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Which movie did you see last?

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liek omg hi gaaaiiiizz

The last few movies I've seen:

Hairspray (2007) : I was supposed to see the stage musical with my grandparents and some other people a while back, but that never came through.
As Big & Rich say in the intro of their second album, somebody's got to be unafraid to lead the freak parade! I really liked this movie--great music, great message. The film is set in Baltimore in the 1960's, and most of the action is centered around the Corny Collins show, a local-based teen dance TV program. Once a month, they have "Negro Day." There's some great lines where the main character says things like, "I love Negro Day! I wish every day was Negro Day!" and "If I were President, I'd make every day Negro Day!" =D

The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) : Notre Dame de Paris!!! I've decided to stop holding off on buying some Disney movies until they come out with a special edition. Hunchback and Hercules have been left to dust on the Gold Collection shelf for a while now. They're the only big 90's musicals that haven't gotten the 2-disc special edition treatment. And some movies that I've bought because I didn't expect them to get a re-release (Sword in the Stone, The Black Cauldron) are getting them!
I caught this movie for the first time (missed the first 10 minutes, though) on the Disney Channel a few years ago, and was blown away by how awesome it is. I'm amazed it passed a G rating--dude, Esmerelda dancing on a pole, Frollo lusting for her, singing about freaking hellfire, etc. Everybody needs to watch this movie. It's a great example of what happens when some people use religion as an excuse for their own hatred. =/
My favorite lines: "I ask for nothing, I can get by / But I know so many less lucky than I / Please help my people, the poor and downtrod / I thought we all were....children of God"
"We're just made of stone, we thought you were made of something stronger."

Beverly Hills Chihuahua : Yeah, I hear you all groaning. Mom wanted to see it. I watch mostly kids/family movies anyway, so I didn't mind watching it with her.
I thought the CG talking mouths on real dogs looked a little creepy. I prefer just the voice-over, like in Homeward Bound or Milo & Otis (ahhhh, the early 90's). There's some parts where the entire dogs are CG-animated, and it looks a bit goofy. Well, I guess it was supposed to be cartoony. *shrug*
It does have some good points--addressing Hispanic-American stereotypes, adopting a shelter dog, and my favorite line--"Chihuahuas are not toys or fashion accessories." =D There's even a disclaimer right before the end credits "The Walt Disney Company wants all animals to have a loving home/etc; adopting a pet is for life and do research beforehand." Too many people buy animals becase they're cute and then have no idea how take care of them.
There's a phenomonem called "fad pets"; an often-cited example is Dalmatians got really popular when certain Disney movies came out. I wonder if they had that in mind when making this movie?

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Saw Watchmen on sunday. Excellent movie, I liked it better than Dark Knight. (then again, I had crappy seats during dark knight)

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LAt Night was a double Fature for me..1st I watched beverly Hills Chihuahua with my was funny, but over all...It kinda sucked. I give it a 4/10 though just because George lopez voiced one of the dogs.

2nd went up to my room and watched Perfect Blue, Thats a pretty good anime movie, The animation is kinda cheap but the story is interesting and the english VA's were good, & unlike most Suspese movies "cought.three Cought" It actually had a Somwhat happy ending. i give it a 6/10 (but lord it had almost as much smut scenes as watchman did, darn it hollywood can't I get a suspse/mystery. movie thats just pure violence!) LULZ!

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Finally saw The Princess Bride last night... probably won't see it again. It made me roll my eyes over 100 times. Kind of cute though.

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Saw "Burn Before Reading" which was a typical Coen brothers plot, but with spy stuff instead. I was actually amused by all of the paranoid fantasies each of the characters fell into throughout the duration and thanked the movie for letting the viewer read into it themselves. The build up was a tad slow and the plot wasn't really going anywhere at all until the finale of the movie and though I did laugh and was amused, I doubt it was worth the ride. Also the movie is only 90 minutes. Brad Pitt's character was fun

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Saw "Event Horizon" last two nights ago.

As far as horror movies go (and I'm not an aficionado, so I'm not an expert in the genre), it had its moments. As a sci-fi movie, it was good.

With regards to a somewhat infamous scene about what happened to the original crew of the Event Horizon...well, the sudden nausea, the sense of crippling vertigo, and practical BLINDNESS for about five seconds was my brain telling to never watch that movie ever again.

