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Whoever Posts Last Wins 3: Now with an actual winner

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Posts: 3666
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whoops im still doign it <<

Posts: 2610
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*tries to shoo off aphids and slugs*
They're trying to EAT MY BABIES!!

Posts: 800
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yay! im on page 666!

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

Ooh. Sounds fancy.

Posts: 3468
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Ew 666.

Posts: 2610
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Posts: 1573
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Ooh, 666. Evil ahoy!

Posts: 3666
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Posts: 800
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it is me! captain evil! that is an eye patch. V_o really. it IS.

Posts: 3666
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Yarr, pegleg and whatnot.

Posts: 2610
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I wanna parrot. =3

Posts: 3666
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Have fifty three.

Posts: 2610
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*eats 20 of them*
*shoots 32 of them*
*puts the remaining one on his shoulder*

Posts: 3666
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*rolls in the remains of the dead 32 gleefully*

Posts: 2610
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*trains the parrot on his shoulder*

Posts: 1573
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*stares dreamily @ a picture of Capt. Jack Sparrow*

Posts: 2610
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Posts: 1573
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...what? He looks good.

Posts: 2610
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I dunno I juast like >.O

Posts: 800
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jack sparrow... oh i wish i could kiss you...

Posts: 2610
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Posts: 3666
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My eyes sting.

As usual.

Posts: 2610
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My toe nails need trimming.

Posts: 3666
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Get to it, then.

With a lawnmower.

It's more of a challenge that way.

Posts: 2610
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I cut my toenail too close and my foot is bleeding. ;.;

Posts: 3666
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See? Challenge!

Posts: 2610
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Posts: 3666
Famed Member

Now, now. You just have a case of the 'poor me's. If you were gonna die you would've died by now! You just have to realise you're going to have to live with intense pain.


Posts: 2610
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Posts: 3468
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Steebay your sig died.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Ez killed it with it's inability to do anything right. 🙁

Posts: 2610
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It's been dead for a month, and ez won't let me fix it, SX. But don't you just love how it goes to!

Posts: 3666
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Posts: 2610
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Posts: 800
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hey you, hey you. you have a yoyo.

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

Oh yeah.


Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Mmm yoyo.

*does yoyo related things with it*

...Yeah, orginality is dry today.

Posts: 2610
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Yo-yo ma?

Posts: 2417
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*gives you all the powers of a yo-yo*

Posts: 1573
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*plays with a yo-yo*

*accidently lets go and it breaks a window*, oops...


Posts: 530
Honorable Member

*is now a Yoyo Kirby?*

*cleans up the glass for Kayla*

Posts: 3666
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Posts: 1573
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Posts: 530
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Posts: 3666
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Posts: 1573
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Kirby DS: Touching is Good


Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Touching IS good.
*Touches his ears*
*Touches his knee*
*Touches a stove that is on*

Posts: 814
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Posts: 1573
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*dives in a bomb shelter*

Posts: 800
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-dives in a bomb out of the shelter-

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