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Specifically to Uk forumers, but since then the series has been broadcast in Canada, Australia, it's the first UK show to be sold to South Korea, their showing it on airoplanes crossing the atlantic and it's currently being dubbed in German, French and Norwegan.

12 weeks ago I asked anyone what they thought of the new series of Doctor Who, 1 episode in and we got a mixed responce, generally positive and intruiged but with a hell of a lot of reservations.
12 weeks later and the series ends next week, and can I just say that I HAVE NEVER EVER felt better.

In the last 12 weeks we've had a SMALL bit of hardcore Sci Fi, we've had a bit of cheesiness and a lot of laughs. We've had deadly dustbins and manequins, Daleks and baby faced aliens. Biting cielings and gas masked children terrorising our screens.

So, have you stuck with the program because as I promised it's been improving. It's been getting darker and darker and blow me but if tonights episode wasn't the best thing on TV this week.
One week to go, or 2 if you're watching in Canada, or possibly 10 or so in australia.

What did you think of it?

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I was at work. :( Does it get repeated?

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Tomorrow, 7 PM, BBC3, I think...

Probably the best of the series so far, which is odd seeing as in the old days they ran out of money at the end and fizzled out.
This time they went out with a bang.


God Im going to miss Eccleston, he's been brilliant.

Posts: 2116
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If you have digital TV, it's on BBC3 tomorrow at 7pm. If not, you'll probably be waiting for the DVD.

Personally, I felt that this week's episoide picked up speed as it went on, but started badly. The BBC was just being too self-referential, and relying on either bad puns of caricature at first.

The ending, however, levered the menace up nicely. But my favourite episodes would still be World War Three, The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances and Boom Town.

And as much as I like David Tennant as an actor, I have my concerns.

Reasons on request - I should've been in bed about an hour ago. 🙁

(Although personally, I'd be happy just to keep seeing John Barrowman - the proof that on UK airwaves, gay performers aren't all marketed as Graham Norton! *slavers slightly*)

Posts: 1619
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(Although personally, I'd be happy just to keep seeing John Barrowman - the proof that on UK airwaves, gay performers aren't all marketed as Graham Norton! *slavers slightly*)

The only gay Brit I know of is Noel Coward.

Yeah, I'm....behind. ^________________^;;

Posts: 75
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To be honest, I've felt this series seems to oscillate between great and awful. Some episodes, like The Unquiet Dead, Dalek and Father's Day, I've quite enjoyed (Dalek especially). They had interesting plots backed up with good stories and characterisation.
Others have disappointed me. Usually it's just a matter of something happening in the episode that annoys me. For example, The Empty Child. The constant cries of "Mummy" quickly went from creepy to annoying, IMO (I could go into the whole barrage balloon incident, but I've come to terms with that)
Boom Town was the exception, in that I found most of the episode bad, with a few good points. To give full reasons would be a post in itself, so let's just say I didn't like it and move on.
Like Sam, I found last night's episode to start badly. Then again, in my case I had a kid sister constantly pointing out every obvious reference and plot point, so that could have soured my opinion. Definately improved by the end though, even if the mystery villain had already been revealed by last week's teaser. Really looking forward to next week's, it looks like it'll end with a splash.
Oh, quick question: Was I the only one who didn't pick up on the 'Bad Wolf' references from episodes prior to Boom Town? I really don't want to be the only one.

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I've liked this series...I've never seen the original series, so it was a new thing for me, really. I missed three or four episodes, but I did pick up what I missed from the later episodes. Looking forward to the next episode, and I might buy the DVDs. Not enitrely sure yet, though.

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It's probably been one of the highlights of TV for quite a while, and I've enjoyed watching most of it. Episodes like the second one I didn't like because the spotlight wasn't on the Doctor and Rose, which it kept straying from constantly in a few episodes, the one's where the Doctor was the centre of attention are definetly the better episodes.

This week's episode was okay, it seemed just like it was stalling for the finale early on, but it came into it's own later. The trailer for the final episode looks very intresting, and it points to the return of Davros. I wouldn't miss this one for the world.

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I happen to know who's playing Davros - and you'll probably be in for a shock...

I couldn't believe it when I read it, but my source isn't in the habit of lying.

Posts: 1321
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Unfortunatly, I only caught two episodes (The one with the last "Human" and last nights), but man, were they awesome!

Particularly last nights! How blummin fantastic was that?

Posts: 1631
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Dang I only got to see the first ep...don't have a TV at our house. I have to admit I don't think he played as good a part as the Doc as the others did (maybe as I see more epesodes that'll change, I dunno) but on the whole the story itself seemed pretty decent.

On a seperate point though, anyone else think it's completely sacreligious what they did to the inside of the TARDIS? Update it a little maybe, but not the complete overhaul they gave it that made it look nothing even remotely like the origional!

