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A friend and Pot
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A friend and Pot

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I have a friend of mine that I know from Kindergarden (We are now 25 years of age). I like her enough that I want to ask her out. BUT I found our recently that she is starting to use drugs, all I know at the time is her using pot. How do I deal with this? What can I do for her? Should I go out with her now or wait until she gets better?

Posts: 2354
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Don't play savior/savee. Leave that to a professional.

That's all.

Posts: 3468
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Refer her to some AA-like programs, all I can say.

Posts: 2928
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I've found out that most people don't want to be "saved". You can't help people that do not want help. At our age if they're still into highschool crap like benging on drugs or sex it is a serious problem.

Most of my friends grew out of it or never got into it in the first place. But I have a sister with this same problem. Don't worry, I'm at a loss as well.

Posts: 534
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What's so bad about pot?

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

Eh, I've seen both sides of it. I had one friend who smoked pot to no real detriment, I saw another break down completely and have his life severely damaged from cannabis psychosis. The thing is, there's rarely anything you can do, and often rarely anything you should do.

Take my friend who smoked it in moderation. What business of it is mine? It's their life.

If it were to get to the point where she developed psychosis or get onto much heavier drugs, then it's a different kettle of fish entirely. Even then, I couldn't recommend trying to help her yourself. It'd be much better for her to get her to some professional help.

As it stands, you should probably just let her live her life the way she chooses.
You say she's 25 - that means that she's old enough to make her own decisions. Bugging her about it is likely to only make her lose respect for you. Cannabis isn't really dangerous within reasonable limits, no different to alcohol or cigarettes.

Posts: 233
Estimable Member

As far as things to do would be, just make sure she knows that you're not that comfortable with them taking drugs, say why, but otherwise be supportive of them. Don't try to force them to change, as they'll just resent that, and will just cause arguments which won't get anywhere. Just let them know you're concerned, but don't pursue the issue too far.

At least, that's more or less what I'd do. She's old enough to know what she's doing, and so as long as she doesn't try to force you into anything you don't want to do, and shows consideration for your views, you should respect her enough to do the same for her.

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I was thinking the exact same thing Astrid was. AND? My mom is 47 and smokes pot and she's a lovely caring human being with no problems.

Is there something else you're not telling us? It sounds like you just know the simpel fact "She smokes pot" without any real further detail. Don't jump into things expecting her to live in a box clawing at a ziplock bag of reefer she forgot how to open.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Shadow...good luck...I've only had one friend who I even tried to talk about an alcohol problem with (she gets extremely stupid when she as only a little to drink...I have feelings for her, but there is another girl I like a lot more...) I sent her a message through's how it went...

-10.23.05 Michael: i know i said this once before, but i'm going to say it careful ellen, please...for me...

-10.23.05 Ellen: why do you care so much?

-10.23.05 Michael: cause you're one of my friends, and you have been for the last 13 years...

She still drinks, but atleast she knows that if she ever needs help, I'll be there for her...That's about all you can do...Tell her you're worried about her and say if she ever needs a friend to be there for her, you'll be there...

Take my friend who smoked it in moderation. What business of it is mine? It's their life.

It's not just their's everyone else who loves and cares for them's live too...

Let's say I get sick of grades are bad, I just broke up with my life has basically gone down the toilet... I say to hell with it all and decide to take my life...Problem solved, right? WRONG...I took the easy way out, but what about everyone who knows me and cares for me? My little brother and sister would be devistated if their big brother died; good luck getting back to a normal life after something as tramatic as that...

okay, so that's a little extreme...

I consider myself to be like Holden Caulfield (no, I don't say F@*# every other sentence...I've never hired a prostitue...)...

. . . . Im standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliffI mean if theyre running and they dont look where theyre going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. Thats all Id do all day. Id just be the catcher in the rye and all.

That's me...wanting to be the person who stops people before they fall...Is this realistic...heck no! But it's who I am...and I'll do my best to try and stop them...

Now Shadow, I'm not suggesting you try and be the one who stops others from falling off the cliff... Doing so will risk your friendship, which is something I'm sure you don't want to do...I got lucky when I talked to Ellen...We're still good friends...

I guess my real advice is to follow your your feelings and you'll find you rarely fail.

side note to Acrio...I know plenty of people who do drugs who are good people! Some of my favortie people from High School are drugies... Just because they are good people doesn't make it right!

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My point was it doesn't have a negative affect on people who can handle themselves. At all. Also I was asking if he knew anything more about it other than the simple fact she does it.

Posts: 2928
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Thats why I always say you can't make people do anything. If they decide they want to clean up, then you can do something. If they fall to the "clawing at ziplock bag" stage, its time to take action as well. But as long as they're in control, interfering is only going to make trouble. Especially with someone as old as the OP was talking about.

