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Whoever Posts Last Wins 3: Now with an actual winner

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Posts: 512
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I shall post using even larger letters!

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Out of context, that doesn't sound right, THS.

Posts: 622
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Damnation! That was the longest minute of my life!
And I win again- Creosote! Shin!

Posts: 174
Estimable Member

Nu-uh, you guys! You people keep winning and I have to go back and forth and back and forth! I could also blame it on the lousy dial-up connection I have, or the distracting olympics, or the temperature, or the fact that I have school tomorrow, or I could be mature and take my internet time in moderation by only staying around here for an hour or two a day.
The easier way is to blame you guys so there :cuckoo *immature about the whole situation*

Posts: 2610
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Posts: 4607
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Now that that's settled, this topic has strayed so far from its original point that it can't be salvaged. So, since there's no longer a point to winning, I'm making one: this topic ends in a day: June 13, 2006, at 9PM EST. That's right: if you want to win, now is the time to do it. Don't care when the move is: this topic is going to be finished before it drags off any further.

Need somewhere to make random talk after this? Well, if I recall correctly, a certain not-mod had their own topic for that... should fill this topic's void just fine.

So there. Now you have a reason to get back to playing. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Note to other Mods/Admins: if I forget to lock this topic, lock it for me. Simple as that. You can make a post acknowledging the lock, but that post doesn't count toward the win (to prevent cheating).

The original first post continues below.

Well, you can imagine it in 3D I suppose.

Anyway, a SPA tradition, I suppose, would be this topic. The concept is simple: if you're the last poster in this topc, you win! ...until somebody else takes your win! ...when you'll take it back, probably!

Only a few rules: No double-posting. That reverts the win back to the previous winner. That goes for alternate accounts, too (exampli grata: If I posted as Shadow Hog and followed up with Live Barepawed Tails, that'd count as a double-post).

Also, no "hurts next poster in some random way" wins. That's just plain dirty tactics. Now, you can hurt the PREVIOUS poster to get the win, but let's not scare the winners-to-be from winning, 'kay?

Yep, that's about it.

Yeah, simple topic. Quite fun, though, especially if you try to hold some kind of race. ;P

Anyway, I'm winning now. HAH!

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

I was going to start this up yesterday, but I'd figured that you wanted to since you started the orginal two, so I didn't.

Anyway, I'm winning.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

...You'd like to think that, but A winner is me now.

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

You're both wrong. I'm winning!

Posts: 2097
Noble Member were saying?

Posts: 527
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Nah, I'm winning again. 😀

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I was saying that I was winning, of course.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

I R TEH W1N! *eats a pie whilst doing so*

Posts: 527
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Now I'm winning!

Posts: 4607
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I am the winner here, of course! 😀

Posts: 527
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So you think... but it's obvious I'm winning. 😀

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

*Burninates next poster* Because I AM THE WINNER!

Posts: 4607
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I regret to inform you that burninating is not a fatal injury to me; hence I am still winning despite your cheap attempt at securing your win.

But OW, man, that smarts.

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

I'm winning once again!

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Says who? I'm the winner here.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

You win here but in Soviet Russia the here wins you!!!

String Winner == "me"; int postcount = postcount++;

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

Most of us aren't in Soviet Russia through. =P

I'm winning, again.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member





(until the next person posts -.-;;)

Posts: 4607
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You mean like this?

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

Back to me again.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Yes, EXACTLY like that. -.-;;

Oh, and if the next poster decides to post, they'll get a taste of this *holds up the Burst Stream of Destruction that he recently accquired*


*goes through his deck* Damnit! I don't have a BEWD to use it on! I'll be back, and none of you better take my lead away while I'm gone! ( :p ) *runs off to get one*

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

Too late, I'm in the lead again.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

*runs back in* Okay, I'm...D'OH! *plays the BEWD and uses the Burst Stream of Destruction to cook some chicken instead...while winning*

Posts: 0
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Posts: 4607
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*disqualifies god-moders*

*...long enough to get a win in*

Posts: 527
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Fool! Nothing can stop me from being in the lead! For I'm winning!

Posts: 4607
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Except me.

Posts: 527
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Not for long.

Posts: 4607
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You sure?

Posts: 0
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Posts: 4607
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Wasn't askin' you. 😛

*goes back to winning*

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