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Which movie did you see last?

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We watched Valkyrie last night. If you can watch it for free, go ahead. It's not bad, but it's basically a remake of an old tv mini-series (BBC, I think). But I think the tv show actually did it better. The good Germans all had English accents, except for Cruise who had an American accent, while all the bad Germans had German accents. This kind of killed a few of the 'tension' moments where you were supposed to worry about which side people were going to fall on and you could tell by their accent.

The last movie I saw in the theatre was the new Star Trek movie, which I enjoyed. Since it's still at the theatre, I'll skip the spoilers. I will just say that all of the inconsistancies with the Star Trek timeline are explained in the movie, despite the complaining you may have heard.

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Seen Transformers and agree with a lot of what your saying Robo. Though the twins didn't really bother me much, mainly the cursing. I can't believe how loose we've got these days where there was that much cursing in a pg-13 movie. Don't get me wrong, I can stand cursing and love it when placed right in comedies and r rated action movies, etc, but in a Transformers movie? I know the kids that watched Transformers are all grown up now, but aren't they still trying to appeal to the younger kids as well. My cousins who are both under 10 love Transformers and probably want to see it badly. With constant sh*ts, b*tch and p*ssy being thrown out for laughs, it makes me wonder. But overall, I loved this movie. Even the cheesy human parts didn't really mess it up for me (especially his mom....okay, it was funny, but then got annoying with the whole "greens" scene.) Anyways, Optimus is the man and showed why in my favorite scene which was when he was protecting Sam. Awesome fights and sweet cg. Happy Transformers fan right here.

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I haven't watched as many movies as I should have lately, mostly due to getting hooked on Star Trek and Arrested Development (hopefully the movie gets made soon... then we'll have a stew cookin').

Anyways, I have seen a couple of movies lately:

Princess Mononoke- Watched this one during my family's trip to Ohio. Probably my favorite Miyazaki movie . Beautiful animation + an awesome story + fighting =D

Transformers 2- Decided at the last minute to go see it with my uncle at midnight. Definitely should have lost about an hour's worth of the humans interacting with eachother....

My favorite part was about 30 min from the end... One of the US generals appeared on the screen, but he was upside down, and talking gibberish. I was like OMG HE'S A DECEPTACON IN DISGUISE!!!... then the scene changed and 2 more characters were upside down and also talking gibberish... Turns out the film operator connected the reels wrong, and we ended up spending a good 30-40 minutes between fixing the problem and the sequential problems as well. (so yeah, with out spoilers, my favorite part was Shia screaming like a little girl)

Finally, I saw UP just tonight. Obviously, Pixar means awesome films. Very touching, very sweet story. Loved the Star Wars reference during the dogfight.

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My favorite part was about 30 min from the end... One of the US generals appeared on the screen, but he was upside down, and talking gibberish. I was like OMG HE'S A DECEPTACON IN DISGUISE!!!... then the scene changed and 2 more characters were upside down and also talking gibberish... Turns out the film operator connected the reels wrong, and we ended up spending a good 30-40 minutes between fixing the problem and the sequential problems as well. (so yeah, with out spoilers, my favorite part was Shia screaming like a little girl)

Wow, never had that happen before. I think I would have been pretty damn upset since 30 minutes from the end, there was a lot of action.

Posts: 1984
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I was originally gonna pass up Transformers but now that seems impossible.

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I've got to say im pretty much word for word with incognito. PG-13 movie...but a ton of foul language...pretty crazy. The twins didn't bother me all that much...I could see what you were talking about though, Robo. I was pretty pleased with the human parts...I mean...there were alot of just human-with-no-robots-to-be-seen scenes, but I didn't mind them. This movie was a good bit like The Dark Knight[allow me to finish before you all rip my head off lol] in the way that I didn't realize 2 and a half hours had passed while I was sitting in my seat. Surely the movie isn't perfect, and I wish StarScream had gotten more lines...and played a bigger role[they said leading up to the movie he would speak more...and they're right he lke 5 words ]. Galvatron/Megatron effing owned hardcore. His transformation rocks so hardcore. Very pleased Transformers fan here as well. The movie didn't quite have that wow impression on me that the first one did when I first saw it...but as far as sequels did its purpose. Provided a very enjoyable movie that stayed true to its predecessor...for the most part atleast[foul language seemed to be of a much higher volume in this one].

