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Which movie did you see last?

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Friday night - Cloverfield. I remember a little more than a year ago when they showed previews for attached to Transformers, I wanted to see it soooo soo bad. Finally got to see it and I was generally pleased. The camera didn't bother me like it did alot of people[although I was watching it on a smaller screen]. Some good laughs, and some good "whoa" moments.

Saturday night - Amelie and Munich. Amelie...was truly amazing. My friend had been trying to plan a movie night for a few months and finally we get to see it. Funny, moving, and all around great film. Will probably buy it someday. Munich...was after Amelie, and I gotta say...I liked what I saw of it. I ended up falling asleep like...a little less than halfway through it, so I can't say I really saw much of it. =/

Today - The Longshots I wasn't expecting a whole lot from this movie. I teared up at the end though. I will admit it. Hahah! Movie was surprisingly entertaining. Very very good movie. This upcoming weekend me and some friends will be watching Transformers[which i've seen already, but it has been awhile and it's like...totally awesome]. The week Eagle Eye. Can not wait for that.

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Went to see Burn After Reading last night... Amazing. Brad Pitt and his little arm pump dance pretty much stole the entire movie XD... except when J.K. Simmons was on the screen. When the credits started rolling I just started to laugh at the abrupt and senseless ending XD

The Coen Brothers amaze me once again. I'm kinda excited about their next film as well. They were filming it here in Minneapolis a week or so ago... One of my buddy's driveways is in the film

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Ju-On 2 - bodyshock for the ick. Very atmospheric, albeit as confusing as the first with the timeslipping all over the place. My first jump and swear word was within 5 minutes into the film, so jolly good show to them


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V for Vendetta XD

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I'm reading a biography of Walt Disney and I'd just finished the chapter on Snow White, so I went ahead and watched it for the first time in God knows how many years. It was fun pointing out all the technological advances mentioned in the book that made this amazing back in the day, and the dwarfs were pretty funny, too. Also....

Queen:"They'll think she's dead! She'll be buried alive!!!"


"Buried aliiiive!!!!! *cacklecacklecackle*"

My Brain: "KHAAAAAAAAAN!!!!"

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I watched invasion of the bodysnatchers on tape last night because my satellite wasn't working....

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The first live-action Death Note movie. I came across it at Hot Topic the other day, not knowing it was even out on DVD. It changed a few things around from the manga and anime, and it was kinda weird seeing live people act it out.

@ TTG: I read a biography of Walt Disney recently, and I had to watch Snow White after reading about it, too.

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About halfway through Iron Man right now... Got the 2-disc Ultimate Edition

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Lucky you Hiro. But I didn't get to go see Eagle Eye, so that was a no go. But I did watch Transformers...last Saturday I believe. Not as amazing as it was on the big screen, but still fantastic. Saw some of Loveless In L.A. the other oh my gosh. My roommates, friends and I basically wrote the script for that movie...not even joking. 😛

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M. Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable. Great, emotional take on real life superheroes. It didn't do too well in theaters, though, I think.


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Bought and watched the Iron Man DVD. I should have gone to see it in theaters.

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Bought and watched the Iron Man DVD. I should have gone to see it in theaters.

Yeah man, you're not even kidding. That movie was MADE for the silver screen. Period.

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Terry Gilliam's Jabberwocky last night. Extremely odd. Some lol moments, but I prefer Brothers Grimm. Or Holy Grail. Although I did like the use on the soundtrack of a) The Great Gates of Kiev; b) Night on Bare Mountain; and c) some stock creepy music that must be in the public domain, 'cos I'm certain I heard it on a few episodes of Count Duckula (usually while someone was lost in Castle Duckula in the dark).


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Casino Royale. Wonderfully splendid. Can't wait for November 4th.

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Transformers last night. Aww, Jazz...


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^ Bumblebee getting crushed was sadder, IMO.

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Watched the 1986 Transformers Movie with the score isolated last week, but the last movie I watched was Iron Man, for the third time.

Still love it.

Bridge's rant about Tony building his minituarized ARK in a cave gets funnier every time.

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Anything bad happening to Bumblebee is sad He was so cool, I almost forgive GM for resurrecting the wrong F-Body car.

Mind you, I can see why the movie guys might think that having a talking, hi-tech, driving itself TransAm might remind people of something else

I will have to break out the 86 movie again - although at least the soundtrack comes up on my MP3 playlists relatively frequently.


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Finally saw the Sex and the City movie while drinking some Cosmopolitans with the girls. Meh, it was ok IMO Sarah Jessica Parker needs to gain a lot of weight. She looks ugly, scrawny, and old. Also makes me nauseated when I see her knees and arms. Not attractive at all.

The movie wasn't that great, the episodes in the series were a lot better but then again I've only watched 7 episodes max.

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Arthur and the Invisibles (Arthur and the Minimoys elsewhere) - When this movie came out, I thought it looked really good. However, when I watched it the other day, I was not impressed at all. =/ I can understand the boy (10 years old) having a crush on Madonna's character (who was teenager-ish), but her having one on him was a little creepy. 😮 Well, at least Snoop Dogg was in it.

