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2 The Ranting Gryphon on Global Warming

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Watch it here.

This guy probably says it better than I ever could.

Posts: 981
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I like that guy... on ocasion...
Whoa. He threw a bible. Not Morman or anything but, haw. :D

Always post on forums, so that you don't have to waist TREES!

Translated from SPA:

Yes. Some people are very oblivous to global warming; the icebergs are melting for crying out loud! They need to be more aware of that. Think of the poor penguins, sea lions, polar bears, and other animals in the arctic regions. But it's not just them, for we, and our next generation, will also be affected even worse. It's a long term effect.

Posts: 1201
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i don't think i've ever seen a video rant by 2 before; i've only heard the audio ones

he may be a disgusting furry, but at least he's funny and has some @#%$ sense

Posts: 774
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I still swear I'm the only one here who remembers that Earth was once far warmer than this and everything was fine.

See: Mesozoic Era

Personally, I think it's just a natural process, that the Earth's going back to the temperature it WAS and that we're just mucking with it. Accelerating? Probably. But IMO it's been happening since the glaciers started melting a few thousand years back. He needs to check his speeches before he makes them though; global warming comes from the air being too thick, not "not enough air". I sort of don't get why he whipped out the Bible, was that just a gratuitous shot at Christianity or is there a major movement within Christianity that believes global warming isn't happening?

Posts: 2232
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...Spider Jeruselem? Is that you?

Posts: 1201
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when the hell did 2 shave his head, anyway

p.s. if you don't put a language warning on the link to that video, someone who cares (terg) probably will

Posts: 620
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I'm REALLY afraid to click on that.

I've heard this dude's audio before... he's a... spazzy wanker? I dunno. But this is video. He's not going to be in a creepy, crusty fursuit, is he?

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

um, no

he doesn't really talk about being a furry in his rants

so a "creepy, crusty fursuit" (like the kind SMA would wear) is not something you would see him wearing

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How can a guy so raged filled and cool like him be a furry?

Posts: 2438
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Whoa. He threw a bible. Not Morman or anything but, haw.

What? Where do you get that idea, Chao? I'm a Mormon BTW, and I know we don't toss Bibles around.

Also, thanks to Deck and Jin for handling the language warning. That was appropriate and I am glad that I'm influencing others for good.

As for the video itself, I viewed it and turned off the sound after a short while. And decided it was actually more humorous that way. Anyone with some sound editing equipment/software would have a ball with lip-synching stuff to what this guy is saying, I'm surprised more spittle isn't spewing forth from his lips.

And less furry bigotry. You can have your opinion, but you don't have to throw it in people's faces. Whether or not the guy is creepy and wears fursuits should not relate to this video nor to any other forumers.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Thank you, Deck.

I find it ironic that someone posting on a furry character message board could say something like that. I class myself as furry (albeit not majorly), I've got friends who own/wear fursuits who I've known since the sixth form), and they're perfectly nice people.

If you have a problem with that, take it to the pile of steaming lies and irrationality that is, and keep it off this forum - because I really didn't expect to find that sort of casual insult here and I won't put up with it any more or less than I would anything else.

Posts: 41
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I know nice furries, and I know annoying furries, just the same as I know nice and annoying people of any kind.

I'm not about to launch into a tirade about it, but it's just the sort of narrow mindedness which gets on my wick. People are people, no matter what their background or beliefs. Can't we all just get along?

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Same here - and I wasn't even mentioning that this board has fursuit owners, since I always feel as though people who can make such silly generalisations based on what people wear or collect probably won't listen.

But why should I have to play the card that they already know these people and just don't realise? Insulting people just isn't on in the first place.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Furries are nothing unusual, I know we have several despite some being chased off by our resident troublemakers. Remember Internet Rule #36. If Fursuits scare you, you need to get off the internet before you see what ELSE people are into.


Posts: 489
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About the rant: Well, sure, i like his little sight on trees. Seriously, i dont like seeing trees be cut down anymore, because as a kid growing up not only did i have to help my step father cut down trees, but i saw that when they're gone, summer becomes a whole lot hotter without the shade. =P But seriously, stop cutting down trees. when was the last time they cut us down? Oh, and anyone that gets killed by a falling tree had it coming.

