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You know, I just feel like giving up. (CHILDREN DO NOT READ)

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The bar for human depravity has just gone higher...or lower, if you think about it.

Seriously. If your stomach is easily upset, DO NOT READ IT.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

That's f*d. Really, honestly, f*d.

I don't know what to say to this, I just don't. What goes on in minds when they decide, "Hey, let's do this!"? It just boggles my mind that people can do this sort of s*** to other people.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Those masked "teenagers" weren't people. No person could have that kind of hatred[or whatever the hell it was to drive them to do that] in them. Things like this make me wonder how much longer...

Posts: 5772
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Ultra, if you give up... they win.


God Dammit. Death is too good for these lowlives.

Posts: 815
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"So a lady was raped. Big deal," resident Paticiea Matlock said with disgust. "There's too much other crime happening here."

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have reached a brand new low.

Seriously, what the flying f*** is going on with our world.

Posts: 4336
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I'm not giving up Psx, but just have to wonder what goes on in the minds of people who think this sort of thing is a good idea.

Edit: Stewie, that is what you call a textbook definition of "apathy."

Posts: 609
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I just lost all happiness and excitement reading that. That isn't humanity. That's a form of monstrosity at best.

Posts: 1694
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And this, people, is why I think anyone who decides to rape anyone should be drawn and quartered. At least they would suffer before they died. Lethal injection is far too humane.

Why does the system keep these monsters in society? We put animals down when they get rabid, so why can't we do the same for people?

Posts: 2016
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This is why we need to help our own people, in our own countries first.

If we can't deal with problems in our own backyards, what chance in hell do we have of making the world a better place?

Posts: 2610
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That is just absolutely disgusting. I really am at a loss for words.

Posts: 3468
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A 14 year old?!

I think the PARENTS should be arrested. Trust me, no 14 year old child with a normal upbringing would ever CONSIDER...


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I'd like to say this is especially shocking or horrifying, but unfortunately I can't. :(

Posts: 3468
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Bat's right in that this isn't actually extremely uncommon (aside from, y'know, 14. that's rather rare.)

Bat's wrong in that this is horrifying and shocking.

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I said it's not especially so.

Posts: 3468
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I found it especially horrifying.

It's just not unique.

Posts: 428
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As I started reading the article, I merely thought, "oh, that's too bad".

As I continued reading, however, I got a little sick in my stomach.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Well you see SX especially would be unique. So thats what Bat was saying pretty much. It's not uncommon. Which, sadly, is true. =/

Posts: 731
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HOLY ****
I mean, I thought I had seen bad, but damn that is bad.
Hell, way past bad, even past sickeningly disgusting.
I'm not sure whether or not if Hell exists, but if it does, I'm sure that they will get first class tickets there.

Posts: 2723
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This is some totally messed up @#%$. I mean, really.

I hope any and all suspects involved in this horrid, demeaning, sickening monstrosity of a crime get what they deserve.

What kind of deranged fiend would do that to a mom and her kid?!


Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Electric Chair, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. Add a Hell in there if you're the churchy type.


Posts: 1104
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How long before someone blames this on video games

Posts: 2398
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Yeah, I'd have thought wacko jacko woulda already jumped on this by now.


Posts: 713
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Ugh. WHY would they even consider doing something like that? I just hope that the world will never reach a point of being almost full of people like this. It just seems like it's only getting worse.

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I don't think the world is getting worse. I'm pretty sure there was a time something like this was much more frequent yet not as publicized. I'm just glad shocking news like this is infrequent enough to be shocking.

Posts: 931
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You know what?
There are loads of poor countries where this kind of thing happens every damn day. They just don't get the news coverage because they're, y'know, poor.

So forgive me for not being horrified that it happens once in a blue moon in America.

Posts: 713
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It's not shocking, just an awful reminder. =/


And I dunno, there's no real way of telling how things have been going, since everything isn't reported/recorded/known about.

Posts: 2723
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This is usually because the victim(s) of the crime are too traumatized to come forward and tell the authorities and/or the perps threatened to hurt or even kill family and friends.

It's not only physical and emotional abuse, it's psychological as well.

Posts: 815
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Yes Xag, it does happen pretty often. But the problem is most of those cases aren't reported. Fear and shame prevent a lot of these stories from getting published.

That doesn't mean that we shouldn't be horrified when one happens.

Posts: 3468
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Man, if this happened once every ten minutes, I'd still be horrified at this report.

Posts: 1402
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The charges – armed sexual battery by multiple perpetrators while masked, armed home invasion while masked, sexual performance by a child and aggravated battery – carry a maximum sentence of life in prison

After all of that, you'd think the MINIMUM would be life in prison.

Posts: 1694
Noble Member


After all of that, you'd think the MINIMUM would be life in prison.

But you know that the criminals must absolutely have more rights than their victims.

Posts: 609
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Update on the story.

Looks like they caught the 3rd suspect, who is 15 years old.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

A 14, 15, and 16 year olds, huh?


Posts: 2354
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Yes, you have heard me. Call it whatever you want.

I have seen the fall of humanity little by little since I was little.

I have no hopes whatsoever. I just have one little thing to say:


I'm done

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I have seen the fall of humanity

Funny, then, that it hasn't happened yet.

Posts: 731
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Wait, you mean it hasn't happened yet? o_O

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I believe Bat interprets the line to mean the end of the human race.

Posts: 931
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Plus, y'know, they haven't actually been proved guily yet. Calling for them to be burnt at the stake is a bit premature.

Really, I'm damn glad none of you are on the jury.

Posts: 3468
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Hey, some of us said the CRIMINALS should be [whatever]ed.

If they aren't guilty, than they aren't criminals, and they shouldn't be [whatever]ed. But this was definately a crime, so there are deifnately criminals.

Posts: 931
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Hey, some of us said the CRIMINALS should be [whatever]ed.

Some of you.

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Everyone should be burned at some point. It saves space.

Posts: 3468
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Well, I'm sure the rest leaves "if they're guilty" or "if this is true" implied, Xag.

Posts: 216
Estimable Member

Just when I thought nothing could top this other news story that I don't feel like posting at the moment, this happens.

I seriously almost threw up. x.x

Posts: 1334
Noble Member


Edit: Stewie, that is what you call a textbook definition of "apathy."

Christ, I'm Apathetic but I'm not -that- Apathetic. This was a sick crime and I'm surprised people are actually apathetic about it..... just..... augh.

Posts: 931
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Could've fooled me.

Posts: 609
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