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Which Sonic continuity had the most annoying characters?

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Posts: 189
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So had more annoying characters? SatAM? AoStH? SU? Sonic X? The comic? The games? The OVA? What do you think? Please explain why.

Posts: 1402
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sonic X without question. i mean. come on. CHRIS

Posts: 2116
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Enlighten us, Hypershadow - GX asked you to explain why, after all.

Although, GX, it's a bit much to post something like that, even remind people to expand on things, and not offer a single answer to your own question.

I'll be back with mine when I get a bit more spare time, but... What's your opinion?

Posts: 5772
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Did I miss something?

Posts: 4885
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I'll go with AoStH. Da Bears were amusing, but The Sloths were just irritating.

Sonic X only had Chris which would make anyone growl and he got MUCH better after he aged. Chuck and Ella were wonderful support characters who matched with Tails and Amy respectively and gave them a worthy counterpart.

I never watched Underground, but didn't have an issue with it's cast...

And SatAM I have a heavy bias against and don't feel like arguing with things that I know I am not rational about, therefore, I wont trouble you with my opinions.

Posts: 2234
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I'd have to go with StC. In so many issues there were plenty of throw away characters whom were all dire and annoying. In that respect, I'd definitely say it had the most of them (Norris... something?)

That said, it also had a load of kickass characters which balanced it out.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Hmm... I didn't think to include StC in there. I've forgiven Norris Wimple and Fabian Vane after all these years... and glorified Ebony, Porker and Shortfuse in my memory.

The good outweighed the bad in my mind...

Posts: 2234
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Yeah, that's what I think as well.

But the question asked which had the most annoying characters... and StC certainly did have a load of throwaway, annoying characters...

But there were still loads of awesome ones as well. 😀

Posts: 25
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I think my choice would have to be the Movie. One word: Sara. I'm sorry but I just did not like Sara she was a whiney little spoiled brat and her voice just grated on your ears. From Sonic X it has to be Chris. The rest of the subjects I'm okay with.

Posts: 1402
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Enlighten us, Hypershadow - GX asked you to explain why, after all've got to be kidding me. Chris thorndyke. what's right about him? does even one person like this character? i watched the first episode of Sonic X thinking it would be like sonic adventure. except made into a cartoon. but nooooo when chris turns into more of a sidekick than tails is, then he is hated by me.

Posts: 1127
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I like Chris, he's an okay kid. Makes mistakes every now and then, but that's being human.

Posts: 462
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Most series there is one character I just cannot stand. In Archie it was Tommy Turtle. It's odd cuz I grew up with fanlove for turtle geeks (Corey Feldman surely had much to do with that) but Tommy just bugged me. His return negated all impact from his intro, which was a nice motivation-for-the-hero backstory thing. His design was quite bland and many pencilers just could not get him to 'blend' with the others artwise. Slob!Rotor and neatfreak!assistant had been down before and never clicked with me. Lastly he was most prominent during a time when the comic's direction was unsure, a lot of in-fighting between writers and staff changes so there was just a sense of negativity surronding Archie in general and Tommy became associated with it.
In SatAM I hated Robecca. Her design was fugnacious and it made no sense why people who lived in huts apposed Robotnik and his forest-wrecking, population-making, mind-taking machines would build a robot of their own. NICOLE at least was explained there as being made before the war began but shoot! everything else in the show gave off a nature vs tech theme. Truly a wtf moment. Also don't much like character abuse episodes (one bad thing happens to a chara like a problem of their own making and it's funny, a couple of mishaps and I pity them, but non-stop beatings crosses the line from slapstick humor to overkill).
SU maybe Sonia. The hair and outfit are funky, I've never been keen on valleyspeak and the voice itself... don't mind Jaleel White as Sonic/Manic but all three was a bit much. She's kinda borderline annoying really. A re-dubbing would probly be enough to change my mind.
In Sonic X Chris was frustrating sometimes when I'd rather Tails were in his place, but not enough to full-on hate the guy. The other made for Sonic X charas I like, particulary Chuck, so nothing for that show. Although the comic Westwood is more annoying to me than the TV counterpart perhaps he shall earn the 'honor'?
Omochao is the only one to bug me in SEGASonic. I think Chao are quite cute, but that thing kept dispensing hints I didn't really need. I can see that some might welcome it, but when gaming I am more of a do-it-yourself explorer type.
Hmm... I've never read StC so cannot comment on it. (but I'd love a chance to explore that fandom someday) Guess that's it then.
P.S. If were counting fanfic, than the long-lost sibling Mary Sues/Gary Stus get to me.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

