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why that username?
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why that username?

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so why you all chose the username you did?

for me "sonicsfan1991" was cause:
1- everything good was taking
2- i love sonic so much
3- 1991 was the first time i saw sonic (and not my birthday X__X )
4- i think its clever to add an "s" in username for possession.. like adamsgarden or someonesplace XD i saw those cool usernames before and loved the added s in the middle.

Posts: 2438
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I was playing a game called Mission Force: Cyberstorm, and in it you can name individual mechs you buy for your team. I named one "Argonaut" but then, looking at another mech (the Remora class for anyone who's played the game), named it "Tergonaut" off the cuff. I liked the name enough that when I got my first e-mail address, I chose "tergonaut" because I was so sure it was unique and that I wouldn't need a bunch of senseless numbers after it. Then I started putting together a story for this name - the omni-suit concept itself came up very quickly, but how it was implemented was another thing (in one situation, it was stolen by a secret agent who then took on the identity of Tergonaut; in another, the suit itself became alive!). But it truly solidified into what we know today after I came here to the MoFo and created the character for the MFW RP series.

Posts: 2234
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Ripped off that lame echidna character in Sonic Adventure because I could think of no other Sonic character username that wouldn't require and insane amount of numbers after the username as well.

Also turns out I spelt the sodding name wrong, as well!

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It's a combo of two of the main characters from the Warden-verse.    Toby Droegemeier and Rico Underwood


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True Blue was taken. One True Blue was taken. One Tru Blu was not.

And the rest is history.

Posts: 69
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I always liked the name Nemesis, But I was like to add a little something of my own. Which in turn is a X.

Posts: 841
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Brain fart when trying to come up with a username for Xbox Live

Unless you mean the other older one which is something i'd rather forget

Posts: 1055
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I used to RP Tails in a defunct Sonic chat. It was around when Sonic Adventure was still pretty new. Thusly, Sonic Adventure Tails. Later on, I astarted making an effort to be more "original" character, hurr hurr. I created an actual non-Sonic avatar that morphed into a stand alone character for an original comic. A comic in which I don't know if I'll ever actually draw it. The name Shigeru comes from Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of Mario, Zelda, etc., as a homage.

Posts: 2234
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Trudi Speed wrote:

Brain fart when trying to come up with a username for Xbox Live

Unless you mean the other older one which is something i'd rather forget

I liked it! Did you only hate it for the letter swapping insult?

Posts: 1191
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It's my last name. 0.0

Posts: 841
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Nah I hate it because of it's horrible generic fancharacter origins

Posts: 147
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I started joining online communities around the time TWEWY came out. I loved that game so much, thats how I got SHIBUYA401 (the setting of the game and building in the middle of the city)

Posts: 874
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Face/Off was (and still is, dammit!) a great movie. Castor Troy is the bad guy. There you go.

My alt over on the other boards, Johnny Chopsocky, is derived from an in-joke made amongst me and my friends about pretty much any 'style over substance' character. Notable Johnny Chopsockys: Dante from 'Devil May Cry', the giggling yakuza from 'Versus', Johnny Cage from 'Mortal Kombat'. Chow Yun Fat in a John Woo movie (any of them, really) could be called the prototypical Johnny Chopsocky except he has style AND substance.

Posts: 1008
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Well, this one is my author character name. And my other one is the name of what you could have once termed a fan character. And still can to some extent. And I ended up with a 0 on the end because SilverShadow was taken ¬_¬

Posts: 132
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1) negavegetassj27 > Nega Vegeta > Nega Nakamoto > Nega (X)

1a) negavegetassj27 and Nega Vegeta
The story of this one originated back in 2002.  Back then, I was young, naive, and involved in the sprite comic community (which the particular community I was with kind of resembled a proto-/b/).  I was starting up a (rather horrible) sprite comic, and I needed an "original character" (emphasis on the quotes).  I was watching and was a fan of Dragonball Z at the time, so boom! Vegeta.  Then I thought "What else would make my name more awesome? I know! 'Nega' sounded awesome and had XTREME connotations", so Nega Vegeta.  Originally, it also had 'ssj27' at the end (negavegetassj27) but I figured out early on that having a name that sounds more like an AIM username was VERY idiotic (That, and someone mocked the name when giving out, errmm, rather harsh criticism at my work (and rightfully so now that I think about it)), so it was dropped by the time that community moved (back) to ezBoard.

1b) Nega Nakamoto
Then 2003 came, Eliteboard was now open for business with the SPA moved over there.  I figured that having a character with part of a name of another character still wasn't such a hot idea.  So, I dropped 'Vegeta' from the name, and brainstormed for a bit.  "I like Mario!  I like Sonic!  Yuji Naka and Shgeru Miyamoto = NakamotoNega Nakamoto!  Hell, there's even alliteration!  Perfect!"

