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Zombie attack, what...
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Zombie attack, what do you do?

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Posts: 1567
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Swiped this from another forum...:cuckoo

So when the zombie-pocalypse happens what are your plans for survival?
What weapon do you use?
Where is your hideout/shelter?
Will you hide or fight?

I'll post my opinions later.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

awesome topic btw

k.... my weapon would have to be the classic Bat because it'd just be fun. you can get close to the zombies without too much fear of being bitten but still having the excitement of the possibility.

my shelter would have to be the dawn of the dead mall. or the one from dead rising. that would be just awesome.

and i'd do a mixture of hiding and fighting, when you have to beat some zombie brains in, then i'll fight, but i'll be on the run when i'm outnumbered.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Are we talking Romero zombies?
Return of the Living Dead zombies?
Evil Dead zombies?
Old-school I walked with a Zombie zombies?
The first I'd fight with swords, on the grounds I know how to and have access to the things. Then I'd go to some nice open hillsides with no cover and few people.
The second type I'd join. It's not as if there's much loss involved, and you get to never die.
The third type... well, they're not terribly predictable. Or survivable. And I'm not Bruce Campbell.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member
Topic starter

Well we're just talking zombies in general. As for me...

Weapons: Something dual bladed. No chainsaws but a nice good sword I can swing both ways. I'd like one or two. Also have firepower but that's a last resort. And yea I'd also have to carry a bat just for the fun of it. And maybe a few tanks of gasoline...toss one into a crowd with a lit

Shelter? I'd pick somewhere out of the way but not too far from where I can get supplies. Perhaps a farm or somewhere...nothing in a forest because it'd be hard to spot them if they were sneaking up on me.

I'd prefer to hide unless I need supplies. If I need supplies, there will be dead zombies tonight!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I live on the top floor of a security door'd block of flats in a security door'd estate.

I'd be able to stay at home for "until food runs out", depending on elecricity and water supplies.

I'd be sure to create a barricade on the communial stairwell (teaming up with any neighbours unaffected), enough stuff to make a commotion if anyone attempts to breach it and once I/we were aware of intrusion then a defense using household items such as hammers and other such tools.

When food runs critical, then comes the hard part. Securing a car would be neigh on impossible given how long food supplies would have last and my central London location, so my best bet would be to find a heavily security fortified office complex, which we have in abundance. Climbing the gates and barbed wire would be no real hastle for myself, but even the fastest of zombies would have difficulty.

I have such a building planned, infact. The IPC tower very close to my house, and where they filmed the absailing scene in Tomorrow Never Dies.

Breaking through a bit of glass and taking the time to familiarise myself with the building, I'm sure a longer lasting defense stratergy could be obtained. Sure it's no mall when it comes to food and shelter, but an office tower will have alot of kitchens, vending machines and a damned lot of furniture for barricades.

Also, keep in mind that office towers are imfamous death traps for fires. Block enough firedoors and no one can get out and you're doomed.

...or... no one can get in. And you're safe! :D

The roof would be a great place for getting the attention of air support.

The major problems would be if the office employees were infected and if not, if there were survivors.

Scared strangers are almost as dangerous as zombies given the right panic situation.

Chances of survival on current plan: 35%


If I were at work during the attack, my chances rise to about 60% due to my familiarity with the building, increased food supply and work comrades.


I obsess over this...

Posts: 216
Estimable Member

Ooh, I love these. nN

My weapon of choice would probably be this bolt-action rifle I keep in my room, as well as a foot-long hunting knife.

As for shelter, there's a wooden fence around the entire house, and the area's fairly remote, so I'd probably stay here for a while, maybe making runs to the local supermarket for supplies.

I'd only fight if it were necessary- I wouldn't be intentionally running out and engaging any zombies. Though, if a decent crowd gathered outside my house, I could sit on the roof and play Hollywood Squares with my rifle, like in the Dawn of the Dead remake. XD

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Shotgun. Zombies. Need I say more?

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

A zombie plan? Of course not! I have 37 zombie plans! </Sarge>

RvB reference aside, first step is to post here posting something slong the lines of "AAAAH THE ZOMBIES ARE HERE", and seeing what everyone else is doing. I do this while grabbing a weapon, probably a big plank of wood, or a metal pole I know I have lying in the garage somewhere.

