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What do you nerds fly around the galaxy in?

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I was sick and bored so I started asking around online. I'm gonna throw the top five up from my very limited study here.

5) Sovereign Class Starship

4) Galaxy Class Starship

3) Arwing Fighter

2) X-wing Fighter

1) Millennium Falcon

What's your space-type ride of choice? And give us a link so we can see it in all it's badassery.


Posts: 1437
Noble Member

5) Serenity - Technically, it's the crew that attracts me to the ship, but they are sort of inseparable from the ship.

4) Errant Venture - It's a RED Star Destroyer. It's a mostly functional military vehicle, combined with a bazaar.

3) The Heart of Gold - It can essentially do anything (provided that you know precisely how improbable that particular thing is).

2) Millennium Falcon - She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts. At the time of "A New Hope," it's a piece of junk, held together and propelled through sheer force of charisma. Forty years after that, it's still flying just fine, albeit with a trail of junk in its wake as it falls apart.

1) TARDIS - There simply is no better way to travel. Hands down the best ride you could possibly have.

Posts: 91
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Just off the top of my head, I'd have to call it a toss-up between the Sovereign Class and the Macross; a choice between the ultimate evolution of Trek ship style, or a starship that can hold a freakin' city inside of it, transform into a humanoid shape, and have a BFG on its shoulders!

...But only if they fix the whole "disappearing Fold System" thing.

Posts: 2234
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I don't need a space ship, all I need is warp stars. Hell, Mario was badass enough to do it, so why can't I?

Posts: 2232
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A Tausennigen Thunderhead Superfortress or a A pattleplate. And a Firefly class for a runaround, natch.

Posts: 1396
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This one.

Posts: 489
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I only have 4.

4)The Independance Day Alien Fighter. Come on, who doesn't want to shoot "green sh**" at someone.

3)V-wing starfighter. To be honest, I just think it looks cool.

2)Trade Federation Cruiser. This would be my home in the stars. Why? well, I'd have a nice big hangar to store all my cool ships in! That and it's got a nice observation deck.

1)Y-Wing. Because sometimes you'd rather live to fight another day. The Y-Wing can make that happen. It's the A-10 of star wars.

Posts: 1567
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I don't have any smaller ships that come to mind right now (I know there is also the Star Wars Expanded Universe but there aren't many drawings of those ships) but if I travel in space, I want to be well protected and the Super Star Destroyer is up to the task.

I am also a person who likes to go fast...the A-Wing does that well.

I'm not beneath causing a bit of wanton destruction.

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wikiwiki ollllldschhooooool

Posts: 5035
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5. YZR-540SH Viper Alpha It's an early model...but oh how I want it so. :D

4.TRV-06h-k Viper II The successor to the one above it. Can't find a picture of it in jet mode, but it's somewhat similiar to Alpha's.

3.YZR-8004 Delta R/FB Can't find a close pic of it in jet form, but you can see it here on the left side. It's the center of the three. :) Newest model out of the previously shown mecha. 3rd Generation.

2. Heh. I'm sure if any of you have played R-Type you'll know how much of a pain this thing was....until you discovered its very obvious weakpoint. I only would want it because it caused me pain...much much pain. 😛

1. Fanfare! Yes, none other than RVR-42 Cypher. Favorite of them all. Only 2nd generation too. Can't find a jet picture...but it's pretty sweet. Not as cool as YZR-8004 though, but definitely better. :D

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This is more obscure than anything any one of you will come up with.

Posts: 488
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a truck

Posts: 2398
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No Winnebago's yet?

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This is more obscure than anything any one of you will come up with.

Yeah, probably.

Anyway, after a lot of careful consideration (ie: none at all), I think I'll take my chances with a Silvergun. It's not the largest of starcraft, certainly, and as far as I know, it only houses the one pilot, but the amount of firepower packed into that thing is more than enough to make up for it. Seven distinct weapons, all of which can be used from when I power the thing up, which get stronger and more awesome the more I use them? One of which is a sword? A freaking sword? A sword that, in addition to being an unusual choice of weapon, can absorb many of your attacks and charge up an ultimate attack that will destroy practically anything around me in a radius of about 10 times my ship? Sign me up.

Of course, then I'd have to take the whole "Stone-Like object destroys humanity" thing, but given that a female companion survives in yet another Silvergun, it's all good.

Posts: 5035
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V-Wing Starfighter does look cool. Can't say i've ever seen that before. 😛 But Jin...I see your Mario and rasie you a:

Posts: 2610
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Inside the King of All Cosmos' crown.