Just IMO.


Posts: 2116
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The only gay Brit I know of is Noel Coward.

Yeah, I'm....behind. ^________________^;;

Barrowman in last night's episode.

(You may be more aware of him as a Broadway singer/actor - he's been around for a decade or so, and he was most recently playing opposite Kevin Kline in De-lovely.

Older UK forumers may also remember him from Live and Kicking and The Movie Game. :))

The actor's gay, the character's bisexual, and there's not a shred of campness in either on-screen. It makes a refreshing change as far as I'm concerned, since anything other than heterosexuality in prime-time TV still tends to get portrayed as a stereotypically camp Other to make the mainstream audience feel "safe".

It's actually stirring up a bit of controversy about whether the little kiddies should be exposed to such things - which I don't think hurts at all.

And no, I'm not trying to derail this into a gender politics discussion - just carry on the series discussion as you were...

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And, after boasting in interview about his nude scenes in this episode (which were played perfectly fine and well fitted within the episodes context) he's due to shake up the Right Wing even more next week :cuckoo

Although, I'm still shocked that the BNP went on a rant on their website about Rose's boyfriend Mickey being Black.

If you only saw the first episode you missed out, that was just an introdcuction to Eccleston. He's developed on screen, completely loosing it when faced with Daleks, somber revalations about his home Planet, mad genius moments as he outwits enemies and yet still comes of convincing when he's prancing around like a gleefull schoolboy.

Posts: 2116
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Thanks, Swift. I wasn't sure whether or not I'd be thanked for bringing up comments like this in an entertainment discussion.

And, after boasting in interview about his nude scenes

We're talking about a guy who met his current partner in a play where he had a nude scene, and chatted him up by telling him that he'd know exactly what he was getting. The boasting didn't surprise me.

(Yes, I'm a long-time fan of Barrowman's stage work - he's got such a powerful singing voice...)

in this episode (which were played perfectly fine and well fitted within the episodes context)

And the uncut bits were pixeled out of Confidential on BBC3, when digital's normally a bit more relaxed and the channel's allegedly aimed at the 18-35 bracket.

he's due to shake up the Right Wing even more next week

I read an interview with him the other day, and he's talking about how we'll have to see what happens in the second and third series.

Although, I'm still shocked that the BNP went on a rant on their website about Rose's boyfriend Mickey being Black.

I'm not. This new series has been such a ratings winner that it's something they can leap on the coat tails of and get free publicity out of. And it's the only sort of publicity that mainstream mass media will ever give them.

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Your source appears to have been wrong Sam...

No Davros, but a great surprise of another sort. Bad Wolf was weird, and the episode was a real bloodbath...
It was, in short, thrilling. It wasn't quite as good looking as the Matrix, but it had the themes of that story but with a much more competant plot, more realistic emotions AND no mumbling about buddhist rebirth, just a very real rebirth of another kind...

And that scene with the Dalek in outer space exterminating, but silently as you couldnt hear it through the vacuum...
That has to be one of the best death scenes in the history of TV Drama, spooky and scary, but you knew it was coming....

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And since I've never posted rumours before, I'm rather annoyed.

I enjoyed it a lot, but as far as the last five minutes went, I can't say that I couldn't have done without yet another Doctor/companion full-on snog (the eyes showed that he didn't need to be quite that close to Rose!), or what I can only describe as "Rose ex machina" - especially after she did the same again - albeit on a smaller scale - in the first episode.

Although after watching Confidential, I can grudgingly respect the character development angle for the Doctor himself.

Reasoning to come later - it's getting past what I was hoping to be bedtime.

When I first saw that Eccleston was going to take the role, my immediate thought was that he was far too gritty for the job. It was a very pleasant surprise for me to see how much range he had.

It's a real pity that he bailed out because he was worried about being typecast. For me, this was the role that let him out of any typecasting that he already had.

Posts: 75
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Dalek 1: Ex-ter-min-ate the hu-man!"
Dalek 2: Wait. Why are her eyes glow-ing?

Am I the only one who doesn't like that the day was saved by something essentially magic yet again? I mean, I know Time Lord science is advanced, and the Tardis is a mystery unto itself, but yeesh!
On the whole though, I thought it was pretty good, except for (as Sam put it) the 'Rose ex machina'. Eccleston has been a good Doctor, and it's unfortunate he only had one series to show for it.
The Beeb said he was going to be in the Christmas special, didn't they? Wonder if it'll be a flashback appearance or something more akin to 'The ____ Doctors". Then again, it might just take place before regeneration.

Posts: 1321
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Best line in the history of ever:

"Now whe-oh, new teeth, that's wierd."
