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Which movie did you see last?

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...and the Matrix plays once again on my DVD player.

It's now just turned into something I listen to in the background.

"Are you sure this line in clean...?"
"Yeah of course I'm sure."
"I'd better go"

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The last movie I watched was Children of Men. Was a really good movie imo. Liked the camera angles and the story was really good.

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300. Such a manly film with lots of man action and SPARTA!

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Finally caught Pan's Labyrinth. Certainly one of the better movies I've seen this year. Bit icky at some times, the mouth slice in particular, but it had a strong message bubbling under the surface about blind obedience, a beautiful story and amazing characters.

To be honest, I've still not worked out exactly why I loved it, but I did. Very much.

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Watched Meet the Robinsons. It's really wild and crazy but in the end, it's rally a wonderful movie for one of DIsney's non-Pixar stints.

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My bro got the official "Transformers" 2007 movie, y'know, the one with the special features and stuff?

So yeah, I've been watching that again and again and again.

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Final Fantasy VII Advent Children.

Have it on dvd, want to get that special addition one, but don't have the funds right now.

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Caught Field of Dreams for the first time ever.

Earl Jones is freaking amazing in it, the way he grins before acusing Costner of being from the 60's has burned it's image into my soul and I have a feeling as he lights fade on my life, that grin will be the last thing I see.

Twas a damned fine movie. I seem to be finding and loving alot of father/son movies, they may all have the same plot and the same ending... and for some reason an unhealthy association with baseball every time... but darned if I'm not a sucker for it.

The thing that worries me is that if Field of Dreams is true then JoCo is a liar :(

And I like JoCo.

Conext: (swearing)

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Watched Stardust.

T'was gruvvy.

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Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

The whole air guitar thing was awesome. :lol

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Just got back from American Gangster...

Ridley Scott is bloody amazing. Although during one of the night club scenes I though I was going to have an epileptic seizure =

My buddies and I almost cried at the end though... and not due to the movie. The lights came on, and in the row infront of us there were 2 10yr olds = Or at least that's what they looked like. I don't care how mature your kid is, you have no right bringing someone that young to an R rated movie. wtf is wrong with the world =

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I just saw Disney's "Meet the Robinsons" and I have to say that I liked it alot...

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"Science of Sleep". It was pretty weird. But I did enjoy it quite a bit. It's a Warner Bros. Independent picture like Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. :D

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the good, the bad and the ugly. the poor quality of the dvd prevented me from watching the whole film, unfortunately

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In honor of you Brits and your burning stuff, blowing stuff up holiday, I just finished watching V for Vendetta... which basically has nothing to do with your holiday, and is more of a big BOLD incrimination of America's current politics.

Which makes me lol... It is soooo heavily biased that instead of ruining the movie with politics, it makes it ... more enjoyable?

Definitely on my list of top 100 movies... maybe even 50.

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Holy crap, Deck? You too.

My rental kept looping a five minute segment about 2 hours 15 in.

I wonder what happened at the end o.o;

Last film I watched was Ghost, but that doesn't go on my list as I love Ghost and have been watching it since I was a child.

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Weeeell, I went on a movie renting spree from the public library and ended up taking out 5 films: Donnie Darko, amores perros, The Life Aquatic, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Unbreakable.

I watched Unbreakable first, and I thought it was alright. I thought it was a pretty @#%$ movie up until the last 15 minutes where OMFGPLOTTWIST occurs, which made me think the movie wasn't that crappy. I dunno the movie just seemed so pointless. Well, if some guy tells me I'm a superhero, I'll make sure to kill him so heSpoilers (Select To Read): doesn't do anymore terrorist acts!

I guess next up is Donnie Darko

EDIT: Watched it and I didn't really get it/like it =/

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Just saw 'Gone Baby Gone'... All I can say is it had the saddest, most depressing 'happy' ending I have ever seen.

Next movie I go see will probably be 'No Country for Old Men'. Damn, every trailer I see, it looks more and more amazing. Scary, twisted... go go Coen Brothers m/ Minnesota natives :D

Oh, and that new Jack Black movie "Be Kind Rewind" also looks awesome.

