Oh yea not sure if I said or not, but I too saw Wolfy this weekend. I absolutely loved it. Sorry comic storyline enthusiasts...I did. 😛 Oh and Gyser did you
stay for after the credits. Depending on what theater you were watching it in...you saw something.
... wtf Marvel... That would have made my buddy a lot less pissed. I thought it was okay, but definitely not great.
Haha, hey Hiro. So what would've made your buddy a lot less pissed? The stuff after the credits? 😛
Just recently I watched a film called Casshern I rented off of Netflix, and I gotta say.. Wow.
I've never seen such an amazing work of art that was made for such a pathetic amount of money (7 million to be exact).
The problems that I happened to have with the movie (mainly some of the minor fight scenes) could've probably been remedied if the director would've had the budget of even some of the cheaper action films released in American theatres.
So yeah, turns out that new Star Trek movie is pretty damn great.
I watched Star Trek the other day. The new spiffy one.
Honestly, I loved it, coming into it and not being a real big fan of Star Trek in general, I was a bit skeptical, but they pulled the movie off pretty well.
Star Trek is indeed very good. If they ran with this new group for the next one, I'd probably watch it too. The Romulan (Is that how it's spelled? Ugh) spaceship was...surreal to say the least, lol.
Saw Transformers the movie (80's animated version). Unicron was awesome and I loved that Galvatron was Nemoy. XD
Just watched two anime movies, lood: The Last Vampire and the original Appleseed.
Blood is pretty cool, with great artwork and slick animation, very stylish and dark, but feels like an experiment or tech demo rather than a movie, showcasing Production I.G.'s skill at animation and action rather than narrative, which in itself is pretty simple. It's worth a watch but it's not as good as I hoped.
Appleseed is pure 80s cyberpunk anime, and it's a lot of fun. From Masamune Shirow too, so you can expect a bit too much talking at times, but fortunately not as bad as some of the movies based on his works (Ghost in the Shell 2 for instance). It has that retro charm that's fun, colourful, and full of cheese. Also I really have no idea what Bully is, robot bunny man? I dunno, watch it and you'll know what I mean.
(comes back from seeing Star Trek)
Ok seriously, J.J. Abrams. Direct more movies. Period.
What an exhilarating ride that movie was, and the people who played Kirk, Spock, and Uhura were absolutely perfect. The rest of the crew were not half bad, except for Scotty and his fake accent.
Just watched two anime movies, lood: The Last Vampire and the original Appleseed.
Blood is pretty cool, with great artwork and slick animation, very stylish and dark, but feels like an experiment or tech demo rather than a movie, showcasing Production I.G.'s skill at animation and action rather than narrative, which in itself is pretty simple. It's worth a watch but it's not as good as I hoped.
Appleseed is pure 80s cyberpunk anime, and it's a lot of fun. From Masamune Shirow too, so you can expect a bit too much talking at times, but fortunately not as bad as some of the movies based on his works (Ghost in the Shell 2 for instance). It has that retro charm that's fun, colourful, and full of cheese. Also I really have no idea what Bully is, robot bunny man? I dunno, watch it and you'll know what I mean.
Yea man I love that movie. Animation is very stylish and well done, indeed. Sorry it wasn't as good as you hoped, though. I'll admit it did feel like something was missing...not sure what exactly...
I too saw Star Trek... Awesomeness. My buddy and I are very tempted to go watch the original series now, because of how good this movie was.
Saw Forrest Gump after quite some time. Movie is sheer eloquence. Never realized it...
saw Star Trek the other day, it was amazing
The new Star Trek movie! Just got back!
Young Spock is hawt
Movie is sheer eloquence.
Forrest Gump is the quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing?
Movie is sheer eloquence.
Forrest Gump is the quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing?
"Stupid is as stupid does."
Yes sir...you better believe it!
Sex And The City.
Such a goooooooooooooooooood movie!
Last night I watched another anime movie, this time is was a mid 90s one called Land Lock, and I have to admit that I bought it because I liked the cover art by Masamune Shirow, who also seemed to be the character designer.
Now the animation and art are mostly fine, always consistent but it really doesn't seem like movie quality, plus there are some really poor decisions in special effects, at a few points flickering red and blue light fills the majority of the screen, so anyone with epilepsy should avoid, and it gave my brother a headache and me eye strain. Other than that there are a few times where things just seem to cut to other scenes without really getting to that scene.
