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A Music trend I'm n...
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A Music trend I'm noticing...

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Hey guys, it's been too long!

Okay.. I'm partial to loud, thrashy music, among many many other genres. But if I go to see something live, it's normally hot, loud, and violent. It gives me a huge rush, what else can I say. But I always thought it was a very small percentage of the population that listened to this sort of thing.

But I was reading in the "What are you listening to" , and MAN, some kids out there are listening to some crazy stuff... like borderline-scare-the-hell-outta-the-parents kinda music.

For me, really loud music is just mesmorizing... I don't really connect with the words, I just connect with the singer and the emotion (albeit, usually anger), they're venting. It's a powerful thing, I think.

So I have a question... Is this kind of music becoming more mainstream? There are very few radio stations, television shows which show this music often, yet a large % of the population seems to be aware of it. I'm wondering if maybe that's changing, and it's becoming a more 'acceptable' form of music.

Posts: 2928
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Sooner or later all types of music are mainstream. They hit their fad state and then die off back to normalcy. Just wish we were as lucky with religions. *rimshot*


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Well, I see scientology fading out within the next few years.
Either that or all the members drinking poison kool-aid and catching zemu's magic spaceship.

But anyway, yeh, what Rico said. All types of music are popular at one point or another.

Posts: 534
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Well, I see scientology fading out within the next few years.

My best friend and her family have been Scientologists for over 30 years now. They're nice folks.

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And here I thought it was just a hollywood fad.
Oh well, I guess there's no accounting for people's beliefs.
However out there they might be.

Posts: 666
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Scientology and Wicca are very NEW religions which means they will probably gain in popularity in the coming years.

Calling something that has been around for several thousand years a "fad" that will hopefully fade away just seems to be wishful thinking. Jews, Christians, and Muslims with their morality based theology, are not going anywhere anytime soon.


Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Getting back on topic, what Rico said.

Music goes through trends. Metal's been around for years but for whatever reason in the past few years there's been a big rise in popularity of nu-metal and hardcore/metalcore (which are similar to but not quite the same as true metal but that's another discussion entirely) bands, even if they're not quite as huge and mainstream as rap and RnB or even pop-punk. Chances are they'll fade back into the underground eventually, probably by the end of the decade. Besides, with the internet 'n' stuff it's much easier to find out about more obscure bands and unusual genres and get a hold of their music.

That said, is a Sonic forum really the best judge of the what's popular? ;P

You're right, though, "loud" music as you term it is gaining popularity with the kiddies at the moment. Obviously it doesn't make up the majority of modern mainstream music just yet (it's mainly pop and urban), but there is more of it in the media.

Posts: 160
Estimable Member

Hmm...I just listen to whatever. So long as it's good, then i don't mind. For example, I went for a walk earlier with my i-Pod on random. It went through the odd metal track such as Dream Theater, Breed 77 etc, and then came a theme tune from the anime Azumanga Daioh - pure J-pop...and i totally dug it!

To be honest, i don't listen to music because it's mainstream, i listen to it because it's good. But yes, i agree - there is a demand for it, and all the more reason for it. Perhaps the kids are tired of manufactured pop-tripe, "text now for your favourite singer" rubbish. They want something that's more real, something that can be listened to today and years into the future.

But saying that, the more "loud" bands - still only create a niche in the charts. In the shop where i work, you don't get many albums like that, and if you do they drop out rather quickly.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

They hit their fad state and then die off back to normalcy.
It's the sad fate of all forms of entertainment.

Posts: 2928
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True, there are people that listen to music because they like it though. But in the end people tend to listen to the music that the TV says is "good". As Cyke said, its a sad fate.

And hehe, somehow I knew people would use my analogy sarcasam to go offtopic. *pulls strings* Dance my puppets. o.o


Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Mainly it was because your analogy sarcasm sort of sucked.

I haven't really noticed the loud music trend yet, but I guess that's because when I do listen to the radio it's normally hip hop or whatever. I don't like new rock that much.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

There's plenty of good new rock -- the Tragically Hip's new album is a shining example, though I guess they never really caught on outside of Canada and the northern US.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

I'm guessing by Loud music your refering to things like Slipknot and the like where they shout their guts out. If so then I can honestly say I can't stand it.

