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Whoever Posts Last Wins 3: Now with an actual winner

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Posts: 527
Honorable Member


How very true!

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

What do you mean by this?

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

I mean that this thread is a hoax!

And someone's probably already posted so this post makes no sense. 😮

Posts: 4607
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Whatever. I live.

Posts: 209
Estimable Member

I live again!

Posts: 3666
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life r good 4 me

Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Not anymore. Is teh bads 4 U!

Posts: 3666
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r u calling my dotor a liar >:(

Posts: 1367
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Posts: 527
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There goes our dinner plans.

Posts: 2610
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But I wanted dinner. =(

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

Donnie Darko is rocking! @ THS

Posts: 2610
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*Gives Jaffa chloroform as a gift*

Posts: 3666
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...can I have some?

In my mouth?


Posts: 2610
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Sure! *gives THS chloroform*
*in his mouth*

Posts: 3666
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YAY! *collapse sleep*

Posts: 2610
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*puts THS ina burap sack and put him at the edge of a cliff* *slinks off silently*

Posts: 209
Estimable Member

*puts steebay in a burlap sack and throws him off an even high er cliff and skips away* ^.^

Posts: 1367
Noble Member


oh and i live

Posts: 3666
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o rly

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

Let's party like it's 1939

Posts: 3666
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Posts: 2610
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How did they party in 1939?

Posts: 763
Prominent Member


How did they party in 1939?

By getting in to bomb shelters and hiding

Gunning down Nazi's mainly.

Posts: 2610
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*hides in a bomb shelter*

Posts: 3666
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Posts: 3756
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*eyes pop out*

I'm blind, but I live!!!

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

Now don't get your information from secondary sources! Cause it might be wrong.

Posts: 3756
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*watches Isengard video*

I'm gunna go with the BIG font here...


Meh, I can't get I any bigger.

Posts: 2610
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Tell me where is Gandalf...

Posts: 622
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I live...but not for long.

Posts: 2610
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4 minutes.

Posts: 622
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5 minutes.

Posts: 2610
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3 minutes.

Posts: 622
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3 and a half?

Posts: 2610
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1 minute.

EDIT: actually less than 1 minute.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Wait...NO! I mean...10 MINUTES.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

10... SEXY MINUTES?!?/1

Posts: 2610
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Look at the clock at the side of your post. All I'm doing is counting the minutes between each post of your and mine, and that is how long you have been living.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

I know...but I like twisting things.

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

Hmm. You run a hard bargain, but ten minutes it is.

Posts: 622
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Posts: 2610
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Ten minutes over. Please insert a quarter for every extra minute you stay alive.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

I have no quarters! Or nickles! Or dimes!
I shall insert one penny.

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

Well, either way, you got two extra minutes somehow.

Posts: 622
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Posts: 2610
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But you're trail minutes are over.
Yes, I know what I said.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member


Posts: 622
Honorable Member

well...I live NOW.

Posts: 2610
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