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Which movie did you see last?

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Tricia's siblings took me out to see Stepbrothers. An overly stupid and ridiculous movie, but heaven help me if watching such a dumb movie with those two doesn't automatically promote it to hillarity.

On the bright side, I didn't have to pay to see it, so at best I lost 2 hours of my life which I would have otherwise spent playing Dragon Quest VIII or cleaning up this house.

Hoping I can see Tropical Thunder in the near future. Downey Jr. alone makes it a must see for me.

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The Dark Knight for the third time.

I just can't help but love it.

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Last night, I watched Cool as Ice (1991 film starring Vanilla Ice). It was hilariously cheesy. Drop the zero, and get with the hero!

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Yesterday I watched Taken with Liam Neeson.

Oh. My. God. Neeson is now my new hero.

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Yeah, Neeson is badass. Check out what he's doing next. I think he can pull it off, he does look quite a bit like him.

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Just introduced a friend of mine to Ghostbusters. Apparently he'd never seen it. Where he's been for the last 20 odd years, I don't know... He enjoyed it, but spoke heresy by saying the soundtrack (and indeed 80s music in general) was rubbish. Infidel


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Your friend's life has been enriched for the experience, I hope, DW?

Last movie I saw was Beauty and the Beast, because I discovered Fort O'Connor has a copy hidden in the VHS rack.

I adore that movie so <3

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Your friend's life has been enriched for the experience, I hope, DW?

Last movie I saw was Beauty and the Beast, because I discovered Fort O'Connor has a copy hidden in the VHS rack.

I adore that movie so <3

It has indeed been enriched. He found it suitably amusing. The other 3 of us in the room had to bite our tongues to refrain from quoting the dialogue a second or two in advance of its appearance, mind you.

He hadn't seen the Princess Bride until this year, either... I can understand that in younger folk, but if you're aged between 27 and 30, it's practically the law that you should have seen it!

The local commercial radio station has just played "Somewhere Out There" or whatever it's called, from An American Tail. Now there's a movie I haven't seen in the last decade or so...


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007: Goldeneye. 'Twas a pretty good Bond. "I AM INVICIBLE!" It was also fun to point out the levels from the n64 game.

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The other night, I watched Flicka.

Yesterday, Mom wanted to watch Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay with me (I haven't seen the first one). I selected the unrated version. Mom didn't think there would be that much sex in it.

EDIT: Where did that angry face come from?

Posts: 216
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I watched Goldeneye on TV last night. I missed the first half, but s'alright, it was a great movie. I also saw something interesting for the first time - apparently Boris has the ability to rip out live, running computer parts - we're talking whole motherboards here - without getting electrocuted at all. Maybe he really was invincible, at least in that scene...

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Hahaha! My roomate and I were watching that too Cinderblock. But before that, we watched Fearless. He had never seen it. I had forgotten how much I loved it.

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last movie on DVD i watched, i think it was The Dark Crystal with a commentary by Brian Froud. The last movie i watched in the cinema was Star Wars the Clone Wars and i Fooking loved it!! though i wish general grievous was in it for more than one shot. ah well have t wait for the continuing tv series.. if they ever find a station for it over here D:.

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Took a cue from DW and put on the Ghostbusters DVD today. Always a fun and awesome movie. Always crack up when Peter says "It's true. This man has no dick."

Posts: 348
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I spent the afternoon watching DVR'ed Orgazmo and BASEketball on DVD. =D

The edited-for-TV version of Orgazmo is hard on the ears with so much dialog cut out.

Posts: 633
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I Finally got awround to seeing CStar Wars: Clone wars...Despite what the haters say...Its a great movie, theres a lot of action & Comedy...Sure there may not be as muc hcaracterization or it may not be as dark as the live action films, but i can tell ya, its one heck off a way to start a new series..Can't wait till the show hits CN in sepetmber...& If I have any Complaints..Not nearly enough General Grevious, I mean His Name is only Mentioned once, & the only time we see him is at the very start along side doku & that one green guy while the announcer is talking...But yea overall A great star Wars film for all ages to enjoy....

I give it a 8/10.

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The other night, I watched Flicka.

Yesterday, Mom wanted to watch Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay with me (I haven't seen the first one). I selected the unrated version. Mom didn't think there would be that much sex in it. image

There's lots of sex in Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay? Dammit, now I REALLY wanna watch it on a cinema screen. The start of September honestly can't come soon enough... *sighs*
Oh, and watch Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle. A funnier movie I have NEVER seen. And I'm not even kidding!