The story is confusing and weird, and not the good sort of confusing or weird, the bad sort, The Spirit sort. Too much explaining, not enough making any sense of what they're explaining either. Also almost all of the characters seem to be complete idiots, with no really interesting things to say. Except the badguy, who for half of the movie seems to really get that everyone's an idiot, and is just toying with that. It turns out that the confusing plot is too much for him and he joins the idiocy. There's one particular character, I can't remember any of the names, who just seems to join the adventure for no reason, he's the scientist with swirly glasses and bad teeth, just looks really out of place, though has a moment of awesome where he points out the absurdity of the story.
The voice acting is really bad too, none of the lines are delivered with any real emotion, and it was a lot of fun to parody during the movie. The scientist is probably the worst of all the characters, mainly because his voice and the acting itself just don't gel with the character design at all, it's like having a sedate Toby McGuire voicing Dr Robotnik.
The music was forgettable. I seriously don't remember any of it.
Yeah, crap fest with some pretty pictures.
Star Trek: the Motion(less) Picture. Yeah.
Man..stop watching these lame anime movies, Robo. 😛 As for me...I saw Love in the Time of Cholera last night. That movie/book was...made for me. XD! The premise of it atleast. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Might buy it someday. I need a killer romanatic movie collection so I can sit in my apt and watch them on rainy days.
Gosh...i'm such a girl. :O
Gosh...i'm such a girl. :O
So am I, sweetie!
The last movie I watched was Titanic. Oh my goodness, Leonardo DiCaprio is SUCH a hottie even after all these years!
*beheads himself*
I'll watch crap movies all I like!
Anyway, watched the Appleseed movie last night (the previous one was an OVA aparently), which is either a remake a la Batman Begins or a prequel to the old movie. This one was made in 2004 and if one of the few 3D CGI anime movies and is also cel-shaded.
The art and animation are stunning, the scenery, the mecha, the fights, the lighting, you want games to look like this, but it's not perfect. The character models seem to suffer the most, looking a little stiff and sometimes out of place with the excellent backgrounds, I really would have preferred them to use the same shading style the backgrounds and mechs have with the character models, they would have blended much better. The art style, however, feels far too crisp and clean, it lacks the charm and personallity of the original, which was more like the manga if I remember right. Also, the city reminds me a lot of Midgar from FFVII, when it's night anyway.
The story is good, the setting fantastic, but the plot feels a little too epic and cliche. The lead character from the original, Deunan Knute, is back, although this time is very important to the story, her history being key to the main events and the overall conspiracy that's actually really well thought out for the setting. You really don't know who to hate for a lot of it as there's no immediate antagonist like in the original. However, Deunan's personality, and Briareos' (Bully in the OVA) for that matter, are a lot different, much more melancholly as well as overly sure of themselves at times, darker I guess, this bother's me as I liked the more laid back and humourous personalities they had previously. Deunan also feels too important, previously she was just a really good cop doing her job, this time she has more in comon with Solic Snake in terms of necessity to the plot.
The music is big and epic, sometimes reminding me more of Final Fantasy VII than the visuals. Both me and my brother started humming the battle theme and Bombing Mission themes from VII in jest during the final event. I do think it's a bit overkill at times though, and ends up feeling rather cookie cutter. The OVA original had a nice jazzy soundtrack that was more memorable.
Overall I can't fault this too much, technically speaking it's pretty damn good, and a vast improvement over the OVA, but it's not where near as fun and it's lost a lot of the personality that made the OVA so good. Definitely worth a watch, but watch the original too.
Maybe I'll get Appleseed Ex Machina and review that. 😛
I'll watch crap movies all I like!
Anyway, watched the Appleseed movie last night (the previous one was an OVA aparently), which is either a remake a la Batman Begins or a prequel to the old movie. This one was made in 2004 and if one of the few 3D CGI anime movies and is also cel-shaded.
The art and animation are stunning, the scenery, the mecha, the fights, the lighting, you want games to look like this, but it's not perfect. The character models seem to suffer the most, looking a little stiff and sometimes out of place with the excellent backgrounds, I really would have preferred them to use the same shading style the backgrounds and mechs have with the character models, they would have blended much better. The art style, however, feels far too crisp and clean, it lacks the charm and personallity of the original, which was more like the manga if I remember right. Also, the city reminds me a lot of Midgar from FFVII, when it's night anyway.