Teenagers? If you're in a position of respect with them then it does usually work just to state your stance on it firmly with them and go on. They'll usually follow your lead just because they look up to you. But this isn't a school kid so thats moot.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Marijuana poses almost no long-term health risks and is not at all addictive. As far as drugs go, marijuana is pretty much the best one to be doing. I'd be more worried if my friends were smoking cigarettes.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

My point was it doesn't have a negative affect on people who can handle themselves.

Not exactly, in most people, yeah thats true, but in some people it can have much stronger effects, causing them to well, loose it. That's just a thing about who they are physically, rather than mentally though. If they can handle themselves then it won't become a problem after the fact...

Marijuana poses almost no long-term health risks and is not at all addictive.

Not entirely true. Sure it's not addictive physically, but it is often very addictive mentally. If some-one says they are addicted to weed, then it is all in their head. Dosn't make it any less of an addiction though.

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You took what I posted and added that everyone I was excluding didn't match up to what I said.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Not entirely true. Sure it's not addictive physically, but it is often very addictive mentally. If some-one says they are addicted to weed, then it is all in their head. Dosn't make it any less of an addiction though.
Man, what?

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Weed, it dosn't cause a physical dependance in the same way that many drugs, like nicotene or alchohol do, but it can cause a person to become addicted to the way they feel when they are high. It's an addiction of the mind, it's all in their heads, but it's still an addiction.

And Acrio, sorry, my bad.

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I'm addicted to laughing. =D

Posts: 2232
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*Accuses Criobun of being a NO2-head and runs off*

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Weed, it dosn't cause a physical dependance in the same way that many drugs, like nicotene or alchohol do, but it can cause a person to become addicted to the way they feel when they are high. It's an addiction of the mind, it's all in their heads, but it's still an addiction.
So what's your point here? That we should stop playing videogames, snowboarding, eating Indian food and having sex because we can get addicted to the way we feel when we're doing those things? If not, why are you even bothering to post this?

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Cyc...breathe in, breathe out...

I think Crimson is refering to the Guttonous side of addictions, where you simplely can't get enough of said substance...Enjoying a good video game isn't bad, except when you can't break yourself away from it...Food is good, but when you endanger your own health by eating way too much isn't good...Am I right?

Posts: 333
Reputable Member

I've had a lot of bad runins myself with people who are on weed, luckily I've never touched such a thing. Unfortunately despite my strong distaste and disliking of the act, it's one of those things that unfortunately rests on the individual in the end.... Help her in any way you can, but the final decisions are hers.


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

If weed were legalised, the tax gained from it would be able to solve so many problems. In an ideal world it would REPLACE cigarettes, which are a deadly addiction.

The only reason people link marijuna to harder drugs is because it's illegal now and needs to be obtained via dealers, most of which are trying to get you addicted to the harder stuff. If it were legalised, it'd be called "social" just like drinking and cigarettes, and it's less damaging to you than tabacco and has less of a negative effect on your brain during use than alcohol.

I'm just confused as to why the governments of the world aren't noticing this huge "FREE MONEY" sign.

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

Craig wins.

Man, this debate makes me wanna get lit again. Been almost 9 months since my last j, and I feel the need to stomp some more people in Tetris Attack again.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

I have and had plenty of friends that smoke MJ, I live on a Reservation and they aren't known for having yupping caldesacks. I hold nothing against them because they don't smoke it in front of me or try to get me to smoke it.


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Which is the sensible stance, Rick and the one I myself take. Totally similar to smoking, which I'd prefer not to happen in my presence. Though, I wouldn't be silly enough to want smoking banned, not when they're 60% the reason I'm not living in tax-induced poverty.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

There is no point Cyc, I'm just establishing facts. That and I was half drunk and posting on impulse. Personally, I'm all for legalising it as long as no-one makes me take it.

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

This isn't Training Day. Nobody will ever hold a gun to your head and scream "HIT FROM THE BONG OR DIE." Potheads usually aren't that proactive when it comes to things other than movies, games or food.

Personally, I'm shocked that someone can be anti-pot but pro-alcohol. It's like saying you refuse to breakdance while you do the macarena.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Here's some cool facts about pot in Canada:

- Marijuana is Canada's largest agricultural export, with premium-quality BC Bud pulling in an estimated $6 billion anually from American purchasers.
- More than 90% of Canadians admit to having smoked pot at one point.
- 40% of Canadians between 13 and 25 years admit to smoking pot at least once a month.
- If pot were legalized and taxed at about the same rate as alcohol, it would singlehandedly pay for the Winter Olympics in 2010.
- Possession of marijuana is believed to be the most unenforced criminal act in the country.
- Former Vancouver mayor Larry Campbell actually went out and called for the legalization of marijuana while he was still in office.