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I got around to watching Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen sometime yesterday during the early afternoon. Overall, I thought it was a pretty damn awesome movie when the Autobots and Decepticons were smashing the crap outta each other. But most of the scenes involving human dialogue were kinda cheesy. Also, the gag involving Mojo the chihuahua humping another dog not once but TWICE was just cringe-worthy, IMO. It's not that I was offended by it, hell no, I usually LOVE stuff like that - but only when it's delivered awesomely. Such a gag just seemed out of place in a Transformers movie and it was unfunny to begin with, as far as I'm concerned. Starscream deserved more dialogue and more of an active role instead of just being Megatron/Galvatron's b**ch. However, Devastator vacuuming up a part of Egypt was MAD CRAZY EPIC! Also, Optimus Prime's upgrade towards the end of the movie was freakin' HARDCORE, yo! Like HS, I'm a very pleased Transformers fan after watching this movie. Sure, it wasn't perfect. But it was enjoyable enough for me to feel that its duration of 149 minutes wasn't as insanely long as I thought it'd be. Actually, that time passed relatively quickly for me since it was basically a kickass movie. It had some flaws and it's not the most deepest movie you'll ever see, but it's not meant to be like that anyway and that's actually part of this movie's charm. Megan Fox also provided some EXCELLENT eye candy just like she did in the first Transformers movie. Transformers 2 is ultimately a loud and action-packed movie that, despite its flaws, provides plenty of fun for fellow Transformers fans such as myself!

Posts: 5035
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I got around to watching Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen sometime yesterday during the early afternoon. Overall, I thought it was a pretty damn awesome movie when the Autobots and Decepticons were smashing the crap outta each other. But most of the scenes involving human dialogue were kinda cheesy. Also, the gag involving Mojo the chihuahua humping another dog not once but TWICE was just cringe-worthy, IMO. It's not that I was offended by it, hell no, I usually LOVE stuff like that - but only when it's delivered awesomely. Such a gag just seemed out of place in a Transformers movie and it was unfunny to begin with, as far as I'm concerned. Starscream deserved more dialogue and more of an active role instead of just being Megatron/Galvatron's b**ch. However, Devastator vacuuming up a part of Egypt was MAD CRAZY EPIC! Also, Optimus Prime's upgrade towards the end of the movie was freakin' HARDCORE, yo! Like HS, I'm a very pleased Transformers fan after watching this movie. Sure, it wasn't perfect. But it was enjoyable enough for me to feel that its duration of 149 minutes wasn't as insanely long as I thought it'd be. Actually, that time passed relatively quickly for me since it was basically a kickass movie. It had some flaws and it's not the most deepest movie you'll ever see, but it's not meant to be like that anyway and that's actually part of this movie's charm. Megan Fox also provided some EXCELLENT eye candy just like she did in the first Transformers movie. Transformers 2 is ultimately a loud and action-packed movie that, despite its flaws, provides plenty of fun for fellow Transformers fans such as myself!

*high fives* Heck yea Rishi! Woo hoo!

But roommate bought this Bruce Lee 5 movie set a few weeks ago and we've been watching those movies throughout the week. So far we've watched The Big Boss, Fist of Fury and The Way of the Dragon. The Big Boss is effing hilarous. A human shaped hole in a barn wall...can not be topped. xD! And superjumping[jumping 20 something feet in the air] is just too funny to not love. Fist of Fury wasn't as funny. =/ Can't even remember much of it now to be honest. lol Way of the Dragon...was epic. Funny in some parts, but all in all butt kicking to the extreme. Now've all we've got left is Game of Death and Game of Death II.

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Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest

I've been recently watching childhood films and this was up next...I remember the movie being colorful but I don't remember Crysta's eyes seeming so big or the songs being so terrible, I winced. Except for Toxic Love, Tim Curry makes evil good. Otherwise it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be...a bit overt with the message but nowhere near as annoying as say...Captain Planet, or the other stuff that was prevalent during that environmental craze going on in the first half of the 90's.