The story is good, the setting fantastic, but the plot feels a little too epic and cliche. The lead character from the original, Deunan Knute, is back, although this time is very important to the story, her history being key to the main events and the overall conspiracy that's actually really well thought out for the setting. You really don't know who to hate for a lot of it as there's no immediate antagonist like in the original. However, Deunan's personality, and Briareos' (Bully in the OVA) for that matter, are a lot different, much more melancholly as well as overly sure of themselves at times, darker I guess, this bother's me as I liked the more laid back and humourous personalities they had previously. Deunan also feels too important, previously she was just a really good cop doing her job, this time she has more in comon with Solic Snake in terms of necessity to the plot.
The music is big and epic, sometimes reminding me more of Final Fantasy VII than the visuals. Both me and my brother started humming the battle theme and Bombing Mission themes from VII in jest during the final event. I do think it's a bit overkill at times though, and ends up feeling rather cookie cutter. The OVA original had a nice jazzy soundtrack that was more memorable.
Overall I can't fault this too much, technically speaking it's pretty damn good, and a vast improvement over the OVA, but it's not where near as fun and it's lost a lot of the personality that made the OVA so good. Definitely worth a watch, but watch the original too.
Maybe I'll get Appleseed Ex Machina and review that. 😛
XD! Yes sir. *salutes* But this Appleseed 3D/cel-shaded version you speak of...I believe i've seen some of this. Or...was that Ghost in the Shell? Appleseed, Appleseed...what's the plot in this? lol This is what happens when im up super late on a Friday night and Animidnight is on Encore Action...just watch it because nothing else is on...but never actually knowing what it is. >_<
The Ghost in the Shell movies only use 3D CGi for the backgrounds in parts of the movies, Appleseed used them throughout.
Main difference though, one features a purple haired female supercop who's partnered with a a big beefy guy with robot eyes, the other features a blond haired female supercop who's partnered with a big beefy guy with robot skin.
That make it easier? 😛
Hahah, ok I see. Hmm..i'm going with the blond female and robot skin partner. Mmhmm! Which is that?
That's Appleseed 😛
Nice. Haha!
Terminator Salvation- pretty solid movie. Thought it could have been better, but was a pretty good movie.
Saw Angels & Demons...
Again, I dislike Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon. There was too much going on in the movie at one time and it was very fast passed. I read the book ages ago when it actually came out (before TDC book XD). I don't know if people who didn't read the book would get the story. Meh, I would not see it again.
Also managed to see The Duchess last night. Good movie, very sad but good. Don't know how to describe it but it was good. So go watch!
As for me...I saw Love in the Time of Cholera last night. That movie/book was...made for me. XD! The premise of it atleast. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Might buy it someday.
I need a killer romanatic movie collection so I can sit in my apt and watch them on rainy days.
Gosh...i'm such a girl. :O
I love Gabriel GarcÃÂa Márquez, his books are amazing. Love in the Time of Cholera is one of my all time favorite books (we read it in school along with 5 other of his books). I too recommend watching this movie on any rainy day!
As for me...I saw Love in the Time of Cholera last night. That movie/book was...made for me. XD! The premise of it atleast. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Might buy it someday.
I need a killer romanatic movie collection so I can sit in my apt and watch them on rainy days.
Gosh...i'm such a girl. :O
I love Gabriel GarcÃÂa Márquez, his books are amazing. Love in the Time of Cholera is one of my all time favorite books (we read it in school along with 5 other of his books). I too recommend watching this movie on any rainy day!
Heck yea! *high fives*
angels and demons..It's really a fantastic movie..
steroid alternatives
Terminator Salvation:
Good lord! Ummm...yea...i'm so buying like all four of these[Terminator series that is] when they come out on a Blu-Ray disc set. Wish I had gotten into the series way back. There's so much I want to say about this movie...but I don't really know what to say. Simply put...quite fantastic.
So I just saw Terminator Salvation...
I feel so empty. The movie wasn't bad don't get me wrong. The romance 2 minutes of it was well a little on the eeek side, they could've spent 1 minute more on blowing something else up. The story was good but I don't know what was missing. The film felt too short. Other than that, it was a good movie. Like HS2003 said, I'm buying all 4 when they come in the collectors box. I'm in love with the story line so it works for me.
Need to go figure out what was missing.
So I just saw Terminator Salvation...
