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Whoever Posts Last Wins 3: Now with an actual winner

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Posts: 209
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*points at the vacant spot marked by Mr.Creosote*

Odd..can anyone say a post kidnapping?

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It's a mystery!
One that should be pondered about for generatinos upon generations... The answer never fully known... But, perhaps, our children-
Shin did it.

Posts: 3666
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And another mystery has been solved!

Until next time...

Posts: 1269
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I posted last! I win, I win!

Posts: 527
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No, Creosote's missing post was the cause of...

...let's see here, the next person who posts after me!

Yes, that will do fine.

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Cresote is the culprit!!!!!
Didn't we already know that? >>

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How ironic, Creosote stole his own posts. :O

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*sees the smiley*..Hmm it appears that he is trying to communicate with us.

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I win again!

And I place glue on my post! You cannot steal it!

Posts: 2097
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Maybe Mr Creosote has become Miss emoticon? :O

Posts: 209
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What if someone steals the thread instead?

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Wouldn't that pretty much be winning? o.o

Posts: 1269
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I kill you! I kill you all! I kill you all for no reason! I place you on my bonfire and kill you all for no reason!

And that means I win!

Posts: 209
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But what if you catch on fire too?

Posts: 1269
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Yay! Fire!

Ow! Fire!

Yay! Fire!

And so on.

Posts: 209
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How about I just freeze all of you and win.

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Posts: 209
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But you just scored in your own goal. So I win for now.

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Two nil!

Posts: 527
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Two nil, but one win. This win belongs to me.

Posts: 763
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No, shin. I WIN!!!! >:O
You're so arrogant! I'M the winner! 😛

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Posts: 527
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My point exactly, you basically summed it up with one word. :O

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Hypocrite @ the hypocrite comment

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Nyarg. ^_@

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Posts: 527
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No, not really. Not at all.

Posts: 209
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*sigh* Why must I always win back what I lost?

Posts: 3666
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Because if you don't it'll remain lost? o.o

Posts: 527
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I don't see how this is lost if it remains here. o.o

Posts: 3666
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Maybe the fact that it moves up a page every now and again?

Posts: 527
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Hmm, works for me.

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*comes back in to the race with a moped and takes the lead*

Posts: 527
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Mine now.


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Haha. So you think!

Posts: 1269
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No, I win.

*beats you to death with a nuclear powered crowbar*

Posts: 3666
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Why does everyone have to make the blatant proclamation that they win? ORIGINALITY IS YOUR FRIEND ^__^

(Note: If THS is guilty of this in a past post, then you should completely ignore that post. It doesn't exist. Seriously. You saw nothing.)

Posts: 1269
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I kick sand in your face, mr originality! And commit incest with it!

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I kick sand in your face, mr originality! And commit incest with it!

So, your gonna commit incest with either the sand, THS' face or Mr Originality? So one of these is somehow releated to you? Interesting.

Posts: 1269
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I kick the sand into his face, and the many grains of sand are all committing incest with each other!

Beat that for originality!

Posts: 512
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Beat that for originality!


Sorry, I can't possibly beat that!

*Mr Creosote therefore loses*

Posts: 2097
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You most certainly do now, anyway. 😛

Posts: 763
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and the many grains of sand are all committing incest with each other!

Isn't this meant to be suitable for families?
Oh @#%$... That didn't sound right, did it?

Posts: 3666
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Oh crapbunnies. @ time


Posts: 1269
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Since when was I suitable for families?

All grains of sand are related!

Posts: 527
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Harley's sig stating "Blatantly spreading sex and corruption" sums it up perfectly.

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Harley, not suitable for families.

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