Before that I had watched Secret of Nimh and boy does that film still look beautiful. I'll just ignore the awful deus ex machina at the end though.

Posts: 679
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Transformers for me last night. I didn't like it as much as I liked the original, but the more I think about it (and I have been most of the day), the more likely it is I'll end up with it on DVD at some point.

I could have cheered Bumblebee for knocking the twins' heads together and chucking them outside - if only it could have been done about 2 hours earlier!

The movie did drag a bit for me. Any scene with the 'bots was great, but some of the human stuff was boring and there was too much Team America military instead of robots tearing each other apart. And on that note, may I just say ick? Amazing what you can get away with when it's robot v robot...

But many opportunities for me to drool over pretty cars - concept Camaro, Corvette (concept 'Vette?), Audi. Plus Ironside's GMC pick-up was cool. And hurrah for Soundwave's original voice! I did spend half the movie trying to figure out where I'd heard Starscream before - should have known, given it was Charlie Adler doing his Snivley voice. Peter Cullen obviously owned as Optimus, even if I can't hear him without thinking of KARR in Knight Rider...


Posts: 874
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Public Enemies is pretty damn great. Nobody in the world films a shootout quite like Michael Mann. He doesn't just take Michael Bay to school; he makes him repeat all of K-12.

Posts: 5035
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Public Enemies is pretty damn great. Nobody in the world films a shootout quite like Michael Mann. He doesn't just take Michael Bay to school; he makes him repeat all of K-12.

Wow. XD! Oh and DW that Corvette was the Stingray concept. Very nice, huh?

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This isn't to say that the movie is all gunfights. There's a lot in common between Heat and Public Enemies. It's a movie light on bombast, heavy on characters. Light on emotional pandering, heavy on performances. And where the action isn't happening all the time (there are only a few select gunfights in the movie, with only one being more than a couple minutes long), when it DOES happen, it's a sensory fist to the eyeballs and eardrums.

Michael Bay is quantity; Michael Mann is quality.

Posts: 4336
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Rewatched Jurassic Park last night.

The original appearance of the Tyrannosaurus Rex is still cinema gold.

Oh yeah, and the characters would've saved themselves a lot of trouble with the raptors if they had used doorknobs instead of door handles.

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Watched Chronicles of Riddick again. Man, that movie is super corny but damn fun to watch hahaha

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The Rock, awesome movie. Loved the end a lot. All out action.

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HyperSonic2003 wrote:

Oh and DW that Corvette was the Stingray concept. Very nice, huh?

I did wonder if it was harking back to the old Stingray - thanks. What a sweet car!


EDIT - It occurs to me in my previous post that I meant Ironhide, not Ironside. Whoops!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

HyperSonic2003 wrote:

Oh and DW that Corvette was the Stingray concept. Very nice, huh?

I did wonder if it was harking back to the old Stingray - thanks. What a sweet car!


EDIT - It occurs to me in my previous post that I meant Ironhide, not Ironside. Whoops!

You're welcome! And many names that are so similiar. lol

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EDIT - It occurs to me in my previous post that I meant Ironhide, not Ironside. Whoops!

That was a disgusting error you made, you should be ashamed of yourself. Nah, kidding. Love you!

Posts: 679
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EDIT - It occurs to me in my previous post that I meant Ironhide, not Ironside. Whoops!

That was a disgusting error you made, you should be ashamed of yourself. Nah, kidding. Love you!

You're too good to me

Just saw Ice Age 3 today. Quite enjoyable, but not as good as the first two. However, not an epic disappointment like Shrek 3, so that's good. Also, Simon Pegg was in it. Alas Diego was not in it enough, as far as I was concerned and, although there were some laugh out loud moments it just didn't seem to have the one-liners the first two enjoyed. But a nice enough way of spending a Saturday afternoon - mind you, can someone tell me when cinema tickets became £7 even for the non-de luxe cinemas???


Posts: 608
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Let see, saw Ice Age 3 on Friday. Not great but it was good and funny. Go watch if you feel like relieving some stress.