1c) Nega X
Except not quite perfect.  Nega as a first name for a character still didn't quite fly over too well, so the character name branched off into something else (see section 2), but it still made a great (IMO) online alias/persona.  Unfortunately, ezBoard had been around a while, and someone undoubtedly registered the name.  I really didn't want to add fluff to the name (recalling from my first experience), but I kind of had to.  I was hoping I wouldn't have to add too much fluff to the name.  So I tried something simple.  'Nega X'.  "Registration Complete."  Not bad at all...

1d) Nega
Several account deletions and re-registrations later, I still have the 'Nega X' name here.  However, when we move to the new board, thanks to the 'rename a username' feature, I'll FINALLY get to drop off the 'X' and just declare myself Nega.  I stick with this name, but for a different reason than what I saw in the beginning.  I now see myself as more or less an outsider amongst humanity, a deviation from the norm, a negative match if you will.  Not in bad way, mind you.

2) Nega Nakamoto > Kyoji Nakamoto

See part 1b for Nega Nakamoto.  As mentioned, I didn't think 'Nega' would be a good first name for my character, so I had to look elsewhere.  Once again, I turned towards yet another Anime on Toonami: G Gundam"Hey that bad-but-just-hypnotized big brother of the main character who managed to clone himself into a German Ninja had an awesome first name: Kyoji.  It's japanese (like the surname), it's not stupidly obvious where it came from, it works!"  And thus, Kyoji Nakamoto was born, and still sees use to this day.

3) Dymlos (X)

Doesn't see explicit use here, but sees use for my other online crap.  I was registering for Xbox Live and had to come up with a name.  I didn't want to use a variant of Nega, because even though I liked it, some 14 year old will figure that it's vaguely close to a certain overused slur and give me hell over it.  Being a Tales series fan, I just yanked the name from the sentient sword that the main character uses in Tales of Destiny: Dymlos.  Occasionally (actually quite often) I have to add the extra 'X' in there to make it work.

Posts: 1866
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Smokebearer comes from a really old legend about some knights that failed in their duty. I've been considering doing something with the title, though.

Posts: 2723
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'Kaze' is Japanese for 'wind', and I like Chao. Two birds with one stone. 😐

I was also playing too much Soul Caliber 2 at the time, so yeah...

Posts: 149
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Well, mine is obvious considering 2 of my big interests: Space Ghost: Coast 2 Coast, and drawing stick figure comics, mostly featuring Steven Seagal (in retrospect, I dub him Steven Stickgal) beating the crap out of pretty much everybody else. Basically, if you've seen my art on my website, I used to crank out entire strips of that during my study hall in high school. Anyway, I thought this up as I was pondering a name for myself on Ebay.

As for my PSN version, stick_ghost, that's because somehow stickghost, Stickghost, and STICKGHOST were all taken. WHAT THE HELL? Who else could have thought up such a name!?! AND THREE PEOPLE? If you see any of these guys, feel free to call them assholes and kill/wreck/inconvenience them.

For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.

Posts: 2116
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A Sonic fan character of mine from when I was about 12. I decided to recycle the name on the spur of the moment, when I first got online and needed to think of a handle in a hurry.

Posts: 220
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Beardo was my nickname in high school due to my uncanny ability to have a gnarly beard. Mostly during my senior year. The 'Is Legend' bit comes from one of my favorite bands for the past 7-ish years, He Is Legend.


Posts: 781
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700 is 007 backwards.

Yes, I know it's cringeworthy.

Posts: 2915
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Hiro0015. Actually similar to Pach's.

Hiro was a mispelling of Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing. It was also one of the choices for the main character in Pokemon Gold. The 00 refers to 007, I think I was on a Bond kick at the time. And hell, it sounds awesome. The 15 refers to my birthday 8O.

Stewie0015, when I was avoiding my kilo post, obviously used the 0015 moniker from my other username. Stewie was my nickname in high school.

Posts: 1058
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Someone else had the name Shifty Powers, so I named myself Shifty Prowers to upset them (Prowers comes from Miles "Tails" Prower :):):):)) lol

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 348
Reputable Member

"Albino Rapper" is a nickname I came up with for the love of my life, Eminem. =) I thought it sounded cool, so I started using it as a screen name.

Since then, an actual albino rapper has come about. His name is Brother Ali.