Posts: 679
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Took a cue from DW and put on the Ghostbusters DVD today. Always a fun and awesome movie. Always crack up when Peter says "It's true. This man has no dick."

There are just so many quotable quotes in that movie. "When someone asks you, are you a god, you say YES!" "The walls in the 52nd precinct are bleeding!" "WE GOT ONE!"

I also have a very soft spot for Ghostbusters 2. Love the ooze that grooves to Jackie Wilson; and I swear one of my lecturers at university looked like the little guy possessed by the painting.


Posts: 2016
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Just finished watching Little Nicky on TV. It's so stupidfunny.

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Nick Knight. Vampire tries to be good and is a cop in Chicago. Pre-dates Buffy, I think. It became a series called Forever Knight which I never caught and which apparently is not on DVD.

It occurs to me I probably wouldn't have to look far to find a Forever Knight / Dresden files fanfic cross-over, but I think I value my sanity.


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I watched Super Troopers today, which is probably my favorite comedy of all time. Never gets old.

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Car RamRod!

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Watched Dark Knight again, this time with my dad... Now I want to see Iron Man again ><.

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Saw Fight Club again. And The World is Not Enough.

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lmao @ car ramrod. That truly is one of my favorites.

I love the part where the chief says he will pistol whip the next person who says "shenanigans" XD

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Caught the first half of Monsters Inc the other night. Love that movie to pieces <3 Would love to watch the second half, as it has the cutest of Pixar endings.

I also noticed for the first time that the Monsters Inc logo is MI because it's an M with an Eye inside. MI Monsters Inc (or crappy movie with Tom Cruise, which scares children) it makes sense.

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lmao @ car ramrod. That truly is one of my favorites.

I love the part where the chief says he will pistol whip the next person who says "shenanigans" XD

Posts: 216
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Now you guys quit going off topic right meow!

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Saw Tropic Thunder a handful of hours ago. Was surprisingly good.

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Last night I was at the in-law's and watched The Man From Snowy River and then Highlander: Directors Cut.

Never let it be said that Highlander does not rock the Eart. For it does and always shall. Horrific franchise based upon it or not.

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I watched Son of Rambow with my friend recently. Excellent film.

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Watched Sin City earlier.

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Watched Serenity earlier today, first experience of the Firefly universe, and I loved it...I know need to watch the series.

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I FINALLY got around to watching Harold And Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay on a cinema screen today (it was released at cinemas here in Australia only a couple of days ago) and it was DEFINITELY worth the extremely long time I had to wait for this movie to be released..... in my opinion anyway. I don't think it was better than Harold And Kumar Go To White Castle, but I DO think that it was equally as awesome. I made sure not to read ANY spoilers while I waited for this movie to be released, because I wanted at least most of this movie to be full of surprises. It was full of surprises, so this movie definitely delivered. Even though I'm not sure if spoiler tags are now necessary for this particular movie and I don't even know how to use them on this forum, I'll use my own spoiler warning anyway because there might be some other Australian members here who haven't yet seen this movie but plan to do so and don't want their viewing experience spoiled in any way whatsoever.

<SPOILER> (don't read below this line if you don't like spoilers)

BRING BACK NEIL PATRICK HARRIS!!!!! HE DIDN'T DESERVE TO DIE, MAN!!!!! I hope he somehow survives and returns in the third Harold And Kumar movie.
Edited to add: Okay, I've just found out that Neil Patrick Harris (NPH) didn't end up dying after all and comes back to life during the credits. I don't usually watch the credits of movies, but I think I'll definitely watch the credits of certain movies more often from now on! lol
I hope NPH returns for Harold And Kumar 3! =)


Y'know, it's kinda funny. When I got my yearbook just before I graduated from high school about 3 years ago, there was a look-a-likes section with photos of certain students in it and a photo of the person and/or fictional cartoon character whom they supposedly resembled the most. Next to a photo of me, there was also a photo of Kal Penn (the dude who plays Kumar). I guess we DO look kinda similar! We both have somewhat dark skin (not that it matters, of course... because it doesn't) and we both have Indian backgrounds. Plus, my best friend since I was 5 years old is Chinese and his name is Peter (yeah, I already know Harold is of Korean descent). Back towards the last couple of years of our time at high school, we were sometimes referred to as 'Harold and Kumar', like a younger Australian version of them or something! XD Good times, man! Good times! ^_^
I was honoured to be referred to as 'Kumar' and my friend just thought it was kinda funny. Anyway, I've digressed from what I was originally talking about. Overall, I thought Harold And Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay was an INSANELY AWESOME movie and I'll give it 5 stars out of 5! I can't wait for the third Harold And Kumar movie to be released in cinemas!