Currently suffering from insomnia, I just watched "My sister's keeper". Yeah, sad and made me cry... a lot towards the end. The concept itself is sad. Mother's can't let go of their kids. Cancer kids are always strong. Yup Cameron Diaz portrayed a selfish mom that got on my nerves a lot because she refused to let her girl go. Understandable though. Think about those mothers that loose their kids at a moments notice, without them being sick.

Posts: 2915
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Huh... I failed to mention I went to see Public Enemies on Wednesday. Castor Troy, if I'm reading his review right, captures my thoughts perfectly. The movie seemed to drag on a little, but in a good way. Lots of focus on character development. Hell, I'd go as far as to say this movie was probably more true to the actual events then most Hollywood movies.

Watched The Castle of Cagliostro tonight. I've actually never seen anything from the Lupin III series, and found this to be rather delightful . Solid story all around, and Lupin was supposedly voiced by Solid Snake himself 😯

Also decided I was going to listen to Juno while playing some Fallout 3... which quickly switched to me watching Juno, and occasionally moving in Fallout 3. Such a great little movie... But it should have had more Dwight in it =D

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Inspired by catching an hour or so of Lethal Weapon 3 on ITV a couple of weeks ago, I am rewatching the series. It was the turn of Lethal Weapon 2 last night (when I ought to have been studying - oops!). Lots of fun to be had with Riggs and with Patsy Kensit's amazingly dodgy "South African" accent. Also George Harrison's "Cheer Down" over the end credits, a song I have been awaiting on digital download for years and which is finally available this year (huzzah!), which sounds rather good in surround sound.

Next up, the entirety of Lethal Weapon 3, but possibly not before I do some actual work. Drat it.


Posts: 1984
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Revenge of the Fallen....


Posts: 1104
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I watched Transformers 2. It would have been a very decent movie if it wasn't for.... The Twins

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Transformers 2.

Posts: 1191
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You want to explain that a little, Notu.

Anyway, I too saw Transformers 2 and thought it was terrible, it's like they tried to make it suck. First, they add in characters with no point other than to cause mischief and make poorly written dirty jokes, that even Seth Rogan would say are dumb. Then, they give us a story that's essentially the first film in Egypt and for no reason what so ever have Sam's parents show up, just so they can try and not get killed, and of course Megan Fox is there to run/walk around almost naked as robots hump her leg.
In short, don't waste your time on this pile of crap.

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I was trying to avoid spoilers for those who may still want to see it.

Actually, the parents don't 'just show up for no reason'. They are shown being abducted from Paris earlier in the movie and the Decepticons are obviously trying to use them to 'convince' Sam into surrendering. The other big thing I kept hearing people complain about is how the design of the twins is racist, and how the 'black Autobots' are the ones that can't read. Sure, they do a lot of the stupid ethnic stuff, but they were hardly the only ones. And as for the 'black autobots can't read', *none* of the Autobots except for Jetfire were able to read the symbols. And Jetfire was only able to read them because he was older than the rest of the Autobots.

All in all, it was an okay movie. Lots of explosions, lots of destruction, little else. But it's a Michael Bay movie. Expecting anything else is like watching anything Shyamalan has made since Signs and expecting it to not suck.

Posts: 679
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I watched Transformers 2. It would have been a very decent movie if it wasn't for.... The Twins

Quoted for truth

I finished Lethal Weapon 3 last night. I'd forgotten Rene Russo was in it, not having seen her in anything since Natasha Fatale in Rocky & Bullwinkle. Again, lots of fun and no thinking required, with amusement to be had by the ongoing dog biscuit addiction.

Number 4 this weekend, to be followed by the Die Hard Quadrilogy for the rest of the week.


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I watched Transformers 2. It would have been a very decent movie if it wasn't for.... The Twins

Agreed, but let's hope that Mudflap and Skids don't appear in T3 or at the very LEAST have EXTREMELY minor roles in it (because, let's face it people, there WILL be a T3).

Posts: 3756
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And as for the 'black autobots can't read', *none* of the Autobots except for Jetfire were able to read the symbols. And Jetfire was only able to read them because he was older than the rest of the Autobots.

Yes, that was the point of the scene, but they way the executed it ("Nah, we don't do much readin'") has horrific connotations.

