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A Great Big Load Of Bull

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Posts: 419
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First person to catch the pun in the title gets a Kooky Cookie! WHEEEEEEE!


Originally Posted by Washington Post

In his nearly 16 years in the Frederick County Sheriff's Office, Detective Chuck Jenkins has seen a lot: old-fashioned cattle rustling, grand theft tractor and thousands of more-pedestrian crimes. But he's never seen anything quite like his most recent whodunit: the case of the stolen bull semen.

The burglary took place Sunday in Smithsburg while Eric Fleming was away from his farm, Stonewood Acres. When he got home that night from a visit to relatives in Pennsylvania, he found that the 70-pound semen tank he had in an outbuilding was open, with the electrical cord pulled out of the liquid nitrogen refrigerator, Jenkins said. Sixty-five "straws," containing the precious bodily fluids of 40 to 50 bulls, were missing.

Jenkins said they were worth $75,000.

"I will give a nice fat reward for any information on semen that was stolen from my tank today," Fleming wrote in a message posted on the Breeders' World Web forum this week. "It was a mother load of semen that I consigned to Denver sale."

Jenkins said the thief, if he intended to sell the semen, would have to have a portable freezer of his own. Because of the specialized knowledge and equipment required to keep and sell the straws, Jenkins said, the number of potential suspects is limited, but the culprit could have come from a distant state. For that reason, both Jenkins and Fleming have publicized the crime in the hope that someone will provide a tip.

"It was a mother load of semen that I consigned to Denver sale."

Either my dirty mind is working in overdrive or thats the best newspaper quote I've heard in weeks. :lol

There's a joke somewhere in that picture, but for the sake of not turning this thread into something TV-MA related I'd better not go through with it. :cackle

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Oooh, I got it! The title says "load of bull", and the article is about a bull's semen being stolen! There's the pun! I win!


"I will give a nice fat reward for any information on semen that was stolen from my tank today,"

I'm rather fond of that one myself =p

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Shows to a work collegue as they bother me during lunch*

...I think you broke him o.o

That is just... I don't know what that is, but whatever it is... it's that!

Posts: 84
Estimable Member



I don't know how I managed not to break down into a laughing fit right here in my Internet Development class. Inside I'm screaming with laughter. XD


Posts: 1619
Noble Member

*laughs hard*

Oh man, that's.....that's hilarious. XD

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


...I think you broke him o.o

Breaking people.

Posts: 158
Estimable Member

It would be a hellova lot funnier if these were just petty theives and were like HEY COOL! FROZEN PIXY STIX!!! And instead they get a nice dose of PROTEIN!!! MMMMmmm!

Certainly won't give you wings, though.

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

XD! I just can't stop laughing. Greatest news story I've ever heard.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Won't give you wings....yeah.


Posts: 4336
Famed Member


Won't give you wings....yeah.


Only if you're a female. And if said female ingested it into her (KILL'D)

Posts: 666
Honorable Member

Ya know, this was posted on another forum I visit, most of the guys there are military, veterans, or Law Enforcement Officers, and they were scratching there heads as to why someone would steal bull semen...

But considering it was a load of semen from stoneWOOD farms...


Posts: 403
Reputable Member

Simple, they're *hit by a plane*

But seriously. Bull semen? What an odd world we live in today, don't you think? Sure, it may be worth 75,000 smackers, but that's if you find someone wanting to buy it, and bull semen is not all the rage these days, so I've heard.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

The world has new ways to keep surprising me, this is one of them.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member


But seriously. Bull semen? What an odd world we live in today, don't you think? Sure, it may be worth 75,000 smackers, but that's if you find someone wanting to buy it, and bull semen is not all the rage these days, so I've heard.

Well it's not like they're going to be standing in back alleys and saying "pssst, kid, wanna buy a tube of bull fluids?" :p

You'd be surprised how much of a market there'd be for this sort of stuff. If the bulls are of good enough stock, then people are willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a hold of some of the bull's semen. Fertilising female cows, it makes for very good quality offspring.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


You'd be surprised how much of a market there'd be for this sort of stuff. If the bulls are of good enough stock, then people are willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a hold of some of the bull's semen. Fertilising female cows, it makes for very good quality offspring.

I'm inclined to agree.
It's valuable, and there is a major business in this stuff. Therefore people will steal it.
