...Bizarro WPLW? o.o
Exactly. I lose, you win!
That seems about right.
Oh, I love that little adjustment to this thread.
Finally something that we can agree on my friend.
...What what?
What can't we agree on? o.o
...could this be the dawn of a bizarro theme over the SPA? 😮
Not yet. This be all I'm doing. 😛
Still a possibility. <_<
Just a figure of speach Shin.
Onoes we lost a dimension and now we're down to 2D!
I feel so...flat.
Reminds me of Mr Game & Watch o.o
The loser gets to kill all the people who win! Out of rage!
They can? Coo'.
*picks the previous poster's pocket*
Did I just steal a win or a loss??
*shrugs & tosses the thing she'd just stolen into the air in a random direction*
*cries* Craigey doesn't love me no more... Who's mean to love me at the moment? Let's pretend Harley is. I LOVE YOU HARLEY *hugs*
Just a figure of speach Shin.
I know, I was just joking. 😛
*loses, yet he wins in a sense* o.o
I'm such a loser!
Oh yeah?
Well, I'm a bigger one. So nyah. :p
No, it is I who must lose!
I laugh at all you foolish winners!
You're flat.
You're dusty. *dusts you* o.o
I shall lose!!!
Not anymore.
Now I lose.
In Bizarro MoFo this am one of the least replied to threads, "No one post, win!" Win is very bad, we not like it, so it am making me Bizarro Bayfield very sad to be accepting loss!
We've all gotta win at some point, though...
You gotta think... All the posts where we said "I WIN" is now officially correct, and if this switches back, all the posts where said "I LOSE" is now correct >>
You are right Craig I do lose!!!
Whoever Posts Last Loses 3.141592: Now in 2D!
It's me who's the loser, and I'm sure you'll all agree.
You guys can win... I'll lose...
We are the losers - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting
Till the end
We are the losers
We are the loser
No time for winners
'Cause we are the losers of the World
We are the losers - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting
Till the end
We are the losers
We are the losers
No time for winners
'Cause we are the losers!
I win! Oh wait...NO!!!!
How about no one posts? So no one loses? (Apart from the last poster, of course)
Don't be silly, I want to be the loser!!!
I'll marry you then! Like I've done to so many people
However, I lose.
So we lose again in a surprising twist of fate.
Hmmm... how about... the last but one person to post wins?
I lose for now but I will win again...unless this topic gets locked again.
If I win at losing, then you lose at winning the lose task... I think...
*loses* =(
You know, I'm PRETTY certain that hand is completely folded, no middle fingers or anything obscene...
Ya know, the title of this topic COULD be more accurate. Like instead of
"Whoever Posts Last Loses 3.141592: Now in 2D!"...
it should be...
"Whoever Posts Last Loses 3.1415926535897932384626433832795: Now Making No Sense"
...And I didn't actually type those numbers at random.
It was an out take picture when he thought nobody was watching.