Posts: 72
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Yes, that was the point of the scene, but they way the executed it ("Nah, we don't do much readin'") has horrific connotations.

I suppose it would depend on how sensitive to it you are. The way I took it was that *none* of the Autobots did much reading since before Prime, especially if it took somebody so old that they were forgotten by the already ancient living 'bots (Jetfire) to be able to decipher it, and even he called them 'ancient'.

Posts: 1127
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They're too busy blowin' crap up and humping legs to bother to read.

Posts: 1104
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Although Optimus Prime was an amazing badass, I liked everything he did in that movie

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Although Optimus Prime was an amazing badass, I liked everything he did in that movie

Couldn't agree more.

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Watched SuperBad again after not seeing it for awhile. Pretty funny stuff.

Posts: 5035
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Yes, that was the point of the scene, but they way the executed it ("Nah, we don't do much readin'") has horrific connotations.

Seriously though. xD! I'm surprised this hasn't made news anywhere yet. In America, that is.

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Yes, that was the point of the scene, but they way the executed it ("Nah, we don't do much readin'") has horrific connotations.

Seriously though. xD! I'm surprised this hasn't made news anywhere yet. In America, that is.

Hint: It's because no-one cares. Well..... except for the minority who do.

Posts: 1986
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I'm not a huge movie fan, but I got around to seeing "Flight 666" or the Iron Maiden documentary you may have or may have not heard of. *Shrug*

Was pretty awesome, showed the guys screwing around and playing awesome live songs. They started it off playing "Aces High" with Churchill's Speech at first and then they just burst on stage which makes me go

They played other songs throughout, such as Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Powerslave, etc. also, their singer is a liscended pilot. Who knew? And apparently they can fly around the world, the first band ever to circumnavigate the world on a plane completely.

Oh, they also ended it with "Hallowed Be Thy Name" (Those of you who aren't Iron Maiden fanboys like I am, its basically their "Stairway to Heaven" or "Bohemian Rhapsody". Yes, its that mother *ing epic, the ending of that song sends chills down your *ing spine)

In short, I really loved it. I'm a huge Maiden fan though, so that probably influenced it greatly, but I've heard others who weren't crazy about Iron Maiden say they enjoyed it.

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The Dark Knight. Threw it on last night.

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The Dark Knight. Threw it on last night.

*gasps* How dare you use such common terminology! For such a masterpiece as must treat it wih respect, foo! As for me...saw Grandma's Boy a few nights ago. Hilarous!

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The Dark Knight. Unleashed its holy of holiness upon my ps3.


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Harry Potter last night. Given how long it is since I last read the book, the adaptation seemed fine - I'm not familiar enough with all the plot to spot most of the things they had to cut out. Kudos to the Vue at Bristol's Longwell Green, btw - we buy tickets for one showing, turn up for it and they say there's only seats at the front left, but if we care to go to the screen next door there's loads of room and it's starting at the same time anyhow. Bonus


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Watchmen Directors Cut- bought it the other day. loved watching it all over again.

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I heard that might get a theatrical release. I'd like to see it anyway at one point, just to see what else from the novel they put in.

Posts: 1396
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I watched a few movies over the previous weeks, but only two directly stick in my mind.

The first is Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li.

Holy crap.

Of all the movies I've watched in my life I don't think I have ever seen one butcher a beloved franchise of mine more than this one. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING about this movie is pure crap, the story, the dialogue, the casting (except maybe Balrog, BUT), the acting, the special effects, the characturisation....I can't begin to understand how they took something as simple a premise as Chun Li's revenge story and screw it up so with so much vigour.

Lets start with casting and characters.

Kristen Kruek looks nothing like Chun Li in anyway, and I know that'd be difficult considering the over exagerated proportions Chun Li has had, but Christ, she resembled Gullom from the Lord of the Rings more than Chun Li, she never wwore the costumes she's had either, the closest being some lose of blue bed sheet she wears at a nightclub, it looks crap even if they weren't nodding to the original design. What's more her story has been altered significantly. Instead of joining Interpol to track down her missing father, being a fantastic marksman and a devout cop as she's been portrayed in the games, comics, and anime movies, here she's tought by Gen and becomes a member of the Order of the Web, which I don't remember in the games, but considering Gen's an assassin it seems like quite a different path. Her fight scenes aren't very memorable, the only thing I do remember was her Spinning Bird Kick, mainly because I was laughing so hard at it.