I personally like bands like Queen, Iron Maiden, Dragon Force (thanks to Lokki), The Black Mages, Aerosmith and a good many others. I also love many other genres.

I think the trend might be due to kids wanting to be angry, I've noticed a lot of 13 year olds just trying to find an excuse to get annoyed at something around my area....still....that's just my take on it really.

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I think teenagers listening to music like that and
getting all 'goth' and pretending to be depressed is almost as comical as suburban white kids listening to rap music and pretending to be 'gangsta' and talking in ebonics.

Posts: 383
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For some reason, Rap is good now...

Although I've found something beyond rap. o.o
Since Rap Stripped music from everything but Rythm and Lyric, the next step is...


Take the step, solve the problem.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Oh, it's already here. It's called "podcasting" and it's the second-biggest internet fad since the original dotcom craze. (The biggest being blogging.)

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

I have yet to listen to a podcast... Not sure I should, might be addictive. I'm finally getting OUT of the MMO addiction that cost me untold amounts of money.

*Grins at Astrid* It only sucked cause ya fell it. Gave me a pretty good laugh. :D


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But don't you need an iPod to listen to 'em?
I'm not about to dish out $400 on something that should cost about half that.

Posts: 1269
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I like anything I can play air guitar to.

Posts: 276
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I can't take this "punk" bullsnot. Good Charlotte, okay band, not punk. Green Day, excellen band(at least they used to be before all the teen fangirls fellin love with frontman Billy Joe), not nescessarily punk.

Good Punk Bands :

1. Pennywise

2. The Distillers


4. The Offspring (they count right?)

5. Sum 41 (skater punk...sort of)

Nirvana I noticed is coming back with a vengeance.(I wonder what ever happned to Krist Noviselic.) SO grunge I think will be back. I got in a fight with some musically ignorant person over Emo or Nirvana. She said Nirvana was whiny, depressed, suicidal rock.

The new thing is Emo, which I can't stand. I just don't like it. I don't know why, but I just don't.

Anyway, you're all right. Fads come and go, but if you're really a true music fan, don't always follow fads. STic to what you like dude.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

I, too listen to the kind of music under discussion... but from what I've heard, the boost in popularity was inspired by The Darkness (a band I've never heard) becoming suddenly famous.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member


Good Punk Bands :

1. Pennywise

2. The Distillers


4. The Offspring (they count right?)

5. Sum 41 (skater punk...sort of)

Sum41 is NOT punk at all, neither is Offspring. Punk is not a label you can smack on your ass like rock or metal. Punk is what you sing _about_. Anti-War, and songs about issues that they 'rebel' about is what makes a band punk. Punk lets go back to the originals.... The Ramones, Sex Pistols, The Clash. Three bands that were true punk. Granted, the Sex Pistols were horrible - but thats a point; punk isn't a label its what you sing about.

And yes. Greenday is punk, or they used to be - theyr'e more punk-pop now....and that is me going off on you.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Did you know that the posts made by supershadow and Mike are things that I discussed on messageboards when I was 16? Almost 6 years ago? We called Emo a "new thing" then and then someone would come in and be like YOU POSER. YOU OBVIOUSLY NEVER LISTENED TO REAL EMO, IT WAS MADE IN THE 80's.

It was, and it was horrible music.

Then some chick would come in and be like "I love NFG they are so hott and punk" and we'd be like "OMG WHAT A TOOL" and then we'd talk about how to spike our hair with Elmer's glue and how much we hated our parents.

All this being said, I've decided that what "punk" really means is "something people between that ages of 14-16 actually care about trying to define".

Posts: 348
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It's useless to argue sub-genres, no one ever agrees on a set definition. Music is always changing and adapting different styles.

Oh, and just because some kid is suburban, white, and listens to rap doesn't mean one is trying to be gangsta. If that kid wants to speak in ebonics, does it affect you? If you don't like it so much, is it really worth paying attention to?

Remeber: For every style you insult, someone is insulting yours.

Posts: 160
Estimable Member

Perhaps i'm the only one, but i honestly don't care about this "Grunge is better than Emo (etc)" crap. So long as it's good - that's all i care about, so i'll listen to Jimmy Eat World, then stick on some melodic rock like Pride of Lions, perhaps move along to some heavy metal like Iron Maiden. If i get bored of that, it may be replaced by gothic style music like the Cure, to make way for speed metal such as DragonForce. When that gets too much i'll stick on some acoustic - something like David Gray, to finish off with The The, The Beach Boys or whatever.

