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Tergonaut's Farewell (MoFiction)

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&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp September 28th, 200X,
it has been at this time nearly a week since Matthias and the OMNI-01 have vanished. To whoever might read this, if you have been able to acquire all of my journal entries, then you know that I am writing about how, during the final phase of testing the OMNI-01 which included the use of the variable cyberjack, both Matthias and the suit vanished in a flash of light.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The entire staff of TergoCorp. Industries has been working around the clock to understand the nature of this phenomenon, and we have fortunately discovered just what has happened: the variable cyberjack somehow tapped into a power circuit and, reacting to the enormous energies contained within the OMNI-01, opened a literal rip in time and space. This is fortunate primarily because the information indicates that Matthias is yet alive, although in what condition we can not be sure. Through our analysis of the particle remnants of the space/time rift, weve determined that time is accelerated in the place that Matthias has gone, and is has been approximately over a full calender year there while in our time it has been mere days. We have already found a way to alter the cyberjack so that it will not trigger such a reaction again.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The government has been surprisingly cooperative in this matter, and have agreed to grant us the temporary use of yet another piece of supertech that they have acquired, which after our examination of the device seems to generate the same energy fluctuations that would have produced the rift. We will attempt the use of this device tonight, and estimate that it will remain open for an approximate period of two hours, in which it will be possible for Matthias to either return to us or for a small rescue team to be sent through to determine whether he is still alive or not.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I have my doubts, but I am quite sure that Matthias will be alive and well when we find him. Besides the fact that he is equipped with the OMNI-01, he is an intelligent young man who, while still inexperienced, will certainly have found a way to survive during his time in whatever world he has found himself in.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Whatever the circumstances, I pray that we are not too late. Besides the possible loss of Matthiass life, the OMNI-01 is something that cannot be reproduced and Matthias is the only person trained to operate it. In this world we live in today, we have to have his help and the OMNI-01's powers to finally strike back at those organizations and individuals who would use supertech for their own malevolent and greedy ends. It is imperative that we find a way to return Matthias here so that the battle can finally begin.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The OMNI-01 is a powerful instrument, for good or ill. I can only hope that Matthias has used it well in whatever situation he has found himself in.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp - Dr. Mateo Johansen, director and head researcher of TergoCorp. Industries

Tergonauts Farewell
A TergoCorp. Industries MoFiction production

This story will serve as the explanation for why Tergonaut and Terrornaut are both going to be away during my two-year mission I am serving for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

All representations of forumers, Mods, and Admins are of their respective namesakes, most used without permission due to my incredibly short time limit at the time of writing this, and Im sorry if I misrepresent anyone in this fic.

* * *

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp RRRRRRRING!

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp When that sound rang out in the small apartment on the third floor of the building on the corner of Amy Rose Lane and Sally Acorn Street, it was quickly followed by the sound of a young man thumping onto the ground after being awoken suddenly, followed closely by the sound of a young man stumbling to his feet and running to answer the telephone when it is still nighttime and the only reason that anyone would be calling at this time of night would be for an emergency.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Hello? asked Matthias Johnson as he picked up the receiver, suddenly wide awake with adrenaline. He had managed to grab his glasses from where they had been sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch which he used as his bed, and he now put them onto his face as he looked over at the clock on the wall. It was very early in the morning, and he wondered who would be calling, and about what.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Terg? came the reply from the other side of the connection, This is Vector, at Central Square Park. Could you come here right away?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Whats up?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp An inter-dimensional portal opened up here a few minutes ago, and someone has just contacted us through it. He says his name is Dr. Mateo Johansen.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Matthiass eyes widened. Now he was really awake. Ill be there in five minutes, he said hurriedly, then he put the receiver down and went to the window of his apartment, unlocking it and lifting it open. He then ran to his closet and turned on the light, closing the door as he changed his clothes. When he stepped out moments later, he had removed his T-shirt and pajama pants and replaced them with the catsuit that he had been wearing when he originally came to the Mobius Forum World. It was blue in color, covering his entire body from the base of his neck to the tips of his toes and fingers, with dark gray rubberized portions covering his hands, feet, and his groin/buttocks area. Attached to the small of his back was a compact package of metal. Stepping into the middle of the room, he then gave a mental command to that package.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Activate!

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp A cylindrical field of blue-white electro-magnetic energy surrounded him, and the package at the small of his back immediately began expanding outward over his entire body, first extending downward to cover his feet, building up to his torso, racing out to cover his arms, and finally forming a helmet over his head, shaping the helmet spike with a final flourish before the electro-magnetic field died down and left a burnt-orange-and-navy-blue-suited man standing where Matthias had once been. While he was still Matthias, now his mind was remotely linked to the neural network computer of the OMNI-01, otherwise known as the omni-suit, and while he wore this suit, he was known as...

