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Which movie did you see last?

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Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds. I can't help but feel that this was what The Happening was trying to emulate, what with the enviormental striking back for reasons we will never understand, but it couldn't touch this powerful, disturbing classic.

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Borrowed Incredible Hulk from work on Saturday. Such an awesome movie =D. Probably didn't gain as much attention this summer, due to both IronMan and Batman.

I love the original Hulk's cameo as the security guard... holy crap that guy is ripped.

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I love the original Hulk's cameo as the security guard... holy crap that guy is ripped.

Lou Ferrigno? Yeah, that dude is badass. He provided the voice for the Hulk in the movie too, just like the good ol' days.

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Only, he didn't provide his voice in the good old days. Just his green-tinted, totally ripped bod.

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Only, he didn't provide his voice in the good old days. Just his green-tinted, totally ripped bod.

He didn't provide the voice in the good old days? Meh, guess I heard wrong then.

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I dunno, it may have been his roars, but the Hulk never spoke.

EDIT: Huh, he did provide the voice for the Hulk in the '96 cartoon. I never watched it, so I didn't know.

Posts: 1984
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Crystal Skull

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Bump, bump, bump!

The movies I received for my birthday:
The Nightmare Before Christmas - can you believe I've never seen this before? I love the "What's This?" song. I have on one of my Disney compilations.

Persepolis - I bought and read the graphic novel back at college. Watching the movie brought me back to my dorm room and microwaved chicken soup (and my academic disasters, urgh). It's really interesting to learn what Iran is and was like before/after the wars. The DVD comes with both the original French audio, and the English dub. I watched it in French (with sub). I know enough French to understand the opening credits and bits and pieces of the dialog.

Orgazmo - Bought with birthday money, along with seasons 7 and 8 of South Park. I've seen the edited-for-TV version several times, and it was great to finally watch this in widescreen, NC-17/unrated filthy glory. Treeeeeyyyy. X3

Madagascar - Just finished watching this with Mom a little bit ago. Mom hasn't seen the first movie, so she wanted to watch it before we see the second one. I was disappointed in this film when I saw in the theatre, but it's gotten better as I've watched it more times. The ending of it really bugs me, so thankfully the sequel will tie things up.

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rocky horror picture show

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Last movie that I remember seeing was when I went to see that Zack & Miri Make a Porno, which was pretty damn funny. The black guy and certain parts had me rolling.

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Ring 0 on Hallowe'en was the last one I saw. I've been working my way through TV boxsets, so the movies are few and far between.


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I saw Quantum of Solace and was horrendously bored. It was a pretty average and uninspiring film.

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I watched Muppet Treasure Island for the first time last night. It was seriously bizarre. But fun.

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Not a movie, but I finished watching the Firefly tv series. WOW. Honestly one of the best shows I have ever seen. It's funny, it is serious. And the characters! Living, breathing characters! Like I expected, I am so damned pissed at Fox for canceling this show mid run =| We were just getting to some real fleshing out of people's back stories when BAM end of the series =.

At least I still have Serenity to look forward too.

I borrowed both Batman Returns and Metropolis from work today. I know Returns won't be too great, but it should help hold me over till I can overdose on Dark Knight in December .

Posts: 5035
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I saw Quantum of Solace and was horrendously bored. It was a pretty average and uninspiring film.

No way! Take that back!! My friends and I are uber pumped up for that movie next weekend. Can't wait!! Woo hoo!! As for me, just got back from watching Signs[for my first time] at a friend's. Movie was very good. Makes Scary Movie 3 all the more funny.

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Saw Soul Men.

Ehh You know what. I liked it. It was funny, overexcessive use of the word *m*labedah*f*labedah-butt what's to be expected from those two, lol. Though it was their last film, only Bernie shined in the movie (mainly cause Hayes had like, 2 cameos) It had a plot that was sweeter than saccharine, but the plot itself was executed rather well, and I apporved at teh ethen when it all came together.

The common twists and turns were there, and they were performed flawlessly by Samuel. Bernie..needs a little help transitioning, but the comedy was all his. The credits yielded some special gems which I hope are on the DVD (should be).

So yeah, It's an all around nice film.

Posts: 1984
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I just saw Sweeney Todd last night. Um. Yeah. I never liked meat pies.

My favorite character is definately Ms Lovett. By The Sea!

Posts: 679
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I watched Muppet Treasure Island for the first time last night. It was seriously bizarre. But fun.

