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What are you listening to at the moment 😀

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Cold's "The Day Seattle Died" - Its a good song but these guys sound excactly like Creed and Nickelback. oO

Almost all of these post-grunge bands sound the same. Then again, all grunge bands sounded the same, too.

"I Don't Want to Change the World (live)" ~ Ozzy Osbourne

Posts: 1334
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Rainbow -- "Since You've Been Gone"

Don't be fooled by the band's name, they are perfectly straight. XP

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Cold's "The Day Seattle Died" - Its a good song but these guys sound excactly like Creed and Nickelback. oO
That song was a tribute to Kurt Cobain.
*is such a nerd*

Almost all of these post-grunge bands sound the same.
So true... although I DO like Cold.

Seriously, if you start a band just because you're horny for Kurt/Nirvana, create your own sound. Nirvana did, it was inspired by '70s pop and '80s alternative/punk. And Kurt hated all the bands that cashed in on the "grunge" sound.

We need less Nirvana "tribute" *coughnickelbackcoughcreed* bands. Seriously.

Then again, all grunge bands sounded the same, too.
Not really, no.

Posts: 1367
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Not really, no.

Yes, really. It's almost impossible to tell Pearl Jam apart from the Stone Temple Pilots. Just an example.

Oh, listening to? Uh... silence?

Posts: 1334
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That song was a tribute to Kurt Cobain.

Really? Wow, funny how I never listened to Nirvana. And by some peoples words I'm glad I didn't. No offense or anything.


We need less Nirvana "tribute" *coughnickelbackcoughcreed* bands. Seriously.

As Nickelback and Creed are two of my favorite bands out of who know how many I have - I have to say they aren't Nirvana/Kurt Kobain tributes. Creed sang about the city of Zion (God's Realm)in "Higher" I believe. And then theres Nickelback which don't even have a touch of Nirvana.

Now I have borrowed a friend across the streets - who likes Nirvana and I have to say in my opinion they suck. Majorily. Nothing aganist Mr. Cobain or anything but I just don't like the band and I woudl prefer Cold, Nickelback, or Creed to this....stuff I'm listening to.

I apoligize if you take offense.

And I'm listening to aganist my better judgement Nirvana - THeir song, "Smells like Teen Spirit"

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I was going to point out that Creed and Nickelback sound no way like Nirvana. Sure, they may have pulled some of the grunge elements, but Creed was more of a Christian band Nickelback started out as a very hick-type band and modernized as the times changed.

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Well,currently I can say I listen to the Megaremix of Deep Dish - Say Hello & DJ Quicksilver - Planet love

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Don't we have this topic already in MFC2? Or something remarkably like it.

Posts: 763
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Don't we have this topic already in MFC2? Or something remarkably like it.

Yes, Harley. But all the posts were wiped out, and this topic was formed during the time we were forced to use MF0.

And will this topic be moved to MFC2?

Posts: 429
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Now I have borrowed a friend across the streets - who likes Nirvana and I have to say in my opinion they suck. Majorily. Nothing aganist Mr. Cobain or anything but I just don't like the band and I woudl prefer Cold, Nickelback, or Creed to this....stuff I'm listening to.

Your opinion... but remember that Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and Alice in Chains breastfed Creed and Nickelback into the mullet-toting musicians that they are today. It's kind of like saying "I hate '80s punk" while going and listening to emo.

Your roots, man. You gotta stick you your roots.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

80s punk and emo sound very very different.

Also Alice in Chains was around before grunge and are classified as a metal band.

And right now I'm listening to the television.

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Don't Know Why - Norah Jones

Posts: 1334
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Your opinion... but remember that Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and Alice in Chains breastfed Creed and Nickelback into the mullet-toting musicians that they are today. It's kind of like saying "I hate '80s punk" while going and listening to emo.

Breastfed? Bah. And Alice in Chains are related to Creed, and Nickelback how?

Alice in Chains were pure HEAVY METAL.