Hell - i'll even listen to some J-pop if it's all the same to me. I can understand when people who listen to rock may say R&B is bland, because it's totally different, but this inter-genre bashing is rather lame. I honestly don't get some bands, and never will (Nirvana being one. A few good songs but that's about it), and yeah i'll defend certain bands for as long as it takes - but i believe in the music. That's all i bloody care about.

I won't lie - i've done the "Oh dude - that band sucks", and i still do, but i back it up with examples why, instead of the same old same old.

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Oh, and just because some kid is suburban, white, and listens to rap doesn't mean one is trying to be gangsta.

I never said it did. I said the ones that act like they came from the 'hood and are upper-middle-class white kids are the annoying ones.


If that kid wants to speak in ebonics, does it affect you?

It does when I have to deal with 'em every day.


Remeber: For every style you insult, someone is insulting yours.

I know. I just don't care. And I don't have a 'style' by the dictionary definiton because labels piss me off.

Posts: 276
Reputable Member

If you recall Mike, I asked if the Offspring counted. I didn't know. Another thing, Sum 41 is a technical pop-punk band. I think they're all right. Someone said something about poser punk, and it being something for 14-16 year olds to define. That might be true, But IF you were paying attention, you'd know that I was just talking about those kind of people that watse all their time trying to classify punk music. I don't listen to punk anyway. Don't really like it. Sounds alot alike to me, so I stick to good old grunge and sixties music.

By the way, has anyone noticed the increasing number in Pink Floyd (who is a good band) T-shirts, along with Jim Morrison or The Doors T-shirts? It's really wierd.

Posts: 160
Estimable Member


By the way, has anyone noticed the increasing number in Pink Floyd (who is a good band) T-shirts, along with Jim Morrison or The Doors T-shirts? It's really wierd.

Not really to be honest. When I was at the Reading festival, I saw the odd shirt, but when I walk around in town, I don't see too much. Wouldn't mind a Pink Floyd shirt myself - the artwork is brilliant.

I'm not so much into the Doors, but The End is 12 minutes of warped poetry. It's fun to listen to because it doesn't make much sense to me :| - It must've been revolutionary back in the late 60's though, considering the rather dark subjects in the song weren't really talked about much back then.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member


By the way, has anyone noticed the increasing number in Pink Floyd (who is a good band) T-shirts, along with Jim Morrison or The Doors T-shirts? It's really wierd.

It's fashion, honey. I've got on my shrunken black Led Zepplin shirt and a denim mini and way too many little sequins on my shoes and bag. The vintage thing is in.

I love fall fashions! :D

Posts: 7
Active Member

Hmmm, music. It's a sneaky little bugger. Pokes its way into your life and clings to ya like a starving Metroid.

I HAVE noticed the perplexing trend of "loud" music coming into mainstream, but I don't listen to the radio so I'm sort of on the banks. Shooting cannonballs into the water. I say it's bound to happen with any sort of music, like Cyc said. Just look at the progression of popular music from the late 1980's to now, i.e. the 90's. We went from wacky, synthesized Men Without Hats, to Hansen, to sugar-pop, to the Spanish-influeced pop, to "naughty" pop, to rap and R&B, and now (I think) to Punk-pop and rap... but like I said, I'm on the banks shooting cannonballs.

Me, I like Ska. Funky little fusion of Reggae and Punk. The Toasters, The Aquabats, The Phenomenauts, Five Iron Frenzy... Also, I like They Might Be Giants and jazz. Heck, I'm listening to a funky Trance album right now. Yay import music!

But discussing the minutia of what is and what isn't is kinda like... discussing time travel. I don't get it. But meh, to each their own! However you rock, just remember to put the seat down...

That's enough of my nonsensical..ity... Erf o_o;;


Posts: 1818
Noble Member

All this being said, I've decided that what "punk" really means is "something people between that ages of 14-16 actually care about trying to define".
Spot f--king on.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Agreed. The mindless attacking is done now. =P

Anyhoo, every genre has a set definition. People just have to get their damn definitions straight sometimes. And its funny how a smart-allec remark of mine sparked a few replies. Heh.

I love being me.

Now back to schoolwork.
