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The Great Debate Of Bush VS Dr FexusFan Decision 2004!

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- Greetings and welcome to Decision 2004. I'll be your host known as Zontar King of the Pig People. It was decided that I be the announcer simply because of my leadership skills of conqueroring decillions of universes. You must elect me as universal leader when the the time comes. But enough of that, thats a whole separate election issue all by itself. Tonight is the debate for the big election between the incoherent Bush and fexyfanny Fexusfan. We have many different issues that will be covered.
- Lets start with you, Bush. About these wildfires occuring across the nation... What should be done to limit them from being burned down?
- They should ALL be cut down that way there will be no discrepencies **says it funny** as to how the forest was burned or any of that sort
- I see... And you, Dr FexusFan?
- The forests should know how to make plushies cuz the faded image of a player blows a hole in the Gazebo.
- I completely understand, FexusFan. Bush's idea escapes me as complete idiocy. Now... onto the topic of Iraq...
- Wait a minute! I am not stupid! My idea is superb! Without a forest, it won't burn up! Simple as that! What is there to not understand?! Don't you see the logic?
- I'm sorry Bush...I still just don't quite understand. Anyways... next issue. Should we send troops to Iraq and eradicate Suddam?
- Yes! We should nuke the country and be done with it. I rather focus on tearing out the forests than Suddam.
- I disagree.. we should keep changing height and my nose so that its red like Kool-Aid for 7 easy payments of 29.99 doubles my amount of customers saying "Muh butt hurts"...
- WHAT?! My opponent is CLEARLY out of his mind! He shouldn't be running! There's no way in the world I can lose to someone as confusing as this fox with some light thingy on his head!
- Well he is more coherent than you
- **Fuming and turning bright red**
- Next... Terrorism...
- Too much incoherency is a terroristic attack on the minds of our children
- Next topic... Pretzels... should we ban pretzels?
- YES! BAN THE PRETZELS! They almost killed me that one time! They are a nuisance to society and need to be romoved.
- Depending on who you might glue Your sword to, I see Random Gers. mwaha! my machines dropped the radio play for 444minutes. These pretzels are making me thirsty.
- Next issue.... Boxers or Briefs?
- THONGS, DAMMIT! Forget the two of them! I prefer thongs! I LOATHE boxers... too much room down there I don't need. I usually end up sensing a disturbance in the pants after awhile.
- I prefer using concrete donkeys.. we can use their combined powers to protect the city from badly dubbed movies
- Which came first? The Chicken or the Egg?
- The Chicken! Because we needed those "Why did the chicken cross the road" jokes! Speaking of... Why did the chicken cross the road?
- To head out of a bush whilst there are those who tie a pink fluffy bow round people who been captured for about a month as proffesional hostage. AHH! THE PINK!
- I think Fexusfan NAILED it. Finally, a solution to the "Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?" joke.
- Stop yelling, Bush...
- And to Bush.. I must say to Bush for 2004! Have you been a good Dramular artist that deflated the Lugubriously octagonal hippopotamus trousers? And before handling the Iguanas it all started with a dose of holy pot of wombats that is the superness of the caveman. The zonbie tastes like those deflated pants are areodynamic sheekon. Bush, Take me to the weasles cuz the walla are melting again...
- I'm going to add you now to my axis list... along with Suddam, forests, the French, the Germans, long algebra, boxers, pretzels and long words cuz I suffer from hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.
- You do that while I scooter your daisy heads!
- You can't do that! There's no way you just got in front of my lawn!
- I can so because Your GIANT butt spikes emit from this grey shaft listening to Smooth Clinger Wingers and looking at FEXUSFAN HQ - website of the gods
- **GASP** You release that egregious website and I'll add the internet to my axis list. I WILL BAN THE INTERNET SO YOU CAN'T FOLLOW THROUGH WITH YOUR PLANS! **Feels proud to have used a SAT word**
- HA! In doing so stupid imbociles think or any CD-Rewriters sell The Toonami Mobile Game Station from Ronald McDonald no one will vote for you!
- HA! As would anyone vote for a fox with a weird light glowing hat thing speaking gibberish
- Fexusfan is more coherent than you, Bush
- I didn't ask for your imput! Down on my axis list you go, Pig Person! You're trying to thwart me! ALL OF YOU! Thats it... you've made me mad... I will now reveal my true nature!
- OK, Fexusfan! Lets get down to the nitty gritty but first... STOP SCOOTERING MY DAISY HEADS!
- ALL OF your thwarted natures didn't reveal my nitty gritty imput list, but my Pig made mad
- WHAT?! What did you just do?! You copied what I just said and reversed the order! You can't do that to me!
- You can't reverse that copied nitty gritty! SCOOTER THEIR DAISY HEADS!
- STOP IT! Don't make me spit out words that make no sense! CUZ I WILL!
- You spit out egregious websites that make no sense! wait, Sailor evil has no timetable due to movie and needing to watch Sensei FexusFan Inspire Nintendo to purge Evil from Dr L Especially doing it right in front of everyone depending on glowing Anvils
- ALRIGHT! THATS IT! You are not alloted a generalization anymore
- Intervals of conatgious skews transmit neurosis of great magnitudes!
- WHAT?! You can't out word me!
- Otitis correlates blighted inhospitable uncertainty through dramatic aleviating visitants
- IMPOSSIBLE! I don't even know most of those words meanings! **VERY RED IN THE FACE**
- Curses, YOUR baseball Slides POWER mingling such violence... the answer brandishes cheese. You shouldn't glow red for a sec talking about puppet Barney being evil earlier cuz if you look in the video, I supposedly invited giant knockwursts into my house, and dressed in leather feeling it was Cookirini's spam topic. MWEHEHEHEEEE My buttered toast causes a disturbance in the dancing pants in favor for Nudists on the Fexusfan Zone. I AM THE spam topic who had ment "stand", I'm gonna say FEAR MY STUPID bleeding dog dressed in leather. Why did the spam gremlin scooter the egg first? I'm gonna wear my ass like AoStH Robotnik blahblahblah... Vote Dr FexusFan 2004! I'm outta here!
- Wait! Don't me talking about my baseball cards like that! And I wasn't talking about Barney! Spam gremlin? AoStH ROBOTNIK?! WHAT?! I'm not done yet! I still have more to say!


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