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A-Level Results

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Posts: 1134
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Well kiddiwinkles, it's that time of year again: A-Level results time! :D

For you non-Brits, the A-Levels, or Advanced Levels, are the typical qualifications taken by students in England and Wales during college and come in two flavours: AS (advanced subsidiary) Levels, which are half of a full A-Level and done in your first year, and A2 Levels, which are the other half (although you can't take just an A2 in a subject - you have to take the AS first) and by their powers combined, I am Cap- erm, and together they make a full A-Level. A-Levels and AS-Levels are marked on a five point grade system from A to E. If you fail, you get a U for unclassified.


Although they were sat way back in May/June, it takes the exam boards till today to mark them (and even then they usually still f**k it up, as I found out first hand this year).

As such, any UKers sitting A-Levels (or any other further education qualification, such as those fancy Highers and Advanced Higher thingies they have in Scotland), this is the topic for you to post your results. You young'uns can also use it for GCSE results as well next week.

Righty-ho then.

WJEC GCE A-Level Mathematics - A
WJEC GCE A-Level Further Mathematics - A
WJEC GCE A-Level Computing - A
OCR GCE A-Level Physics - A

OCR STEP Mathematics II - No result
OCR STEP Mathematics III - 2

(WJEC and OCR are exam boards, GCE stands for General Certificate of Education and STEPs are Sixth Term Examination Papers, i.e. special uber-exams set by the University of Cambridge and marked on a four-point grade system (from high to low: S, 1, 2, 3) that they use to differentiate candidates because A-Levels are in fact trivially easy and useless for deciding which candidates to let into the good universities, but that's another topic).

Wait? What you say? No result? But Nuchtos, you are a super genius man, how can this be?!

Well, 'tis a funny story (disclaimer: no, it's not).

See, I go into the school to pick up my results all excited like. I think to myself, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, four A grades, all in a day's work, what about my STEP? Grade 2 in paper 3? Safe. What about paper 2... no res-WTF?! What's going on?!"

So after much pondering and furrowing of brows, I get on the phone to OCR, who are utterly useless and tell me to get the school to fill out some form that nobody at the school actually knows what it is.

Alrighty then, let's phone the University of Cambridge, since they're the ones my STEP result matters to. Turns out OCR haven't finished marking them, but rest assured the admissions department are aware of the problem and the uni will prod OCR until they get it done. "Phew," I think to myself, "At least I know it's not my fault and it's other people who've f**ked up."

Presently, I drive home, a bit miffed but reasonably happy.

When I get there, I notice a letter from Churchill College (for those not in the know: the University of Cambridge is divided into colleges that handle the admissions and accomodation and things; Churchill College is one of these, namely the one I applied to) and some packages (which I actually opened first - they turned out to be Christ Illusion (F**K YES!) and my Grolsch Dutch Beer Glass). Turns out Churchill College can't be arsed waiting on OCR to pull their fingers out there arses and gave me the place anyway.

Cocking ace.

Posts: 917
Noble Member

Well pip pip, spit spot and cheerio to you Nuchtos. You don't need to be a Brit to know that Cambridge is the big leagues. Heck, I know a ton of Americans who would give their right ear to go there. Congratulations.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i had to pick up my sister's AS results today, as she's on holiday, and got some wierd looks from everyone at the school as they tried to figure out who i was. 😛

congrats on your results and your place in the collage!

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Alrighty, here's what I got:

-English language & Literature: C

-Environmental Science: D

-Maths: D

Maths is AS, the rest are A2. Those are the results I expected as well. I did better in maths than I expected as I was about 4 marks off a C, which is very good, and I'll be carrying it on next year.

So yeah, it's all good.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

University of York here I come...

They want me, for a sound 3 B's...
Which is MUCH more than was either requested or expected of me :cuckoo
And they were in physics, maths and chemistry as well.

Physics... Maths... and Chemistry...
And I got mostly A's in my maths papers, it was just the last 2 exams which draged it down (a D and an E)...

So, yay andall that.
I'll be back on the board properly once thing shave settled down.

Posts: 1134
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Topic starter

No way, Swifty. :O I woulda been going to York if I hadn't gotten the grades I need to get into the Cambridge.

Ah well. Still, well done on getting the place at any rate, 'tis a good uni. What you studying there?

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Oh, forgot to say...
Chemistry. Had to be chemistry of the three.

Thanks for the compliments.
Although, suddenly looking on UCAS both of my 2 offers have changed to Unconditional.
They want me bad :p

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

Congratulations on all your results people. Hope you all enjoy university/whatever you go on to do.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member
Topic starter

Yeah, that happened to me too. I think that's just the UCAS page's way of saying you've met the conditions for admission and they're confirming that you've got the place like.
