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Which movie did you see last?

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I've been binging on anime movies lately. I've watched Ghost in the Shell, Princess Mononoke, and Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.

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Die Hard on Saturday night, Die Hard 2 yesterday evening. I sense nos. 3 & 4 later on this week.


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G.I. Joe, Sunday afternoon. 3 names...Sienna Miller, Rachel Nichols and let us not forget...Karolina Kurkova. <3

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End of Evangelion.

*bangs head on wall repeatedly*

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District 9. A really awesome movie. Check it out if you guys get the chance.

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saw PONYO Friday night, LOVED IT! The movie was Great, Art was fluid & Beautuful & THe Story was Simple & Enteraining! This movie proves Myazaki's magic is still intact, a great movie for all ages!

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I too saw District 9. I had not seen any trailers for it, nor had I read any of the reviews. I honestly didn't know what to expect, but with a RT score of 88%, I figured it had to be good.

The movie definitely didn't disappoint. The first 45 minutes had me wondering what direction it was going in... then BAM, non stop action the whole rest of the way . The weapons and their effects honestly never got old =D Definitely hope there is a sequel in the works.

I also watch This is Spinal Tap for the first time tonight. I've heard the soundtrack before, so that wasn't new to me. The movie itself had some funny parts, but wasn't OMG amazing. Although now I know where the local morning show got the "we'll that's just nit picking" drop from ;D

Hopefully I'll be seeing Ponyo this week, followed by Inglourious Basterds next Tuesday

Posts: 5035
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Yea I saw District 9 as well. Stuff was sick. I'm with Hiro...first 45 minutes, were like...ummm, what? I'm seeing Inglourious Bastards Friday I that'll be great too I imagine.

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Watched Rocky I thru V (thanks, SpikeTV...) then Fight Club last night. It deserved to be placed into the try of my unworthy DVD player.

Looking forward to District 9, but I'm probably going to see Inglorious Basterds first, for the girlfriend's birthday..

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Saw Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay on DVD today. Gonna see District 9 this Sunday.

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The Death Note films. They're good. God, they're good. I can say with confidence they're better than how the anime turned out. It basically stripped out all the crap I hated about the ending of the anime (the corporate conspiracy sideplot, Near, Mello, Light going down like a pansy because of a few impossible coincidences) and compacted what was left into a tense, well-acted movie. It's just... good.

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Was watching XMO: Wolverine a couple of nights ago. As a random action movie, it might've been solid but formulaic in terms of ticking boxes for dodgy militaria, fridging partners and plucky rebel heroes - but as an X-property, it did nothing for me at all.

The least I expect when Marvel make their own movies is a bit of character faithfulness - not Deadpool as a brainwashed cyborg and an American Emma Frost who looks as though she was dragged backwards out of her trailer park.

If - as the post-credits sequences suggest - this is the canon that the new Marvel movies'll be running with, I'm not impressed.

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District 9.

It was good. Surprisingly good. Though it had the Peter Jackson name attached to it, I just didn't have any major expectations going in. Special effects were good, everything felt so real...just a very good movie.

Though it does seem that the main character's vocabulary consisted of a massive Cluster F Bomb.

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lol he did a really good job from a square turning into a badass.
Yeah, I had no idea the movie was going in the direction it did, the trailers made me think it was gonna be "us" keeping them here, "them" attacking us with full force to go home. Boy was that not quite the case! And I'm glad actually.

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Watching City of Ember on HBOHD...

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The Hurt Locker two weeks ago. District 9 last week. Inglorious Basterds this week.



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Double movie day for Boston

First up, I went and saw Ponyo . Damn, such a beautiful movie. Also Liam Neeson . The story was a little more childish than the other Miyazaki film.

I also watched 17 Again tonight... It was actually really, really funny? The hell? Jim Gaffigan's cameo was awesome, and all the nerd references made the film more than tolerable . Very pleasantly surprised

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I got around to seeing District 9 today. ALL of the mech scenes were freakin' awesome. Actually, the WHOLE movie was freakin' awesome. Without giving too much away, the ending of this movie was quite ambiguous and it definitely seems like there'll be a sequel. If ANY movie DESERVES a sequel, it's THIS one. Also, was this movie set in the 80s? I could've sworn I saw some kind of indication about that toward the start of the movie. Also, if there's a sequel to this movie, I think it'll probably be called 'District 10'. Anyway, I'm gonna try to see Ponyo as soon as possible. I'm a HUGE fan of Miyazaki's movies and so is my mum. I ESPECIALLY love The Castle Of Cagliostro, Porco Rosso and Spirited Away, but I also love all of his movies in general.

Posts: 4336
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I got around to seeing District 9 today. ALL of the mech scenes were freakin' awesome. Actually, the WHOLE movie was freakin' awesome. Without giving too much away, the ending of this movie was quite ambiguous and it definitely seems like there'll be a sequel. If ANY movie DESERVES a sequel, it's THIS one. Also, was this movie set in the 80s? I could've sworn I saw some kind of indication about that toward the start of the movie.

The flashback scenes were set in the 80s; that was the time where the aliens first arrived. The main bulk of the movie is set in the 00s.

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Just got back from Inglorious Basterds, and it was anything but... Story was great, acting was great... I can't think of anything bad about the movie =D Although it is apparent even Tarantino is feeling the strain of the recession... He only used one barrel of fake blood, instead of his typical 30 😯

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The flashback scenes were set in the 80s; that was the time where the aliens first arrived. The main bulk of the movie is set in the 00s.

