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Group Mission: Herland (finished)

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It is a quiet day in the Mobius Forum. Birds chirping, the breeze blowing......

.....And a white flag with pantyhose stitched onto it is being hoisted up onto the SHO headquar........Hold on.......What the.....?!?!?!?


The speakerphone echoes throughout the land of the Mobius Forum as two lone figures stand at the spot where the flag of SHO, the blue hedgehog logo of SEGA, normally flies. But today, a shift of power is beginning!

"LEND ME YOUR EARS!!!!!" Hundreds gather inquisitively at the sound of the voice belonging to none other than Cookirini, a small tan echidna. "Yes. Everyone please gather, and I don't literally mean give me your ears. Put them back on, Psx.....yes, perfect!!"

The crowd is confused. What is Cookirini doing? Who is the other person? And why is that strange white bedsheet with pantyhose on it hanging from the lawn of the SHQ Building?

"Now that I have your attention...." Cookirini's sweet voice sounds somewhat sinister as she speaks. "Today is a day of great historical importance. For the birth of a new world is about to begin for the MoFo!!! For too long, we have been subjected to being Mofoers! But today, we will be SO MUCH MORE!!!!!"

The crowd listens, some growing uneasy, some just chuckling at the funny words.

"For now........what was once the Mobius Forum World, and SEGA City, I give you........


"Bow to the Hose!" The figure nodded. "That's our motto, because of the flag, and....and......huh?"

At this, people begin to laugh hysterically. For they had no clue of what horror the echidna was about to unleash upon them!

"....So you dare mock me...." Cookirini took off her cloak. "Your new Supreme High Queen, and ruler of Herland! Well, this calls for some discipline.......WHIP!!"

The second cloaked figure took off her cloak to reveal......Astrid, aka stumbleina, in dominatrix black leather??!?!

"Hee hee."
"Ok, Majority Whip...." Cookirini pointed. "Go and-"
"Whip Princess."
"I wanna be Whip Princess Astrid." Astrid waved her whip around. "I don't like 'Whip Girl' or 'Majority Whip'."
"B-but.....Majority Whip sounds official!" Cookirini protested. "Don't you want to sound official?"
"No, I just want a whip. You get all the power until I overthro-er, you die....and in return I get a whip you fashioned that will turn people into cute kitties. I thought we agreed on that."
".....Fine. Call yourself whatever you want," Cookirini mumbled.
"Ok, then, Queen. What bidding do you want from me?"
".....Use your whip on these dogs!"
"Oooh, yes, with pleasure!!!"

And with a snickersnap of her whip, several forumers were suddenly turned into the world's cutest kitten. The crowd is shocked! All of Cooki's rambling of overtaking the MoFo is true! Its a rebellion!

"Wooo!" As the crowd panics, WB appears. "Heey, whats going on? Ooooh, pantyhose!"

Yes! The crowd thinks. WB will save us! He is the one who revived the world; he has the Icky Stick. He will stop Cookirini's madness.

"Hmm.....Hey!" WB looks up at Cookirini. "How you doin'?"
"Perfectly fine, Dubs." Cookirini took out a gun. "But you won't be!!!"
"Buh? What do you...."


The bullet hit WB straight in the chest. He falls to the ground, and there is slience for a single moment......

.....And then, WB stood up, looked around, and in a calm, collecting voice, suddenly said:

"I say: Its a bit too insane for me here. Is anyone up for a game of chess?"

The crowd loses control. It can't be! Its impossible! Yet it has happened.

Cookirini has created SANITY, a powerful drug that makes even the most insanest insane person.....sane.

The crowd disperses, and the sky turns purple; the rebellion of the Feminocracy has begun. All who defy shall either be turned sane or into Spooky's newest companion. There is no escape from battle; the lines must be drawn, and the war begun. For there is no escaping Cookirini and Astrid's rule of the new world order.......for it is called...........


Choose your side, and BOW TO THE HOSE!

Posts: 106
Estimable Member


OOC: I have no problems with the way you did the fight. I just can't answer for what Xagarath will try to do if he does meet Tetherblood again... as he has dedicated his life to slaying those god-like beings who try to make humanity fit within any kind of universal scheme or purpose.
Hope the above is ok otherwise, though.

Everything's cool... I'm actualy intrigued by your character, to be honest.

