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Intergalactic Managerie ( last post, please)

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Okay, I just know I'm gonna regret this, but...I'm starting another one. I've had a couple ideas for RP's running around in my head for a while, and I decided to start one of them. The others might come a little bit later as well, but, seeing as I'm already in too many RP's, they might not.

RENI: "Yak, yak, yak...Get on with it!"

"Alright, alright, already. BTW, you're in this, Reni."

RENI: *Without much emotion* "Yay. Now tell the nice people what this is all about already! I'm gettin impatiant!"

"As usual. Ahem, anyway..."

Catagories: Group RP, action, adventure, NO GUNS, Generally PG-rated please.

Story: The war is over, the FF's have won, Robotnik is no more. The story starts off in Knothole, where the former freedom fighters still live as a force of habit. Serenity and Surge are married and expecting their first child. Everything seems fine. However, this is just a calm before the storm, if you will. There is a new conflict on the horrizon, and while it may not affect the planet and most of it's inhabitants directly, it is sure to drastically change the lives of many creatures.

A strange alien race has been observing Mobius and it's denizens for weeks now. These strange creatures, scaly, one-eyed humanoids with large feathered crests on their heads and small, useless, membranous wings, are aptly called Cyclopians. They are on a collection mission, with orders from their princess, Daena'a, to collect species from different planets for her royal managerie. They have been preparing to take specimens from the planet they are orbiting, Mobius. Among these unsuspecting creatues is a certain purple hedgehog and her mate and unborn child, along with her two best friends, who are never far from her side.

The captured mobians are soon taken to the Cyclopians' homeworld, Cyclopraz, and placed in a "habitat" that is supposed to mimic their homes on Mobius. These selected mobians just want to go home. There's not much they can do to escape on the trip to Cyclopraz, and escapes after they get there are few and far between and likely destined to failure, since the security is quite high in the "habitat." The Cyclopians just want to study and observe them, but these mobians are desparate to get home.

Rules: Your character should preferably be a furry. I will let in very few, if any, overlander/humans; they aren't very abundant, especially since the war. Cyclopian characters are alowed, just keep in mind their personalities are generally very scientific and calculating, to the point of being almost cold, to each other and other species. They are highly advanced tecnologically, and slow to anger. Cyclopian names are diverse, howeer, there are certain guidlines:

1. The first part of the name is always two or more syllables.
2. There is always a divider between the first part of the name and the last (ex: the apostrophe in Daena'a) Male Cyclopian names are hiphonated, whereas the females have apostrophies in their names. (see above example)
3. The second part of the name, the part after the divider, is almost always a single syllable

Post your profiles in your first post or in the char. profile thread. You shoud include: Name, Species, Fur/Quill/Feather/Scale color, Eye color (optional), Appearance (including clothing and anything else that's noteworthy), personality, Age, Gender, and Brief Bio, plus anything else you feel needs to be said.

No powerplaying alowed, (Why I'd even have to say this I don't know...) and keep in mind that escape is DIFFICULT. Even if an attempt is successful, they'll still be trapped on Cyclopraz without an easy way home. Plus, Cyclopians would be constantly searching for escapees. I'm not saying it's impossible, just difficult.

Low magic. Not many mobians have it, and if they do, their powers should be miniscule spells, like healing and such.

That said, onward and upward.


"SHUTTLES EMBARKING. BEGINING DECENT TO PLANET'S SURFACE." The Cyclopian collection teams sat in silence as their crafts entered the upper atmosphere of the planet, Mobius. The shuttles were cloaked, so as not to cause a disruption in the daily lives of the planet's inhabitants.


"Ah, this is the life, eh Surge? No more bot smashin, or Robotropolis trashin. We're finally free!" Serenity said as she lay her head in her mate's lap, staring up at the leafy green branches swaying in the summer breeze.

"Mmm hmm!" he agreed wholeheartedly, his eyes closed as he leaned against a tree.

The twins lazed happily nearby.


One of the Cyclopian collection teams watched from within some nearby bushes. The leader nodded to several members of his crew, whispering, "Remember, we don't want to harm them in any way or let them alert the others of their kind. This is to be done as silently as possible." His teammates nodded, creeping silently through the bushes, strange devices held at the ready in their hands.


Serenity stretched, sitting up and looking around nervously, ears twitching. I thought I heard something...Naaaah. Reni-Girl stop being paranoid! she told herself. The war is over, there's no more need to get defensive at every sound. She flopped back down on the ground.

"Yowch!" she jumped up again, rubbing her arm.

"What, what's wrong?" asked Surge concernedly.

"Oh nothin. I musta just laid on a thistle, that's all." She yawned suddenly.

Just then, Surge felt a slight prick in his shoulder. He yawned then as well.

Nearby, the twins, too, felt slight pinpricks in their arms. Soon, all four Mobians were sleeping deeply.


The Cyclopians put away their tranquilizer rods and approached the four dozing creatures. The leader directed his teammates to place them in the center of the clearing. They did so, placing strange metal bands on the right arm of each mobian.

The aliens retreated to the treeline, where the leader spoke softly into a communication device hidden in the collar of his uniform. "Commander Gerto-e reporting. We have four Mobians ready for transport."

"Very good. Carry on, we shall take care of transporting them." came the reply.

The team stayed to watch only until the captives had dissappeared from view, gradually disolving into thin air. Soon no sign remained that Serenity and her companions had even been there.

The collection team moved silently off into the forest in search of more "indiginous wildlife."


OOC: I will reveal what the ship and containment cells (or whatever I decide to call them) are like in my next post. So there you go peoples, join, join, join! :]

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