I want an expert's opinion.
Did anybody notice what both girls have in common? : They gained an interest in Sonic because he apparently did something heroic in front of them.
They also think about him in a similar way (Both girls imagine getting married to him.)
I can see the similarites, but what are the differences? If there's no differences at all, then all this could be a bad case of Mary-Suism. Simply put: How is Amy's point-of-view about Sonic(Example: Sonic Adventure; pay attention to her introduction) different from Mina's point-of-view? What does each girl see in him that the other girl sees differently?
I want an expert's opinion.
Did anybody notice what both girls have in common? : They gained an interest in Sonic because he apparently did something heroic in front of them.
They also think about him in a similar way (Both girls imagine getting married to him.)
I can see the similarites, but what are the differences? If there's no differences at all, then all this could be a bad case of Mary-Suism. Simply put: How is Amy's point-of-view about Sonic(Example: Sonic Adventure; pay attention to her introduction) different from Mina's point-of-view? What does each girl see in him that the other girl sees differently?
I'd have to say the big difference is you are posting this topic in the wrong forum there sir.
I'd have to say the big difference is you are posting this topic in the wrong forum there sir.
I'd also say this almost dangerously comes close to breaking the 'Relationship - no talkie' rule too...so a double dose of BZZZZZZT, by looks of it. 😛
I'd also say this almost dangerously comes close to breaking the 'Relationship - no talkie' rule too...so a double dose of BZZZZZZT, by looks of it. 😛
Hiro0015 wrote:
I'd have to say the big difference is you are posting this topic in the wrong forum there sir.
The MF-Central board is PERFECT. I would say that you're the one who is posting in the wrong thread.
Let me make an official response by making a very clear point about Amy:
Amy can be a selfish jerk most of the time. She should learn to be respectful and thoughtful about Sonic's feelings. You hate her for being disrespectful toward Sonic. You just can't blame Sonic for always trying to get away from Amy. Sometimes you think he might like her too, but you bet Sonic would really like Amy if she thought more about how he feels. Amy obviously doesn't know the meaning of true love and romance. You think she does truly love Sonic, but if she really did, she wouldn't force Sonic to do certain things or chase him around.
Now that you've read that, think about something: Could you seriously take all the "Amy"s in this paragraph, change them to "Mina", and it's still the same characterization?
Hiro0015 wrote:
I'd have to say the big difference is you are posting this topic in the wrong forum there sir.
The MF-Central board is PERFECT. I would say that you're the one who is posting in the wrong thread.
Let me make an official response by making a very clear point about Amy:
Amy can be a selfish jerk most of the time. She should learn to be respectful and thoughtful about Sonic's feelings. You hate her for being disrespectful toward Sonic. You just can't blame Sonic for always trying to get away from Amy. Sometimes you think he might like her too, but you bet Sonic would really like Amy if she thought more about how he feels. Amy obviously doesn't know the meaning of true love and romance. You think she does truly love Sonic, but if she really did, she wouldn't force Sonic to do certain things or chase him around.
Now that you've read that, think about something: Could you seriously take all the "Amy"s in this paragraph, change them to "Mina", and it's still the same characterization?
He means this really is subject matter for the comic forums, which I would personally agree with since that's where the majority of Archie discussion takes place. And again - No relationship discussions are meant to be allowed anyway, as I'm fairly sure I've mentioned in my other post...
But that's for the Mods to decide and apply - This is pretty close to the bone on both points though!
He means this really is subject matter for the comic forums, which I would personally agree with since that's where the majority of Archie discussion takes place. And again - No relationship discussions are meant to be allowed anyway, as I'm fairly sure I've mentioned in my other post...
But that's for the Mods to decide and apply - This is pretty close to the bone on both points though!
The difference is that now there is NO Sonic/Mina in the comics. That's been settled.
The difference is that now there is NO Sonic/Mina in the comics. That's been settled.
Oh, I see. By not posting in Knothole you circumvent the no-relationship rule.
Where the hell are you people coming from, anyway? If, in fact, you're all individuals and not just one person with multiple accounts.
Oh, I see. By not posting in Knothole you circumvent the no-relationship rule.
Where the hell are you people coming from, anyway? If, in fact, you're all individuals and not just one person with multiple accounts.
Oh, I see. By not posting in Knothole you circumvent the no-relationship rule.
Where the hell are you people coming from, anyway? If, in fact, you're all individuals and not just one person with multiple accounts.
The power of goggle suggests that they are both from "AvatarSpirit.Net" forums.
