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Which movie did you see last?

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Last night at 10 I watched that weird 80s movie, Labyrinth. People from the 80s are funny. :D

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David Bowie m/

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(in tights)

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Labyrinth...sounds familar. What type of movie is it? Comedy?

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Bowie in The Prestige = WIN <3

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Labyrinth...sounds familar. What type of movie is it? Comedy?

It's a fantasy, with Jennifer Connelly as the protagonist and David Bowie as the villain. I haven't seen it in a while, but it's basically about a girl stuck in a maze (that's Jennifer) and she has to get to the end to save a baby from Bowie.

And also, the last movie I saw was Pirates. =)

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I see, thanks Shadic. *thumbs up*

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Away From Her.
Excellent, but thoroughly depressing.

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Good Goodness! Watched V for Vendetta tonight at a friend's. First time seeing it, even though i've always wanted to. I consider it to be the greatest comic-to-movie adaption ever. I loved it. WOW

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The Phantom with Billy "KINGDUUUUUUUM HAAAAAAAARTS!" Zane. Pure unadultarated B-Movie cheese with a Hollywood blockbuster budget.

I suppose I enjoyed it.

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Il Postino.
Quiet, brilliant little film.

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I watched The Bourne Identity last night... Now I've got to rewatch Supremacy at some point... Can't wait till Ultimatum in August m/

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Accepted. It happened to premiere on Cinemax last week, and came on again around midnight last night. I enjoyed it.

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Fullmetal Alchemist movie.

Thought it'd clear up the incoherant bull of the series' ending... instead added to it. *Sigh*

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Hard Boiled.
Was... amusing.

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What's wrong with you people? No summer movies?

I just saw Ocean's 13 last night. Pretty good. Lots of funny parts. Haven't seen 11 or 12, so I can't offer comparisons.

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Been watching various Pixar films (especially my favorite: The Incredibles) in preparation for the newest one coming this month.

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Die Hard Trilogy.

And no, I don't want to see 4.

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The whole Star Wars Saga.

Including 1-3.

Oh, 2, what did you do to Anakin?

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cheesy space-laser fight scene go!

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The concept of having an infantry battle in space is so retarded.

So damn retarded.

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Hot Fuzz. So funny. I live in a village where something like that could happen.


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It's just Garden State with Orlando Bloom. Problem is, the first hour and fifteen minutes are dry, dull and pointless. I only started paying attention when they played Free Bird and set the building on fire and still went for the solo while the sprinklers were going and everyone was running for their lives.

The "Kirsten Dunst teaches Orlando Bloom to love life" roadtrip was very very good and if they managed to get to that in a less crappy route, it would have been an overal better movie for it.

Garden State >>>>>>> Elizabethtown.

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Ah Garden State, I used to watch that all the time and tell everyone 'it's the best movie evar!!1!' Then I realized it was just because of the awesome soundtrack. Ever since I "got" the soundtrack I haven't seen it in awhile. Hmm...

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Whoa weird me and a friend watched[the first 45 minutes of] Garden State a few nights ago at another friend's house. She was telling us how good it was so we popped it in. I like it so far. Then again I like anything w/Natalie. :) We hope to finish it soon and then watch Say Anything...which is one of my favorite movies ever. I think i'm about to watch Pretty In Pink though. I've never seen all of it so I bought it at Wal-Mart the other day.

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<3 Pretty in Pink. Duckie is my hero! <3

I finished watching Supersize Me and about to watch Shanghai Noon.

188 movies so far this year @.@

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Watched The Bourne Identity again a few days ago. Pretty awesome movie... But it reminds me how sad the beginning of Supremacy is =. I'll be watching that one tonight.

Rented Ocean's 11 last night. I actually wasn't impressed. I don't think I'll see 12 since I've heard it was horrible. In my opinion 13 >>> 11.

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I watched Ocean's 11 so maybe someday I will see 12 and 13

I can see where Coyote Ragtime Show got it's... entire plot.

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Yes Craig! PiP is amazing. Man I love it. Duckie is definetly the man. Hahahaha John Hughes really found his nack in the 80s, I tell you.

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Last movie I saw was Pirates: At World's End. Which I quite enjoyed, even if the sequels were, quite blatantly, not as good as the original movie itself.