I feel so empty. The movie wasn't bad don't get me wrong. The romance 2 minutes of it was well a little on the eeek side, they could've spent 1 minute more on blowing something else up. The story was good but I don't know what was missing. The film felt too short. Other than that, it was a good movie. Like HS2003 said, I'm buying all 4 when they come in the collectors box. I'm in love with the story line so it works for me.Need to go figure out what was missing.
Hmmm...something missing, yea I can see that. Have you seen the other ones though...I had only seen 1 and 2 on TV here and there, so I had some loose plot ends on my end just from my own knowledge[completely missed 3]. Makes me wish I had watch some of Sarah Conner Chronicles now. lol
Just got doen watching Terminator 1 all the way through finally. Why in the hell did the wick of Kyle's last bomb take 30 seconds to blow up? lol But oh my gosh! I think I have a new favorite movie series. So wanna see T2 all the way through now. And 3 as well. Why it took me this long to see this movie is shame. Oh and Linda Hamilton...hottie fo sho'. lol
So I just saw Terminator Salvation...
I feel so empty. The movie wasn't bad don't get me wrong. The romance 2 minutes of it was well a little on the eeek side, they could've spent 1 minute more on blowing something else up. The story was good but I don't know what was missing. The film felt too short. Other than that, it was a good movie. Like HS2003 said, I'm buying all 4 when they come in the collectors box. I'm in love with the story line so it works for me.Need to go figure out what was missing.
Hmmm...something missing, yea I can see that. Have you seen the other ones though...I had only seen 1 and 2 on TV here and there, so I had some loose plot ends on my end just from my own knowledge[completely missed 3]. Makes me wish I had watch some of Sarah Conner Chronicles now. lol
Just got doen watching Terminator 1 all the way through finally. Why in the hell did the wick of Kyle's last bomb take 30 seconds to blow up? lol But oh my gosh! I think I have a new favorite movie series. So wanna see T2 all the way through now. And 3 as well. Why it took me this long to see this movie is shame. Oh and Linda Hamilton...hottie fo sho'. lol
I'm a loyal Terminator movie fan so I've seen all 3 previous movies. Sadly I've never seen the tv series though, not enough time in my life apparently. I ope they keep making movies. T4 wasn't bad at all but I wish it had more. T3 was pretty awesome as well and I think you'll like it since it does explain a couple of things. Here's a toast for a T5 movie sometime in the future.
Surely Wiki isn't the best place to go for information, but according to this...Salvation is just the start. My friends said T3 wasn't all that great, but i'll take your word over theirs.
But I hear the TV Series...is like wonderful. I'm thinking...boxset in the near future? lol
Battle Royale...again. On Youtube.
I've seen a lot, but haven't had time to update...
-Night at the Museum 2- Definitely disappointed =( It lacked the magic of the first one.
-Star Trek- My second time seeing it, this time with my dad who is/was a Trek fan. He liked it, I still liked it yay.
-Terminator Salvation- I think my biggest disappointment, aside from the predictable ending, was the fact that the trailer for the film gave away what should have been a big reveal of who was who.
Wolverine last Sunday (yes, I know I'm late to this party, but I was waiting for friends who wanted to see it - gave up in the end and went by myself). I enjoyed it, though probably not as much as say X-Men 2. All I can say though is AAAAAAGH needles!
Who has been to see Up yet?
Up made me cry. Like a baby. Several times. Within the first fifteen minutes of the film... ;-;
Everyone go watch it or you're not my friend anymore...
Watched Pan's Labyrinth last night, man it was stunning.
One of the most beautiful films I've seen in a long time, the story was pretty unpredictable at parts as it had already did some rather dark things for a fairy tale movie. Definitely a must watch to anyone.
My only gripe is that the subtitles were sometimes too quick or distracted you from the visuals, I wish they were dealt with in the same way Heroes dealt with them.
Other films watched recently are the anime version of Metropolis which is also stunning, another must watch imo. Also there's Red Hawk in Manga Entertainment's The Collection. It's like the illegitimate baby of Batman and Dragonball Z born in feudal Japan, I'd say this is a must if you love cheesy dubbing, it's fantastic.
I saw Up last night... or I guess two nights ago? ... I saw it on the 30th (and in 3D!).
It's definitely the saddest, funniest, and just all around best movie I've seen all year.
The 3D was use tastefully and not all WAWOOZA LOOK AT THESE FLYING OBJECTS COMIN' AT YA like I've somehow come to expect all 3D to be. For the most part it did the opposite and simply added a sense of depth to the scenes. It was pretty neat to say the least, though the movie wouldn't have been any worse without it.