I love that one. Tim Curry is having sooo much fun as Long John Silver, Rizzo is along for the food again (and running a cruise line on the side) and the kid playing Arrrr, Jim Lad is now in the Natwest adverts. Plus, they're off to Zanzibar, to meet the Zanzibarbarians

I'll have to dust it off again sometime.

I hear Muppets from Space was on five the other day.


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Ended up watching Get Smart last night. Still an awesome movie, even after the 4th time

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I hear Muppets from Space was on five the other day.

I saw that movie when it was out in theatres.

"You have no do you smell?"
"Awful, I'm his roommate!"

Posts: 4607
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The Nightmare Before Christmas - can you believe I've never seen this before? I love the "What's This?" song. I have on one of my Disney compilations.

This; although I know I've seen it before, I didn't remember it well enough, so I went about renting it for a refresher. Oogie Boogie wasn't handled all that well, and I'm not entirely sure why Sally is all "Jack doesn't want me ;_;" when all he's really done is ignore her warnings about him ruining Christmas... but the music was phenomenal. Danny Elfman is a genius, as always.

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Currently watching Dogma as I type this with my housemates and some of their friends.

The movie is far funnier in a group, especially with some who have never seen it.

Plus, it's terrifyingly well written.

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Showed the Count of Monte Cristo to some friends tonight. Movie's even better the second time...oh man. Love it!

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Rating: 2/10


When I read the description of the movie I already knew that I was going to be disappointed. The trailer confirmed and exceeded my doubts. But was it fair for me to judge a movie based on the trailer alone? I think so since, as an avid fan of the original 60's cartoon, I feel it's bad enough that it had to be a live action film and did little justice to the story and characters by crafting them into another franchise off the conveyor belt. But to be fair, I went ahead and rented it anyway. But my only expectations was to see further evidence of abuse in full, witnessing the results of Disney using a beloved classic to get pocket change, at the cost of destroying what the original audience fell in love with.

In the movie Underdog (Jason Lee) is a native-of-Earth quadruped beagle. Formally a police service dog (dismissed due to having a poor sense of smell), he becomes a specimen in the lab of Simon Bar Sinister (Peter Dinklage), and during his struggle to free himself he crashes into a shelf of chemicals, which are spilt all over his body. He manages to flee from the lab and into the streets, where a widowed father Dan Unger (Jim Belushi) finds him. Dan gives him the name "Shoe Shine" (he dog licking his shoe inspired that name) and takes him home. Expectedly his son, Jack Unger (Alex Neuberger), is not too happy with this decision, and is no more interested in having a loyal canine friend than eating dirt. So it's "A young boy and his dog" story? Here's where I begin to wonder if I'm watching "Underdog" or "Firehouse Dog"....... "Good Boy"....or "Airbud"- Because the plot is exactly the same. Naturally the boy (Alex Neuberger) has an angsty way about him- not in the worst way, but it's still a slightly bothersome trend. Shoe Shine is already aware of his transformation, and Jack is shocked when this new member of the household was able to speak. Eventually Jack begins to like Shoe Shine... of course.

Then we finally meet Polly Purebred (Amy Adams)... well, actually it's just "Polly" in the movie. "Molly", her owner, is a reporter for the school's newspaper. So instead of staying true to character, Disney adds another character to reflect what's true. Brilliant. There's not much to say about how 'sweet' Polly is in the film, and what ever we have left to observe doesn't resemble the original Polly Purebred whatsoever. She doesn't even look like a believable Polly.

While Simon Bar Sinister is at least the right height, I'm not so sure he's at the right age. I expected a much older man with that signature villain voice. He's played by an actor that appears to be ho-hum about his role the whole time. Perhaps he was putting himself in a "Napoleon" mindset instead, because clearly he has the words of an iconic Wester European figure but clearly not the demeanor that the real Simon Bar Sinister has.

Cad (Patrick Warburton) is the one of the few characters that reflect his cartoon counterpart very well, but it's not that surprising considering that Patrick is a great actor.

I must admit that Riff Raff (Brad Garrett) was treated well, but in the cartoon he looked more like a wolf or a Malamute than a Rottweiler, so justice has failed yet again.

Now to teach the uneducated the masses about the real Underdog- an anthropomorphic cartoon beagle from an alien planet (The source of his powers)and with "Shoe Shine Boy" as his alter ego (Because of his profession). Needless to say, other main animal characters like Polly Purebred and Riffraff are also anthropomorphic.

