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Which movie did you see last?

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Just watched Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Definitely my least favorite of the trilogy... but still a good movie.

I noticed John Williams must have recycled part of the score from the heart grabbing scene in SW:EPI 1... Duel of the Fates >>

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Judge Dredd, baby.


It's so bad, it's beautiful *hugs it*

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Pirates of the Caribbean 2. This marks the day I have now seen *all* my DVDs. Yay me!


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Caught Rocky III, Rocky IV and Zodiac last night.

Zodiac was a tad boring, but pretty attentive to detail. I'm suprised they managed to make a movie out of an unsolved serial killer case which is only interesting because so many people obsessed over it.

Rocky III was awesome and Rocky IV made me laugh a bit, but I was all m/ at the Vince DiCola soundtrack.

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Transformers the Movie dude? Cool!


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Rocky III was awesome

i'll never forget when Mr.T takes like 50 jabs to the face. you'd think he would have backed away then went back in, but nooooo.

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Star Trek: Wrath of Kahn and Search for Spock. These movies are really ticking me off. >=( I keep thinking I recognize an actor and in the end it isn't him. In Kahn, I thought I saw a mini-Thomas Hayden Church in Kahn's krew, but no. And it really did look like him. =( And David looked so much like Ewan McGregor in Spock (it couldn't have been him, tho, Ewan was probably 10 year old when it was made).

Also, Kahn rules, Spock sucked, blah, blah, blah.

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Caught Almost Famous last night

All the trailers made it look like a movie about sex, drugs and groupies, the cover to the DVD shows half naked girl sitting on bed.

I only bothered to watch because it was ITV's "Award" season and they listed it as a prestigious movie.

Curious, I checked it out.

Whoever designed the advertising campeign for that movie should be shot. It was a truly beautiful movie and had little to do with the elements it was being pushed for. I absoloutely loved it.

Posts: 2016
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Woke up this morning and saw "Three Kings" was on, so I sat down and watched it.

I had no idea that was Mark Wahlberg in it.

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Just finished Monty Python's "Life of Brian"...

I have mixed feelings. The first half was better than the second.

The stoning scene was awesome :D

Posts: 2232
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Recently sat down and watched Hoodwinked, Superman Returns and Osmosis Jones back to back.

Hoodwinked was okay, entertaining, a bit of a laugh, but nothing special. The soundtrack was good though.

Superman Returns was awesome. I was gripped as soon as the opening credits started rolling, and stayed that way all through, giddy as a schoolgirl.

Osmosis Jones I've seen before and still love, cheesy as hell, but danged funny and filled with entertaining details.

After that I re-watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest again yesterday... Which is depressing in a good way =(

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Saw TMNT a while back. The plot's a bit convoluted, but the family interactions between the turtles were great. Raph's Batman-esque alter-ego is AWESOME. I like the look of the new medium (CGI); the Turtles are great looking and very expressive, but the humans bug me. April is a twig, and while I don't find the turtles's high flying stunts and moves implausible as they are mutants with training, but I find it kind of rediculous when Casey and April are able to keep up with them all the way. The voice acting was good, the turtles being awesome and appropriate, April and Casey being alright, and all minor characters (bank robbers, Aguila) being voiced by a group of VA's I haven't heard since old Disney cartoons (like old Pete and Tigger VA's). Did anyone else catch the Thriller reference?

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Watched Akira for the first time the other day. I now know why so many love the heck out of that movie. It's insane!


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Turtle Guy: I've not seen that movie yet, so quick question for you. Was the whole thing CGI'd, or just the Turtles?

Sounds from your description like Jim Cummings is still getting work, yay! :D

My latest movie is still POTC2, although I'm looking for an opportunity to catch Day Watch at some point.


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It's all CGI'd DW

Posts: 2016
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Watched Heavy Metal last night. Suprised at how much cartoon nudity was in it for something being of the early 80's. But it was still kinda good to watch.

Although, I did kinda like it, because the whole thing seemed to have a fantasy/sci-fi roleplay feel to it.

Posts: 235
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Yesterday I watched I Think I Love My Wife (good, ending sucked), Rob Zombie's Halloween (recommended, but never saw the original), and Blades of Glory (seen before).

Posts: 1396
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Just watched another direct-to-DVD-animated-comicbook-adaption-movie, this time it's The Invincible Ironman.

It's pretty cool, the 2D animation, specifically on facial expression, is very good, as is the artwork almost all of the time, if you like Ultimate Avengers shading style. The music is similar to the first Batman movie mixed with Spiderman's movie theme, and the story retells the origins of Ironman very well. I also like the redesigns of the old Manderin henchmen to fit with the new story.