I'd have to say AoStH had the most annoying characters. Although, I prefer it over some of the other things which have been thrown at us.

As for Sonic X, the problems wasn't the characters. It was their voices.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Quote:'ve got to be kidding me. Chris thorndyke. what's right about him? does even one person like this character?

Not me - for your reasons - but I've seen a couple of 'net fan shrines around.

The topic starter asked for reasons, and the board rules themselves ask for reasons. It's hard to discuss things when people don't leave anything to discuss. 🙂


i watched the first episode of Sonic X thinking it would be like sonic adventure. except made into a cartoon. but nooooo when chris turns into more of a sidekick than tails is, then he is hated by me.

I wouldn't normally pick another forumer's post up to use as an example, but this is a nice object lesson in how when I say "Reasons", you don't need to write an essay to make a point. 🙂

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Uh... Sarah?

That "another forumer" you're using an example from. Same person you're slapping on the wrist.

Same post, too.

Posts: 1827
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Don't know really. I haven't really seen a lot of SatAM and I haven't read much of Archie's Sonic series.

Underground, in general was irritating. Those songs, the whole feeling of is this SatAM sequel, Where is Tails? And why does Sonic have a brother and a sister?

Despite the throwawayness of the post issue 100 characters in STC, I can't say they irritated me.

The OVA special characters were alright. They got enough screen time so that your would like them but not think, HEY WHERE IS THAT SONIC CHARACTER I HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT!

The only truly irritating Sonic X character was Chris, and that was mostly down to the fact he got more screen time than everyone, got to hang out with Sonic and was rich. FILTHY RICH.

I can't remember much of the AoStH characters really. But I think they were more one shot characters than anything else.

Which I think only leaves the games. And they are alright. Charmy is meant to be irritating and Cream has been replaced by Marine. Because there can only be one cute character.

Out of all the continuities I'd probably say that Underground produced the more irritating characters. But, be aware I could watch the whole series of SatAM or read 50 odd issues of Archie's Sonic Comic tomorrow and it all could change.

Posts: 2116
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I know that, Craig... And you know that I normally create my own fictional examples. Hence the description "another forumer".

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Yea I'm going to also have to go with Tommy Turtle as a top annoyance factor. He's one of the reasons why I think Archie has the most inane characters. He just irritated me because he was of no importance except for being killed and brought back more than a phoenix. Ixis is also another character I thought was a poor excuse for a villain, just some crazed sorcerer that EVERY comic has to need. And Mogul as well...I just cannot take him seriously as a villain.

The other continuities I don't care enough about to garner an opinion...other than that I dislike SaTam and loved Aosth as a kid.

Posts: 2398
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Um... I don't have an issue with Chris. Seemed to have at least as many dimensions as the rest of them. It was kinda nice not seeing Tails A) Not a helpless kid and B) Not in Sonic's shadow.


Posts: 57
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i'd have to say the most annoying would be sonic underground, just because of Sonia's voice. ><

Posts: 189
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I had a long post about annoying characers from SU and the comic, however, my wireless modem(more trouble than it's worth) disconnected before it posted. Anyway, I thought Sonic's parents were annoying. They took away a mystery that the other Sonics had. Sonic, to me, should be an orphan.

Posts: 57
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oh gosh, yea. i also hated tails' parents. that whole space thing was just.... ugh. ><
part of the reason why i stopped reading it.

Posts: 189
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Yeah, Tails' character has always been protrayed as a orphan freak kid who Sonic semi-adopted and raised like a little brother. If his parents are openly there, it takes something away fom Tails' loneliness and idolization of Sonic.