Yea...I hear Up is quite amazing. Not sure when i'll see it though. My buddies and myself saw The Hangover this past weekend. Movie is madness...to the extreme. My gosh. It's not for everyone...but there is some really really racy stuff that goes on in that film. A near NC-17 i'd say. 😛
Since Up isn't out in the UK until October, I made do with Salvation last weekend.
It was actually quite a bit better than I was expecting, after all of the negative reaction I'd seen from critics and with the baggage of McG attached to it. It was never going to be T2 (I wonder how many critics use that as the yardstick), but as action movies go, it was solid, it was entertaining, and whilst plenty of it was predictable, I was engaged and wanting to know where it was going. Definitely above average.
And it also helpfully confirmed Anton Yelchin as an actor with enough range to be worth keeping an eye on, after I'd seen him in Star Trek a couple of weeks ago.
I still can't believe that The Sarah Connor Chronicles is getting cancelled now of all times - what part of "free publicity" do Fox TV seem to have a problem with?
[.rec] the original spanish horror movie that was remade here as Quarantine(which sucks compared to this.) Freaky movie indeed.
On Saturday I saw Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
I'm very mixed on how I feel, but to put it simply 1/3 of this movie is pure awesome, that third features Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream, Bumblebee, Arcee, and even the main badguy. In short, the majority of Transformers are really cool, with great action scenes, and Frank Welker voices Soundwave!
As for the other two thirds? Pure hatred.
Firstly, I've never sat through a movie and thought this should be cut, this shouldn't be so long, this is taking too much time, this was completely unnecessary, this isn't what I paid to see, this is insulting, this is infuriating so much in a single movie, but I guess when you're a two and a half hours long and only about 45 minutes or less is focussed on the robots themselves, you've got yourself a big problem.
That's right, the wacky like of Sam Witwicky returns to balls up what we loved. Him, his family, and his friends and allies are constantly taking up screen time, every dialogue scene goes on far too long, and yet they're talking so fast you miss most of what they say. His parents return with the idiotic and unfunny slapstick crude humour, including an obsession with cutting to two dogs screwing, that doesn't belong in an action movie, or a war movie, let alone an action war movie starring giant alien transforming robots! Also, the characters come off as morons bumbling their way through the plot, needless scenes are thrown in to show how much they're struggling while at the same time more and more jokes are thrown out.
The worst of this isn't the humans though, it's two Autobots called Mudflap and Skidz. They're two characters inspired by negative black youth steriotypes, with big panels representing ears, big eyes, two crooked loose front teeth, one of which is gold, they dun talk proper, they're constantly bickering, constantly insulting others, constantly chatting in the background, always making out how great they are, and above all, they can't read.
Now, I know steriotypes can exist in reality, and there's nothing wrong with a black person having these traits in reality, he would have a right to exist however he likes afterall, but these aren't people, THEY'RE ALIEN ROBOTS! Effectively making them caricatures, constructs of Michael Bay's, or at least someone on the production team, mind. They had to want to make these characters negative steriotypes, just so they could have them in the movie.
Maybe I'm being overly sensetive, I myself am a white Englishman, and seeing as I haven't witnessed anyone else calling foul on this it makes me wonder. But I can't help feeling insulted by the depths this movie goes to to get some cheap laughs.
There's also Wheelie, who for some reason is a decepticon, and a swearing, fire farrting, Joe Pechi impersonator too, who humps legs...
Like I said though, the fight scenes are excellent, the special effects are excellent, and the majority of the Transformers are awesome, just don't expect to be happy inbetween those moments.
Oh wow, Robo! I did hear more than half of the movie is a letdown, as well though. Actually, I went and picked up my midnight showing ticket yesterday. Only 30 hours and 34 minutes to go. 😛 As for the stereotypes...I mean...being a black American...and living in Alabama...I can tell you...what you described wouldn't just apply to black people. But I hear what you're saying...but until I actually see the movie i'll refrain from commenting on its necessity[? lol] in the film. And what you said about the people having way too much talk time and stuff...you're just a Transformers geek, who wished that it was just straight up giant robots...don't lie. 😛 Nah...I mean with such an insanely large budget as this movie got...there would have to be some wasted scenes and whatnot...using every last cent of that money, right? lol I should return by the end of the week with my review. So pumped!