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You know you´ve reached adulthood when...

25 Posts
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Posts: 1037
Noble Member
Topic starter wish for a vacuum cleaner as a birthday present and are totally happy to get one!


- My 20th birthday
- Vacuum cleaners are the new socks.
- Adulthood
- Living by yourself/moving away from parents´ home

Also, this occasion reminds me it´s been almost eight years since I registered in this forum. EIGHT YEARS.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

Also, this occasion reminds me it´s been almost eight years since I registered in this forum. EIGHT YEARS.

This one phrase made me think of one of my own:

- When you've been on a forum long enough that even THAT statement reminds you of your own 12 year tenure.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Vacuum cleaners are the new socks.

Not literally, I hope? Sounds uncomfortable.

In any case, happy birthday. Welcome to your twenties.
Posts: 528
Honorable Member

(Also, this occasion reminds me it´s been almost eight years since I registered in this forum. EIGHT YEARS)

Haha. Yeah, I'm such a newb compared to some of these guys.

Posts: 1008
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Posts: 528
Honorable Member

Oh yeah, I forgot. Happy Birthday, Erika. Have you moved out of your parents' house yet?

Posts: 565
Honorable Member

Congrats and birfdays and whatnots!

You'll also know you're old when you get a day off and you're like YES I CAN DO SOME HOUSEWORK.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

happy birthday dear <hug>

  hope your road in life is taking you somewhere wonderful.
i feel like the 20s are for people to find their place in the world... so, work hard to make your dreams come true in these 10 coming years and enjoy your thrilling tweens!

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Hurray, happy 2 Decades!

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

Happy Birthday! *hands you a cookie cake*

The only thing I can recall ever asking for was a Sega Game Gear and DreamCast. Turns out I got the GG a year after it came out and the DC about 3 years after it came out and was ready to become obsolete in the market

All that aside, I moved away from home almost 5 years ago. First birthday away, my dad and aunt got me stuff to set up the apartment, my grandma got me stuff for the kitchen. The following year, my mom gave me 2 bookcases from Target.

As for the vaccum, I think it's an evil invention and I hate it to death. I do own one and we currently have 3 of the blasted things at our condo. I say, get rid of the carpet and give me some real floors that I can mop

Posts: 3756
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Happy Birfday, Ewika. :3

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Hey! You and me both have the same birthday! I'm 23 today.

Happy 20th Escape from the Womb Day, Erika!

*shoots confetti out of cannon*

Posts: 528
Honorable Member

Kayla, how long have you been a MoFoer?

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Happy birthday Erika, hope you have a good one.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Happy Birthday, Erika! *dumps a bag of confetti*

*... and keeps dumping confetti until...*


... Too much confetti. o.o

Posts: 528
Honorable Member

*eats confetti* :-3 thanks kaze. *goes and puts vacuum cleaners/socks on*

Posts: 663
Honorable Member

awww XD;@that pic

Happy Birthday!^^@Erika, and Kayla too!

Posts: 328
Reputable Member

Happy birthday Erika- and Kayla as well, enjoy your big day today!

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Kayla, how long have you been a MoFoer?

Er, since...

*runs off to check profile*

September of 2002, three years before the Great EzHack of '05.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Well Happy Belated Birthday!

(How long have I been here? July of 2001?)

Another sign you're old: time flies no matter what you do.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Happy birthday.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member
Topic starter

Thanks everybody!

And Kayla, I KNEW there was someone else on the MoFo with birthday the same day as me. But I forgot. Shame on me!
Happy belated birthday!!

Have you moved out of your parents' house yet?

Been living by myself in a small dorm room since October. And as I said to SilverShadow in chat yesterday: You have no clue how big it seems when you gotta clean it with a swiffer cloth!

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

No worries.

Posts: 74
Estimable Member

First of all, a belated happy to Erika. Even if I don't know you, doesn't matter. Happies are always deserved from one and all.

And as far as being an adult, I can agree with several counts:

  • The wish for clothes at Christmas so that you have more to wear at work (No one will get those Chaos Emeralds for me, though)
  • The day off leads to housecleaning (whether it's my idea or usually my wife's)[/list:u:65e43a5d6e]
  • But then the most obvious one...

    Well... she's 15 months old, and she's looking and smiling at me from her playpen as I type this.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

"Well... she's 15 months old, and she's looking and smiling at me from her playpen as I type this"

waaaaa sooooo adorable
that's a really nice thing to say and so true, every year we grow older we get closer to that wonderful possibility that you're blessed with. it must be the best feeling in the world
to see a smile to your face from your child.
