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What emoticons do you mostly use?

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this is important. Serious business. honestly.
Anyways, everyone has their own arsenal of ASCII emotions to express themselves with, since we're all too cold and heartless to communicate through proper English, and I thoguht it was be a good time to discuss which ones you mostly use. Because it's a hot topic. Tepid, at the least.


😯 never ever 80. that's blasphemy. that's madness.

and i recently adopted =D basically that's a very large mouth gap.

Posts: 815
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I tend to = a lot now

XD used to be 5 or so months ago...

:D will always be good


Forgot about m/

Posts: 1134
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I mostly only use emoticons when I'm not being completely serious, although I might drop in a 😀 or a =) to show that I bare no malice.

😀 usually means I'm happy, though I do sometimes use it sarcastically.

:O I use for sarcastic faux-surprise. Possibly inspired by MSN's :O emoticon. Very occasionally denotes actual shock.

=( means I'm sad, either srsly or jokingly (mostly jokingly).

=) is for when I am happy and I want everyone else to be happy too. =)

:[ and : I use occasionally to express disdain for something

>:[ is mock anger

😛 and ;P are used occasionally when I want to emphasise something's a joke, i.e. if I know people with give me crap if I'm taken seriously.

<3 is another occasional emoticon of mine that I use to denote that I love something.

I still let off the occasional o.o or o_O or o. to denote surprise, confusion, quizzicality or dumbfoundedness.

}:O means I am greatly offended by something (and is usually preceeded by a proclamation of such), except not really because it's an in joke.

If I use any emoticon three or more times in rapid succession usually means I'm being sarcastic and possibly also I think someone or something is being an idiot. Exceptions are 😀 and <3 which can mean that I'm extremely happy or I really love something.

If I repeat the last character of any emoticon it means I'm pretending to exaggerate that emotion.


m/ means something is f**king metal.

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I forgot about m/ too. I have taken shame into my family for generations. =*(.
and rarely <3. i'd use it more if i wasn't an ex-cop who knows no love, only vengeance.
but yea it's f**kin metal.

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I usually use =D most of the time. Lately I've been using =/.

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=/ is a face of arrogance and should be purged along with those who use it.

=) and =( suit my needs just fine usually. I use ^__^ when I'm being heavily sarcastic. m/ of course.

:] is a smiley face that I find slightly creepier than most. I use it for this.

Posts: 2809
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My favorite emoticon is ^_^ which I use alot. I also use :p , ;) , and :) somewhat occasionally as well.

Posts: 2610
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I mainly use
=/ for indifference
=O for surprise or after an outrageous statement
=D for gladness
and if i ever need to show a heart, it's always ♥ over <3

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F**k you and f**k character map.

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Hahahah this is a funny topic. My most common -cons would be:
XD - For things of the funny nature
=P or 😛 - To show kidding-ness
=) or =][just recently] - to show that something makes me happy
=D or :D - to show something brings much joy to my soul
o_0 or O_O or 0_0 - to show that something surprises me or is oddly quaint
>_> or <_< - to show uncertainty or to suggest a change in topic of some sort
>_< - to show stupidity on my part
=O - usually to show sarcasm

I believe that's about all of them.


Posts: 383
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=D , D= and all manners of o.o

Occasionally I use an o_o type, but it'shardly ever fitting.

Posts: 3468
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o_o and o.o both. o.o more in mainchat and OOC chatter, o_o more in RP. Don't ask why.

<3 and </3 a lot.

nN a lot to show excitement.

to show, usually in a humorous context, confusion, or "I don't know what the hell is going on."

oO for the usual "What the HECK?!"

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I like <_> more than any other emoticons but I never use it myself

I use way too many to count, but my most frequent ones are probably =D / :D and =O / :O

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

o.o Obviously.

>_> sometimes.

😀 Frequently.

m/ When the need arises.

:O, }:O I will use as well.

Oh, and <3 and ^_~ deserve some mention I guess.

Posts: 439
Reputable Member

o_0 what's that smell?
>_> I didn't fart
<__< gross
=O oh and he just ate burritos!
'_' dude...
=D now I want burritos!
^_^ mmmm yummy I love burritos! Yum!
-__- ate...too... many... burritos *barf*

This thread is now about burritos. Post your burrito recipes/pics.

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ಠ_ಠ @ thread

Posts: 5035
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XD! Oh yes I also use:
=( - to show sadness. Told you that wasn't all of them. >_<

Posts: 731
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o.o I saw something weird.
O_O What the?!
o_o Okaaay
XD Funny
>_> Usually when I say something that would imply stuff.
<_< Same.
v_v Dissapointment
>_< Frustration

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

oo / o.o I am scared or puzzled by this
oO / o_O This boggles my mind
=/ I am peeved or annoyed by this
<=/ Man, that sucks. Also used to show sympathy to someone in a tough situation.
>=/ This angers me
>=O This angers me greatly
=D I am happy
D= / D: I am saddened by this
;_; If I'm upset about something and feel powerless to do anything about it
=3 / :3 I am happy and in a mischievous or possibly flirtatious mood
X3 I am feeling very mischievous
;D Used in a similar manner to the above two
._. Yeah, whatever pal
^^ / ^_^ I am quite happy
^^; / ^_^; Sorry about that!

And there're maybe some more but none come to mind.

Posts: 178
Estimable Member

Paging Miss Emoticon to the smiley thread, Miss Emoticon to the smiley threat please.


Posts: 1201
Noble Member

emoticons are for chumps

but sometimes i'll give in and use =D, o.o, or o_o

maybe ۞.۞