Evan Almighty - Loved it! It was quite epic. Plus, I'm always excited to see Virginia and DC on film. (Night at the Museum 2 will take place at the Smithsonian!)

Final Destination - I've seen the second one, but not the other two. I tried watching the first one when it was on TNT last night, but changed the channel after the plane blew up for realz because it was too scary. =(

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The last movie that I saw was: Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End .

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Wasting time while Trish was at work, I watched Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker last night.

Always did love that movie, but something about the rewatch made it feel too quick and kind of shallow. You never did get enough time to suspect the CEO voiced by Mark Hamill, by the time we started suspecting him, the Jokerz were informing him that the Joker was pissed with him.

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I just watched an anime movie called Karas: The Prophecy.

....I didn't understand it at all. o__O;

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Watched Iron Man with mom and dad last night. I know dad liked it, and I think mom did to, which is surprising seeing as she doesn't like the superhero movie genre.

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The Happening. Now, don't get me wrong, I like M. Night Shaymalan. The Sixth Sence, Signs, and Unbreakable were great movies, but this was a resounding "meh" for me. Beyond the thin plot, the thing's whole point was the scares and gore. If you call Indiana Jones-style cheesy blood and guts "gore". Oh, and Mark? If John Leguiziamo makes you look like Haden Christiansen, you're not doing a good job.

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Watched The Terminal again today. It's an endearingly cute movie with a whole lot of sincerity and humor in it. Rarely do you see such a wholely inoffensive and charming lil' family film.

The antagonist is needlessly jerkish throughout the movie, but it's cool. The cast are all characters and really shine throughout. If you've not seen it, please do. I love it.

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I know it isn't a movie, but I'm building up a back log so I can enjoy the movie!

I've been watching the Firefly tv series for the past week.... IT IS FREAKIN' AWESOME. The show has a perfect mix of comedy and drama. Great characters and great writing. The only thing that I don't like about it is that looming thought that I am going to be so PISSED OFF when I hit that last episode =|. . .

But yeah, loving it so far. I'm guessing I'm the late guy to the party once again and that most of you have seen the series. If not and if you are a fan of Dr Horrible, same writer and Captain Hammer is the Captain of the ship.

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She looks ugly, scrawny, and old. Also makes me nauseated when I see her knees and arms. Not attractive at all.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. SJP is a minger.

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Just saw Bill Maher's Religulous. Informative, entertaining, and grim all at once.

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Last movie I watched was Iron Man, which I bought on DVD a few days ago.

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I watched The Thing recently. It's another one of my favorite horror movies. The special effects were really good for its time, and don't pull any punches - lots of gore. Great movie.

Posts: 679
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I just watched an anime movie called Karas: The Prophecy.

....I didn't understand it at all. o__O;

I'm not convinced it's possible to understand Karas. I sat back and watched the pretty animation


Posts: 5035
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I know it isn't a movie, but I'm building up a back log so I can enjoy the movie!

I've been watching the Firefly tv series for the past week.... IT IS FREAKIN' AWESOME. The show has a perfect mix of comedy and drama. Great characters and great writing. The only thing that I don't like about it is that looming thought that I am going to be so PISSED OFF when I hit that last episode =|. . .

But yeah, loving it so far. I'm guessing I'm the late guy to the party once again and that most of you have seen the series. If not and if you are a fan of Dr Horrible, same writer and Captain Hammer is the Captain of the ship.

I actually have not seen any of the series, but I did see Serenity...and my rocked! I wouldn't mind seeing that again. As for movies lately. But after talking to a friend last night...I have an urge for Disney classics[Beauty and the Beast, Bambi, Dumbo, Snow White, Cinderella...]

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Baby Momma. It was a dumb, funny little comedy.

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I just saw Spider-Man 3 on DVD.

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My most recent 3:
Big Trouble in Little China (Awesome)
Talladega Nights (Horrible movie...)
Tora! Tora! Tora! (Beast Pearl Harbor movie ever)

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Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle. Again. For like the 50,000th time.

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I don't care what anyone says, this movie is awesome.

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Indeed. =D

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...Nights in Rodanthe...






...why are looking at me like that?



...stop it...

Posts: 889
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12 Angrey Men came on tv last night.
Instantly in my top 5 movies ever.
Seriously if you havn't seen it, you should.

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I saw that in school a while back. Did you see the old one with Henry Fonda or someone or was it the remake? Because I saw the old one and it was incredible.

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Watched Star Trek IV again because the Star Trek movies are all I own on DVD.

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It was the one with Henry Fonda.
I would hate to see a remake, because I don't think anyone could come close to the awesomeness of Henry Fonda.

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Absolutely. *nods*

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Shoot Em Up.


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The Empire Strikes Back.

Vader: Obi wan never told you what happened to your father.

Luke: He told me enough! ....He told me you killed him.

Vader. No. He is your father. I SAW THE WAS HE WAS LOOKING AT PADME.

Posts: 1358
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Haha, my dad and I just finished watching that movie as well (more my dad as I went into town and missed the last bits of it). I believe A New Hope was on a day or so ago as well

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I think the last 3 were Donnie Darko, Back to the Future Part 3 and Into the Wild.

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Just watched The Incredible Hulk on DVD.

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