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Just finished watching Australia. Wow! I'm sorry I didn't watch it sooner. I love everything about the movie, from the creepy little kid, the adventure, cow herding, cliched romance to the explosions! If you haven't watched it, go do so. Be warned, it's a 157 minute movie... so around 2.5 hours but it's worth it and will be added to my DVD collection.

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Just saw Octagon. Oh that Chuck Norris....

Before that, I cranked on Underworld for the first time ever...and it was pretty darned good. =3 Haven't seen a bad movie in quite some time.

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Ok. i'm back.

Saw Watchmen last night. Too much Blue Penis. Yeap. Other than that, it was a hilarious movie.

Saw Role Models Friday night. I nearly pissed myself. That's some true debauchery humor right there. I wan tot be in one of those movies really bad.

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Last night watched Return of the King for the first time, the extended edition too...god it was long and full of seemingly intentional innuendo. Otherwise I really enjoyed it.

Can't remember if I already said but I also watched Masters of the Universe recently too, which was fun.

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Watched "Lakeview Terrace" recently and I'm begining to wonder if Sam Jackson just keeps picking roles for movies that are idiotic. First, Snakes on a Plane, then, Black Snake Moan, now this.

I also watched Journey to the Center of the Earth in (not) 3D, it was better than I was expecting it to be, no thanks to Brendan Frasier.

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Watchmen. I'd read the book a few months ago, so I could appreciate all the tricks they used to condense the plot, like going directly from the interview to Mars. I thought it was pretty good. I couldn't stop thinking about Shrek during the hot/awkward Owl-on-Silk action, though.

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Watched the animated Wonder Woman movie last night, the latest in DC's animated movies.

I really liked it, it had great animation, the story and characters were very good, the voices weren't as good as JLU imo, but still memorable.

My only complaint is more to do with animated movies not getting enough screen time, and hour and ten minutes doesn't allow the creators to explore characters as much as the big screen equivalents can, however this particular movie doesn't suffer from it.

If you like super hero action movies and great 2D animation then get this movie, the only DC animated movies I'd rate higher right now are Justice League: The New Frontier, and Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, though they're not that far ahead.

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We watched "Into the Wild" last night in my Sociology 101 class. It was a pretty decent movie. The ending was pretty sad in my opinion. Dude finally realizes that "Happiness is only true when shared"... and then he dies alone, trapped =(

It is St Patty's Day, and therefore I watched the essential St Patty's Day movie, The Boondock Saints. I remember when I saw it my freshman year of college... "OMG THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!"... I decided to purchase a copy and show it to my parents... WRONG, they didn't have that same reaction =(

Kinda excited for "All Saint's Day", which should be coming out this year.

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I saw Taken on monday. It's like Man on Fire, but in Paris, and the hero is a white guy.

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Just got back from Gran Torino.

Wow... How did this NOT get a Best Picture nomination? I loved me some Dark Knight, hell I've seen it in the theater 4 times... But this movie made it look like a kiddie movie.

Clint Eastwood just got bumped up to my favorite actors list. His performance was superb. A very touching story about an old man, living in an inner city neighborhood. Beer drinking, rifle cocking, handgun slingin' Korean War vet with a lot of regret in his life. He says exactly what is on his mind, no matter how racist/ offensive it is. He has no fears, and isn't afraid to stand up to young punk, gang banging, urban troubadours who think they own a neighborhood because they act tough and carry heat.

Some parts will have you laughing. Other times you'll be pissed at how some of the more decent people get treated.

All in all it is a great movie. Very moving, very thought provoking. Hell, I can't even remember the last movie that was this good. Highly recommended, but be ware that Clint uses damn near every racial slur out there... except for 'porch monkey'... porch monkey never gets any love =(

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Saw two Harry Potter movies on Saturday, Azkaban and Phoenix.

Watching Azkaban again yields the same complaints as always, mostly regarding the lack of Mauraders subplot or context for the giant stag made of light. But I also noticed something else. EVERY SCENE. Every single scene involves a drawn out establishing shot.

This would be fine if it didn't happen so often. For example.

-Autumn. A single leaf falls from a tree. Pan out. Whomping Willow. It shakes off the rest of it's leaves-
Switches to.
-Outside the great hall. Settle on stainglass window. Ghost erupts from it. Window is still intact. Slowly pan to the actual plot of the movie-

Also every scene has a pan away or fade out moment. I'm going to time it next viewing and see how much time could have been saved by not being so abundant with scenes which do nothing more than remind us we're in Hogwarts and it's MAAAAAAAAAAAAGIC.