Posts: 57
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well it's annoying how archie adds in a bunch of unnessisary characters and plotlines when they could just make it simple and say, "tails parents were killed by robotnik. same for sonic's."

Posts: 774
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I'd have to say Sonic Underground. The entire show just...annoyed the everything out of me whenever it was on. IMO, a failed hybrid of Sonic the Hedgehog and Alvin and the Chipmunks, emphasis on failed.

It would also appear I'm like the only one in existence that genuinely is enjoying almost all of the Archie series. O.o

Posts: 43
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I really can't give any conituity since its been a very long time since I've seen either Underground or AoSTH in ages and haven't really gotten around to actually watching SonicX. Charmy's voice in the Shadow game annoys the snot out of me. Whenever I decide to do the hero mission in his level, I switch over to the nuetral mission because I cannot bear to listen to him.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member


The topic starter asked for reasons, and the board rules themselves ask for reasons. It's hard to discuss things when people don't leave anything to discuss. :)

chris is a reason to hate chris, sure it is a double negative in itself but so was your post.

so now you see. -Chris X -Chris = --Chris. chris' existance in itself makes no sense. hence why he should be removed from all forms of sonic-dom

Posts: 1127
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How cute, he thinks he's clever. =D

Posts: 189
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Anyway, I think the post-SA game universe has plenty of annoying characters. Everyone, to me, after 1998, is either too dark or too kiddie for the series. Shadow is the dark extreme and Cream is the kiddie extreme. Shadow, with his gun-toting, violent, ang angsty persona is just too morbid for a series about a blue hedehog. Cream, on the other hand, is so kind and polite, is too cute and annoying for the games. Blaze is the only character, to me, that would fit in a Genesis era game. She is neither overly mature or too silly.

Posts: 1402
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How cute, he thinks he's clever. =D

how adorable, toby is trying to be the new wonderbat except no one likes him.

Posts: 4607
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Toby, Hyper, knock it off. 'Specially you, Toby; we banned Wonderbat for excessive negativity, don't think you'll be any different.

Posts: 1402
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sorry but when people flame bait me, i have a hard time not responding to it. but i will try not to

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Posts: 7
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the most annoying characters is chris from sonic x come on and plus the most annoying characters is tails voice from sonic x ugh.

Posts: 489
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Sonic underground was really really cheesy... and i dont mean mmm mmm cheesy, i mean... i was more embarrassed to watch that than both sonic x and AoStH.

Something about a band using their rock and roll talents to win the day... I mean, i would expect that from a Hanna-Barbera cartoon, but not sonic. But, no characters i hated in that series. Actually, the characters were neat, just the story and plot was very un-fun to me.

Worst character imo is either Chris for his really annoying ways of butting in (which, i can understand, he is the link between sonic and the whole human world pretty much. plus the audience is based for kids his age)


Princess sarah from the anime movie. omg... not only was she loud, annoying and had nothing to do with sonic at all, but she just... didnt fit at ALL. I loved the movie too, and i wish there was more with the same animation (maybe a tad bit better)

Posts: 2191
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we banned Wonderbat for excessive negativity

The forums are flawless now. :D

Anyway, asking which Sonic continuity has the most annoying characters is like saying which one of your legs is more important

Posts: 620
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Just to put my 2 cents because I'm bored and am awaiting to go into work, I would say the game's universe is getting on my damn nerves. It's not just an annoying character, it's the ongoing and growing cast of characters that's bringing it down. I swear, it's like they want to compete against the Simpsons.

The character adding should have stopped with SA2. 😛

Posts: 981
Noble Member

"Princess sarah from the anime movie. omg... not only was she loud, annoying and had nothing to do with sonic at all, but she just... didnt fit at ALL. I loved the movie too, and i wish there was more with the same animation (maybe a tad bit better) "

Switching Sara with Amy would have worked (for the most part at least). Both thier roles would have been the same.

Posts: 3468
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Cream in Sonic X. Seriously. Her voice, her demeanor, her role...everything jsut grated on me.
