life.

Refer to "Your House" by Jimmy Eat World.

Anyhoo - Vex Red: "Dermo"

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East West's Hope in Anguish album.

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Nah- Locked Up-Akon

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I'll download some Jimmy Eat World to see what theyr'e like later.

Anywhoo, I'm listening to Spineshank's "Perfect Ending" at this momment.

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I'm Like A Bird - Nelly Furtado. Oops well now They - Jem.

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Goldfinger's Disconnection Notice album, currently on its title track "My Everything."

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