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I caught about half of "The Return of the Musketeers" this afternoon. I'm not quite sure why I got sucked into it, given that is based on one of Dumas' more depressing books ("Twenty Years After" - although that has nothing on "The Man in the Iron Mask"). I say depressing, because for quite a while the Musketeers are on opposite sides; Aramis in particular has a quarrel with D'Artagnan; and poor old Porthos is only going along with it all because he would like a barony at the end of it. Oh, and D'Artagnan, despite his years of service to the royal family, is flat broke and lacking in promotion prospects.

Plus the plot gets changed (I believe purely so Kim Cattrall can be in it) so that Milady's offspring looking for vengeance is a woman.

However, the style is very much that of the earlier two movies ("The Three Musketeers" & "The Four Musketeers"). It is always a pleasure to watch Michael York, Frank Finlay, Richard Chamberlain and Oliver Reed together.

You can also play "spot the famous cast", much as you could in the originals. Christopher Lee returns as Rochefort and Billy Connelly has a cameo. Not quite as good as spotting Mr Rodney (Bewes) giving a report to the late NRA president himself, but close. I also believe it was the last performance for Roy Kinnear (Planchet), who was killed in a (riding?) accident during shooting.

A friend visited around about the time they had failed to save Charles Stewart from being beheaded (not exactly a spoiler there, to be fair!) and were trying to flee England, so I didn't see the rest at that point. I have the video somewhere. For some reason, when they released a boxset on DVD, they didn't do "Return"....


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Watched "O Brother Where Art Thou" again. It's a great story, awesome music, but it does seem a little slow at times.

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The Last Samurai. Put it on earlier and loved it all over again.

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Around half of "Volcano". I love LA! *sings*


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Yesterday I had the random mood to watch the first Pirates movie. It's been quite a long while since I last saw it and it is far better, besides that silly scene where Elizabeth runs out and the zombie pirates intimidatingly work at her, while too dang dramatic music plays.

Also a housemate had Borat on, which is the first time I'd seen it. I will admit I laughed. But felt very bad for doing so.

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i watched lost boys the tribe a few days ago, my roommate showed me the first one and i was like "what are you waiting for? throw in the sequel!"

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I saw the very beginning of one of my childhood faves. Wayne's World 2. Gotta buy those some day.

Posts: 216
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I watched a Spanish horror film called [REC] after hearing about how scary it supposedly was. Not as creepy as I was expecting, but it's still way better than most horror films that have come out in the US the past few years. If you're a horror fan, check it out.

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Just watching Sin City on TV. Good stuff! Good bloody, gory stuff!

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Saw Azumi last night after a few years since the last time I watched it. It's a film about a group of assassins in feudal Japan, their mission to take out the warlords to stop all the conflict. It's a stylized action film at heart, fun and violent, but it has some pretty powerful moments story and character wise. It's flawed but a good watch.

Also watched Next Avengers recently, the latest in Marvel's attempts at animated movies based on their properties, the different this time is the characters are all new, children of the classic Avengers. The characters, who are all kids btw, all fill their annoying stereotyped roles, making them predictable and boring, and their designs are overly bland. The concept art was a lot better as you'll see in the credits, pretty much every first design felt more fitting.

Like Teen Titans, they went with an anime styled look, unlike Teen Titans it isn't smooth animation, and the art is passable at best. The voice acting isn't too bad, but they just don't sound good either, nothing memorable aside Ultron, the main badguy. The plan to beat him is rather unimaginative too.

Overall, this is the best Avengers movie so far, but honestly that isn't saying too much. Marvel has a way to go to trump DC's animated movies.

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I saw the end of Walk the Line yesterday. Pretty good movie for as much of it as I saw.

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Twister. Came on tv the other day and haven't watched it in a long while. Still holds up well.

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The absolutely incredible Wall E. I laughed, I cried, I brought the merch.

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Conan the barbarian XD

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<3 @ Twister

Yesterday, I watched Spaceballs on WGN. Funny.

Last night, I watched the recent live-action Charlotte's Web. It was really good; when it was in production I was afraid they'd ruin it with modernization or potty humor.
My favorite part was when the baby spiders hatched and took off. Wheee!

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