About the furry thing: Whatever. Theres good furs and theres really messed up furs. I only got into it because they were fun to draw, but nothing else sparked anything in me. Furries run like 1/4th of the internet, so if you've been online since you were like, 14 at least, then you're well aware of the furries. Physically harmelss, emotionally disturbing, and all round good times for everyone. XD

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

I know nice furries, too. Friends with a lot of them.

But, with a name "The ranting gryphon", followed with the fact that I've HEARD his stuff before (a little over the top, not to mention he sounds a bit creepy) I didn't know what the hell to expect. I've known and seen the bad "horribly stereotypical" furry of the internets. Personally creeps me out.

While I meant no harm (hell, do I ever?), I seriously wasn't expecting this board to go up in arms about a quick jab of a joke. :b Color me surprised.

Posts: 2398
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Welcome to the new mofo, Jin. ;)


Posts: 1201
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The EVC is going to hear about this.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

What about it?

My posts were aimed at the multiple people making generalisations - but you were first.

And if you're going to write the words "disgusting furry" in bright yellow and be apparently so casual about the insult that you don't even bother to justify the bash, it can be argued that you wanted to draw attention to that part of the post, and I'm afraid that you did. It's a bit much to complain just because you didn't like the sort of attention you got.

At least Jin's admitting that he didn't mean any harm by it (*finds a hat and tips it politely in Jin's direction*) - but all that you're doing in reaction is talking about the EVC over an obvious bash that multiple people caught as unreasonable and you didn't explain even after that. I don't see what grounds you've got to complain.

If you want to take it to the EVC, I'll leave this here.

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

Sam, it's a joke. I was making fun of how people often start drama in the EVC.

The "disgusting furry" is a joke, too. It's a phrase Wesu used in jest when referring to Crimson, and bright yellow was his font color. I don't see anyone else objecting to it, but if they find it offensive, I apologize for any confusion.

Maybe I should just stop using injokes.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Furries are like the black people of the internet.

They're the only ones allowed to make jokes and/or bashing comments against them. Anything else and it's intentionally harmful and offensive and racism.

Posts: 1201
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Oh, Christ, here we go.

Posts: 2232
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Quick, somebody post a picture of some kind of firearm to distract SX and an unbareably cute kitten to distract everone else!

Posts: 1134
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Two birds with one stone!

Also in this post: old meme!

Posts: 3468
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For God's sake guys, it was just a j- OOOH A RIFLE SHINY N_N

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ITT, People with persecution complexes the size of Jupiter

Posts: 1758
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You've also distracted Shadow Hog if you want to do that too!

(Anyway, let's just lighten up on everybody, including people who were justified in taking offense over the misunderstanding. Some people are making in-jokes, and some people have every reason not to have gotten them (like how many people would know that's a Wesu quote?), so let's get along, ok? ;) )

Posts: 2438
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That's why we have the rule where you're not supposed to justify breaking the rules by saying "it was just a joke."

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Thank you, Terg. I was about to point that out myself.

Apology accepted, Deck. There's nothing wrong with in-jokes in themselves (although I freely admit that I find the cliqueyness that they create and encourage unpleasant), but by definition, if you say something where all but select few people're "out" - especially if you're actually bringing up an in-joke about something that was offensive in the first place - you're going to run the risk of rubbing people up the wrong way.

And as Terg just said, being part of a clique isn't an excuse. Use all the in-jokes you like if you must, but use them carefully and think before you post, just like anything else. :)

Posts: 620
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*Nods politely back at Sam, with a heartfelt "oops?" of a shrug*

Posts: 4607
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You've also distracted Shadow Hog if you want to do that too!

buh? The only thing distracting me is the fact I just got back from college, and my parents are shoving this job search down my throat. Firearms, kittens and old memes ain't got nothin' on that.

Posts: 3468
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But everyone loves firearms. o.o

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I don't.