And I agree with Wes, Emo (depending on Metal or Rock Emo) sounds very different then '80s Punk. >>
Maybe you should listen to some more music, bro.

ANd to go back on TOPIC I am listening to.... "Siholeuttes" by Smile Empty Soul

Posts: 429
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Breastfed? Bah.
Um, there's a reason Cold, Nickelback and Creed are called post-grunge. Emphasis on the grunge there. Like it or not, these bands were inspired by Nirvana and other early '90s grunge bands.

Alice in Chains were pure HEAVY METAL.
Grunge = influences from punk, metal and alternative rock. Alice in Chains is grunge. At least Dirt is.

Maybe you should listen to some more music, bro.
Smile Empty Soul? Buddy, I listen to more than grunge. I find it humorous that you ridicule my musical tastes when all you seem to listen to is post-grunge (which you seem to refer to as "OMG ITS NOT GRUNGE ITS METAL").

Wes, emo is a form of punk... A bastardized version maybe, but still a subgenre.

Posts: 276
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Now Luke, I agree with you in most respects, and I'm not saying that you said this, but Nirvan didn't invent grunge. They made it popular. They were one of the first grunge bands to actually be recognized. Still one of the greatest bands on earth though.

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but Nirvan didn't invent grunge. They made it popular.
I know. Pearl Jam and Soundgarden were first, although not too long before. Nirvana's Bleach came out in 1991, two months after Pearl Jam's One.

I'm not saying Nirvana invented grunge, but they were there early and made it popular.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Now, you have gone and insulted me personally and I have gone being nice. No more nice. Have you actually lsitened to the god-forsaken Nirvana? Kurt Cobain cannot sing even if his life depended on it, he cannot play guitar, and the drums are god awful. This is what I qualify as NOISE.
And as I've said, Alice in Chains are pure Metal - and I don't care what you say on that matter.


Smile Empty Soul? Buddy, I listen to more than grunge. I find it humorous that you ridicule my musical tastes when all you seem to listen to is post-grunge (which you seem to refer to as "OMG ITS NOT GRUNGE ITS METAL").

Smile Empty Soul is NOT grunge, you annyoing welp. Smile Empty Soul is ALternative Metal - know what it is before you call something it is NOT.

And now here you are challenging my musical tastes, now listen here - buddy. I lsiten from Pop, Classic Rock, Metal, Emo, Punk, Soundtracks, Jazz, Indie, and various other genres so before you say I listen to a certain musicial genre you better do your damn research first.

Mike, out.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Okay okay calm down, kiddies. It's just music. I'll have you know that I hate the bands that both of you like, so nyarr.

"Are We The Waiting" ~ Green Day

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Hold the Line-Toto

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Now, you have gone and insulted me personally and I have gone being nice. No more nice.
How have I insulted you?

Have you actually lsitened to the god-forsaken Nirvana?
Actually, I have. Imagine me liking a band I listen to! Gosh!

Kurt Cobain cannot sing even if his life depended on it, he cannot play guitar, and the drums are god awful. This is what I qualify as NOISE.

And as I've said, Alice in Chains are pure Metal - and I don't care what you say on that matter.
mm yeah ok d00d.

Smile Empty Soul is NOT grunge, you annyoing welp.
b. Post-grunge IS alt-metal, dunce! What the f**k have I been talking about in the last posts I've made? Pay attention, goddammit! =P

you better do your damn research first.
Someone's a little full of themselves...

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Argueing isnt cool unelss you have shivs =(
All in all, Mike, mellow the f**k out. Luke is mearly not presenting his opinion in the most flowers-and-chocolate way possible.
And... hell if I knwo what Alcie in Chains is, they dont sound grune, but I do like them. Dirt was pretty good... Didnt sound grunge to me. All in all, there's too many damned genres.
No need losing your cool on the damned internet over a kid that can afford a damned awesome bass but can barely play it.
(What is this? Karma? WHY DO I HAVE THE SHORTSCALE WALMART PIECE OF-... nevermind =(. Keep praciting, Luke, you'll make it to comedy clubs some day.)