EDIT: Might be going to see an advanced screening of No Country tonight :D

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Martian Child. Yay...I enjoyed it greatly. John[and Joan] Cusack rock. I can't help but seeing her as she was in 16 Candles whenever I see her in movies now. 😛

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But Stbs. What if Mohinder tells you you're a hero? Mohinder's cool.

As for the Kitty. My last movie was Apocolypto. Which is basically "Mayan's are primative peoples who kill on another", pretty gruesome, but I liked the last like 30 minutes which are kind of Rambo'esque.

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Saw an limited screening of "No Country For Old Men" last night.... omg it was amazing

The movie is just insane. Chigurh is probably the scariest bad guy I have ever seen. His captive bolt pistol / cattle gun is one of the strangest and most badass weapons I've seen.

The movie really shakes things up. It does not end how you think it will. It is really dark, but at the same time there are a lot of points where you have to laugh. It is the Coen Brothers at their best. Twisted, scary... and funny.

I highly recommend it if you are a fan of the Coen Brothers (Fargo, The Big Lebowski, O Brother Where Art Thou?).

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I'm halfway through "Mr & Mrs Smith". I hate romances, but this one I am happy to put up with for all the gunplay and explosions :)


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Let's see. Craig, if Mohinder came up to anyone and told them they were a hero, we'd all be swooned by his voice and implicitly say yes, that's great.

And movies. Been at them alot lately. I'm gonna catch American Ganster this weekend with my lady, I grabbed Rattatouie (sp?) and loved it. Pixar does not make a bad movie (cept Nemo..everyone don't even ask why. >o! )

Also watched Sw IV. I'm sick of horror crap fests now -.- I want real good horror damnit >O!!

Then I grabbed up umm..what was it..t'was a bootleg, so it was recent...ugh, name escapes me. Then I watched Fantastic Four 2 to make me laugh before sleeping heavily.

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Saw The Nightmare Before Christmas 3D on Halloween last. Biggest dissapointment since The Time Machine. You'd think Disney with their funding and technology would do something as awesome as TNBC justice in 3D...nope, all I got was a headache.

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I saw The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D last year, and I was underwhelmed as well, Cyk. They definitely could've done a better job.

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Last Night I watched Hannibal Rising. Best Lector movie ever.

Spoilers (Select To Read): Mostly because its a bit like Batman Begins but with a cannibal samurai. THAT'S RIGHT.

Quite gory. The chap who plays Hannibal most of the way through does a bloody good job.

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Okay now, I've rented another crapload of DVDs from the library and this batch includes: Frequency, Sin City, Spinal Tap, Team America, Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2, Vertigo, and Zathura.

First I'm going to watch the one that I think will be the crappiest: Zathura. I'll update later.

EDIT: My thoughts on Zathura:

Steev (9:34 pm): Basically Jumanji in space with no story

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OMG STEVE! Frequency is sooooo awesome. Definitely not a movie you can just watch the last five minutes of though.

Also m/ @ Kill Bill and Sin City

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Pan's Labyrinth. Quite gruesome in some aspects but I liked its sense of magical realism, y'know? The ending was quite clever, too.

And y'know, I'd never have guessed that the faun was an American actor all along. I think they dubbed over his lines, which is probably why...

EDIT: Casino Royale.

I'm going to unleash the wrath of all the British MoFoers upon myself for saying this, but Daniel Craig seriously makes James Bond look like British!Jack Bauer. Which probably explains more about 24 than it does Bond, considering what came first. Seriously, James Bond, Jack Bauer, JB... coincidence?

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The Mist.
Absolutely the best ending I've seen this decade.

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Weelll, the last batch pf dvds were due to the library, and I only got to watch Spinal Tap, and Sin City. I thought that Sin City was absolutely amazing, the color effects were awesome, and Marv @#%$ kicks ass. Also, I thought Spinal Tap was pretty funny.