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Hmmm... Completely forgot to mention I saw "I Love You, Man" last Friday. It was pretty funny, although Paul Rudd's character had some pretty painful dialog at points... Craig, you should go see this one... The two go to a Rush concert and sing/play Tom Sawyer while riding around town... Oh and I guess they also do another song during the credits... which I missed =(

I was sick Monday and Tuesday, so I took the time to watch 2 of the Miyazaki films I had purchased at Best Buy. First up is Howl's Moving Castle. I thought it was a really good film. Not quite as good as Spirited Away, but pretty decent none the less.

I also watched most of My Neighbor Totoro... I stopped about 20 minutes from the end. It's just too slow paced for me. Might try finishing it up tonight.

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My entire interest in I Love You Man is the Rush plot significance and Marshall from How I Met Your Mother.

You must now reply to this thread detailing every single moment Rush were on screen or mentioned during the movie.

(Also Adventureland's plot involves a kid who listens to Limelight by Rush and wants to drum like Peart. HELLYESRUSHINMOVIES!)

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So. I just watched Twilight. What an odd movie. Not it's content, just it's presentation.

The first 30-40 minutes of the movie are incomprehensibly slow, dull and without any real coherancy. They move from scene to scene in a vague timeline of protagonist girl's first weeks at school where she spots a brooding pale faced boy. She dreams about him. Chases him and as the character is SO INTROVERT it's like all the colorful characters interact AT her, but she is unaffected.

It takes about 6 scenes of the lead couple being next to eachother for them to act.

Now, I realize that the book is 1st person, but there's a lack of narration (it exists, but is sparse) to tell us what she's thinking, so she just sulks through 30 minutes of movie lusting after a man who she does not speak with until 25 minutes in.

Oh and interestingly the soundtrack to the movie also seems to impatiently wait for their chemistry, so it DOESN'T EXIST until their romance starts akwardly blooming. It's like the soundtrack composser only knew how to write angsty Hot Topic style love music, so the moments where Bella's father spends 6 minutes trying to exposit her backstory at her while she sulks is just dead silent.

Due to all these flaws, and the lack of coherancy of events for the first 30 minutes, it's very MSTkable. I burst out laughing at least 4 times, most notably when Dr. Vampire strides into the room casually or when Edward angrily suggests she should just stop whining and say thank you and the Mary Sue akwardly, yet sincerely, says "Thank you" with eyes of lost wonder.

After Bella says the word vampire, the movie actually starts being a movie. Which was okay. I didn't mind it. I wish I could go indepth and mock their vampire mythology or the superpower baseball, but it was all whimsical and I cannot laugh at anything which isn't taking itself 100% seriously.

I doubt I'll see the sequel. But I must see this movie with rifftrax.

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Saw Hancock. Critics are stupid.

Yes Will Smith makes movies golden. This is known. But Hancock was good because the story was a complete 180 form what I expected. While the twist was kinda obvious, the ramifications of it were what made it all the more awesome.

So yes. Hancock=Win #6 For Will Smith and 7/4 Blockbusters

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Just got back from seeing Dragonball Evolution several hours ago and all I can say is..... wow..... just..... wow. This movie RAPED the original Dragonball franchise and I'm not even kidding! I'm not just saying this because almost everyone else who saw this movie felt kinda the same way, I'm just saying it because it's how I genuinely feel. This movie blew. Hard. I don't like some of the different things that were done in this movie. For example, Goku's meant to transform into an ape yet instead he transforms into a lizard-like being. WHATTAHECK?!?!?! HE'S MEANT TO TRANSFORM INTO A FREAKIN' APE!!! AN APE, DAMMIT!!! Piccolo looked lame. Muten Roshi wasn't even bald. Bulma just had one streak of blue hair hanging from her head. Those were just some of the numerous problems I had with this movie. I had a feeling I'd be in for a crappy experience when I'd end up watching this movie since the very moment I first found out that a live action Dragonball movie was in the works (this was about two years ago, if I remember correctly). Man, I was SO right! But that's not really much of a surprise. Anyway, I knew I was gonna watch this movie regardless of my scepticism toward it since I'm such an avid fan of the Dragonball franchise (that includes not only the original Dragonball series, but the Z series and, to a lesser extent, the GT series). I went into the cinema mainly with the expectation of getting a few cheap lulz, but the movie wasn't even very lulzy. It was utterly awful at worst and cringeworthy at best. At least they kept Roshi as a pervert. That kinda made me smile. But that's about it. And apparently, both Chatwin and Marsters (the actors who played Son Goku and Piccolo respectively) have signed on for at least THREE more movies, with the next Dragonball movie apparently already having been green-lighted. God help us if they're as awful as this one. The Dragonball franchise (Z in particular) defined much of my childhood, along with Sonic. If this movie did ANYTHING even remotely good, it's that it made me realise just how INFINITELY SUPERIOR the original manga and anime series are!

