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You're all pirates....
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You're all pirates. All of you.

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At least, according to Sony.


Sony reckons everyone's a pirate

Back-ups are stealing

By Nick Farrell: Wednesday, 03 October 2007, 3:26 PM

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SONY has new definition of what it considers software piracy which will criminalise most of the world.

In testimony in the flagship Capitol Records, et al versus Jammie Thomas Jennifer Pariser, case, the head of litigation for Sony BMG told the world that it was piracy for someone to back-up a CD they have bought or upload it onto their MP3 player.

If this were true, then more people would be pirates than there would be legitimate users.

She said that when an individual makes a copy of a song for himself, Sony can say he stole a song." Making "a copy" of a purchased song is just "a nice way of saying 'steals just one copy'.

This suggests that punters have no 'fair use' rights to make backups of the music that they have purchased.

In Blighty she is 'technically' right, although no one is going to be successful in getting a prosecution here because the law is being reviewed because it is so out of date. Currently government thinking is that people should be allowed to rip CDs for their own use.

However in the US life is not so clear. Last year the RIAA told the Supreme Court that in its view it's perfectly lawful to take a CD that you've purchased, upload it onto your computer, put it onto your MP3 player.

However since February the RIAA has had a bit of a think about tis and seems to be hoping that it can tweak the DMCA to forbid it. Its official line is that the only reason you are allowed to make back-ups is because it suffers to let you to do so and it could change its mind at any moment

Either way, there is a lot riding on Capitol Records, et al versus Jammie Thomas Jennifer Pariser.

Do what you want 'cuz a pirate is free...

Posts: 3291
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so they're hoping to outlaw all MP3 players? i've love to see how they think they could enforce this. 😛

Posts: 2915
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yeah... Good luck with that.

*slips on an eye patch*

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Aye. These lubbers tain't got no idea whats in store for them, says I.


Posts: 1044
Noble Member


Back-ups are stealing

lol, oh sony, how you make me laugh. I have a sony "mp3" player, however in order to put music onto it, it uses some bs sonicstage software (rips from cd or converts the mp3 to another format), thus sony are encouraging piracy .

edit: yay, 666

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

According to my university I'm already a pirate.

(also I haven't paid for a CD in four years =O)

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Oh. If I'm already a criminal, I may aswell screw my anti-piracy morals, I've ripped my 30-50 CDs of music already, so the new Vanessa Carlton album next week will be a minor offense against my multitude of offenses.

Thank you Sony, you effing dicks.

Posts: 141
Estimable Member

Yarr. *waves around a fake plastic hook glued onto hand*

You know, the music companies didn't make this much of a fuss back in the era of cassette tapes (GOD that makes me feel old >_>)... where almost everyone made their own little mixes and several peddled them off in the streets for a neat little profit...

Posts: 235
Reputable Member


You know, the music companies didn't make this much of a fuss back in the era of cassette tapes (GOD that makes me feel old >_>) ... where almost everyone made their own little mixes and several peddled them off in the streets for a neat little profit...

There's an old Metallica joke in there somewhere.

Sony's ridiculous. If they want to shut down the entire mp3 market, they're gonna have to try harder.

Not allowed to burn CDs? Pfft. Gonna have to start with suing Apple for selling mp3 players. Get the iPod removed from the market permanently, then they begin to have a chance.

Also, cold day in hell when Sony gets the iPod removed from the market solely because it "encourages piracy"

Posts: 731
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How do they expect to enforce this? Ban the ENTIRE mp3 market, a market in which they already are involved in?
This makes no sense. @_@

Posts: 4336
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Posts: 4885
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Three Kyon face palms, two Zelgadis and a Mwu La Flaaga. This kitten approves.

Also, Nyamo.

Posts: 3468
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I think they're joking...

Posts: 2723
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If I'm a pirate, then I'll be needing a makeover.

Posts: 428
Honorable Member

Ahh, that's better. Without some sect of Sony spewing some kind of sewage, I was beginning to think there was something wrong with the world. Glad to see they're still up to their old tricks.

Posts: 713
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Don't lump me with this scum!

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Sony probably says this to get Apple outta the way so they can step in and take over the market. This the same company that put in rootkits to disable disc drives, so I wouldn't put it past them.

In any case, someone buy me a parrot. I already have an eye patch... yaaar. :crazy

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Ironic that if their stupid world view came to pass, it would make iTunes more or less a monopoly and prevent Sony from selling like, anything.

Posts: 2016
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Avest ye, scurvy dogs! MP3 bounty ahoy! Set sail!

Posts: 2354
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Where's my "You guys don't make sense" Haruka picture?

Posts: 731
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In Cj's stomach. :D

Posts: 1376
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XD @ Aeva.

YARRR to them all, but I'm not gonna pay 230,000 like that lady is for getting caught sharing MP3's >>

Then again, she used Kazaa, which is the RIAA's new whistleblower.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

...I have one more facepalm to add:
