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You can tell alot about a person

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Posts: 2398
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By what they leave in their car. Whats in yours? I'll tell mine tomorrow. :3


Posts: 1044
Noble Member

I don't have a car , nor do i have a driving license. Never really had the need to since i live in croydon/london (*hiss @ craig*) so i dunno what that says about me...

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

Holy cow! The back seat of my car (95 Honda Civic) still has stains from the Chinese food I had to go pick up for a catering of a grad student meeting XD

I got an ice scrapper, an electric ice scrapper, fliers, mail, bills, CDs lying around, I think gum wrappers, napkins, a travel size bag of moist towelettes (sp?) to clean my hands, hand rubbing alcohol, random papers. One magazine from Ponce, where I went to undergrad at.

It also has the two big sized posters from my research presentation last Saturday in addition to the scoring sheets the judges gave me. I'm pretty sure I have at least over 6 papers from science journals I need to read for my project or class.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I don't have a car, but I'd imagine it'd be neat and tidy as I can't stand filth.

Posts: 91
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Front area I prefer to keep clean. Relatively. There's a small umbrella on the passenger side floor. Back seat's got my nice big umbrella and my windshield shade-thingie. The trunk's got an old camping hammock, my old license plates, a first aid kit that's probably no good anymore, jumper cables, and various other junk that's collected there over the past 8.5 years.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Umbrella, handwarmers, napkins, plasticware jacked from some fast food restaurant... $1 in change, Kleenex, textbooks and notebooks, flashlight, "Leatherman" type mulit tool... Pens, Sunglasses, MP3 to FM converter...

I think that's it.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

I'm a neat and tidy person, but my car's an interesting mess.

I've got lots of empty water-and-soda bottles scattered haphazardly across the the floor in the front passenger and backseats. I've got papers and textbooks, a couple programs from school functions, my ice scraper named Hoppy, my CD case, my DS headphones, random stuff like my work nametag, photo from when I got my hair cut, and cellphone case in a little tray up front. I've probably got some earrings and other cheap jewelry scattered on the floor from when it fell from my purse.

I also kept a blanket in the trunk, but I decided it was too warm and pretty to keep locked in a car, so it's on my bed. <3

Right now, my karate uniform is in the backseat, but that's gonna change soon 'cause I need it for tomorrow :3

EDIT: OH! I've also got a turquoise dreamcatcher hanging from the rearview mirror. Traveled all the way out to the Dells to get that. 8D

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

I have a small Spider-Man toy hanging from my rearview, with a bunch of trash, mostly bags from Taco Bell, in the floorboard. The backseat is pretty much filled with skateboards, tools, cables, jackets, and my keyboard, for musical purposes.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Oh, I forgot my Vanilla pinetree air freshener

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Two bras, a pair of pants, three umbrellas, a ton of papers from school, and about 50 loose CDs that sit in the little holders that are on the sides of my doors and half a million empty packs of smokes.

It's a damn mess.

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

A roll of blue garage paper towels, a can of Fix-A-Flat, a can of Armor All car wipes, and a 20oz bottle of almost finished Coke. Oh, and a stack of work papers. Lots and lots of work papers.

I swear I'm tidy, if you just give me time.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

One CD holder, a few loose CD cases, an umbrella, a couple of books, one shoebox, a pair of old tennis shoes...and a bottle of Diet Coke Plus.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

for the brief time i had a car, it was mostly half-empty old waterbottles on the floor behind the seats.

Posts: 60
Trusted Member

Let's see... I got some random trash, a wrench, a flashlight and, a baseball bat. Oh, and, some duct tape. That's just the front of my truck, I got a bunch of junk in the back.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

I don't have a car, but I'd imagine it'd be neat and tidy as I can't stand filth.

Same as Wes.

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

Sagey named her ice scrapper!!! I want a name for my ice scrappers!

I just drove and realized I had a Chinese artwork knot in my front dash and a pine smell thing hanging from my rear-view mirror. I also have a multi tool in my glove compartment.

I found old lecture papers and exams from classes I will teach soon.

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

Hmm, let's see:

2 security notices for parking in the visitors' spaces and signing into the contractors' books at a client
1 laminated security notice for parking in the visitors' spaces when they didn't notice I'd signed into the visitors' book at another client
1 handwritten set of instructions for getting to Leicester and thence to Middlesbrough from the top of the M5
1 fleece
1 straw hat
1 huge can of de-icer
1 road atlas
1 Bristol A-Z
1 disposable camera (for if anyone hits my car and I need evidence)
1 pair of prescription sunglasses
Possibly 1 pair of huge non-prescription sunglasses for putting on top of my glasses
About 40 cassettes in the glove compartment, door pockets and that little cubby hole by the gear stick
1 pin for adjusting the windscreen washer spray
1 lavender air freshener
1 pair of jump leads in the boot
1 bottle of screenwash in the boot
1 milk bottle full of water for topping up windscreen wipers or radiator
1 bottle of brake fluid in the boot
Various empty plastic bags
2 spare headlight bulbs in the boot
1 umbrella kicking around the back somewhere
3 biros in a little cubby hole by the driver's seat
1 torch squeezed into the glove compartment
1 cigarette lighter adaptor for running satnav / MP3 player
1 MP3 player tape adaptor
1 box for the front of the radio
1 crook lock

In theory I have an ice scraper somewhere in there, but I haven't seen it for 2 years. I *really* need to clean out that car...


Posts: 1058
Noble Member

There would only be car type things in my car. Like window scrapers and car up-in-the-airers for when there's a broken tire. I can't immagine that I have enough brain power to double task while driving once I learn to do it, so there wouldn't be many other things. Also, there will be garbage on the floor up until every Saturday when I drive up a wall then on the ceiling with my hood removed.

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

Posts: 162
Estimable Member

My car was an old man's car, so it has old man stuff in it, golf balls, old stuff, ponchos, shaker-flashlight, other stuff, extreamly clean, and still smells new ( '89 lincon continental town car^^)

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

1 handwritten set of instructions for getting to Leicester

Oh i could have told you that 😀 M1 junction 21 😀

My hypothetical car which doesn't exist will be an old banger which stinks of dog. Because i'm kinda paranoid i imagine i'll have a hi-viz jacket in it, some breakdown kit, and a first aid kit maybe? Probably have the normal ice scraper and tyre pump too.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member
Topic starter

>.> Sorry RL got me.

Ok... Man, this is going to be bad, one of the dorks was here all weekend.

- Empty nerf package
- A really small coat... shirt... pants... ew, there's sparky underwear in my car. At least he got his extra clothes to the car this time instead of leaving them in my bathroom.
- 2 dead water bottles
- Center Console debris (crap that should in there, checkbook/deposit slips/etc)
- One... poptart... One, not two as in a whole package.
- One poptart wrapper... on the floor.
- One Spike (buizel copilot)
- Extra coat
- Blanket
- Kleenex box
- An ice scraper
- Local area, Wichita, and Oklahoma City maps/phonebooks
- "New Car" scent vent spray
- CD glove... Looks like Dragonforce and Greenday are on the floor AGAIN, I really need a new one of those
- Garage Door opener
- ... So thats where my spare car key is
- Tool kit... not in the back? Must be inside
- Sunshade thats never been used
- Small yellow yellow dressed like a jedi hanging from rearview, with a katana.
- Other assorted emergency stuff (jack, spare, bleh)
- Mutilated random sonic comic (floorboard, guess corky forgot it)
- Spam mail littering several orifices
- Arsenal for the war tonight (about 7 to 8 Nerf guns)