Just one note - TBlood works in mysterious ways so it's hard to see it, but he do is an advocate of Mortal Free Will. The thing is, that as far as the MFW setting is concerned, I have deliberetely kept TBlood's history from meddling too much with the setting. I guess the next time Xag and TBlood meet (which won't be any time soon), we'll have to wing it, but I'm fine with your char.

TBlood is a manipulator however, so I guess you still have a bone to pick with him :P.


DL: "So, where do we go from here?"

TBlood: "Take this bracelet. It can allow you free access of planeshifting to Nexus.|

DL: "That's the main citadel of the Templar, right?"

TBlood: "Yes. When you feel ready, come, and I will inform you of your duties. I'll be waiting, Dark."

And with that TBlood makes his exit.

End for TBlood.

The following PREVIEW is approved for
by the Role Playing Association of the Mobius Forum

Outskirts of Sega City.
A few months after the Herland Invasion

In a room deep inside a secret instalation, we find two persons in a shadowy room. On the room's floow the word "FLAME" is written.

The first person is a man in his mid fifties, wearing a white labcoat. The other figure is far more menacing, wearing an high tech armor of some sort, wreathed in flames. His face covered by a red mask matching the color of his entire armo. In his back there are two large wings of steel, also covered in flames.

"Sir," the man in the labcoat speaks. "I bring news from the science department. The MIF Projector is complete."

"Excelent, Proffessor. What about the power source?"

"We are still unable to construct a nuclear reactor small enough to fit the parameters of you incidious plan, sir."

"Do not be troubled, professor. I have already have a suitable contigency in plan. Call the members of HEAT. I have a mission for them."

"As you will, sir." And with that the scientist takes his leave."

The fire-wreathed figure stands alone in the room and the turns towards a large monitor behind him, that displays a map of Sega City.

???: "Sega City... soon, I will finaly succeed. I will have my way after a series of failures. I will burn this city to the ground, and make a new one on its ashes. And it be ruled by me, PYROCLAD!!!!!"


Comming soon, in a Mobius Forum near you...

Posts: 47
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OOC: Oooh, nice. This helps me too. See, I've been in other RPs I consider part of the MFW canon, although they're only canon in reference to Thamior's character development. The time spent in these RP's (in fictional time) is 2 years, after which he's much stronger. I figured that Herland happend before all that, so having the next GM happen only a few months afterwards works too. Thanks, T-Blood. I didn't want to use the more powerful Thamior, really. I think he might be too strong...

Posts: 1619
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There's still a little more to this RP in terms of character's endings - in particular for me, my ending for my chars.

But I'll definitely be in this next GM. :p

Posts: 106
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Cooki: Ya, I just thought that my last IC post to be the best place to put the preview.

THam: Ya, GMI will not feature as powerful chars as Herland (which also means no TBlood - thank the gods. It's fun to play an omnipotent NPC like TBlood but only for a bit :P).

Of cource, just because Thamior or any given char is overpowered doesn't always mess with a given story if said char RPs with an active limit on his power.

In Tham's case you could just make the excuse that the Tham that is RPed in the story is just a less powerful avatar of the True Thamior and leave it at that. Detail is good, but you dont sweat the details THAT much.

In any case, once Herland is wrapped up, I'll start making the final stages of GMI's launch (which I thought of and designed nearly a year ago, but waited for Herland to finish).

Posts: 47
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OOC: Thamior wouldn't hold back in that sense, and really, he doesn't have the capacity to create a lesser version of himself like XA can. We don't have to worry though. Thamior won't be overpowered, because in the timeline I'm trying to work with, all this (including Inferno) will happen before he gets his power boost.

Posts: 1376
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::As per the order given to him, DL would merely stare at the bracelet as TBlood dissipated from sight. He did not waver from his spot for a few moments however, mind rattling along aboutthe existance of planes again, those temporal shifts he dreamed about studying. Maybe now he could find some reasoning....

but his mind's wander would be put to a halt, as footsteps clanged in the nearby proximity. He relaxed one hand upon the hilt of his weapon, fingers slowly grasping the tightened leather, until he realized where he was. There could only be a select few that were here, and his eyes allowed a peripherial view of whom was calmly approaching him.::

TR: I'm not going to ask how you reached this area, DL, but I am going to ask that you leave.

DL: I was....on my way out. ::He turned toward her, dim spheres echoing a new span of knowledge and creativity to the female.:: I shall see you again.