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut!

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Going to the window and climbing onto the windowsill, Tergonaut leapt out into the air, and with a blue-white flare from his boots and his back, he was flying through the night air on the omni-suits pulse jets, heading for Central Square Park.


&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Oh, hello there, Matthias. Are you all right? Weve been worried sick about you, you know.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut was now standing in Central Square Park, with Vector, True Red, and Samanfur standing nearby, as they had been the Admins on hand when the inter-dimensional disturbance had arisen. Hanging in the air a few feet in front of him was a swirling circular vortex of energies, in the center of which was a clear picture of a laboratory room with several scientists working frantically at control consoles in the background. Standing in the middle of this picture was a short and stocky older man who adjusted his glasses over his Hispanic face as he looked through the vortex into this other world where Tergonaut had come to.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Im doing fine, Dr. Johansen, Tergonaut replied, but whats been going on? I mean, how did you get this portal open?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The government lent us some supertech that was able to reopen the rift in time and space that originally brought you here, Dr. Johansen replied, but all of the details can be explained at a later time. We do not have very much time before this portal closes.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut, who had been amazed to see his former mentor after the long span of time he had spent in the Mobius Forum World, suddenly felt his heart leap into his throat. How much time do we have?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp This portal has been open for twenty minutes, and it is deteriorating as we speak, Dr. Johansen explained, we have at most one hour and forty minutes before the portal shuts down on its own, and perhaps not even that long.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut was not sure how to answer that. Ever since had had been thrown into the Mobius Forum World, one of the things that he had wondered about was whether he would ever be able to return home. And yet, after the time he had spent here, he had to admit that home seemed more like a memory from someone elses life, and not his own. The adventures he had experienced made it seem like he had been in the Mobius Forum World for a lifetime, even though it had only been for over a year.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And now, finally faced with the prospect of returning to his original dimension, Tergonaut found that he was not sure whether he wanted to go back.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp With a mental command, he disengaged the omni-suit with a thought, the metal retracting from his body back into the compact package at the small of his back. He looked at Dr. Johansen and tried to explain his feelings, but he could not find the words. And then he remembered all of the friends that he had made during his stay, particularly Cookirini, who he had developed a close relationship with. He felt like he couldnt leave them without even saying goodbye.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Matthias, Dr. Johansens voice said, I understand that it has been a long time for you since you left, but I think that I should inform you that it has only been seven days in this dimension.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp What?! Matthias exclaimed, Its only been a week? How is that possible?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Well, Vector said as he spoke up, we were discussing that just before you came. Its simply a matter of time/space differential ratios, meaning that this universe goes at a faster rate of time than your original dimension does.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Indeed, Dr. Johansen said as he readjusted his glasses again, I have to admit that you have some very interesting friends. Mr. Vector and I have been able to find some common ground while you were coming. Unfortunately, we dont have the time to continue discussing the circumstances of this anomaly. Matthias, are you ready to come home?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Matthias shook his head. Sir, its been over a year. Ive made a lot of friends here during that time, and I dont want to just up and leave without saying goodbye to any of them. Is there any way that the portal can be opened later, or kept open longer?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Dr. Johansens head bowed ever so slightly. Im afraid that isnt possible, Matthias. The device that we used to open this portal is giving us readings that indicate we were very lucky to have caught this chance to open this portal. If what were reading is true, then it will be at least another two years in this world before the device will be able to open another portal.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Two years...if its only been a week there now, then that would mean...

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp That you will have died of old age before we could open another portal.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp There was a moment of silence now, save for the hum that the portals swirling energies produced. Matthias knew that it would be now or never if he ever wanted to go back home, and if he did go home, then it might be too late for him to return to the Mobius Forum World. After all, if time went faster here than it did in his original world...

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The thought that all of his friends would be dead, and their childrens children would be here to greet him if he ever returned, was one that staggered Matthiass mind. What would he do?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Matthias, I am sorry. It is obvious that this is very sudden for you. But we need you, here, in this world. As amazing as the world you have found is, we are still faced with a worldwide crisis caused by people using supertech for the wrong reasons. You are the only one trained to use the omni-suit, and there is no other way that we can reproduce it. So you must understand, Matthias...your place is here.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Matthias could only stand there with tears beginning to build up in his eyes. Everything was happening so fast...