I'm just confused as to why the governments of the world aren't noticing this huge "FREE MONEY" sign.
Well I'm not so sure about the new Conservative government we just elected, but pretty much everyone else in government knows all about it. The only reason it hasn't been legalized yet is because it would piss off the Americans.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member


Tetris Attack

I don't know you or anything and this is the internet, but if you ever feel the need to live with 4 twenty something year old girls who do next to nothing but play this game hours on end under various incapacitating substances my numbers in the phonebook. I think.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I know many people who smoke pot or use other substances like it. They are usually very nice people when not completely wasted, although some of them are even nicer that way.

The way I see it, as long as they do not show hopeless addiction to the substance, I could care less what they do. If they force it on me, that's another story completely (although none of them have yet to do this).

However, I refuse to be around people when they are indulging themselves. That stuff smells horrible.

Posts: 874
Prominent Member


I don't know you or anything and this is the internet, but if you ever feel the need to live with 4 twenty something year old girls who do next to nothing but play this game hours on end under various incapacitating substances my numbers in the phonebook.

When confronted with a statement such as this, I have only one question in response: When's the best time for me to move in? :D

Posts: 1818
Noble Member



I don't know you or anything and this is the internet, but if you ever feel the need to live with 4 twenty something year old girls who do next to nothing but play this game hours on end under various incapacitating substances my numbers in the phonebook.

When confronted with a statement such as this, I have only one question in response: When's the best time for me to move in? 😀

Hell yes.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I don't know you or anything and this is the internet, but if you ever feel the need to live with 4 twenty something year old girls who do next to nothing but play this game hours on end under various incapacitating substances my numbers in the phonebook.

I completely missed that the first time I ran through this topic, so I'll join the bandwagon and say hell yes as well.

And wow this theme does not translate well to Firefox. Unless the stupid GIF of the Burger King is supposed to be at the bottom right of every post.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Two of my most Prominent friends do weed on a daily basis and at a different amount. Aaron, is my friend from school and is one of the two that does it. He does it every morning before school and is a humorous, monster-energy drink addicted, moderate guy which I see no effect of the weed on him really. Did I mention hes been like this since 6th grade?
The other, Don, has been doing it for a good year or so. The weed effects him differently, hes more hyper and acts double negative his age. And is more amusing in hsi actions then his personia unlike Aaron.

With that said, I see nothing wrong with the thing. Hell, I've tried it and I have to say I didn't like it myself. I find it no conflict in truth.

Well, to each their own I suppose.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I think it's hilarious to see freshmen hang around near campus smoking behind the Safeway next to the school. Actually, that's only half true--most of them don't inhale.

Posts: 1334
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Heh, you too Wes?

Posts: 5
Active Member

I won't ever do the stuff, 'cause I took those DARE classes and they sunk the "DUN DO DRUGS DEY BAD" thing into me.

But someone I know used to, and he's been a bastard ever since he quit the stuff.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I wont take the stuff either. Becuase I'm boring. My parents used it once. I didnt notice. Mind you I was in *ANGST! PS2 IN ROOM MODE*

My mate used to do it casually. Not sure if he does now though.

I had heard that the stuff was worse for your lungs than tobacco. But that was a while ago.

Posts: 30
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What further explanation do I need? I like her enough to go out with her, and she was arrested for smoking pot (that is how I found out, through the news paper's Law and Order Section). I am thinking that if she only uses in moderation, then it would be ok. But I had several ppl I know that had pot and did worse drugs and/or rob banks and/or houses to support thier habit. So far she has not gone that far. But due to past experiences with them others that I know, pot can do that to a person, and I hope that will not happen to her.

Posts: 30
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I'm addicted to laughing. =D

Now that is an addiction with only one side effect... Hiccups. :]

Posts: 30
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That is what I heard. Pot has more of the chemicles in ciggs then ciggs themselves do, minus the nicotine (wich is why Pot is not as addictive physically as ciggs are). Perhaps I should do some research online about that.

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It's really what you know about your friend and not what anyone knows about pot which would help you in deciding if she needs help. Does she usually do drastic things?

Posts: 30
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It's really what you know about your friend and not what anyone knows about pot which would help you in deciding if she needs help. Does she usually do drastic things?

Not really, no. She was an honor roll student in middle school and high school. Though she never went to college (she is smart enough to do so), she works at the local Perkens and has done so for the past few years. I really thought she would do much more with her life. :(

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Not really, no. She was an honor roll student in middle school and high school. Though she never went to college (she is smart enough to do so), she works at the local Perkens and has done so for the past few years. I really thought she would do much more with her life.
Maybe she hasn't decided what she wants to do yet. There's no point dumping thousands of dollars on university when you're just going to tread water for five years.

Posts: 336
Reputable Member

I've smoked weed on and off the past 4 years, and have to date suffered no harmful side-effects.


Posts: 1321
Noble Member

dont do it dude drugs are bad

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Today I heard from the TV that 80% of all anti-drug advertising in the US is paid for in part by beer and tobacco companies.