Also ... @ Harry making 10 edits to the op
Oh, I see. By not posting in Knothole you circumvent the no-relationship rule.
Where the hell are you people coming from, anyway? If, in fact, you're all individuals and not just one person with multiple accounts.
The power of goggle suggests that they are both from "AvatarSpirit.Net" forums.
Also ... @ Harry making 10 edits to the op
Psxphile wrote:
Oh, I see. By not posting in Knothole you circumvent the no-relationship rule.
What a weak accusation.
Spiner Storm wrote:
The difference is that now there is NO Sonic/Mina in the comics. That's been settled.
The opening poster is clearly referring to the points-of-view of the girls BEFORE anything was settled. He's referring to the time when both girls had a particular thing in common. Use some common sense.
Psxphile wrote:
Oh, I see. By not posting in Knothole you circumvent the no-relationship rule.
What a weak accusation.
Spiner Storm wrote:
The difference is that now there is NO Sonic/Mina in the comics. That's been settled.
The opening poster is clearly referring to the points-of-view of the girls BEFORE anything was settled. He's referring to the time when both girls had a particular thing in common. Use some common sense.
Oh, I see. By not posting in Knothole you circumvent the no-relationship rule.
Where the hell are you people coming from, anyway? If, in fact, you're all individuals and not just one person with multiple accounts.
The power of goggle suggests that they are both from "AvatarSpirit.Net" forums.
Also ... @ Harry making 10 edits to the op
Hey, the guy's a perfectionist. Kinda like me.
Oh, I see. By not posting in Knothole you circumvent the no-relationship rule.
Where the hell are you people coming from, anyway? If, in fact, you're all individuals and not just one person with multiple accounts.
The power of goggle suggests that they are both from "AvatarSpirit.Net" forums.
Also ... @ Harry making 10 edits to the op
Hey, the guy's a perfectionist. Kinda like me.
Hey, the guy's a perfectionist. Kinda like me.
Which proves further that Perfection is impossible!
Hey, the guy's a perfectionist. Kinda like me.
Which proves further that Perfection is impossible!
Hey, the guy's a perfectionist. Kinda like me.
Which proves further that Perfection is impossible!
Quiet you!
Hey, the guy's a perfectionist. Kinda like me.
Which proves further that Perfection is impossible!
Quiet you!
Oh, I see. By not posting in Knothole you circumvent the no-relationship rule.
Where the hell are you people coming from, anyway? If, in fact, you're all individuals and not just one person with multiple accounts.
I'm not sure about this but could someone find that out using IP tracking? Also, I think MF Central was supposed to be the board for comparisons between continuities, and the thread starter made a reference to Amy in the games...
Anyway, the whole relationship discussion thing is a bit of a bandwagon I jumped a while ago, like with System Wars on GS, but partly because I saw arguments in it that caught my attention... like the idea that Sally/Amy should be with Sonic instead of Mina because Sally/Amy was there first; Sonic without a girlfriend was there before Sally/Amy, so wouldn't that logic really point to the idea of Sonic without a girlfriend, then? And I remember when a few years ago someone brought up the idea of Sally with Mina instead of either of them with Sonic and people were like "but this is a comic for children"; seems odd to me that portrayals of lesbian relationships would be thought of as somehow being worse for children than portrayals of grenade-throwing or nuke-launching, huh? And I notice how in some of these discussions people talk about fictional characters as if they're real...
I stopped reading the comics around 130-something so I don't know where the story has gone since then, but I just wanted to put those points out there...
Oh, I see. By not posting in Knothole you circumvent the no-relationship rule.
Where the hell are you people coming from, anyway? If, in fact, you're all individuals and not just one person with multiple accounts.
I'm not sure about this but could someone find that out using IP tracking? Also, I think MF Central was supposed to be the board for comparisons between continuities, and the thread starter made a reference to Amy in the games...
Anyway, the whole relationship discussion thing is a bit of a bandwagon I jumped a while ago, like with System Wars on GS, but partly because I saw arguments in it that caught my attention... like the idea that Sally/Amy should be with Sonic instead of Mina because Sally/Amy was there first; Sonic without a girlfriend was there before Sally/Amy, so wouldn't that logic really point to the idea of Sonic without a girlfriend, then? And I remember when a few years ago someone brought up the idea of Sally with Mina instead of either of them with Sonic and people were like "but this is a comic for children"; seems odd to me that portrayals of lesbian relationships would be thought of as somehow being worse for children than portrayals of grenade-throwing or nuke-launching, huh? And I notice how in some of these discussions people talk about fictional characters as if they're real...