My problems are mainly with slow animation and CG. When the animation is at a normal speed, or faster, things seem fine, bit slow and slight movements seem a jittery, though these don't occur often and are barely something to complain about, the CG is though.

Every superpowered being, minus the Manderin, is CGed, that's Ironman and all but one badguy, and it's a bit annoying. It's all cel-shaded to match the artstyle but I just don't get excited about 3D effects in a 2D animated film, primarily because it often feels out of place, but also because I watch a 2D animated show or movie to see 2D art brought to life. But this isn't the main problem. The problem is that the CG animation looks stiff and clunky...which I guess makes since since Ironman is a tank turned into a suit, but it still feels like it should be a lot smoother. It's closer to a CG cartoon from the early 90s like Beast Wars and is bettered by most games under Marvel license.

Generally however, I liked it a lot, if all the action scenes were replaced with 2D animation I might prefer it to Superman Doomsday, but I doubt that will happen any time soon.

Posts: 5035
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Finally got Before Sunrise and Before Sunset in the mail. Watched them back to back. First time actually seeing Sunset so it was new to me, and i've got to say when coupled w/Sunrise...unbeatable romances/dramas, IMHO. Favorite movies of all time. *sighs*

Posts: 3756
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Watched Transformers and Rattatouille over the weekend. Transformers was awesome, and Shia's a real rising star. Rattatouille was a wonderful movie. It has heart, it's funny, and that CG food looks delicious. =D

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Caught "The Kid" starring Bruce Willis.

Suprisingly a good movie for it's concept, not especially well written and very Disney, but it was cute and had it's moments.

Plus the ending was clever.

Posts: 5035
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"The Kid"...oh man I used to love that movie. It the time it was great. I wouldn't mind seeing that again.

Posts: 216
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My roomates rented Knocked Up last week. I watched it and died a little inside.

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ugh... I tried to watch Knocked Up alone last week and gave up after the night scene. Maybe it is a date or a group of buddies movie...

Just saw 3:10 to Yuma again... still good... still caused me to tear up at the end. Christian Bale looks a lot like mr cruise in the movie >>

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Resident Evil Extinction - it's a popcorn flick, and enjoyable if you ignore that the games are much, MUCH better. =D

I went for Umbrella's sake anyhoo - gotta love that evil conglomerate, lol

Wesker was interesting, BTW. Oo Not sure what I made of him...

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Springheart. Sell me that movie. Tell me something about how they handled Wesker which would drag me into the cinema.

Wesker is the only reason I'd want to see it...

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I really can't, Craig - it's a see-for-yourself thing. >>;;;

He's not BADLY handled per se, he just...isn't as big a focus or as active as he could/should have been.
The other Doctor, Isaacs, is the real 'villain of the piece' this time around and pretty much gets more screen time.

There really isn't a whole lot I can say - it's all pretty foggy in the back of my mind, at any rate. Oo;

Posts: 5035
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Before Sunrise and Before Sunset again. :D So glad I finally have these movies.

Posts: 679
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I just watched "Harvey", starring Jimmy Stewart and an invisible 6'3 rabbit. Charles Drake was in it and his voice was driving me crazy trying to figure out where I'd heard it before. I still don't know - nothing on IMDB rings more than a faint bell. He was in one episode of "Star Trek" I may or may not have seen and one episode of "The Man from UNCLE" whose name does not seem familiar.

Anyhow, not a bad movie. It's been a long time since I watched something in black & white, but Jimmy Stewart is a joy to watch and listen to. Come to think of it, the last b&w movie I watched was probably "It's a Wonderful Life", also starring Mr Stewart. That movie meant that the "Tiny Toon Adventures" and "Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries" Christmas specials made more sense :)


Posts: 141
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The Read or Die OVA. It was good; I've never read the manga, and being shot into a conflict in medias res is not something I particularly like, but it was easy for me to catch onto what was going on. I just loved how they portrayed Jean Henri Fabre in there, though. *Hugs teh etymologist* x3

(Fabre - >_>;; Laiss allez de moi, monsieur.)

Posts: 2915
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Just saw Evan Almighty again... It has a great message... You can change the world through A Random act of Kindness.

Morgan Freeman has an amazing line... "If you pray for patience, do you think God just gives you patience? Or does he give you opportunities to be patient? If you pray for courage, do you think he just gives you courage, or opportunities to be courageous?"

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Caught my 300th movie of the year, Con-Air.

Given that I reserve my 100 slots for LEGENDARY movies, I'm slightly miffed I was reduced to a Nick Cage action flick. It was good and Buscemi was superb in it, but it's standing next to Blade Runner and Schindler's List.

I blame Royal Mail for me not getting my rentals and thusly not having a LEGENDARY movie to fall back on.

Ah well.