Charlie Nash is played by Chris Klein. Now, in the games Nash is a martial arts master, creating the Sonic Boom and overall fighting style that he taught to Guile, is a pilot in the US Airforce, has blond hair, wears glasses, and is able to fight off Bison despite the Psycho Powers, even though he ends up supposedly dead. Guess how much of this is apparent in the movie.

Go on, guess!

If you said none then congratulations!

In this movie he's an interpol agent, a pretty lame detective at that, trying to track down Bison, and has no fighting ability displayed. Oh, and as for the acting...well...there was a review that said he couldn't even make walking out of a car look natural...quite frankly, he didn't make being human look natural. Every line was so horribly over really have to see it for yourself. I'd advise finding clips on YouTube though.

Balrog is well cast visually, Michael Clark Duncon does look the part and was a boxer, but the character mainly laughs and shoots stuff.

Vega, played by Tabu of the Black Eyed Pees for some reason, has a malformed mask, wears a black ninja suit, and gets beaten in three minutes (considering this was highlighted as a great fight the rival the old Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie battle between Chun Li and Vega...well...I think the guy being interviewed must have been on morphine at the time.)

Gen is played by none other than Liu Kang of the Mortal Kombat movies, Robin Shou, he doesn't look like him, not fight like him....nor displays any real connection to the in game version...but hey, it's Liu Kang! I think that's what the director was going for.

Rose is in it too...but if she wasn't named you wouldn't know...also she's Bison's daughter...yeah, I don't remember that in the games.

There's also Maya, who I think is supposed to be a nod to Crimson Viper. She's really only in it for sex appeal, she doesn't actually do anything else despite being in plenty of scenes.

And then....sigh...we have Bison....played by Neal McDonough...

Right, now, and I mean this, that piece of casting could have been awesome. He has the right build, he can look really menacing anc calculating, and had they even tried to make him an iota similar to the actual character then they could have really won me over. But tried, I can give them that, but they tried to make him as different from the iconic fighting game boss as much as possible, and I can only really use pictures to show this.



Also, there's his voice. In every previous role he has either had a well spoken American accent, except for Roul Julia's British accented Bison, or he's had a Japanese voice which was deep, gravely, and menacing. What's more he's almost always associated with Thailand, giving the impression that he might actually be from Thailand. And considering his fighting style was originally sited as the Thai military style Lerdrit, it simply added to this. In this movie he is still associated with Thailand, but for some reason they decided the accent best suited for this character was an Irish accent. That's right, he's Irish. Even in his backstory this doesn't make sense, he's the child of Irish parents, fair enough, but they abandoned him as a baby and he grew up on the streets of THAILAND!

Sorry if I'm focussing too much on character representation, but the titular character and the villain happen to be two of my favourite characters of one of my favourite games of one of my favourite genres in my favourite creative medium. So yeah, emotional investment.

Even going into this movie knowing it was gonna be bad, preparing for it, it took me by surprise....if you have the chance to watch it, don't.

The other movie I watched was the Live Action adaption of Blood: The Last Vampire, I may go into detail later but I'll say this for now. Find it. Pay for it. Watch it.

Posts: 874
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I just saw The Hurt Locker.

And so should all of you.

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Just saw Funny People last night. It was okay, I'd probably give it a C. The first hour was great, but then it just started to drag. The movie didn't seem to know if it wanted to be a comedy or a drama... the different sections seemed forced into the story.

Definitely not the worst movie I've seen this summer, but it's definitely right up there with Transformers 2 for being the most disappointing.

Posts: 3756
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Saw the Sonic OVA. It was some silly fun, and I guess it's required viewing for a Sonic fan like myself. I seem to remember one of those Sonic Parody Short things on Newgrounds using the hilariously cheesy "You may think you know what I'm going to do, but that means I also know what YOU'RE going to do! STRANGE, ISN'T IT?" line. Also, Knux's hat needs to become canon.

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I watched A Scanner Darkly again
Freck is a great guy

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