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp But, despite his feelings, he knew this much, that the Mobius Forum World was a fantastic place where virtually nothing was impossible. Good and evil were oftentimes clear-cut forces that battled one another both day and night. There were many people here who would rise up to try to tear it down, to destroy it or conquer it for whatever reasons that they may have. But just as equally were there those people who, despite their flaws and their varied backgrounds, were united together for the common good. He had the privilege of being able to meet and know and fight alongside many of these people, and knew that the Mobius Forum World was in good hands from personal experience.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp But his world, his original dimension in which he had been born and raised, did not have such clearly-cut divisions, nor did it have many heroes who rose against the challenge of the day. There were some individuals who had chosen to become vigilantes, using their skills to fight against supertech-wielding criminals and terrorists, but these were few and badly outnumbered. He had originally been trained to operate the omni-suit to try to tip the balance and to fight back, to tangibly help the world become relatively peaceful once again.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp So, even though he felt as though he was tearing his heart open, he made the decision that he would return to his home dimension, by the reasoning that he was needed there.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Im going to go back, he said aloud, but first, Id like to make one call to talk to someone very important to me.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Go ahead, and hurry.


&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp RRRRRRRING!

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp A tan echidna opened her eyes, partially awake now inside of her room in the Papirini Polis. Before she slipped back into slumber, she was further awakened by the sound of another ringing from her phone, and by the third ring she was out of her bed and dashing for the phone in the hallway.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Ive got it! she shouted as she grabbed the phone before her mischievous Chao did on the fourth ring, and she brought it up to her ear and said, Hello, this is Cookirini speaking.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Cooki? This is Matt.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Cookirini brightened up immediately as she heard that voice over the phone. Hi Matt! How are you doing?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Im leaving the Mobius Forum World. Im going home.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Cookirini took her ear away from the phone and blinked at it for a moment before returning it there and saying, Leaving? What do you mean?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Theres not much time to explain, just come down to Central Square Park and Ill tell you everything I can there.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The urgency in Matthiass voice told Cookirini instantly that something was wrong. Ill be there as soon as I can, she told him, see you there.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Who was that? her tan brown-spotted Chao asked, It didnt sound like a telemarketer.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Ill tell you everything after I get back, Chocolate Chip, Cookirini said as she hurriedly got on a coat and dashed to the elevator, but right now there isnt time!


&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp What?!

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Matthias could only sadly nod in reply after he finished telling Cookirini what he had been told by Dr. Johansen and Vector. It seemed especially hard now to leave, but he had made his decision and he would have to stick with it...even if the cost seemed too great to bear.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Then take me with you! Cookirini pleaded as she threw her arms around him, tears dropping onto his shoulders.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I cant, Matthias said as he hugged Cooki back, his own eyes filling with moisture as he got a knot in his throat, the portal wont let anyone else through. Ive got to go back, alone. Im so sorry, Cooki...

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The two of them stood there for a moment, their arms around each other, both of them feeling that this was too fast to end their friendship, that this was perhaps even unfair. There were no words of comfort that came to mind, no last-minute revelations that would allow them to remain together. Time was ticking by even as they were standing there.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Matt?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Yes?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Youve got to go. I dont like it, but youve got to go. But, before you do, I just want you to promise me one thing...

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Yes? Anything.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Please come back as soon as you can, she said, blushing a little as she pulled back enough for him to see her face, her eyes, because even if hundreds of years pass away here by the time two years end in your world...Id like it if you could meet my children, or my grandchildren, or even my great-grandchildren. I know it might sound silly, but could you please promise me that?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Matthias held her tight in his arms, looking right into her purple-hued eyes. I promise, he replied simply, and Ill let your kids and their kids and their kids how great one of their ancestors is.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Matt...thank you.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp No problem.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp They stood there for another moment, and then Matthias said, I love you.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I love you, Cookirini said in return, and she leaned forward to press her lips against his in a kiss which was mutually welcome. It would be their last kiss, so Matthias closed his eyes and enjoyed this one moment of sweet bliss with Cookirini.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp As much as he wanted to continue, Matthias eventually opened his eyes and broke off the kiss, looking back into Cookirinis eyes with a sad smile on his face. Then, still keeping one arm around her, he turned to Vector and asked, Did you get the video recorder?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Right here, Vector said as he gestured to the video recorder in his hand, and were ready to start any time youre ready.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Thank you, sir.