DBZ 4 LYF!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, the only other movie I'm hangin' out for this year is Transformers 2. I'm really pumped about it!

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I went to see "Knowing", the Nicolas Cage movie, yesterday. I enjoyed it right up to around the last 10 minutes, where, in the words of my friend "this is where it gets a bit silly". All I could think of was seven stars, seven stones and one white tree.

Still, some good sequences with planes & trains (underground that is - I shall be planning where I stand on the Underground platforms next time I'm there so I have room to dodge overturned Tube trains!).

I also quite like Nicolas Cage - he has something of the Jimmy Cagney about him (if that's who I mean - he of "It's a Wonderful Life"). Maybe it's the accent. Plus he exec-produced the short-lived Dresden Files, for which I shall be forever grateful.

Next plan is to see "Let the Right One In" (Swedish vampire film) - I may have to go by myself, not sure how many of my friends will be up for that one... In the meantime, "The Devil's Backbone" awaits on DVD (Guillermo del Toro) - just as soon as I finish "Sapphire & Steel" boxset.


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Rishi, just so you know, Oozaru Goku was covered in fur, had red eyes, and the same snout as the anime and manga, only differences were his size, his lack of a tail, and the fact that his clothes regenerated, Goku must be related to Bill Bixby, clearly...

Anyway, as you can tell I also saw Dragonball, and as a fan of the series I was actually surprised to see how much of the original manga made the cut. And yes, it's no surprise that the movie was crap, but seriously, Rishi, at least they didn't turn Piccolo into business suit wearing fat Simon Pegg with an Irish accent like a certain Street Fighter movie that recently came out did to their main antagonist.

Seriously though, this movie would be bad even if they did stay completely true to the manga, the fights were lame, hard to see thanks to bad lighting, over killed special effects flooding the screen, and some shockingly bad wire fu, but also the acting is mostly terrible, full of cliches and no character development, you don't even see Piccolo on screen enough to relate to him or hate him or anything.

The romance between Bulma and Yamcha comes out of no where, neither have the same personalities as their manga counterparts, in fact they don't really have personalities other than cocky smugness and greed. Piccolo, for when we see him, is the best acted character, James Masters doing a damn good job as him, but he just doesn't seem all that important to the story other than he's gonna kill everyone. The costumes are pretty cool though, I like Goku's belt and Mai's outfits they're just pretty sexy and cool.

Also, an aside, what's with Hollywood not liking Chinese dresses anymore? Neither Chun Li nor Chichi wear them in their movies even though it's hard to find images without them in their source material, and the only character in a martial arts movie that will be wearing one from what I can tell is Mai Shiranui in the King of Fighters movie, and she doesn't where one in the games...go figure.

Anyway, yes, Dragonball...avoid it if you don't like Dragonball anyway, if you do consider it the reason why there wasn't one up until now.

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Rishi, just so you know, Oozaru Goku was covered in fur, had red eyes, and the same snout as the anime and manga, only differences were his size, his lack of a tail, and the fact that his clothes regenerated, Goku must be related to Bill Bixby, clearly...

Yeah, I noticed all of that about Oozaru Goku. I just still thought it was kinda weird. I like that they stayed true to certain details though, such as Goku getting the four-starred dragonball from Grandpa Gohan, Yamcha starting out as a bandit (albeit a goofy one) and that bikini magazine that Muten Roshi had. Anyway, I hope the sequel takes place in the Vegeta/Saiyan saga of DBZ. That might make it worth watching, I guess.....

Pic related.

