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What do you carry in your pockets?

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The title pretty much says it: "What do you carry in your pockets?"  You can just say what you have in your pockets the instant you are posting, explain what you have in your pockets at any given point in the day or week, but please no cop-outs like "I don't have pockets 'cause I'm naked" - if you are posting sans pockets, you can just post what you would have in your pockets if you had them.

Most any pocket is okay - pockets in the front of your shirt, inside of your jacket, sides, front, and back of your pants, pretty much any pocket.  If you regularly don't have pockets, a handbag or backpack's contents would work fine, just make sure it's something you carry on a regular basis.  Your typical loadout, as it were, assuming nothing special was going on during the day that would require you to carry anything extra.

EDIT: Hah, nearly forgot to include what I have in my pockets on a regular basis.  I usually carry my wallet, at least one set of keys (I often carry two sets so that even if I lock myself out of the house or car, I have another set as backup), my cheap cell phone, and my Pokewalker ever since I got HeartGold.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

I have 30 Pence - my change from some chips and a coffee earlier...

usually my jacket holds my Phone, Wallet and perhaps a pen/paper if it's needed - and that, uh, is all I remember!

Posts: 43
Trusted Member

It depends on what I'm whether I'm at work or in regular clothes.

Regular clothes normally includes jeans or khakis. In women's jeans, that means TINY TINY POCKETS with LITTLE TO NO SPACE FOR STUFF. My tiny flip-phone from 2007 is lucky to fit on a good day. Sometimes you'll find receipts or wrappers shoved into the tiny corners. Oh, and jewelry I didn't have time to put on before rushing out the door XD Jewelry includes wedding band, right-hand ring(s), earrings, and possibly a bracelet.

My work clothes have a pocket on the front of my shirt and two big pockets on my sweater. The latter are my Pockets of Holding. They are my life and soul. I'll usually have my phone in there, my walkie-talkie if I'm on break (otherwise it's on my belt), receipt paper and/or paper towel, a roll of small garbage bags, any drawings/doodles I made while bored, at least two pens and possibly a highlighter if I'm scatterbrained enough to take it from the host stand. If I'm particularly scatterbrained, maybe even some chalk. Or ice.

My front shirt pocket holds any remaining pens and my jewelry if I forgot to put it on. And my nametag if I forgot to put it on.

You think that's a lot? You should see my purse XD And I don't even have one of those gigantic bags you can fit small children in!


Posts: 2097
Noble Member

I have a nice routine with my pockets. In the left:

-MP3 player

In my right goes:
-Handkerchief (if I have a cold)

Keys go in first, wallet on top of them, then my phone so my keys can't scratch it. If I'm wearing a coat/jacket and jeans with small pockets, I'll put my wallet/keys in my coat. Simple yes?

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

I always have my car keys. Always. In my right pocket, I always have a bruise on my leg where they sit. My car is my baby.

When I'm not working and I'm out the house I have my phone as well in my left pocket because I don't get much use out of it.

When at work I have a cutter in my right pocket with my keys just because I'm right handed so it's easier. Also I have a pen pocket so I have a ballpoint and a marker in there. If I'm doing a lot of merchandising I'll also have a set of keys for the shelving cupboard. Basically everything goes in the right pocket cause I'm so clumbsy with my left hand it'll take like twice the time to get it out the other. Often at work the left pocket is resigned to holding the hundreds of old price tickets I took off the shelf to replace when I change the staff info that's slyly hidden in the mass of numbers at the bottom. Nothing else because my job is so busy throughout the year that I don't get time to even take a quick breather, even on the quietest days. So no boredom doodling for me.

The only jewellry I wear consistently is my engagement ring that I never take off anyway so I don't need to store that anywhere.

Everything else goes in my small bag. I wouldn't exactly say teeny tiny because it's not one of those that looks like a pencil case with a strap, but it's pretty small. I'm suprised the seams ain't split.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

I should have a satchel for all my stuff...