I stopped reading the comics around 130-something so I don't know where the story has gone since then, but I just wanted to put those points out there...
Is the op's name harry or laura? Alternate accounts that talk each other irritate me.
Is the op's name harry or laura? Alternate accounts that talk each other irritate me.
I'm not sure about this but could someone find that out using IP tracking?
For what it's worth Admins are currently the only people who are given the IP addresses of users.
/me runs off crying
I'm not sure about this but could someone find that out using IP tracking?
For what it's worth Admins are currently the only people who are given the IP addresses of users.
/me runs off crying
With regard to the topic at hand: I do not think the SonAmy and SonMina relationships are really all that similar. The fact that in either example the girl falls in love because the guy did something heroic is a very very common thing and not a unique connection between those two relationships. Sure, they are similarities, but it doesn't make them the same. Mina is far less single-minded than Amy.
With regard to whether this is an attempt to dodge the Knothole no-relationship rule, in my expert's opinion I'd say that you could make a case for the notion that since this thread involves the SonMina reltionship in Archie and the SonAmy relationship in the games then it belongs in neither Knothole or South Island, much like the other "general" or "multi-universe" Sonic topics that show up here. However, it's a fairly weak case. It seems to me that this really is a cheap attempt to circumvent that rule. But I'm not a mod anymore, just an expert.
With regard to the topic at hand: I do not think the SonAmy and SonMina relationships are really all that similar. The fact that in either example the girl falls in love because the guy did something heroic is a very very common thing and not a unique connection between those two relationships. Sure, they are similarities, but it doesn't make them the same. Mina is far less single-minded than Amy.
With regard to whether this is an attempt to dodge the Knothole no-relationship rule, in my expert's opinion I'd say that you could make a case for the notion that since this thread involves the SonMina reltionship in Archie and the SonAmy relationship in the games then it belongs in neither Knothole or South Island, much like the other "general" or "multi-universe" Sonic topics that show up here. However, it's a fairly weak case. It seems to me that this really is a cheap attempt to circumvent that rule. But I'm not a mod anymore, just an expert.
I find it funny that we haven't seen Harry or Laura since.
I find it funny that we haven't seen Harry or Laura since.
It's only been a few hours. 0_o
It's only been a few hours. 0_o
Your major error in assumption is that you are ignoring that Amy did not meet Sonic in Sonic Adventure, it was in Sonic CD.
In Sonic CD, Amy used her tarot cards to find her true love and was lead to the Little Planet where she met Sonic, this is how they fell in love. Her entire deal throughout the series, and the reason why she is so persistant is because she truly believes that they are destined for one another and no amount of running will change that. Hence why in Palmtree Panic she is already desperately in love with him, despite not being captured or saved by him until later on in the game.
Mina is a Mary Sue. She is an original character insert who can miraculously run as fast as Sonic, is popular among all the established characters, creates love triangle drama and loves Sonic for even flimsier reasons.
I am not an Archie expert, however I do know that Mina is with Ash (or was last time I checked) and is no longer a viable contestant for Sonic's affections while that relationship stands.
Your major error in assumption is that you are ignoring that Amy did not meet Sonic in Sonic Adventure, it was in Sonic CD.
In Sonic CD, Amy used her tarot cards to find her true love and was lead to the Little Planet where she met Sonic, this is how they fell in love. Her entire deal throughout the series, and the reason why she is so persistant is because she truly believes that they are destined for one another and no amount of running will change that. Hence why in Palmtree Panic she is already desperately in love with him, despite not being captured or saved by him until later on in the game.
Mina is a Mary Sue. She is an original character insert who can miraculously run as fast as Sonic, is popular among all the established characters, creates love triangle drama and loves Sonic for even flimsier reasons.
I am not an Archie expert, however I do know that Mina is with Ash (or was last time I checked) and is no longer a viable contestant for Sonic's affections while that relationship stands.
Its true. And it turns out Mammoth Mogul gave her the power to run fast. She still likes Sonic but not as boyfriend material. Her status with Ash is pretty much permanent.
The reason she liked Sonic was because he helped pull her out of her low self-esteem problems. Putting her on stage to sing an all that. I used to consider her a Mary-Sue but not anymore. I believe she's been saved from the sue heap. But she's still rather bland so I'm glad she's out of the big picture.
Its true. And it turns out Mammoth Mogul gave her the power to run fast. She still likes Sonic but not as boyfriend material. Her status with Ash is pretty much permanent.