I need something that will stop the Earth spinning for 365, which should be about 6/7 weeks away.

Posts: 1396
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Saw another of the Marvel animated DVD movies, this time Doctor Strange: The Sorcerer Supreme.

I think I prefer it to Ironman, there's no 3D CGI fight scenes for a start. I think the artwork is better too, also the animation seems a bit choppy at times. Also, as far as story goes, I think it could have told Strange's past a little better.

Overall though I really enjoyed it, I only have Ultimate Avengers 2 left to watch of Marvel's list, and I hope it doesn't stop; Ultimate X-Men and Ultimate Spiderman movies would please!

Posts: 2016
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Watched Resident Evil: Extinction last night.

It was so-so. Very flashy, though.

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Speaking of Mr. Cage, I recently saw next. The idea of procognition isn't original, but this movie's take on it was pretty fresh and interesting. He can see two minutes into the future, but, instead of just seeing his ultimate destiny, he sees every possible reaction to every choice he could make. This is supported by the awesome ways they illustrate this, from him repeatedly trying to get a good first impression on a girl to using "possibilty drones" to see what would happen if he would walk one way or another, and they branch off so there's dozens of Nick's all over a warehouse. It's even cooler when they take bullets for him. The plot's decent, Julliane Moore is cool as the no-crap fed, and Nick plays this "superhero" better than his painful "acting" in Ghost Rider.

Also I saw The Queen (moving), THe Break-up (an indepth studfy about the difference in thought processes in men and women), and Georgia Rule (about what molestation does to kids).

Posts: 2915
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Watched Transformers again last night. I'd like to make a correction on my previous review. I said something along the lines of "Hot chick was hot".

I must apologize to all of our female forumers. What I meant to say was 'Hot chick was really freakin' hot <3 <3 <3'. I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

Posts: 1396
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Last night I watched one of my favourite movies, The Nightmare Before Christmas.

I love everything about the film, the music, the story, the characters, the style, and especially the Oogie Boogie Man Song.

Should have waited 'til Halloween really. 😛

Posts: 5035
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XDXD! @ Hiro. Heck yes man! And she's signed for the sequel already. So i'm definitely going to see that...5 times. :D As for my movie watching endeavors I saw Across the Universe last night. WOW. I would give a specific review...but i'll just leave this, it was an experience. :D

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Spiderman 3 - Disappointing. Couldn't understand bringing in Venom for all of 20 minutes and Sandman was bearly in the movie as well.

I mean I'm hardly a fan of Venom but it just seemed a waste of a *good* possible Spiderman 4 villian.

They kinda wrapped things up nicely at the end and it's quite hard to see where they are going to go with the series now.

Oh well. Zombie Doc Ock it is then... >_>

Posts: 2016
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MiB was on last night, so me and my bro sat down and watched it.


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lol Spiner. I know they were corny as all hell, but those two are two of my favorite movies... probably doesn't help that both Will and Tommy Lee are in it.

iirc, MiB was the first (or one of the first) PG-13 movies I saw...

Posts: 2016
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What can I say, man? MiB 1 is a classic.

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I was feeling cynical over the last week or so.

So I've gone through:

Fast Food Nation
Who Killed the Electric Car?

And also Die Hard 4 and Starter For Ten.

I won't go into detail on all of them (since you guys might not want to listen to me rambling on) - but Sicko gave me the same feeling that I hadwhen watching Jarhead.

That is, knowing the schism between how stories're reported in the US and outside it, wondering how any challenge to the idea that the US had the best goshdarned health system in the world and that those nasty socialis systems would take your firstborn as payment (as opposed to whatever limb you couldn't afford to have reattached) went down in the US market.

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Saw the comebacks last night. it actually was pretty funny, i recognized almost every actor in the movie lol

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The movie I saw last?

Er, - well I watched the Matrix again just last night...

Quiet Craig - I know I've watched it too many times... =3

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The Matrix is a classic... Brilliantly done modernization of Plato's "Allegory of the Cave".

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I watched Sleeper the other night. Hilarious despite its oldness. More hilarious than most things. :rollin

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Finished a 14 hour IMAX spree spanning Saturday afternoon to Sunday morning with The Bourne Supremcy.

The Waterloo Station scene blew me away and made the movie awesome for me, I know that station very very well and every move made it totally feasable... besides Matt Damon's psychic knowledge of CIA's methods and ability to tell where every dang camera is.

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You mean the The Bourne Ultimatum Craig... Supremacy was # 2 :crazy

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Just watched TMNT on DVD.

It's pretty good, kind'a reminds me of The Incredibles' art style. However, I think the fights felt a bit stiff, some characters could have been developed more, and some of the jokes weren't quite so funny.

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