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Just got back from seeing Dragonball Evolution several hours ago and all I can say is..... wow..... just..... wow. This movie RAPED the original Dragonball franchise and I'm not even kidding! I'm not just saying this because almost everyone else who saw this movie felt kinda the same way, I'm just saying it because it's how I genuinely feel. This movie blew. Hard. I don't like some of the different things that were done in this movie. For example, Goku's meant to transform into an ape yet instead he transforms into a lizard-like being. WHATTAHECK?!?!?! HE'S MEANT TO TRANSFORM INTO A FREAKIN' APE!!! AN APE, DAMMIT!!! Piccolo looked lame. Muten Roshi wasn't even bald. Bulma just had one streak of blue hair hanging from her head. Those were just some of the numerous problems I had with this movie. I had a feeling I'd be in for a crappy experience when I'd end up watching this movie since the very moment I first found out that a live action Dragonball movie was in the works (this was about two years ago, if I remember correctly). Man, I was SO right! But that's not really much of a surprise. Anyway, I knew I was gonna watch this movie regardless of my scepticism toward it since I'm such an avid fan of the Dragonball franchise (that includes not only the original Dragonball series, but the Z series and, to a lesser extent, the GT series). I went into the cinema mainly with the expectation of getting a few cheap lulz, but the movie wasn't even very lulzy. It was utterly awful at worst and cringeworthy at best. At least they kept Roshi as a pervert. That kinda made me smile. But that's about it. And apparently, both Chatwin and Marsters (the actors who played Son Goku and Piccolo respectively) have signed on for at least THREE more movies, with the next Dragonball movie apparently already having been green-lighted. God help us if they're as awful as this one. The Dragonball franchise (Z in particular) defined much of my childhood, along with Sonic. If this movie did ANYTHING even remotely good, it's that it made me realise just how INFINITELY SUPERIOR the original manga and anime series are!

DBZ 4 LYF!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, the only other movie I'm hangin' out for this year is Transformers 2. I'm really pumped about it!

Ahem! Wolverine and Star Trek my friend! What's your problem!?

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Prefer the comics.

Star Trek

Not a trekkie. I am a massive Star Wars fan though.

Peace out!

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grand torino.. saw it via bootleg dvd

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Blade Runner, original edition. Odd movie, but visually pretty amazing. Found Deckard's inner monologue obnoxious. Perhaps is used to Rorschach's. Must investigate further.

Posts: 5035
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Prefer the comics.

Star Trek

Not a trekkie. I am a massive Star Wars fan though.

Peace out!

Fair enough...fair enough.

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Definetly going to see DB:E now. Possibly Friday. I'll need a good time when no one else is in the theater so my friends and I can MST3K it up.

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American Teen. It's a documentary and I can honestly say...I saw myself in 4 out of the 5 main characters. Being halfway through my college[undergrad] years I can still remember high school...and still miss it. I can't really go into detail about how great this movie was but...I highly recommend it to anyone...especially ones still in high school and still in [undergrad]college. It wasn't really a movie in my opinion...more like a flashback. 😛

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Watched 300 and Pitch Black again

Fun movies

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Crank 2.

Oh my Jesus, just... Crank 2.

This is the most delirious movie I've ever seen. It is the fevered dreams of a 12 year-old hopped up on Red Bull, Monster, Powerthirst and crystal meth. This movie hates continuity, coherence and morals. It hates them and rapes them all to death with a flying horseschlong. This is a movie so over the top that it has no idea what the top looked like when it passed it.

If this movie had a physical form, that form would rape a Humvee until it exploded. And then a Dragonforce solo would play from the heavens.

If my mouth hadn't been agape the entire time, I would've been smiling wide.

I hereby join Patton Oswalt in his man-crush for Jason Statham. (NSFW)

Posts: 5035
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Crank 2.

Oh my Jesus, just... Crank 2.

This is the most delirious movie I've ever seen. It is the fevered dreams of a 12 year-old hopped up on Red Bull, Monster, Powerthirst and crystal meth. This movie hates continuity, coherence and morals. It hates them and rapes them all to death with a flying horseschlong. This is a movie so over the top that it has no idea what the top looked like when it passed it.

If this movie had a physical form, that form would rape a Humvee until it exploded. And then a Dragonforce solo would play from the heavens.

If my mouth hadn't been agape the entire time, I would've been smiling wide.

