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I think I'll just stop here instead, guys - I can't be assed to make just ONE MORE POST with this account.

Posts: 5035
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Ha! Do it, Do it!

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Posts: 3468
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You're a newbie again! *pounce*

Posts: 4885
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Wimp. When I want to make dramatic statements about the suckyness of postcounts, I just drain the number from my account by leaving the community and then rejoining.

Posts: 3666
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Bah, postcount is pointless.

Gamerpoints are where it's at!

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But I was also bored and tired of that username and wanted rid of it as well >>

Posts: 3291
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still, your shoelaces are now mine! *pounce, remove!*

Posts: 1694
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As well as whatever is left of your sanity.

*steals it*

Posts: 2016
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Your new screen name sucks, Box. D=

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The Impossible Fox

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He'll just change it in another few months o.o

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Numelfox 😮

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That is how you say it, Erika =O

And I probably will change it again >>

Posts: 178
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*write in vote for Fosky's tail account*

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Too obscure, Crimson!

Speaking of which I need to talk to you >>

Posts: 981
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Can someone get a picture of Numel and then put Tails's tails on it's back?

Posts: 3291
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i see that name, and just get the numa numa song playing through my head. ^^;

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What's Numel >>

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Numl means Num Lock, not Pokeymanz >>

Posts: 2438
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So i her u lik m-Wait that joke's been done before.

I haven't paid attention to my postcount since my (dismal in retrospect) 1k story I posted long long long ago. Of course now I'll probably start thinking about it thanks to things like this.

Edit: Oh man, that much?! Dang I had no idea, I thought I was just over 2000.

Not that it means that much but it's still kinda "wow, I've posted here more than I thought."

Posts: 4607
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I've completely forgotten what I have. How close am I to a kilo again...?

Ed: 448 posts, apparently. Hmm. I seem to be slowing down.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

So, if we keep referring to Box as a Pokeymanz, he'll eventually quit and move to another name?

I like those odds!

Posts: 4336
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Well, since everyone's talking about counts of posts...

Edit: Hmm...354 to go till 15K.

Last celebration was at 10K.

Not in the mood for another. >_>

Posts: 3291
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i totally missed my 8k post. i'd been plotting, too! ;-;

Posts: 1694
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Well just keep it in mind and you can do it for you 9K.

I remember that I had to create my Sailor Rose Dust alt to use until I could figure out something to do for my .5K on this alt.

Posts: 2438
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I think it's okay to have a high post count as long as you don't use it as a status symbol over other people. It is a fun excuse for people to post things.

Although one could argue, why wait for a certain post to put something up enjoyable.

Posts: 4607
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Posts: 2438
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Always makes me wonder whether it's "I Love American, comma, Party" or "I Love, comma, American Party."

Posts: 4607
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I don't think there's any comma. o.o

Posts: 2438
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No, I mean the emphasis. Is it a party about loving Americans, or is it loving parties that are American in origin?

Posts: 2116
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I don't tend to make that much fuss about post count. It's not what you've got - it's what you did with it that counts.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

There's no comma at all. It's like saying "I love cake" except he loves American Party.

Posts: 981
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Box, (or should I say Numl-whats-its) I want you to make at least ONE MORE POAST.

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What's in it for me, ChaoRCute?

Posts: 3291
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i'd like some jaffa cakes, please. ^^

Posts: 981
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First off, spell my name correctly, or you get nothing. >: O
Second: What do you have in mind? Jaffa cake?

Posts: 3291
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i didn't misspell your name. oo?

*pounces the first picture! eats it!*

Posts: 2915
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Nobody spelt his name wrong >>

Posts: 679
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The "C" in cute isn't capitalised, if that's what you mean. Does that mean I get a jaffa cake too? :)


Posts: 981
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Darkwing beat me to it. EDITS

Sorry, but I was refering to "numl," and nobody else.

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The N in Numl is capitalized *fury*

Posts: 2
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whats the k thing mean ike 5k 8k 10k wthats all that for in terms of ost count

Posts: 1134
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k = kilo = 1000.

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