If I watch the movie through the eyes of someone whose never seen the cartoon, I would say it's mildly entertaining. A few jokes made me chuckle, but only a few.

To parents, I would highly suggest that their kids watch the original cartoon instead of the movie. Sweet Polly Purebred is actually sweet and Underdog/Shoe Shine Boy has a personality to love as well- as opposed to the movie versions which seem to have personalities that remind me of sarcastic college-age people.

Overall I'm sorely disappointed. I had waited for 12 years to see Underdog move to the big screen, but all this waiting was for nothing but further proof that Disney is still spewing a load of crap one film after another.

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Wow, Emerald. You're using this thread as I originally intended thank you!

I didn't see Underdog myself, as I had a suspicion it would be Air Bud with superheroics instead of basketball, and I never saw the cartoon it was based on. Your review has solidified the fact I shall never see it.

Last night, I ended up watching The Terminator with my wife. Tricia dislikes movies, so this was a huge effort on my behalf and it paid off, though I only had her watch it so I could have her watch the sequel.

For a B-Movie with horrible effects, it's still a wonderful flick. Sets the groundwork flawlessly for the sequel, which I consider to be one of the greatest movies ever comitted to film, and one which will never be topped effects wise.

I hope to have her watch that later this week.

Posts: 2016
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Finally got around to watching Casino Royale last night on TV, and it was surprisingly good despite my weariness, because I've honestly never sat down and watched a Bond movie before. But, I liked it enough that I'm considering to go see Quantum of Solace tomorrow at the cinema.

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I just finished watching the new Indiana Jones movie (I forgot the exact name). Way too much CGI, and it looked like 100% of it was done in a studio.
I thought it was alright for an Indiana Jones movie, but I couldn't help thinking that it would have been a heck of a great Metal Slug movie.

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I've just watched Eraserheads...

What the hell was all that about?

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Watched Matrix Reloaded with Rifftrax two nights ago and T2 last night.

Rifftrax + Reloaded = Matrix 2: The Adventures of Link. Also they make cake is a lie, Rush, Akira and other such references.

Their reaction to the orgy scene is hilarious.


T2 is a perfect movie. A helicopter flies under an overpass. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!

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Quantum of Solace. For a Bond movie, it was spectacularly...


Posts: 2915
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Okay now... I'm going to offer up the board's first POSITIVE review for Quantum of Solace.

It was pretty awesome. Once again, the action scenes were top notch. I this 'new' Bond. Maybe I'm odd, but I like this new 'Bourne' like quality.

I wouldn't say this was the best Bond, but it was alright as a sequel to by far my favorite Bond.

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Hell yea Hiro. QoS was great. I loved that schick! Did you realize Ms. Fields first name was Strawberry. *chuckles*

Posts: 2915
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Ouch... Just tried to watch Batman Returns. Bad costumes + Bad dialogue + an uncomfortable sexual overtone = uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh

From what I saw of it, the 'original' Batman wasn't too bad... but this one seems way too Tim Burton-y.

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Ouch... Just tried to watch Batman Returns. Bad costumes + Bad dialogue + an uncomfortable sexual overtone = uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh

From what I saw of it, the 'original' Batman wasn't too bad... but this one seems way too Tim Burton-y.

I didn't know it was *possible* to be too Tim Burton-y I like Batman & Returns, Robin is terrible but I haven't seen Forever. The Dark Knight was cool and all, but what was with Gotham City having sunlight? I'm so not used to that! And besides, Harvey Dent should always be Lando Calrissian


Posts: 5035
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Just saw "Crash". Wonderfully wonderful.

My attempt at a review:

A movie about prejudice, stereotypes and rascism...yea that's going to get a ton of talk here in America. A nation divided by racism and prejudice once upon a time ago, this movie serves the human race as a mirror. Makes you stop and look at yourself and how you treat others...and maybe realize how you are treated. Seen from multiple perspectives representing multiple backgrounds. My friends and I agree...this is a movie every human should see. Seriously.[And I don't usually recommend a movie to every living being...believe me]

5 out of 5.

Posts: 489
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Just saw "Crash". Wonderfully wonderful.

You know, I saw that movie when I was drunk, one of the very few times that I ever was, and I totally hated the movie because It had so much drama in it. Drunk + drama = Booooriiiing. I should give it another watch while sober though.

