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Youtube Exclusive Haruhi Spin-off shows

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Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member
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I'm sure most of the forum, who care, know about this already, but Kadokawa Anime are producing short 3 minute episodes of Haruhi spin-offs based on the 4chan Nyoro~n meme comics. They're voiced by the original cast and subtitles are provided on the official Youtube page, so there's nothing illegal or bad about watcihng them.

Give them a looksie, I find the humor a little too random, but it's a Haruhi fix and with vol 10 and season 2 nowhere to be seen, I sure needed it.

Intro Movie
Adventures of Churuya-Chan #2
The Melancholny of Haruhi-Chan #2
Adventures of Churuya-Chan #3
The Melancholny of Haruhi-Chan #3

Posts: 2915
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Haruhi-Chan #3 was my favorite, but I agree that the humor is way too random and in my opinion too fast.

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Yeah, I thought it was a little funny, but for the most part just weird. Also liked that they added English subtitles.
Still waiting for my second season!

Craig, you've read the light novels? I've been waiting for them to be translated, which last time I checked the first one comes out in April.

Posts: 2915
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April 1st @ Abac... I've had mine preordered from Borders since October

Posts: 889
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Awesome! I thought it was late April. Going to go order from Amazon right now.
I really hope its as good as the anime.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member
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I read the first nine volumes online before the translation deal was made.

I plan to buy the books in due time, it would be a shame not to, I do so love reading them.

Volume 4 is my favorite, by the by.

Posts: 96
Estimable Member

April 1st @ Abac... I've had mine preordered from Borders since October

I work at a Borders myself, usually we suck as far as prices for DVDs go. XD What inspired the Borders preorder?

Posts: 2915
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I think I used a 40% off coupon for the novel, which after shipping brings me to $8.99 even. Not to bad.

Posts: 889
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I read the first nine volumes online before the translation deal was made.

I plan to buy the books in due time, it would be a shame not to, I do so love reading them.

Volume 4 is my favorite, by the by.

Oh, I've found a translation on the internet myself, but I really hate reading on the computer for more then a few minutes. It's funny because I've never been excited for a book before!

Well does anyone know how often they plan to turn out new episodes on youtube?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Often enough that ep 4 is online now:


Posts: 2915
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Wow that was creepy... I was looking at a friend's facebook page that said "It's a joke"... and then the line appeared in the short O.o

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Honorable Member


Thats all I needed tah say.
I just wish the next season would hurry up and come out. I have to get the majority of my Haruhi fix offa 4-chan n' Crunchy roll

Posts: 889
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Haruhi Chan #6
Hmm, it seems that I've missed #5 somewhere, and I can't find it either.


Here's #5

I'll keep digging to find the Churuya Chans also.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

I appreciate the linkage

I don't have a japanese script installed so all I see is boxes with numbers...

EDIT: wtf... seems like # 3 is missing it's english version O.o... it was my favorite so far =(

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

I saw that they recently reposted an episode. I think it was Churuya #1. I'm pretty sure they added something that I didn't remember, so they should be putting #3 back up soon.
Since I have some time on my hands I'll go searching for it.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Heeeey new episodes are up

Definitely enjoying Haruhi-chan, but Nyoron Churuya-san is annoying... and this new one makes no sense =(

Nyoron Churuya-san #4

Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya #7

Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya #8

EDIT: watched 7 & 8... 3 & 7 are now my favorites

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

Dang, you beat me to them. I came just to post them. Oh, well.
#8 was just strange... and slightly creepy. I find it amazing how much I do enjoy this stuff though.

Posts: 2915
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Posts: 889
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Wow, #9 was extremely weird.
I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but I hope they put all of these on dvd or something. I would definately buy it.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Nyoron Churuya-san #6

Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya #11

Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya #12

Yeah, I hope they throw these on the Season 2 DVDs... I couldn't imagine paying full price for these =(

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

That would suck if they did sell them seperately. You never know, sometimes people get really money hungry. I would buy it either way, but I would definately hate them for it.
On a side note; sent me an email saying they shipped my light novel and I should get it tomarrow! I checked Borders yesterday and they didn't have it so I'm guessing Amazon shipped it before they were supposed to.