Posts: 565
Honorable Member

When I first hurled myself on the internet in the days of the late 90's, I started up on AOL. At the time, the internet was small and enclosed to only the geeks, and those looking to shine or find people with equal minds NOT looking to ruin things. I thought I was the bomb diggitty for creating a SONIC RECOLOR IN THE FORM OF RED AND GIVING HIM BUSHY HAIR, LOLWHAT, ORIGINAL!!! I was also drawing a comic all through high school with these characters in my head and they were all DRAGON BALLIN', SON, WHAT?! Still had no name for him.

I found or whatever lame-o thing it was that I regret remembering this far into it, and I found MORE people that made amazing SONIC AVATARS IN THE FORM OF RECOLORS AND SOME OF THEM DID THEM IN SPRITE FORM AND OTHER PEOPLE HAD SCANNERS AND DREW THINGS AND UPLOADED THEM, AWE HELL NAW! I needed a name, dawg, and I needed one fast!!! SO BAM, it was Swifty! Booya! CLEVER! SIGNED, SEALED, DELIVERED, I'M YOURS, BROSEF.

Then I found HQ and then I started "reporting" on the goings on of for HQ, and I kept drawing my stupid little comic, and I kept watching anime and reading up on Japanese culture and falling in love with it and my drawings went more anime-feelish and I started creating characters with Japanese names and I was like DAMN Swifty sounds LAME AS HELL. Oh, by this time I practically disappeared off of HQ for a while, (useless trivia? Go figure). SO, I translated "SWIFT" to Japanese and it ended up being JINSOKU (-soku) (-soku), and I was like DAMN SON THAT IS FLY FRESH THE BOMB DIGGITTY!

And here we are. I still don't have my lame-o comic finished and it's still all in my head with some pages drawn here and there and fear of loathing from the internet so I sleep in night sweats over it. WHAT? No I don't.

Now I need to think of a cutie mark. I'm thinking of a dong. Or maybe a middle finger. Either sounds appropriate.

Posts: 679
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Quite simple, really. Darkwing Duck = fave Disney character of all time. And I live in the UK. All lower case 'cos in my day you didn't really use upper case 🙂


Posts: 1195
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Because Once Upon A Time, there was a crazy fan who adored a third-tier character from the Archie Sonic comic. That was me. And thus, I have immortalized his name on my username, along with tackling "Neo" because at the time, the word wasn't overused. Also 3 and 7 happened to be my favorite number. Nowadays, I actually go by "Neo Yi" in a lot of other places, but I had this particular username for nearly a decade and I'm too lazy to change it. This forum is the only place where I keep said username and all its ridiculous glory.

Posts: 955
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I was so excited when I found out Sonic HQ's message board was on EzBoard because I had an account there already as a pretty fab little thirteen year old. Problem was, I had a local account registered to a specific - and unrelated - message board. I was pretty depressed, 'cause I kind of liked the username "Little Navi".

No matter! I'll just register under something ELSE Zelda-related. I loved the Sages of Shadow and Spirit, so I combined the two to make "Shadowed Spirit Sage" because I WAS SUCH A COOL KID.

And when confronted with the problem of "YOU CAN'T HAVE SPACES IN USERNAMES AND THEY HAVE TO BE BETWEEN 8-14 CHARACTERS LONG" later in life, I combined the two into "Shadowednavi", which has been my standard screen name since 2003. If you find a Shadowednavi anywhere on the interwebs, I promise it's me.

Posts: 520
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First username was because I was obsessed with weather at the time so I decided why not name myself after it? I used to do it as a kid so why not now?

As for this one...I'm not sure. I think it's because my online personal was half tiger, half kid (How original is that?) but tigerkid sounded boring so I decided to spice it up a little.

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For me it came from legos. I stuck one of those light thingers on top of that guy's head and next thing you know, Lighthead is born!

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For me it came from legos. I stuck one of those light thingers on top of that guy's head and next thing you know, Lighthead is born!

Posts: 565
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Dr Lighthead wrote:


For me it came from legos. I stuck one of those light thingers on top of that guy's head and next thing you know, Lighthead is born!

What CAN'T Lego do?

If we're talking first username EVAR, my first username on AOL was LUZER000, second was JusMe000... if you can't tell, I had an amazingly high self esteem when I was younger.

Posts: 119
Estimable Member

Once, I had a username that was all too common.

And I like being a special snowflake. This name is my latest attempt at doing just that.

Posts: 61
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The first part of my name came ftom the fact that  a) I'm a loner; b) my middle name is Solomon.   As for the "birnger of Chaos", that came form the fact I joined the community around the time Sonic Adventure debut.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Though I've said this before...

Sonic = True Blue (Archie nickname)
Knuckles = Rad Red (Archie nickname)

**was a huge Archie Sonic fan**

I mixed and matched to get "True Red" and "Rad Blue." I chose "True Red" because I prefer Knuckles to Sonic and I liked the idea of being "loyal to Knuckles" (though considering how much I like Rouge, the "red" has actually extended its meaning). And yes, I obviously gave the other name to my forum "evil" counterpart. ;p

Posts: 781
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True Red wrote:

Though I've said this before...

Sonic = True Blue (Archie nickname)
Knuckles = Rad Red (Archie nickname)

**was a huge Archie Sonic fan**

I mixed and matched to get "True Red" and "Rad Blue." I chose "True Red" because I prefer Knuckles to Sonic and I liked the idea of being "loyal to Knuckles" (though considering how much I like Rouge, the "red" has actually extended its meaning). And yes, I obviously gave the other name to my forum "evil" counterpart. ;p

You referring to Rad Blue, or some other alt account of yours not mentioned in that post?

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My real name is Decimus, so I chose Decimic as a nickname.

A lot of people mispronounce it though, it's pronounced "dess im ick."

Posts: 1694
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I first came to the MoFo as KaylaTheHedgehog. She, embarrassingly, started out as a fan character who was Sonic's twin sister, but as I expanded her, she became her own individual.

Sailor Unicron was my attempt to add some more weirdness to the MoFo at the time of her creation. I'm a Transformers fan, and the idea of Unicron having a Sailor was just too amusing to pass up.

Posts: 1986
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When playing a game it asked me for a character's name and there was no default (I always go with default names cause I'm lazy like that). I just randomly threw some syllables together in my head and came up with "Hukos". It doesn't mean anything or represent anything at all, just something I threw together.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

I first came to the MoFo as KaylaTheHedgehog. She, embarrassingly, started out as a fan character who was Sonic's twin sister, but as I expanded her, she became her own individual.

Sailor Unicron was my attempt to add some more weirdness to the MoFo at the time of her creation. I'm a Transformers fan, and the idea of Unicron having a Sailor was just too amusing to pass up.

What about Sailor Rose Dust?

Posts: 1334
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2001-2004 Mike Speed Hedgehog
2004- Mike1204
2008- Gowienczyk / Gowi

MSH... man, been years for that one, but as like a good chunk of others it was my unoriginal sonic clone I made when I was 11 or so. But yeah, there's still fond memories there. Mike1204 comes from my name and birthdate (december 4th). Gowi, my current run on outside this board is just my surname shortened down.


Posts: 814
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Before really getting into using computers all that much, I came up with the name "Thunder1". I don't remember exactly how or why, but it stuck with me and I've never changed it since. I guess it's mostly sentimental now.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Oh I just read it off of some old document, I think. Also people just kept calling me it, so it stuck.

Posts: 1694
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I first came to the MoFo as KaylaTheHedgehog. She, embarrassingly, started out as a fan character who was Sonic's twin sister, but as I expanded her, she became her own individual.

Sailor Unicron was my attempt to add some more weirdness to the MoFo at the time of her creation. I'm a Transformers fan, and the idea of Unicron having a Sailor was just too amusing to pass up.

What about Sailor Rose Dust?

I believe I was just feeling stupid when I came up with that alt. I think it was an alt I set up because I was still trying to come up with a kilo-post idea, but I still wanted to post while I was working on it.

I haven't really thought much about that alt, but she was based off of the Rose Dust, the Queen of the Flutter Ponies from the original MLP series.

Posts: 1631
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The Mobius Forum was the first message board I ever joined when our family got the internet, and the first board on which I ever tried forum roleplay. When I joined I needed a character to RP with, and since I always liked Knuckles best of the official characters I wanted a character similar to and even related to Knux in some way. So Wraith was born. His name I just picked off the top of my head because I like the sound of the word, he could quite easily have been called something else. But the character of Wraith has grown and evolved over my time here, as has the universe he exists in (my own personal version of the SEGASonic universe, with my own characters, locations and plots). Originally he was loosely baised on myself, but he has since diverged into his own little personality that bares little resemblence to myself any more. He's still a cool character though.

It should be noted, however, that this board is the only one on which I use this name. As my experience with the internet began to grow and I started joining other forums too (coupled with the point mentioned above about Wraith evolving into his own character apart from me), I realised I needed another name and persona that I could use across the interwebs - one which represented me better than Wraith in an RP environment, one which was not limited solely to a Sonic the Hedgehog universe, and one which I frankly preferred to Wraith however cool Wraith might be. So I created a dragon character which was more closely related to and baised upon myself (the embodyment of what I admire and respect in a person, and what I strive for myself), and he became my persona for everywhere other than this board.