Once again I've taken out alot of dvds and this includes The Breakfast Club, Die Hard, Serenity, The Red Violin, Fargo, Apocalypse Now, and The Birds. I'm watching The Birds right now and am not really liking it =/

Posts: 5035
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The Birds...haha. We watched that in my English class a few years ago. Pretty cheesy at times.

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Watched Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children again last night. I forgot how good the action scenes are. <3

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Me and some friends had a rather short lived Foreign Movie night and we watched City of God and Vampire Effect. I'd never seen City of God before...and I was blown away. Inredible movie. Epic. Whoa.

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The Mist. What Geogwe said. Makes Arlington Road's ending look positively joyful by comparison.

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Just saw Enchanted last night, and can't rave about it enough (as Shooter and Xag will attest), which is why I'm going to spare people unless they specifically ask me to.

Smart, amusing, a breath of fresh air and totally, totally wasted on children. 🙂

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I'd never seen City of God before...and I was blown away. Inredible movie. Epic. Whoa.

Yesyesyesyesyes @ City of God. That is such an awesome movie I can't even begin to say.

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I'm glad you liked Enchanted, Sarah. I've been CRAVING that movie since I read Menken was working on the soundtrack last year. Talent that great should be flaunted and not hidden for 11 years.

I saw Beowulf and About a Boy last night, enjoyed both, but with Beowulf it was more "ooo IMAX 3d! Spiffy!" and About a Boy was more "That was the cinema I watched Beowulf in. That's where I work! That wine shop is on my way home! I cross that bridge to get to work... that road is actually the opposite direction to the road they just took! That HMV is where I bought Resident Evil today!"

I love seeing my city in movies <3

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Check my LJ (and I've edited the entry a little since last night) for some heavily abridged but very sincere and heartfelt gushing on the subject, Craig. 🙂

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I saw Beowulf in 3D a while ago. It looked really cool, but I'm not sure I can say so much for the film itself.

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Call Me Claus with Whoopie Goldberg. It was cute.

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Watched Hot Shots Part Deux a few days ago on ITV. Been years since I saw it last, was a lot of silly fun, if nothing more, but I liked it. :)

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Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, but since then...I saw the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. *twitchesTwiTCHeStwiTCHES* Alessandra Ambrosio...basicially owns my soul.

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Well, last night I watched SuperBad again... Damn, I swear my 'oldest' cousin is freaking McLovin'... except not as cool. The movie is still great. There are parts where I am just dying of laughter.

Also watched The Princess Bride tonight. I am ashamed to say I didn't see the movie until after high school. It definitely falls into my top 100, maybe 50, favorite movies.

EDIT: dead topic? Come on folks, it is Christmas! Go watch some Christmas movies!

I just got back from I Am Legend... It was awesome. It had just enough blood and gory, just enough AAAAH MONSTER parts. Love Will Smith and his interactions with the world.

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Oh man. I just got back from I Am Legend. Fantastic. I loved it. May not be for everyone, but it's a real seat-hugger. :)

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I also just saw I am Legend. It was... interesting, but not a movie that I would call a blockbuster. Will Smith is a cool guy, cool actor, and the movie has a really unique view of an abandon NYC. (or for those of you who live where live, i could tell no difference in the city or people from real life, lol)

Cool movie, but... somehow I feel that it could have been better. It was also pretty short.

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Last movie I watched some months ago now....The Simpsons Movie (^^);;;

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Well Fex, I got back from Legend last night. I was utterly in love with it. Yes, it was short, but that made it all the better, I didn't want it to be an all dragged out kill zone fest.

And with the movie turnout this yesr, I think it is a blockbuster :o. Hell, I work on 5ht avenue and I never. Ever. EVER. See it empty-even if I'm there at 4 am, there's someone selling paintings and looking at stuff. Its never deserted. I loved it.

Though...if I ever see a lion run about....yeah I'm moving.

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Just saw Legend last night. It was so sad with the dog. =( THe Dark Knight trailer there was awesome, too.

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Legend's special effects were second to none... I figured the would have do it all on a sound stage... Turns out the digitally erased all the other people :crazy :

Damn you TTG... You IMAX going person you =

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