But hey, if a fourth one is made... Spoilers (Select To Read): it means they're going to HAVE to add new characters. Let's review.

Elizabeth and Will are kinda tied up, seeing as Will is off ferrying the dead whether he wants to or not. I suppose Elizabeth could go solo in the next one, but really, why?

Jack Sparrow, naturally, is quite free for another movie - and given his ending, where he's searching out the Fountain of Youth, has at least some motivation toward a goal, which can be expanded upon in a fourth movie. That and a Pirates movie without Johnny Depp would be sacrilege.

Barbossa has the Black Pearl and her crew, and could probably work in, somehow. I doubt Barbossa and Sparrow have finished their little squabble...

They might want to elaborate just a tad on Tia Dalma/Calypso; that plot line ended far too abruptly.

And that covers most of the main characters, really. I don't think Sparrow and Barbossa can carry a film on their own; somebody else probably should be added to fill the void that the loss of Will and Elizabeth creates.

Anyway, the ending was anything but what I was expecting... I suppose it's better off that way, though.

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Did you stay after the credits, Shads?

Last movie for me was Shanghai Noon as mentioned I would. Chan and Owen are a magical duo and provide much laughter. Great movie.

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I rented Pan's Laybrinth.

Great movie with some really nice character design, though the ending was pretty sad.

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Did you stay after the credits, Shads?

Course. I was factoring that ending into my mini-rant there.

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Good good, then all is well. Proceed... on your way to oblivion.

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lol, After I went to the Thursday night showing, I was telling people in the hallways "WAIT TILL THE CREDITS ARE OVER!"... I probably looked like some crazy person :D

Oh, and Supremacy owned... I can't wait till August =

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the ending was pretty sad.

Not according to the director it isn't, though he said he delibrately left things ambiguous.

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The ending was weird. Sorta then I thought about it and it wasn't that weird. I can see why you say it's sad though. Well me and the pops are about to go see Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer. Alot of my friends say it isn't all that great. But those were the friends that didn't like the 1st one. I think it'll be good though.

Edit: Yes I loved it. I guess if you expect it to be like the SMs or X-Mens you would be disappointed, but it isn't that. I thought the details were handled very well in the film and the humor and action are nearly kept equal to maintain a fairly balanced movie. For me it was better than the first...and one of the best Marvel comic movies. :D

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LoveFilm let me download The Cooler for free, so I did.

I'm suprised they'd offer a movie like this for free *shrug* it was well acted and serious as heck. Abundance of sex kind of made me uncomfortable, but hey... if filmmakers are going to insist on showing sex as the only way of establishing a deeper meaningful bond between people, how am I supposed to avoid it?

*Sighs and pats head* what is a man to do?

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I'm shocked... I got to go see Evan Almighty with my uncle.

My god, the reviewers suck... This movie was actually funny. Sure, you weren't rolling on the floor, but it wasn't bad by any means. Morgan Freeman's lines were amazing. It's a good, family friendly movie.

My favorite line is one of Morgan Freeman's: 'If you pray for patience, do you think God just gives you patience? Or does he give you opportunities to be patient? If you pray for courage, do you think he just gives you courage, or opportunities to be courageous?'

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I'm eager to see Evan when it comes out in the UK (3rd of August).

For the time being, I watched "The Mexican" last night. Meh... it was ok.

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I just came back from watching an awesome movie.

Which one?


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So Spiner was it really, all it apperas to be. I think it could possibly be one of the best of the new millenium.

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Let's just say it's more than meets the eye. ;D

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Transformers has started coming out? Or are you referring to Transformers: The Movie?

Last night I watched Hero. It's made of concentrated win.

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I'm talking about the Michael Bay film. It came out today in Aussie Land. :D Saw the premiere of it.

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I hate you...

30 days until the UK release...

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Forrest Gump. Ending made me far too close to for comfort.

Great, now my evening is ruined. But at least the movie was good!

PS: We need more crying emotes

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Shrek 3 last night. It was OK, some lol moments etc., but I certainly won't be going to see it twice. Captain Hook's voice was bugging me the whole way through the movie and I sat through the credits to find out why - he was Lovejoy!

I'm also disappointed that they didn't get Jonathan Ross to reprise his role as the British version of the Ugly Stepsister. It was a bit jarring to have Larry King there...


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