And Kurt Cobain can't really sing.

I'm listening to the Queen Discography. Yay.

Posts: 1334
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Yeah, I know Geo but when I stop acting "nice" as I put it or losing my cool as you put it when I get ticked. I get irritated myself not easily. Hell, sometimes you bug me - but you know that. I'm going to get off this issue because this kid will never realize that Nirvana itself wasn't a good band at any odds.

Now to get back on topic.

Right now I am listening to, "In Memmory" by Shinedown a Alt. Rock band.

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Whole New World (Orchestral) - Phantasy Star Online

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Headspace - Velvet Revolver
Slither - Velvet Revolver
Fall to pieces - Velvet Revolver

Posts: 429
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I'm going to get off this issue because this kid will never realize that Nirvana itself wasn't a good band at any odds.
Buddy, you're only a year older than me. =P

Anyways... I'm listening to "New York City" by Interpol, an alternative rock band lol. and dont call it any other genre or else or i will rip your head off LOLZ.

Posts: 763
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*contributes to the arguement in a way which'll only insult his family >>*
My Dad and Uncle like Nirvana, and my Dad's 49 and my uncle's friggin' 52. It's not for kid's >>

Anyway, I'm listening to NIN's Downward Spiral album.

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Taste in music or taste in anything is completely up to the person and is one of the most foolish and pretentious things to argue about. The only reason people would argue is to get a point across to one another.

We have now all learned these following points:

  • Luke likes Nirvana and Mike does not.
  • I feel enriched.

    No more messing up this topic, please.

    Posts: 1134
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    Acrio wins.

    I'm not listening to anything right now (late and night and people are probably trying to sleep or something), but random bits of System of a Down's self-titled album keep popping in and out of my head. I've just been to see a bunch of local bands play, though.

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    I don't know why Mike got angry at me. I just said Nickelback and Creed are grunge backwash and he gets all defensive. He then tries to prove me wrong by stating Nirvana sucks, like it's a fact. o.o

    I don't know why I deal with people like you, Mike.


    Right now I'm listening to the commentary for Teminator 2.

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    Stop flame baiting.... >.o

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    Listening to Spineshank, the song "Forgotten"

    Ah, good ole Alt. Metal.

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    Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon.

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    "Living Dead Girl" by Rob Zombie

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    Team Chaotix Theme, "Team Chaotix"

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    Oh my lands, two music topics. =P

    Currently, System of a Down's Mexmerize album.

    Posts: 5035
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    Styx, their song "Renagade"

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    "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" - The Beatles

    Trippy song. o.o

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    "The Letter" by The Boxtops

    Classic. Though the guys vocie is kinda raspy. =P

    Posts: 49
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    AFI - Sing the Sorrow

    I'm just in that kind of mood tonight.

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    K.K. Western - K.K. Slider (From Animal Crossing)

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    NIN ~ Reptile

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    1). Slayer - Soundtrack to the Apocalypse (Disc Two)
    2). Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast
    3). DragonForce - Sonic Firestorm
    4). Opeth - Deliverance
    5). Slayer - Soundtrack to the Apocalypse (Disc One)

    It just changed from disc one to disc two, so I'm listening to Iron Maiden - Invaders.

    Posts: 763
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    "1). Slayer - Soundtrack to the Apocalypse (Disc Two)
    2). Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast"

    I love you
    Please take one of my children to express my love to you

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    I'm listening to "Helena" by My Chemical Romance

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    Apple Eyes - Swoop

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    "Shout at the Devil" ~ Motley Crue

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    NIN - Heresy
    NIN - Closer

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    Combination of CDs is the same as before. This time, the track is Mandatory Suicide by Slayer.

    Posts: 160
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    Westworld - Cyberdreamer. A Tony Harnell spin-off group.

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