Typically my wallet in my back right pocket (Cash, Cash cards, Drivers License, Insurance card, a half dozen membership cards, eagle scout card, and usually about 10 receipts.

Front right pocket is reserved for my keys (I have 12 keys, 2 pocket knifes, a microsd usb reader, and 2 gas station point cards), a pen or two, and an inhaler.

Front left pocket is for kleenex, my usb flash drive, my cell phone, and either my iPod or my DSi.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Normally, I have my wallet in my right back pocket and my change purse, the squeeze open type, finger nail clips, and eyeglass cloth to clean my glasses off if I need to in my front right pocket, and most of my pants have a special pocket for my cell phone. I don't need pockets for my keys as I have a clip that hooks to my belt loops far easier to carry. I carry a Walkman radio clipped to my pants Monday-Friday, and if I know my battery will die before the day ends I'll have a battery in my left front pocket.

Posts: 252
Reputable Member

Keys and pens on my left.

Phone and change on my right.

Wallet back left.

Receipts back right.

Simple 'nough.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Right now, just my wallet. But at my peak and my prime, I have wallet in my right, keys in my life, iPod in my breast pocket and sometimes a DS or PSP if the mood calls for it. There's a reason my preference in coats is "how many pockets and how secure are they?"

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

right: cellphone, money, gum, tiny mirror/comb and hairpin.
left: notepad, 2 alcohol swaps (i'm a germ phobe sometimes) and a tissue.

oddly enough it doesnt show i'm carrying that much in my pockets XD

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

The idea of carrying anything of value in a back pocket makes me cringe because my parents have pretty much ingrained it into me to never do so 😀 The idea of a purse or wallet being kept in a back pocket is even worse.

I dunno maybe it's something to do with being raised in a pretty rough area where theft was fairly common so my parents (and by extention me and my sister) are hyper sensitive about it, but i never ever put anything in a back pocket.

Posts: 5772
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Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Pretty much the only thing I ever have in my pocket is my wallet, which is attached to my house key via a keyfob. 90% of the time when I go out I don't even bother to take my mobile phone with me, let alone enything else.

Where I carry that wallet depends on what I'm wearing at the time. If it's my smart leather jacket, it's in the inside pocket. Casual sports jacket, one of the lower outside pockets which have zips on (to avoid it falling out/being stolen). And on the few occasions I don't wear any jacket, I usually put on pants or shorts with a zip pocket on the thigh and stick it in there, or my sleeveless bodywarmer which has about 16 pockets all over it and use one of the zip ones on that.

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

Usually just my keys which hang on a little fabric necklace (like they use for the Olympic medals) and occasionally my wallet if said occasion might involve money.

My DS is there if I feel I'll have a lot of time to burn but I don't bring it EVERYWHERE since I usually don't have time to accomplish much wherever I'm going and I don't want to risk it getting lost. Plus kids always want to borrow it and whenever they do they inevitably touch the screen and leave their sticky, disgusting fingerprints on it. They have styluses for a reason, you know... But I have a DS-and-Game holder so I don't carry it in my pockets much anyway.

I also carry hand sanitizer sometimes just because you never know what kind of germs you might encounter.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

The idea of carrying anything of value in a back pocket makes me cringe because my parents have pretty much ingrained it into me to never do so The idea of a purse or wallet being kept in a back pocket is even worse.

I dunno maybe it's something to do with being raised in a pretty rough area where theft was fairly common so my parents (and by extention me and my sister) are hyper sensitive about it, but i never ever put anything in a back pocket.

i really thought you'd reason "stuff in the back pocket make the butt look big" cause i know lots of girls hate carrying stuff in their pockets for this reason.

and CT that's cool at sanitizer but i really didnt feel as clean with it as using alcohol swaps, i'm worried about germs too.