Second step is to round up any of my friends that survived. Safety in numbers and all that, because by myself I don't stand much chance, oh and because some of them can drive, which is always a bonus, I live on a somewhat quiet estate, so I could pick people up within a close proximity. Picking up supplies next, there's the choice of the high street, and the town centre, the town centre is about 3 minutes further away, but there might be more supplies there, so I'd go with that.

Now here's the ingenius part. I take to the water on a boat, because zombies sure as hell can't swim. Three choices: the lake, the canal, or try and make a break for the coast. Living in the middle of England, the coast wouldn't be terribly efficient unless I had someone driving.

First choice would be the canal, which is about a 20 minute drive. Hijacking a canal boat, and sailing through rural England seems rather safe, but the canal being so narrow, zombies might just get lucky and board. Second, go to the local Lake, hijack a boat, and just stay in the middle of the lake for as long as possible.

If zombies somehow find a way to swim, then the most secure and nearest building would be hotel in town, so I'd head there, I'd have to go cross-country though, as going directly through town to get there would no doubt have me run into quite a few zombies.

Oh yeah, I'm totally prepared.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

i'm totally landlocked, living in the state with the most lakes doesn't quite help seeing as how if i escape the zombies that put me into a lake, then i have to deal with the ones waiting on the other side....

Posts: 178
Estimable Member

I'd stay in stundentville. Nobody would notice any difference if zombies attacked.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Grab a .357 rifle, a 24 case of coors, go out to the planes and have myself a time.
Seeing as though I'm too lazy to live in a post-apocalyptic world, I'll bring a snubby with a couple rounds in it to finish myself off.
Rather have cocktails with Abe Lincoln in heaven than wipe my ass with a tree.

Posts: 64
Trusted Member

Hiding in my secret bunker in New Zealand, I'll use a nuclear warhead on London, the origin of the zombies.
Then I'll issue an apology for doing horrible experiments that created zombies.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member


Posts: 774
Prominent Member

Fire. It's worked for the past few million years at killing things, I'll stick to what works, and there's ALWAYS something flammable around.

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

I'm prepared. Are you? :|

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

I'd get eaten. I see staggering half dead hapless forms moving around constantly. Whats the difference between someone thats huffed paint for 30 years and a Zombie?


Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I'd ask them to leave. Zombies are gross.

Posts: 917
Noble Member

I sit back, relax and continue my life as normal because zombies aren't real. Seriously, out of all fictional monsters I'm worried about, zombies are on the very bottom of the list.

Mothran on the other hand is very big concern.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Me: Doodoo doodoodoo doo doo....

Zombies: UUUGHH

Me: Doodoo doodoodoo da da....

Zombies: AARRGH

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I would knock a gum ball machine over and they would comically slip on them

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

As long as I'm out here, the odds are that I'd have time to prepare before they got too close - which might involve simply barricading the village and trying to hold them off.

But the odds are that they'd be busy enough taking on easy prey like the sheep and cattle to let the humans get a head start on running away.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

oddly enough, my subconciousness stepped in last night and presented me with the perfect answer. oO;

i dreamt i was in some big building with a zombie attack going on below. all i needed was some sort of long-range weapon to kill them from the windows i was standing by. conveniently there was a gang of kids doing just that exact thing.

when asked how they got the crossbows and etc they were using, i was presented with a 50p coin and told to go find a computer, log in and play WOW until i got to a vending machine. i'd then be able to buy a weapon with that coin.

i did so, and ran off to go shoot me some zombies!

... well, it made more sence then my dream with shadow trying to convert people to the church of maria. ox;

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

At any rate, I'd be screwed. I live in a basic enclosed suburban neighborhood, and to attempt to save off myself, theres not much escape routes I could take. Weapons are basic yard tools, some bolt-action rifles, and basic home tools. Id probably manage to grab a few provisions of supplies and weapons, before attempting to jet out in my car: and find the most secure area in the range of my vehicle.

The area would either be the near Mall, an School, and/or another large institution nearby.

Being realistic here, at some point I'd be cornered and likely turned.

At least that's what probability would show.