::TR would wait for a moment, as the spectre merely walked into the wall. An odd ripple effect would spread up and through the room, before the presence was gone. With his disappearance, TR would gain a half smile on her face.::

TR: Hrm. Let's see how well he fares. ::With that, she relieved herself from the area as well.::


3 hours later

::Within the dank aura that was his apartment, there would be shuffling of wood against the wall, followed by incessant hammering. Possibly the noisest encounter since he moved in would be experienced for an hour-before pure silence eminated once more.

Drips of untold fluid began to seep around the room, reaching ends that frilled up and blew away at the slightest gust of breath. The air would lose its stagnation once the entrance of hot stale breath was thrown into the fray.:: FOOL. You lost sight, and now you're doing anothers work...

I like the fact we can go and visit other planes. We've been needing an escape, and now we have it.

You bumbling dolt! You would like it, anything to show off that which you STILL do not completly understand. In the meantime, why don't we just OVERTAX our limitations

Stop SHOUTING! we're going to decimate this body. Let's just use this chance for something ...finally.

Oh, we're going to do something good? Wow Derek, remember last time we decided to be good boys and girls! It got your sweetheart killed, your best friend disappeared and you on the run! What now!

There is a difference with this. There's nothing for me to gain, and there's nothing for me to lose.

Alright! I like the way he thinks. He's always the rational thinker.

..Fine. We'll go through with this. Let's move then, we have work to do...

Yeah...after I get soem rest... I can't feel my arms..or my

::Body shut down for now, as the last scraps of fresh air pushe the wilted dust bunnies upon his face. As inhuman as his physical state seemed, the aspect of rest was the only thing that linked him to humanity.:

===Nap Time===

::When he awoke, his body seemed to already know what was needed to be done. A ripple of energy coarsed though him, and he would be gone, heading toward the Nexus.::

End for DL.

OC: YAY, NEW GM. WOO. Yay life good, Ima go get a cookie....

You know what, he never got that blasted bagel.

Posts: 131
Estimable Member

On return to familiar territory, Weirdo wasted no time stuffing his face. *Burp* "Ohh yeaahh!" He stretches himself out. "That was good!" He laid back on his bed, looking about the room. His Flamberge hung up on the wall like some ornament.

Pausing for a moment, he decided to have a good sleep. "Maybe I should learn magic?" he thought. "Nah! My body is strong! And my body is sleeeepy.. *drifts off into a long sleep*"

OOC: New GM eh? Sure, I'm in. o_O

Posts: 931
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OOC: I'll probably use an even more inferior Xagarath puppet for GMI, then. That should avoid any problems.
Worrying thing is... even the actual MFW Xagarath is simply a younger version of my original character.
But yeah... have to wing it if Xagarath meets Tetherblood again. We'll just have to see aobut that one...
I anticipate Inferno.

Posts: 1619
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Out of all of the people who had been involved, there were two who were missing.

They were about to pop up.


She burst out of someone's closet, along with two echidna warriors. They had accidentally teleported there, much to their chagrin.

INIRIKOOC: Blargh...

The former princess turned. In front of her was Craig.

INIRIKOOC: Craig! I landed in your closet?
CRAIG: Yes.....

Suddenly, Craig's eye twitched. He gave her a strange smile.

INIRIKOOC: ....Huh?!

She gave a gulp as Craig started towards her. She'd seen that smile before; and she wasn't liking it at all. It looked

CRAIG: You've got some 'splainin' to do......


The MoFo Police Force was quickly assessing the damage done by the kittens. The SHQ Tower had been badly damaged, but not in any way that would have been harmful to the forum. They were, however, looking for survivors.

OFFICER: OH! Guys! A survivor!

He quickly pulled her out of the wreckage. She was an orange echidna, bruised and bleeding, but alive.

OFFICER: Ma'am? Ma'am? Are you all right?

The tan echidna looked confused. He quickly looked at his list of forumers and named them off.

*fifteen minutes later*

The tan echidna gave a smile. She wasn't on the list. Somehow, the forum was erased of her.

ECHIDNA: Cookirini.
OFFICER: What? Never heard of her.
ECHIDNA: No....that's me.

But she could start over. She could get her revenge on that fool for taking away what was to be her glory.

GINGERSNAP: Cookirini.