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

Tempted though I am to answer "my preciousssssss" and start adding strings of esses to the end of most words, I have to say handkerchief, house keys and mobile phone (this includes dressing gown pockets as I am paranoid of being anywhere without the means to a) call for help or b) get out of my own house). If I'm going out, MP3 player. Wore my winter coat for the first time this season and found a pound in it - "free" large tea ftw

Women's pockets are not large enough, hence the need for a handbag to carry spare pens, body spray, wallet, paracetamol, bus timetables, mints, lip balm, nail clippers, comb and god knows what else.


Posts: 149
Estimable Member

My typical loadout is:

Right pocket: wallet and loose change (when I buy stuff, I never put change back in my wallet right away) when I also have money that isn't mine. 
Left pocket: keys, loose change (with the aforementioned exception), and money that isn't mine (don't want to get them mixed up you know?)

I tend to stash any other items I happen to be carrying (garage door opener, knife, whatever) in my left for no apparent reason. I think it's a balancing thing; my wallet takes up most of my right pocket and I rarely carry anything else of signficant size.

For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

Just my wallet and cellphone. And a knife.


So I can cut you.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

The idea of carrying anything of value in a back pocket makes me cringe because my parents have pretty much ingrained it into me to never do so The idea of a purse or wallet being kept in a back pocket is even worse.

I dunno maybe it's something to do with being raised in a pretty rough area where theft was fairly common so my parents (and by extention me and my sister) are hyper sensitive about it, but i never ever put anything in a back pocket.

i really thought you'd reason "stuff in the back pocket make the butt look big" cause i know lots of girls hate carrying stuff in their pockets for this reason. 

I don't use back pockets because if I sit on something I'd break it. And by that I don't mean a weight issue, I mean simply that if anyone puts anything in a back pocket, they're invariably gonna sit on it.

Seriously, why do clothing companies put pockets there at all? They're unusable.

Posts: 1982
Noble Member

But what if it was the kind of thing that doesn't break?

Like a wallet, for instance? It'd be something like sitting on a brick but you wouldn't break it.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Pennies/quarters embedded in backside! Ow! 

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

i dont know, i sit on my cellphone and glasses by accident all the time and i never broke them. and i think its attractive to have pockets in the back even if i never use them.

Posts: 149
Estimable Member

It'd be something like sitting on a brick but you wouldn't break it.

Man, who wants to sit on a brick? That's why we invented chairs. I don't get how someone could stand sitting on keys, wallets, cellphones, whatever you've got in there. Maybe miniature pillows, but... hey...

For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

Folded pieces of paper and hankerchiefs can work. 😛

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

The idea of carrying anything of value in a back pocket makes me cringe because my parents have pretty much ingrained it into me to never do so The idea of a purse or wallet being kept in a back pocket is even worse.

I dunno maybe it's something to do with being raised in a pretty rough area where theft was fairly common so my parents (and by extention me and my sister) are hyper sensitive about it, but i never ever put anything in a back pocket.

i really thought you'd reason "stuff in the back pocket make the butt look big" cause i know lots of girls hate carrying stuff in their pockets for this reason.

No no it's because of the theft risk. No way am I going to make my credit, debit, driving license or NI cards a easy target. Or my work discount or implanon reminder or blood donor card or nectar card or train pass or...

I couldn't give a hoot about my arse. If you knew me you'd know I'm a walking fashion disaster who couldn't give a hoot how my clothes look. I have never ever been particularly feminine.
I didn't really think about it but it making sitting uncomfortable is a pretty good point too. The only times I ever remember putting things in my back pockets it was stuff like tissues or work assigned gloves. My purse is pretty big so it won't fit anyway even if I was bonkers enough to try and put it in there.
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

My psp, my wallet, an mp3 player, and some keys. I refuse to be bored!(or locked out of my house)

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

No no it's because of the theft risk. No way am I going to make my credit, debit, driving license or NI cards a easy target. Or my work discount or implanon reminder or blood donor card or nectar card or train pass or...