&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp It would be the next morning and day when the message that Matthias recorded would be shown, on the news stations all across Sega City. Several forumers gathered in front of an electronics store and watched the television sets there as he gave that message.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Everyone, Im leaving. Im going back to my original dimension. I wont bother you with the details of it, since my time is short and I have to leave within the hour.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I first came to this world because of an accident. The powered armor that I wear, which makes me Tergonaut, was undergoing the final stages of testing when I was transported to this world by one of the possibilities that WB had put into the Mobius Forum World when he recreated it after Group Mission: Apocalypse. My arrival in the Mobius Forum World was unexpected on all sides, but I was able to stay and eventually live here as another forumer.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp As time passed, I was given the responsibilities of a Moderator, I faced against my Evil Moderator counterpart, and I have had so many adventures here in this world. But, what is most important to me is that I was able to share those adventures and mishaps with many of you. I count the friendships that I have built up here to be some of my strongest, and I sincerely believe that I have become a better person because of that.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Im going to miss you all. Im sorry that I wasnt able to give a more proper farewell, but I figured it was best to have at least some kind of farewell than none at all. I know this will be hard on many of you, who count me as one of your dearest friends...its going to be hard on me, too. But do not cry over my leaving for very long, because it isnt like Im dying or something like that, and whats more, I want you all to be happy. Part of the reason I have always supported justice and mercy, freedom and virtue, is because I want people to be happy. I ask that you remember me, for my faults as well as my strengths, because it is both that makes me who I am.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And besides, who knows? I might be able to return some day. This is the Mobius Forum World, after all. Just about anything is possible.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Well, I guess its time I left. I usually avoid saying good-bye because that sounds rather final. I prefer, see-you-later. So, Ill see you all later.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And then they watched as he activated the omni-suit, gave a wave with his hand, turned, and walked into the portal.


&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Matthias was met with the cheers of the entire staff of TergoCorp. Industries as he returned to his original world, immediately having people slapping him on the back and congratulating him on a successful return. This celebration of his return would continue on for a little while before winding down back to the serious business that was Matthiass duty in his original world, and that was to prepare for his first mission to preserve peace and uphold freedom.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp It was good to be back, he realized. As much as his friends in the Mobius Forum World would miss him, at least they had been able to see him say goodbye. These people had worried about him for seven days with no word or indication that he was even alive. And as much as he missed them at that moment, he knew that it would be a pain that he would endure and eventually that pain would be dulled by time. But he would never forget his experiences there...nor would he forget his promise to Cookirini.


&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Vector, you wanted to see me?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Vector turned to see Cookirini enter his laboratory, and he immediately could see that after three days had passed since Tergonaut had left, she was sorely missing him. She looked like she hadnt had much sleep at all, and she seemed unenergetic. It was because of his concern that he had summoned her to the SHQ Tower.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Yes, thank you for coming, Vector replied, now you may be wondering why I wanted to talk to you.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp If its about Chocolate Chip coming in here and breaking things in your laboratory...

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp No, not that, Vector said, I think this will actually be good news for you. You remember the portal that Terg took to go home?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Its almost all I can think about right now, she sighed as she sat down on a workbench.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Well, Ive been studying the dimensional residue that was left over when the portal vanished, and Id just like to tell you that I think hell be back in two years.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Cookirini looked up at Vector like he had gone mad. Vector, what are you talking about? You already told me that time in this world goes so much faster than in Matts original world.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Vector nodded. Yes, I did. But after my research, I think something happened when the people of TergoCorp. Industries tore open that portal to our world. According to my calculations, our two dimensions synchronized chronologically. Or in other words, when the two worlds were linked by that portal for two hours, it actually linked them long enough so that both our dimension and Tergs now run at the same rate of time.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Cookirinis eyes lit up with hope as she began understanding this explanation. So that means that when he keeps his promise to come back...

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Hell actually come back in two years, and youll get to see him again, Vector finished.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp He jumped as Cookirini threw her arms around his waist and thanked him profusely for telling her that, then was flabbergasted when she kissed him on the cheek and skipped out of the lab, so much happier than she had been mere moments ago.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Youre welcome, he managed to say, although by now Cookirini was surely out of his voices range, youre very welcome indeed.


&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Deep underground, in a hidden catacomb beneath Sega City, there sat what appeared to be a well-woven cocoon inside of a green gelatin bubble. Inside of this cocoon sat Terrornaut, the Evil Moderator counterpart of Tergonaut who had so recently been defeated by him.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp So Tergonaut has l Terrornaut thought to himself as he lay curled up inside the cocoon, gone back to his original world. He has promised that he will return some day to this world. That is good. I shall be here, waiting for him. I was here before him when he first came, and I shall be here before him once again.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp He paused for a moment to consider himself and his own position. Tergonaut had defeated him in a climactic battle when they had both received boosts to their power through Cookirinis ability to channel energy. Although he was defeated, he had managed to survive despite the odds. Unfortunately, the damage that he had incurred during that battle was particularly grievous, and part of the reason he had cocooned himself was so that he would be able to fully heal.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp But another reason for the cocoon was to develop himself to the next stage of his development. The power that had changed him into Tyranaut was too unstable, turning him into an uncontrollable monster. However, he felt that if he spent two years gestating within the cocoon, he would be better prepared for the return of Tergonaut to the Mobius Forum World.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp It has been and shall be our destiny to be drawn into conflict again in this world, he thought, I am sure that you will return...and when you do, I shall be ready!

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