I just saw Quantum of Solace. Eh, it was okay. It had all the bond stuff in it, minus Q and maybe a few minor things. It just didn't feel James Bondy enough though.

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Yea Fexus..try watching it while sober...I think you'll like it...

a bit more atleast. =P

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I this 'new' Bond.

I just an entire coca-cola bottle. Is this bad?

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When I was doing my 365 Challenge, I used to write reviews for my rental company's site. I went back to pull my Crash one out, as I knew I was very angry with the movie. Also, yay, I am a HIGH RATED REVIEWER on the site, since I left it.


This movie suffered too much from being marketed for awards. A movie about racism shouldn't be a 2 hour trip through a bunch of cardboard cut outs who have irrational hatred, it should be an exploration on what racism is, what causes it and how it can be overcome, instead it just says 'EVERYONE IS INTOLLERABLY RACIST!!!' and offers no resolution. The movie has no grasp on subtlety and just comes across as a parody of reality. Horrible viewing experience and insulting to the viewer.


I haven't seen it since that viewing, however, I was very very upset.

Posts: 5035
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When I was doing my 365 Challenge, I used to write reviews for my rental company's site. I went back to pull my Crash one out, as I knew I was very angry with the movie. Also, yay, I am a HIGH RATED REVIEWER on the site, since I left it.


This movie suffered too much from being marketed for awards. A movie about racism shouldn't be a 2 hour trip through a bunch of cardboard cut outs who have irrational hatred, it should be an exploration on what racism is, what causes it and how it can be overcome, instead it just says 'EVERYONE IS INTOLLERABLY RACIST!!!' and offers no resolution. The movie has no grasp on subtlety and just comes across as a parody of reality. Horrible viewing experience and insulting to the viewer.


I haven't seen it since that viewing, however, I was very very upset.

Awww come on Craigey! Sure it, far from reality, but I mean I guess think of it as world where your inner thoughts couldn't be said what you thought and didn't jst say it in your head, you know. Although...I would say I know some people that were like the characters in the sad as that is. *shrugs*

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Watched Kung Fu Panda last night. Pretty damn funny. Not 'Pixar' great, but still a very good movie that the whole family can watch.

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^ Kung-Fu Panda is great. =D

The Wizard of Oz - I read Wicked over the summer, and realized that I've only seen bits and pieces of this movie. So, when it played on TBS last weekend, I decided to sit and watch the whole thing. Ahhhh, back in days when there was no CG animation.

Idlewild - The Outkast movie. That was....something else. o.o @ talking rooster flask. I've had the soundtrack for a while, so I already knew all the songs.

Madagascar 2 - Muuuuch better than the first one. The volcano scene was epic! I was laughing a lot at the opening scene's obvious homage to The Lion King. I saw it yesterday afternoon...when we bought our tickets in the morning, there were already three sold-out showings of Twilight. XD

TMNT - Just got finished watching. I thought it was good. I think they're making a sequel.

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You don't mess with the Zohan XD

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The Legend of Zorro - in Spanish, cos I can. This is only the second time I'd seen it - went to see it at the cinema straight after my final accounting exam. Maybe it was something to do with the 4 hour case study on a water utilities company, but it didn't grab me as much as the first one. However, it was a very pleasant re-watch last night and I was pleased to see James Horner back with the music. Every so often you just have to hear some mariachi


Posts: 633
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I finally saw Magagascar 2: gotta say, major improvement over the 1st movie. Better animation, better story, and the VA's seemed more into it then in the 1st go round ecspecially Ben stiller. I just hope that Dreamworks doesn't "Sherek" it by making a crappy 3rd movie. I mean the cast is finally back in Africa (wich I belive was there Goal in the 1st movie.) But yea Its no Wall-E, but I would Deffinantly Suggest seeing it. Its a Pretty entertaining way to kill 90 minutes.

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I watched Requiem for a Dream with a friend, and got halfway through Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Stripes when I watched them alone.

I have no attention span when I watch movies by myself.

Posts: 1376
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Madagascar II is hilarious. Also finished up WALL-E and Tropic Thunder. The latter is damned hilarious, after the second time.

Posts: 917
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I went to see Apaloosa over the weekend. TOo much talking, not enough shooting.

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Fight Club. Yeah. G4's right, this movie does not suck.

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WALL.E. The Pixar Studios are friggin' geniuses.

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