I couldn't give a hoot about my arse. If you knew me you'd know I'm a walking fashion disaster who couldn't give a hoot how my clothes look. I have never ever been particularly feminine.
I didn't really think about it but it making sitting uncomfortable is a pretty good point too. The only times I ever remember putting things in my back pockets it was stuff like tissues or work assigned gloves. My purse is pretty big so it won't fit anyway even if I was bonkers enough to try and put it in there.

but i'm pretty sure you're style looks nice dear i mostly go for the tomboy look, but i do want to wear emo/teen rocker style if one day i can afford all those accessories they're so awsome.
though that's bad at the theft thing   but you're a girl, i cant imagine a theif stealing stuff from your back pocket. i mean most theives are decent right? they wont do that to a girl.
i really cant picture it.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

No, they will.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

In all honesty, my wallet is only a pain if I put in my left back pocket; I guess that's probably due to me being used to carrying it on my left side.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

[quote:6ae9bca386="but i'm pretty sure you're style looks nice dear i mostly go for the tomboy look, but i do want to wear emo/teen rocker style if one day i can afford all those accessories they're so awsome.
though that's bad at the theft thing   but you're a girl, i cant imagine a theif stealing stuff from your back pocket. i mean most theives are decent right? they wont do that to a girl.
i really cant picture it.

Decent enough to be stealing in the first place??? Not all thieves are like Robin Hood, my friend.

Only things I carry in my pockets are my phone, car keys and wallet.

Posts: 348
Reputable Member

The only thing I carry in my pocket is my Poke Walker.

As for my purse? It holds...

-cell phone
-iPod + noise canceling headphones
-check book
-word search books
-feminine pads
-Stewie Griffin keychain + keys (before I moved, these were keys to a neighbor's house and to cat cages at work)
-Sonic, Spyro, Buddha keychains

Depending on the occasion, it may also hold:
-DS  + charger
-portable CD player
-water bottle
-reading book
-stuffed animal

Yeah, I like being prepared. Also, when I'm public, my purse never leaves my side or my lap unless I'm on the damn toilet.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

Trudi Speed"]No no it's because of the theft risk. No way am I going to make my credit, debit, driving license or NI cards a easy target. Or my work discount or implanon reminder or blood donor card or nectar card or train pass or...

But why would you need all those things?!

I make do with a oyster card holder which contains, provisional driver card (idness), oyster card, train 16-25 card, credit card and £35 in cash (£20 + £10 + £5 notes) all in my back pocket.

Left pocket has keys.
Right pocket has phone/pager depending on day/time and bounty/plenty brand tissue.

But on a more important note:

I couldn't give a hoot about my arse. If you knew me you'd know I'm a
walking fashion disaster who couldn't give a hoot how my clothes look. I
have never ever been particularly feminine..

That's why we all love ya, all that macho-charm!

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

No no it's because of the theft risk. No way am I going to make my credit, debit, driving license or NI cards a easy target. Or my work discount or implanon reminder or blood donor card or nectar card or train pass or...

But why would you need all those things?!

Speaking for myself, I would say:

Credit card - to pay for stuff
Debit card - to pay for stuff where they don't take credit cards (or charge a fee)
Driving licence - to prove ID
NI card - maybe so you know where it is?  I have no idea where mine might be...
Work discount - to get discount at work, presumably
Blood donor card - so you know where it is and can quote your donor number if you ever need to ring the helpline or you drop in to give blood and forgot to bring your invite with you (or you just saw a session advertised and went in on the off-chance)
Nectar card - to get Nectar points on every possible purchase, the better to convert them into spending money at Amazon
Train pass - to get on the train



Posts: 841
Prominent Member

Actually I carry my donor card so if i get hit by a bus they'll know my blood group haha!

And yeah the NI card is solely so I know where it is.

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

Actually I carry my donor card so if i get hit by a bus they'll know my blood group haha!

And yeah the NI card is solely so I know where it is.

I have my blood group on my keyring, courtesy of the NBS about 7 years ago