Thanks for reminding me about that, man. Much appreciated.

Posts: 679
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Back to the Future last night, the rest of the trilogy sometime this week. After that I have a hankering maybe for Ghostbusters 1 & 2 and Flight of the Navigator. I shall bury myself back in the 80s


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Logan's War: Bound by Honor. That's right, a Chuck Norris flick. This is the one where he jump-kicks a guy through the windshield of a car.

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Tonight's offering was "Volver", an Almodovar movie. I amused myself trying to guess where in Madrid it was set, but given that it's a pretty darn big city and I clung to one or two neighbourhoods, not a clue. Almodovar flicks usually aren't my cup of tea - I've had to watch "Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown" for Spanish A-level and I watched "All About My Mother" while I lived over there, but they never grabbed me. However, this one was more interesting, albeit the subtitles distracted me from actually listening to what the characters were saying. Do all Almodovar's characters have pretty messed up family & lives?


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I just recently saw District 9. Aw man, what an amazing movie that was!

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Just finished Fanboys... Actually kinda eh. I can see why critics blasted it. Too many ideas and nerd jokes crammed into an average at best movie.

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yeah Fanboys was okay, could have been way better.

Just watched Harold & Kumar Go To WhiteCastle & Pineapple Express, two of my favorite movies to watch when I' know.

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Just watched Harold & Kumar Go To WhiteCastle


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The Proposal.

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Guys, don't be afraid to start new topics on a movie. Not all discussion has to take place here on them.

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Guys, don't be afraid to start new topics on a movie. Not all discussion has to take place here on them.

Thanks for that, Lighty!

Posts: 1104
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I recently watched Inglorious Basterds and 2001: A Space Odyssey

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It was Poltergeist 2 last night. Not as good as the first one, but suitably creepy when watched by yourself in the dark Rule No 1, if your dog whines & runs away from your visitor and it starts raining on him out of a clear blue sky, he's probably up to no good...


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Nightmare Before Christmas. Not a bad film, kind of short and Sally creeps me out ten different ways.

Posts: 1104
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I saw District 9 last night

the people I saw it with were torn on whether or not it was good

Tony hated it because there wasn't enough action
Cole hated it because there was too much action

Posts: 880
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I should just split off all these movies into their own topics

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You'd need to create a Movie forum if you did that! I wonder if this topic counts as a forum game...

On topic though, I saw the movie Deliverence recently and it was exactly what I expected. ^_^

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

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I had it in there originally but it got moved back here 😮 but I guess that is true @ would need movie forum.

The last movie I saw was District 9 and it was neat.

Posts: 571
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Body of Lies, thought this was a really good movie.

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If I posted a topic entitled "I saw Home Alone this afternoon", no one would read it.

But I did see it.

Maybe it's a sad indictment on Hollywood that there's currently not a lot on at the cinema that anyone wants to watch and then talk about. And with folk like me watching 19 year old movies, there's not a lot to be said on that front either...


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Well, I saw Up yesterday. It was pretty good.

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Dumb and Dumber. Classic Jim Carey.

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I had it in there originally but it got moved back here 😮 but I guess that is true @ would need movie forum.

The last movie I saw was District 9 and it was neat.

That might not be a bad idea tbh, though it might lead to people wanting TV, book/comic, and music forums too...

I also watched District 9 and really liked it.

Posts: 679
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I watched Vertigo for the first time last night. Love Jimmy Stewart, the film was intriguing, but as my friend pointed out to me, if I were in charge, films would have no plot at all. I spent a large part of the evening pointing out how abusive the relationship was and what an idiot the girl was not to run a mile! I guess these things are of their time - but I much preferred Harvey or It's a Wonderful Life (connection being Jimmy Stewart, not Hitchcock, obviously).


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Just go back from a Russian Club meeting. We watched Admiral tonight. Movie was incredible. Absolutely loved the romance theme.

Posts: 520
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I'm gonna sound completely out of my mind and all but I watched Rock A Doodle and it STILL is my favorite Don Bluth film. And I have seen all of them so yea. Perhaps it's due to the fact that it was one of my favorite films as a kid (Up there with Fievel Goest West, a film everyone loves to hate) that I say this but I did rewatch it and while it did have some big time plot holes (Can we just ignore the real world stuff...oh wait...never mind. I can't figure out a way to fix it) and all, I still enjoyed a good portion of the movie. I'm probably mad.

Secret of Nimh still looks bloody gorgeous even today.

Posts: 2915
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Holy crap, I haven't posted my recent watched movies in a week or so D:

Just finished Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. Honestly not as great as I expected. Parts were interesting, but it seemed to be way too long. I do like my Miyazaki films, but I seem to only like his more recent ones. I've got Castle in the Sky to give a shot, I'll probably also try Porco Rosso.

Aside from that, I did watch Taken this past weekend. Liam Neeson kicks ass .

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I settled down with a nice mug of tea and dim lighting to watch Sleepy Hollow last night. It was on one of the ITV channels the other night, but a little late, so I dug out the DVD. Quite a cast. Wednesday Addams, Jack Sparrow, The Emperor, Dumbledore, Queenie, Mr Dursley, Alfred, Dracula...

I do like Tim Burton films. Gotham City's never been the same since it apparently got sunshine for the first time in 50 years...


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I just finished watching the second Death Note film. The ending is a big mindfudge, considering they cut out a huuuuuuge portion of the story, and they re-arranged some characters' deaths. awesome as he is, I can't take L very seriously with that goofy mask on.

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