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

OOC: *Applause* And now we wait until the next GM to fill in some of the blanks, what will Gingersnap do now she's taken on the role of Cookirini, will the forummers ever see the real Cookirini or Tetherblood again? WILL CRAIG EVER HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH A REAL FEMALE?!

And just why am I planning on not using Craig at all next time?

All this and more, next time! See you there.

Posts: 106
Estimable Member




LMAO! I belive this deserves to be placed among the MFW's great mysteries of life! XD

Posts: 47
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OOC: Craig, considering both your current track record and the fact that we all like a running gag as much as the next forum (moreso, in fact), I'd say, "not in this lifetime". =P

Posts: 774
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OOC: woot! Inferno time! Count me in too.

Posts: 106
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If there is anyone left that hasn't posted his/her epilogue yet, he/she should do it soon.

In about a week from now, this Group Mission will be deemed completed, locked down and sent to MF Classics along with the rest of the GMs.

That is all and have a nice day.


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

OOC: I assumed it was done and dusted now o.o

Posts: 131
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OOC: Me too. o_o;

Posts: 1619
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As Gingersnap prepared for her overtaking of Cookirini's life, the people looked up to the sky and wondered.

What was that tower in the distance?

The Papirini Polis' meaning was gone to almost all of the forumers, as was the meaning of whatever was inside. Everything inside is lifeless, its master gone, their usefulness lost.

But there was one thing that still clung to the memories of the girl it knew.

On the windowsill situated on the highest floor of the Polis was a tiny flowerpot. Within it was a single, shimmering flower.


In the downtown area of Sega City, there are many buildings that soar to the sky and beyond. The SHQ Tower, The Spam Protection Agency, The Role Player's Guild. They dominate the skyline of Sega City, eclipsing all else in view.

Including the ruined buildings.

There are many buildings that have simply been left alone. No one knows why. And at first, no one knew how to get rid of them properly, since beggars and wandering newbies tend to take residence in these buildings. In the end, they have been left standing as way houses, temporary housing.

One of these buildings is an older clock tower. It is left alone completely. The time on its enormous interface is off. In fact, it was stopped at a certain time: 2:13.

But no one wishes to touch it or fix it. It is thought to be the the oldest structure in the MoFo, older than the Tower.

Numerous theories abound to its origin. Some think it is the first building created by the Icky Stick when the new world was created. Some think that it was around longer than that, that the clock was always there, even before the first Sega City and Mobius Forum World was created. Others think it was merely neglected and simply gathered up enough dust to stop the hands and that it isn't that old.


Hidden inside the clockwork within was a mysterious wonder. The clock's interface was opaque and allowed the moonight to dimly enter a small room encased inside the tower.

"Entire armies have fallen....."

The moonlight shone into the clock, reflecting off a pink crystal petal.

" the defense of a single bed of these flowers."

Almost two years ago, two forumers had enetered the clock, where one showed the other this secret. Crystal flowers that were both beautiful and pure at the same time. Back then, there had only been a small amount of these flowers, in several colors.

"In the place where I came from, therse flowers have many names....these flowers have many names. Diadem, jewel blossoms, gem flora...they are living crystals, feeding from the strength of the soil to grow strong and bright."

But the flowers were now like ivy on the walls of the room. Someone, even after the original gardener had left, had taken such special care of these strange blossoms that they filled the room. They were many different colors, all beautiful and bright in the moonlight.

"They symbolize truth, purity, clarity of mind and heart."

As the moon hits them, they sparkle brightly. In the midst of the flowers, a new bud appears. It is sand, the color of Sailor Papirini's sailor suit.

There is a word that is the embodiment of all of the names, all of the good qualities of these flowers."

The amazing growth of the flowers was unrivaled by anyone who was growing flowers on their own in the Mobius Forum World. Not even the original gardener would have believed how well they had grown.

"The word is so similar to your own name that I wonder whether it is coincidence or not that this is so."

She had tended to them every night. When no one else was awake, she alone kept them alive until they could sufficiently survive. And survive they did.

"This is what the name I have given you means to me.

And they would be there, stronger than ever, when she returned from her journey.


And, he was certain, he would be there as well to greet her.

For now, I will hide myself deep within these sewers, where no forumer, Moderator or Admin can find me. And I will heal my wounds, and prepare for the day when I shall return again...

A laugh echoed through the room. It was more the phantom of a laugh that had once pierced through the air, signalling the coming of a great enemy.

But it was only a matter of time before the laughter was real once more.

He will return.


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