The reason she liked Sonic was because he helped pull her out of her low self-esteem problems. Putting her on stage to sing an all that. I used to consider her a Mary-Sue but not anymore. I believe she's been saved from the sue heap. But she's still rather bland so I'm glad she's out of the big picture.
I'd have to say the big difference is you are posting this topic in the wrong forum there sir.
as this thread concerns more than one sonic universe, it belongs in mfc
I'd have to say the big difference is you are posting this topic in the wrong forum there sir.
as this thread concerns more than one sonic universe, it belongs in mfc
Anyway, the whole relationship discussion thing is a bit of a bandwagon I jumped a while ago, like with System Wars on GS, but partly because I saw arguments in it that caught my attention... like the idea that Sally/Amy should be with Sonic instead of Mina because Sally/Amy was there first; Sonic without a girlfriend was there
before Sally/Amy, so wouldn't that logic really point to the idea of Sonic without a girlfriend, then?
I heard before they made him single they paired him up with a blonde woman named Madonna modeled after The Singer.
...That idea was cut out before the Game was released, however.
Thank goodness.
If that idea started and continued into today...
The idea of Sonic with a 50-something year old is kind of... discomforting.
Anyway, the whole relationship discussion thing is a bit of a bandwagon I jumped a while ago, like with System Wars on GS, but partly because I saw arguments in it that caught my attention... like the idea that Sally/Amy should be with Sonic instead of Mina because Sally/Amy was there first; Sonic without a girlfriend was there
before Sally/Amy, so wouldn't that logic really point to the idea of Sonic without a girlfriend, then?
I heard before they made him single they paired him up with a blonde woman named Madonna modeled after The Singer.
...That idea was cut out before the Game was released, however.
Thank goodness.
If that idea started and continued into today...
The idea of Sonic with a 50-something year old is kind of... discomforting.
Anyway, the whole relationship discussion thing is a bit of a bandwagon I jumped a while ago, like with System Wars on GS, but partly because I saw arguments in it that caught my attention... like the idea that Sally/Amy should be with Sonic instead of Mina because Sally/Amy was there first; Sonic without a girlfriend was there
before Sally/Amy, so wouldn't that logic really point to the idea of Sonic without a girlfriend, then?I heard before they made him single they paired him up with a blonde woman named Madonna modeled after The Singer.
...That idea was cut out before the Game was released, however.
Thank goodness.
If that idea started and continued into today...
The idea of Sonic with a 50-something year old is kind of... discomforting.
Now I'm curious, where do you recall hearing of this? I thought Sonic was originally not supposed to be "paired up" like that...
Anyway, the whole relationship discussion thing is a bit of a bandwagon I jumped a while ago, like with System Wars on GS, but partly because I saw arguments in it that caught my attention... like the idea that Sally/Amy should be with Sonic instead of Mina because Sally/Amy was there first; Sonic without a girlfriend was there
before Sally/Amy, so wouldn't that logic really point to the idea of Sonic without a girlfriend, then?I heard before they made him single they paired him up with a blonde woman named Madonna modeled after The Singer.
...That idea was cut out before the Game was released, however.
Thank goodness.
If that idea started and continued into today...
The idea of Sonic with a 50-something year old is kind of... discomforting.
Now I'm curious, where do you recall hearing of this? I thought Sonic was originally not supposed to be "paired up" like that...
<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
Its true. And it turns out Mammoth Mogul gave her the power to run fast. She still likes Sonic but not as boyfriend material. Her status with Ash is pretty much permanent.
The reason she liked Sonic was because he helped pull her out of her low self-esteem problems. Putting her on stage to sing an all that. I used to consider her a Mary-Sue but not anymore. I believe she's been saved from the sue heap. But she's still rather bland so I'm glad she's out of the big picture.
Damnit people, Mina is NOT a Mary-Sue!
... She's more of a Lynn Minmay.
<strong class="quote-title"
B Vulpix wrote:
Its true. And it turns out Mammoth Mogul gave her the power to run fast. She still likes Sonic but not as boyfriend material. Her status with Ash is pretty much permanent.
The reason she liked Sonic was because he helped pull her out of her low self-esteem problems. Putting her on stage to sing an all that. I used to consider her a Mary-Sue but not anymore. I believe she's been saved from the sue heap. But she's still rather bland so I'm glad she's out of the big picture.
Damnit people, Mina is NOT a Mary-Sue!
... She's more of a Lynn Minmay.