The only way to travel

Posts: 5035
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Hahaha, who knows what is in that crown. I'd dare not find out. 😛

Posts: 2016
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1) The X304 Daedalus-class battlecruiser would be my highest preference. Energy shields, beaming technology, rails gun, nuclear warheads, and not to mention a compliment of space fighters. They beam nukes aboard enemy ships! How could you NOT love that? <3 As for which particular 304 type, I'm going to have to say the Oddysey.

2) A Covenant Assault Carrier. This is one big, bad ship, and I love it.

3) And to be different when it comes to the Star Wars universe, I've gone with the Ebon Hawk. <3

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

1.Sajuuk. The sucker is one giant cannon and NOTHING ELSE.

2.The Pride of Hiigara. Hyperspace ability, speedy production ability and completely self-contained. Can go from 0 to fleet in a few hours.

3.Macross 7's titular ship. because the battle is meaningless, listen to my song.

4.The Egg Carrier. I love the design.

5.The Mon Calamari cruiser. Love the design. LOVE IT.

Posts: 489
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Toby: No Winnebago's yet?

I seriously almost made that my 5th...

Instead, heres my number 5: Exile, from the anime Last Exile It's basically an interstellar sail ship, used to transport colonies of people from Earth to Prester (the home planet in the series) It looks crazy... like the peaceful super star destroyer, lol.

Posts: 917
Noble Member

Oh fiction...brain hurt...Dirk already has two that would be in my top five, so here goes my attempt to be somewhat original.

5. Cabbit - For the ultimate in portability, you can't beat this stylish personal space vehicle. When not in use it turns into a cat-rabbit hybrid. Plus, it runs on carrots, so fuel is cheap and easy to access. Just remember to pack the earmuffs as this is one noisy ride.

4. Galactica class Battlestar - Sure, she's old, but she's got it where she counts. FTL engine, hangar decks for launching fighters, not to mention none of the computers are networked For Your Convenience, meaning the ship requires thousands to operate, but is free from the pesky Cylon invasions that tend to happen from time to time.

3. Confederation class dreadnaught - Never leave home without it. Specifically, I'd like the TCS Conchordia, as it's got that awesome green and red paint job. The ship that won the Enigma campaign, took down K'tithrak Mang, helped execute the Gorah Khan revolution, and eventually fell in the defense of the earth. Nothing beats the flagship.

2. Excelsior Class Starship -
"She's supposed to have transwarp drive." - Commander Hikaru Sulu
"Aye, and if me grandmother had wheels, she'd be a wagon." Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott

1. White Star - Bringing you the latest in Minbari and Vorlon technology, this fixer-upper has artificial gravity, can generate its own jump points, and all the beds are tilted at a 45 degree angle For Your Convenience. The only downside is that you need to learn Minbari to operate it properly (it does not respond to the following commands: hatrack ratcatcher, brickbrack lingerie)

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

Yay at the Errant Venture :)

I've always had a soft spot for X-Wings, but there's also Fireball XL5 for those space men who want to fly around the universe (

Top of my list is probably the Cobra Mark 3 (, the first spaceship I ever flew. I enjoyed being able to fly other ships in later versions (Imperial Couriers were particularly fine), but the Cobra was your basic workhorse.


Posts: 3756
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This is more obscure than anything any one of you will come up with.

is much less obscure, and is cool too =D

Posts: 5772
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(Blue Rogues... in space?
Is this awesome? y/n )

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Posts: 1631
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I can't believe nobody has said this yet >.>

But anywway, my views:

Independance Day Fighter ~ Yeah!
TARDIS ~ Very yeah!
White Star from B5 ~ Heck yeah!

But a couple of the most astheticly pleasing ships ever created have to be

the Romulan D-Deredex class Warbird (alternate view),


the Andromeda Ascendant (alternate view) from the Rodenberry series 'Andromeda'.

Both stunningly beutiful craft, works of art as much as spaceships.

Lots of Star Trek ships up there too...personally my fav Federation ship of all time is the USS Defiant of the Deep Space 9 series (alternate view), tiny, but one of the toughest, most powerful ships Starfleet have ever produced!

But overall, if I could only pick a single starship to use myself, I think there'd only be one choice for me...

Go on, admit see a sight like this coming towards you, you're never gonna forget it till the day you die!

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

1. Tiny smplified version of the scrin ship

2. Solo

3. Scrin ship