I hereby join Patton Oswalt in his man-crush for Jason Statham. (NSFW)

XDXD! My friends saw this last night...upon leaving the theater...their summation was basically yours, Castor. LOL

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DEFIANCE: Jason Statham throws Hitler into a woodchipper, eats the entrails as they fly out the other end, and then !@$+! out Winston Churchill.

L... M... A... O...

The Fifth Element in the middle of the night, or rather the 10 minutes of fighting on a cruise ship that I always see on the rare occasion it randomly shows up on TV.


Posts: 874
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DEFIANCE: Jason Statham throws Hitler into a woodchipper, eats the entrails as they fly out the other end, and then !@$+! out Winston Churchill.

L... M... A... O...

The Fifth Element in the middle of the night, or rather the 10 minutes of fighting on a cruise ship that I always see on the rare occasion it randomly shows up on TV.


Fifth Element's point? It's point is that it's AWESOME. That's the only point it needs.

"Are you human?
"No sir, I am a meat popsicle."

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Fifth Element is so much fun to watch, I must have seen it 50 times

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I really want to give the movie a try but I just can not stand any scene in it long enough to pay attention. Part of that is that I dislike plots involving the following concepts: the four classical elements as a major plot point, human virtue as a fifth, and a nebulous evil that is evil for evil's sake. The plot is into these to great amounts if I remember it properly (and I may not, it's been a while), so it may simply be one of those things I can't agree with fans about.

Also the alien and human costumes turn me off to a great degree. The mangalores look and act like generic evil alien thugs. In the scene I saw the blue singer touched Bruce Willis rather explicitly getting blue makeup on him which is just lazy unless she was supposed to be an alien in blue body makeup.

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Well, I tried to watch "Yes Man" last weekend. Got to the scene where good old Jim couldn't say no to his elderly neighbor going down on him... at which point I decided the film jumped the shark D: ... I think this is what caused me to start watching Castle, which although not a movie, is freaking awesome... go go Nathon Fillion

Posts: 1984
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Donkey Kong Country: The Legend of the Crystal Coconut...technically not a movie per se. More like 4 episodes edited together to make a movie but whatever! I actually still had this piece of crap in some long forgotten part of the house, and was just curious. I never did see every episode of Donkey Kong Country. But now, thanks to the internet, I can.

Oh man...I don't remember the singing. Aaaah singing make it stop!

Bananaaaa Slamma!

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Saw Wolverine earlier this evening.

It's pretty good.


Not much more to say really...

Posts: 5035
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Saw Wolverine earlier this evening.

It's pretty good.


Not much more to say really...'ve seen it already? Awesome! And thanks for not saying more...keep that stuff underwraps.

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I'm going to Wolverine tonight

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Watched Van Hellsing earlier today before work. Only seen the beginning part with Mr Hyde. Didn't get to see my gurl Kate B, besides a picture.

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Watched Batman Returns for the first time ever. Despite The Penguin being mutated, and Burton overdoing the goth thing (which is why I avoided watching it) it wound up being very good. o_0

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I've just finished Del Toro's "The Devil's Backbone". Very atmospheric, part of the director's Spanish Civil War trilogy (?) along with Pan's Labyrinth. Eduardo Noriega is a creepy, creepy man when he wants to be. I hadn't realised Pedro Almodovar was a producer - interesting, given that I tend not to like his movies.


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I've just finished Del Toro's "The Devil's Backbone". Very atmospheric, part of the director's Spanish Civil War trilogy (?) along with Pan's Labyrinth. Eduardo Noriega is a creepy, creepy man when he wants to be. I hadn't realised Pedro Almodovar was a producer - interesting, given that I tend not to like his movies.


Oh man! Yes that movie is wonderful. Watched it for my Spanish class in high school. Very atmospheric indeed.

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Saw Wolverine today. Wasn't as dissapointed with it as I expected to be.

Ryan Reynolds better use that star power of his and get us a solo Deadpool movie though!

Posts: 5035
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Saw Wolverine today. Wasn't as dissapointed with it as I expected to be.

Ryan Reynolds better use that star power of his and get us a solo Deadpool movie though!

Oh yea not sure if I said or not, but I too saw Wolfy this weekend. I absolutely loved it. Sorry comic storyline enthusiasts...I did. 😛 Oh and Gyser did you stay for after the credits. Depending on what theater you were watching it saw something.

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